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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上選詞填空 第一單元1) Average students who work hard usually do better than clever students who are(idle). 刻苦學(xué)習(xí)的一般學(xué)生通常成績比懶惰的聰明學(xué)生好。2) Mrs. Parker had her car windows smashed by a gang(wielding)baseball bats. 帕克太太的車窗被一群手持棒球拍的犯罪團伙打碎了。3) The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to

2、(adapt)to the change.世界會變得不同,我們不得不準(zhǔn)備好去適應(yīng)這種變化。4) It seems that more and more people are willing to(donate)their organs for use after death. 似乎越來越多的人愿意死后捐獻器官。5)Ralph got(scratched)all over when he was running through the bushes.拉爾夫在灌木叢中跑時渾身刮傷。6) The idle young man lit a cigarette and sat on the end of

3、 the table, one leg(swingin).這個懶散的年輕人點上一支煙,晃著一條腿坐在桌子一頭。7) If you would move(sideways)to the left, I can get everyone on the picture.你往左邊斜一點,我就可以把所有人拍進照片了。8) Weve(plotted) our projected costs for the coming year, and they show a big increase. 我們繪制了明年的預(yù)計成本,顯示增長很大。9) Jane(knelt)down to pull a weed from

4、 the flowerbed. 簡跪下拔出花圃里的一顆雜草。10) Companies are now trying to(recycle)their waste or find other ways of disposing of their by-products. 現(xiàn)在的公司盡量回收利用他們的廢品或用別的方法處理副產(chǎn)品。11) Wheres the price(tag)on this dress? 這件衣服的標(biāo)價標(biāo)簽在哪兒?12) Amy is now a senior(executive)having worked her way up through the company. 艾米現(xiàn)

5、在是通過自身努力提拔到公司上層的一名高管(高級行政官)。13) The water could not get away from the tank because the(outlet)was blocked. 由于出口堵了,水無法流出水罐。14) Something must have happened; office workers were seen(clustered)at every open door, talking excitedly. 一定發(fā)生什么事了,辦公室職員聚集在每個開著的門口,激動地說著什么。15) The injured old lady(had a hard t

6、ime)getting to the hospital.受傷的老太太好不容易才到了醫(yī)院。16) Shed spilt some coffee and was(cleaning)it(up)just as John walked in. 約翰進去的時候她剛弄撒了咖啡正在收拾。17) By the time they got to the camp theyd(run out of)water. 他們到達營地的時候水已經(jīng)用完了。18) This painting perfectly(exemplifies)the naturalistic style which was so popular at

7、 the time. 這幅畫完美地展示了當(dāng)時非常流行的自然主義風(fēng)格。第二單元1) The(probability)that there will be huge profits in the projects has attracted many an investor. 這個項目會有巨大收益的可能性吸引了很多投資者。2) This(exquisite)porcelain vase was made with superb workmanship. 這個陶瓷花瓶做工精湛。3) When I asked her advice, she(pondered)the matter and then t

8、old me not to go.我咨詢她的意見,她仔細(xì)想了想讓我別去。4) To celebrate National Day, there was a(spectacular)fireworks display in Century Park. 為慶祝國慶節(jié),中央公園舉行了盛大的焰火表演。5)Would you read my letter and correct the mistakes,(if any)? 你能否看看我的信給我改改錯,如果有錯任何誤的話?6) Professor Guehenno has written the most fascinating and the most

9、 intimate account(to date)of Rousseaus life. 郭亨諾教授對盧梭的生平描述是到目前為止最吸引人、最私密的。7) I have to admit that I had been a little too(premature)in forming my opinion of the new professor.我不得不承認(rèn),我對那位新來的教授的看法形成的太早了。8) “We will give your proposal careful(consideration),” Mr. Lewis said to me. “我們會認(rèn)真考慮你的建議,劉易斯先生對我說

10、。9) His criticisms(imply)a lack of confidence in what Ann has done so far. 他的批評暗示出他他不相信安到目前為止所作的一切。10) The two patients who were suspected of being affected with SARS were immediately(isolated)from the other patients.那兩個被懷疑感染上了非典的病人立即被隔離了。11)(Along with)poetess, authoress was once the usual term for

11、 a female writer. 和女詩人一樣,女作家也曾經(jīng)是女性作者的通常稱謂。12) Though there were 20(candidates)for the job, the board was in unison in deciding to hire Bob Galloway. 雖然這個工作有20位應(yīng)試者/候選人,但董事會一致決定聘用鮑勃蓋羅維。13) Smoking is no longer considered socially(acceptable)by many people. 現(xiàn)代人不再認(rèn)為吸煙是可以接受的。14) With his background in la

12、w and his years of public service, he is undoubtedly(in a position to)run for political office. 他是學(xué)法律的,而且有多年的公共服務(wù)經(jīng)歷,無疑是有能力從政的。15)(Adolescent)friendships seem very important at the time, but they often do not last into adulthood.青少年時期的友誼當(dāng)時似乎非常重要,但很少持續(xù)到成年以后。16) A new furniture store opened nearby. The

13、 furniture it sells is(inexpensive)but well-made.附近新開了一家家具店,賣的家具不貴但做工好。第三單元1)The Marlows were always(suspicious)about their neighbors, often fussing about nothing. 馬洛夫婦/一家人總是懷疑鄰居,常常沒事大驚小怪的。2) After such a confrontation between the two parties, any reconciliation would be(out of the question). 兩黨如此對峙

14、,任何和解都不可能了。3) He got the money dishonestly, by(forging)his brothers signature on a check. 他是通過欺騙手段得到那筆錢的,他在支票上偽造了哥哥/弟弟的簽名。4) The older generation often(frowns)on the ideas of the young.老一代常常不贊成年輕人的觀點。5)The price of this brand is ten times that of other brands and this is totally(beyond the reach of)

15、ordinary people. 這個品牌的價格是其他牌子的十倍,普通人完全買不起。6) Anger(surged up)within him when he heard of the injustice. 他聽到這個不公平的事情時義憤填膺。7) Despite her sincere apologies for her mistake, Jennys colleagues would not forgive her and treated her with(scorn)and disdain. 盡管詹妮為自己的錯誤真誠道歉,她的同事們也不原諒她,輕蔑和鄙視她。8) The architect

16、 knew that his clients were very particular about the new house he had designed for them, and he was careful in(supervising)the building all along the way. 那個建筑師明白他的客戶特別在乎他為他們設(shè)計好的新房,所以他從頭到尾認(rèn)真監(jiān)督房子的修建。9) As a strong leader, John is (bold)enough to make tough decisions whenever there is a need. 作為一個堅強的

17、領(lǐng)導(dǎo),有需要時約翰總能大膽地做出艱難的決定。10) I longed to understand her struggles, but in her broken English she was only able to paint a (crude)picture of her life. 我渴望能明白她是怎么努力的,但是她只能用斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的英語簡單講述她的生活。11) This week is too terrible a time for me to be in the(mood)to play, with semester exams coming up next week.這周對我來說

18、太糟糕了,根本沒有心情玩,下周就該期末考試了。12) On the train Stan,(thumbing)through the magazine, caught a glimpse of a photo of Jenny the top fashion model. 史丹在火車上翻看雜志時,瞥見了最有名的模特詹妮的照片。13) Her first(commercial)venture was opening a beauty parlor in the central business district of the city. 她第一次商業(yè)冒險是在城中心商業(yè)區(qū)開了一家美容院。14) T

19、he ten-year-old girl was often sent out (on errands)by her mother. 那個10女孩常常為她媽媽跑腿。15) Thanks to the lesson of the Titanic, ship captains travelling in icy waters took extra care to stay(clear of)icebergs. 由于泰坦尼克號的教訓(xùn),船長們在結(jié)冰水域航行格外小心,遠(yuǎn)離冰山。16) He had hoped for a fair trial in the small town where he gre

20、w up, but what he got was(nothing less than)an old-fashioned mob lynching. 他原以為在自己長大的小鎮(zhèn)上能得到公正的判決,但他得到的完全是舊式的聚眾私刑。第四單元1) It is neither socially nor economically(desirable)that every city dweller owns a car.每個城市居民都擁有一輛車,從社會角度和經(jīng)濟角度都是不可取的。2) The seventeen miners who have been(trapped)underground for thr

21、ee days are said to be unlikely to survive. 據(jù)說被困井下三天的17名礦工生還的可能性很小。3) Joe doesnt seem interested in any academic liberal arts subjects, but(when it comes to)sports, he is the pride of the class. 喬似乎對任何人文學(xué)科都不感興趣,但一提到運動,他卻是班里的驕傲。4) Although Im so successful Im really rather a failure. Thats a(paradox)

22、, isnt it? 雖然我如此成功,卻是個真正的失敗者,那是個悖論,不是嗎?5)Schools should (fulfill)the hopes and needs of poorer children, giving them a chance in society. 學(xué)校應(yīng)該滿足窮孩子的希望和需求,讓他們在社會上有機會發(fā)展。6) This new book will be of interest to policemen and prison officers, and(for that matter)to anyone who has to deal with criminals.這

23、本新書將和警察和獄警相關(guān),就這點來說,將和任何與罪犯打交道的人有關(guān)。7) The work is not very profitable(in terms of)money, but Im getting valuable experience out of it. 在錢的方面這個工作贏利不多,但我獲得了寶貴的經(jīng)驗。8) She is still working on it despite all the adversities. I(cant help but) admire her indomitable spirit. 雖然有種種艱辛,但她仍然在做這件事,我禁不住欽佩她百折不撓的精神。9

24、) Each sales team targets its efforts at a particular(segment)of the general population. 每個銷售團隊都針對總?cè)丝谥械奶厥馊后w(分段/部分)而努力去銷售。10) The authors point out that their study was done in a(rural)area and results may differ with urban clients. 作者指出,他們的研究是在農(nóng)村進行的,其結(jié)果可能會和對城市客戶的研究結(jié)果不同。11) This factory only produces

25、 TV consoles; the inside electronic(components)are made elsewhere and shipped to the factory. 這個工廠只生產(chǎn)電視控制臺,內(nèi)部的電子元件在其他地方制造再運過來。12) Concerned about overcrowding, the Texas prison wardens sent a petition to the governor asking for prison (reform ). 擔(dān)心監(jiān)獄人滿為患,德克薩斯州的獄警書面請求州長進行監(jiān)獄改革。13) Never feel that exer

26、cising is a waste of time, because a healthy body can help you to(resist)disease.永遠(yuǎn)也不要覺得鍛煉是浪費時間,因為健康的身體有助于抵抗疾病。14) The death of the king received widespread overage in the((mass) media). (大眾)傳媒廣泛報道了國王的死訊。15) The unusual(arrangement)of the bookshelves in the city library makes it easy to find the boo

27、k you want. 市圖書館的書架擺放/安排與眾不同,很容易找到你要的書。16) Dick remains calm and(seemingly) undisturbed by the recent crisis. 迪克仍然很平靜,似乎沒有因為最近的危機而不安。第五單元1)Rich as he is, Mr. Phyllis, unlike many other wealthy people, never lives a life of(luxury). 菲利斯盡管富有,卻和其他富人不同,從來沒有過奢侈的生活。2) Lewis admitted that some of his actio

28、ns may have been(unscrupulous), but he denied doing anything illegal. 劉易斯承認(rèn)自己的一些行為可能有點不道德/不擇手段,但是他否認(rèn)自己做過違法的事情。3) Harley(was summoned)to appear in court on a charge of reckless driving. 哈里因為被指控魯莽駕車,被召上法庭受審。4) The one who did the damage is(under obligation)to pay for it. 制造破壞的人有義務(wù)賠償。5)The objections r

29、aised by one of the members of the committee were considered(trivial)and brushed aside by the chairman. 委員會一位委員提出的反對意見,主席認(rèn)為無關(guān)緊要,不予考慮。6) I declined to have dinner(at the expense of)my friends and insisted on treating them instead. 我拒絕讓朋友為晚餐買單,而是堅持請他們吃飯。7) John kept his money stored away in a secret p

30、lace, for fear his nephew should(lay his hands on)it. 約翰把錢藏在隱蔽之處,害怕他的侄兒拿到/到手。8) He said he could not (compromise)with conscience and would never betray his country and his people. 他說他不會有悖/違背良心,背叛自己的國家和人民。9) Susan(has run up /ran up)a large bill for all her new clothes.蘇珊買新衣服欠了一大筆債。10) If we try to p

31、ersuade Robert to contribute more, he will be(good for)another thousand dollars. 如果我們努力說服羅伯特多捐點,他會/能再出一千美元的。11) As much as she hated visits to the dentist, the(agony)of her toothache made it impossible for her not to go. 盡管她特別討厭去看牙醫(yī),但牙疼的不得不去了。12) Humor is wonderful for(releasing)tension.幽默對于釋放壓力特別好。

32、13) Jack went into the bar hoping to find a relaxing way to pass a Friday night, but the loud music(offended)his ears and he left after less than an hour.杰克去酒吧希望能輕松度過周五晚上,但喧鬧的音樂讓他耳朵很難受,不到一個小時他就離開了。14) Handels (masterpiece)Messiah is one of the most popular musical works of all time. 亨德爾的杰作彌賽亞是從古至今最受

33、歡迎的(音樂)作品之一。15) Iris finds it very(tiresome)making copies of the documents all day long.埃利斯發(fā)現(xiàn)整天復(fù)印文件非常無聊。16) The old peasants skin was dark and(coarse), which reminded us of the severe hardship of farming in that mountain region. 這個老農(nóng)民皮膚黝黑粗糙,讓我們想到了山區(qū)種地的極度艱辛。Close第一單元 On an April afternoon last year,

34、Father George Clements sat alone in his study and wept.去年四月的一個下午,神父喬治克萊門斯獨自坐在那里邊做著自己的神職工作邊落淚。(As) minister of Holy Angles Catholic Church on Chicagos South Side, he had just officiated at a funeral(for)an 18-year-old named Joey. 作為芝加哥市南圣安格斯教會的天主教神父,他剛剛為這里一位年僅18歲的名叫喬伊的年輕人主持完葬禮。Over the past two years

35、, Father Clements had conducted far too (many) services for young people who, (like) Joey, had died of drug overdoses. 在過去的兩年里他已經(jīng)為像喬伊這樣的年輕人主持了很多葬禮儀式,他們都是死于吸毒過量。Surrounding the church and Holy Angels School were record shops and grocery and convenience stores (where)kids went after classes. 教堂和當(dāng)?shù)貙W(xué)校周圍

36、都是唱片行和小賣部以及便利店,孩子們在在課后常常光顧那里。Prominently displayed in these (stores/ shops)was a wide array of drug paraphernalia, (including)crack pipes and syringes. 在這些店鋪顯眼的位置擺放這各種吸毒用具,包括煙槍和注射器。(In) Clements mind, such displays not only (aroused/ stimulated) the curiosity of impressionable children but also seem

37、ed to legitimize (drug) use.在克萊門斯看來,這樣的擺放會誘發(fā)那些本來容易被影響的孩子們的好奇心,而且還會讓人誤以為吸毒是合法的。Now Joey was gone, and soon other young people would (die).現(xiàn)在喬伊不在了,很快還會有別的年輕人死去。Where was it going to end?這樣的事情什么時候是個頭啊? By God, the 57-year-old priest vowed, pulling himself (out)of his chair, its going to end here and (n

38、ow)!這位57歲的神父從椅子起身,向上帝發(fā)誓,一定要現(xiàn)在就結(jié)束這一切!Clements marched to a convenience store a few blocks (from) the church and confronted the store owner.克萊門斯大步走到一家距離教堂幾個街區(qū)遠(yuǎn)的便利店,站在了店主面前?!癐 want you to (get) rid of all this drug paraphernalia,” the priest demanded.“我想你現(xiàn)在就把這些吸毒的用具處理掉,”神父要求著。The store owner looked at

39、Clements as (though/ if)he were crazy. “Get the hell out of my store,” he barked.店主看著神父就像看著個瘋子?!翱鞆奈业牡昀餄L出去”店主喊道。“Would you sell this stuff to your (own) son or daughter?” Clements asked.“你會愿意把這些玩意賣給你自己的兒女嗎?”克萊門斯問他?!癗o, of course(not).”“我當(dāng)然不會”?!癟hen why are you selling it to (ours/ others)?”“那你為何要把它賣給

40、我們的孩子?”“Because you niggers(dont) care.Now get out.”“因為你們黑鬼才不在乎這些。現(xiàn)在你滾出去?!?Through) the window, Clements saw a customer approaching.(這個時候)透過克萊門斯看到一顧客正(朝店鋪)走來。The priest went(out)and stood in front of the store. 這神父就走到店外站在店前。“You dont want to go in there,” he said.“你是不會想進店里去的,”神父說到?!癟his man is selli

41、ng drug paraphernalia to(our/ your)kids. 這個人在賣吸毒用品給我們的/你們的孩子。People like him are(why)kids are getting addicted and dying.”“為什么孩子們在吸毒上癮并死去,就是因為他這樣的人”“Youre right, Father. I(dont)want to go in there.”“你說的沒錯,神父。我不會想去光顧這家店了。”For the next 45 minutes, the priest said the(same)thing to each would-be custom

42、er and received the(same)response。在接下來的45分鐘里,這位神父對每一位要來光顧的顧客重復(fù)的說著這些,得到的回應(yīng)也一樣。A small crowd accumulated, waiting to see(what)the store owner would do. (門口)聚集了一小群人,等著看看店主會怎么做。Finally he came out. 最終,店主出來了?!癘kay, you win,” he said.“好吧,你贏了,”他說到?!癐ve take the stuff (off)the shelves.”“我已經(jīng)把貨架上的那些玩意兒都拿走了。”“

43、Good,” said Clements. “Now bring(it)out here. You and I are going to smash up that stuff right in front of all these people.”“好的,”神父說到?!艾F(xiàn)在把它拿出來。我和你將當(dāng)著所有這些人的面把這玩意兒弄碎?!钡诙卧猄ome have worried that a message from an advanced society might make us lose faith (in) our own, might deprive us of the initiativ

44、e to make new(discoveries)if it seemed that others had made those discoveries (already), or might have other negative consequences.有人擔(dān)心來自更高級社會(文明)的信號會使我們喪失對自己的信念,會使我們喪失探尋新發(fā)現(xiàn)的主動性,因為如果這些發(fā)現(xiàn)看起來早就被別人做過了,或者(這些發(fā)現(xiàn))又會有什么不利結(jié)果。This is rather (like) a student dropping out of school (because)his teachers and tex

45、tbooks are more learned than he is. 這就很像是一個學(xué)生因為教師和課本都比他更學(xué)識淵博而(被迫)輟學(xué)離校。We are free to (ignore)an interstellar message if we find it offensive.如果我們覺得一個跨星際的信息對我們不利,我們大可以忽略它。If we choose (not) to respond, there is no way(for) the transmitting civilization to determine that its message was received and u

46、nderstood on the tiny distant planet Earth.如果我們選擇不回復(fù)(這信息),那么傳遞信息的外星文明也就沒法確定它的信息被遙遠(yuǎn)而渺小的地區(qū)收到和理解。The translation of a radio (message) from the depths of space, about (which) we can be as slow and cautious as we wish, seems to pose few dangers to mankind;(instead), it holds the greatest promise of (both

47、)practical and philosophical benefits.對這一來自宇宙深空的無線電信息,我們盡可按照我們自己的意愿慢慢地小心地去理解,而且對我們也幾乎對人類沒什么危害。相反地,它有著極大的實際和思想(價值)前景。In particular, it is possible that among the first contents of (such) a message may be detailed prescriptions for the avoidance of technological disaster, for a passage through adolesc

48、ence to(maturity).特別是,這些信息中最早的內(nèi)容是如何避免技術(shù)帶來災(zāi)難、如何從智能走向成熟的具體對策。Perhaps the transmissions from advanced civilizations will describe (which) pathways of cultural evolution are (likely) to lead to the stability and longevity of an intelligent species, and which (other) paths lead to stagnation or degenerat

49、ion or disaster. 這些從別的高級外星文明傳來的信息也許會描述給我們,通向文明發(fā)展的道路中哪條路才可能給智慧生命帶來穩(wěn)定和長久, 哪條路會帶來停滯、倒退甚至災(zāi)難。There is, of course, no guarantee(that) such would be the contents of an interstellar message, (but) it would be foolhardy to overlook the(possibility/ likelihood).沒有什么能保證這些會是我們收到的信息的內(nèi)容,但是如果忽視這種可能性那就太魯莽了。Perhaps

50、there are straightforward (solutions) , still undiscovered on Earth, to problems of food shortages, population(growth/ explosion), energy supplies, dwindling resources, pollution and war.在地球上也行就有大膽的辦法來解決食品短缺、人口增長、能源供給、資源減少、環(huán)境污染和戰(zhàn)爭問題,只是還沒被發(fā)現(xiàn)而已。Perhaps it is not likely, but it is certainly(possible)th

51、at the future of human civilization(depends)on the receipt and decoding of interstellar messages from extraterrestrial civilizations.這可能性也許沒有,但是一定有可能的是:人類文明的未來取決于接收到地外文明發(fā)來的信號并解碼弄明白它們的意思。第三單元I did not discuss my reading with Mr. Falk, who had lent me his library card;我沒有和借給我借書證的??孪壬懻撐易x過的書;it would h

52、ave meant talking about myself and that would have been painful. 因為那意味著談?wù)撐易约海瑢ξ襾碚f會很痛苦的。I smiled each day, fighting desperately to maintain my old (behavior), to keep my disposition seemingly sunny. 我每天都帶著笑容,拼命地保持老習(xí)慣,讓自己的性格顯得陽光。(But/ Nevertheless, /However,)some of the white men discerned(that) I had

53、 begun to brood.然而,一些白人還是察覺出我開始變得沉默了?!癢ake up there, boy!” Mr. Olin (said/ exclaimed) one day.“醒醒吧,小子!”有一天奧林先生對我說道。“Sir!”I(answered/ replied)for lack of a better word.“先生?”我回答道,不知道該說什么好。“You act (like)youve stolen something,” he said.“你的樣子好像偷了什么東西一樣,”他說道。I laughed in the (way) I knew he expected me

54、to(laugh) , but I resolved to be more conscious (of) myself, to watch my every act, to guard and hid the new knowledge that was dawning (on/ within/ inside) me.我笑了,我知道他也希望看到這樣的笑容,但我決心更注意自己的一言一行,不讓別人看見我逐漸明白的新知識。Mrs. Moss, my landlady, asked me one Sunday morning:“Son, what is this you keep (on) readi

55、ng?”一個周六早上,我的房東莫斯太太問我:“孩子,你一直在讀的是啥書?”“Oh, nothing. Just novels.”“哦,沒什么,就小說。”“What you get out ofem?”“你從中學(xué)到了什么?”“Im just (killing/ passing) time,”I said.“我只是在打發(fā)時間,”我說道。“I hope you know your own mind,” she said in a tone which implied that she (doubted) if I had a mind.“我希望你知道自己要什么。”她說話的語氣暗示出她懷疑我是否有自己

56、的想法。I knew (of) no Negroes who read the books I liked and I wondered if any Negroes ever (thought) of them. 我認(rèn)識的黑人沒有一個讀過我喜歡的那些書,我也懷疑是否有任何黑人想過要讀這些書。I knew that there (were) Negro doctors, lawyers, newspapermen, but I never saw (any) one of them. 我知道有黑人醫(yī)生、律師、報社記者/新聞編輯,可我從來沒見過一個。When I read a Negro new

57、spaper I never caught the faintest echo of my preoccupation (in /from) its pages.我讀黑人報紙時,從沒在上面看到我十分關(guān)注的一點點東西。I felt trapped and occasionally, for a few days, I (would) stop reading. 我感到困惑,偶爾有幾天不再讀書了。But a vague hunger would come over me (for) books, books (that) opened up new avenues of feeling and s

58、eeing, and again I would(forge)another note to the white librarian. 但不久我又會有一種對書的隱隱約約的渴望,那些書為我打開新的感知大道,我又會給那個白人圖書管理員寫便條借書。Again I would (read) and wonder as only the nave and unlettered can read and (wonder), feeling that I carried a secret, criminal burden about with me each day.我又會像天真的、沒上過學(xué)的人一樣讀書發(fā)呆

59、,感覺自己每天都背著秘密的、罪惡的負(fù)擔(dān)。第四單元In the 1970s, the aspirations for self-fulfillment of millions of Americans split away from the traditional symbols of success. 20世紀(jì)70年代,千千萬萬美國人追求自我實現(xiàn), 這完全脫離了傳統(tǒng)的成功標(biāo)志。This happened for many complex reasons (having) to do with the sexual revolution, the effects of the womens mo

60、vement (on/upon) the family, 發(fā)生這種現(xiàn)象有許多復(fù)雜的原因:性解放,女權(quán)運動對家庭的影響,the dying off of the generation scarred ( by) the Great Depression of the 1930s, 20世紀(jì)30年代受經(jīng)濟大蕭條影響的一代人紛紛去世,a growing disillusionment (with) the ability of our institutions to deliver the goods, 對我們的社會制度是否能夠帶來福利日漸失望,the failure of the economy

61、to (live/come) up to peoples expectations of a steady annual (increase/growth)in income, 經(jīng)濟沒有像人們期望的那樣帶來收入的穩(wěn)定增長, a questioning of (whether) the values of a consumption economy are worth the hard work that pays (for) all the luxuries, 質(zhì)疑消費經(jīng)濟的價值觀是否對得起為奢侈品所付出的辛勤勞動,an awareness that energy (shortages/cri

62、sis/insufficiency) and environmental hazards call (for) a new orientation, 意識到能源短缺和環(huán)境危機急需我們找到新的方向,and a further evolution of individualism into the quest (for) less conforming personal life-styles.個人主義的進一步發(fā)展,追求不太一致的個人生活方式。Simply put, a New Breed of Americans have come to feel that success is not (en

63、ough) to satisfy their yearnings for self-fulfillment. 簡言之,新一代美國人已經(jīng)感覺到,成功不足以滿足他們自我實現(xiàn)的渴望。They are reaching out (for) something more and for (something) different.他們正在探索更多的、不同的東西。I estimate (that), at the present time, the New Breed, those (who) feel that their aspirations for self-fulfillment can no

64、longer be wholly (satisfied) through conventional success, constitute a majority of the American people (approximately 52 percent). 我估計,這一代人,也就是那些感覺自我實現(xiàn)的追求不會再因為傳統(tǒng)的成功而得到滿足的人,現(xiàn)在構(gòu)成了美國人的主體(大約52%)。(Not) surprisingly, the younger, better educated, and more affluent parts of the population (are) disproport

65、ionately represented in the New Breed,美國的年輕人、教育程度高的人、富人在這代人中占比例很大,這不足為奇。(whereas/ while) the older, poorer, less well-educated (segments/ parts) of the population cling more tenaciously (to)the old value system and to traditional symbols.而老年人、窮人、受教育程度低的美國人則牢牢地固守著舊的價值體系和傳統(tǒng)的成功標(biāo)志。第五單元Some of my misery was loneliness and some of it fear of old William Pol

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