密 級分類號編 號成 績本科生畢業(yè)設(shè)計 (論文)外 文 翻 譯原 文 標 題The history and development of electric vehicles譯 文 標 題電動汽車的歷史與發(fā)展作者所在系別機電工程學院作者所在專業(yè)車輛工程作者所在班級B13142作 者 姓 名盧俊宇作 者 學 號201322203指導教師姓名白亞雙指導教師職稱講師完 成 時 間2017年4月北華航天工業(yè)學院教務(wù)處制0譯文標題電動汽車歷史與發(fā)展原文標題The history and development of electric vehicles作 者James Michael Hooper譯 名杰姆斯米迦勒國 籍美國原文出處Journal of Power Sources摘要:簡述汽車的發(fā)展史,以及現(xiàn)在汽車的發(fā)展趨勢,即汽車發(fā)展未來,也淺談汽車文化內(nèi)涵和外延。汽車的發(fā)明改變世界,改變我們的生活,也改變?nèi)藗兊某鲂蟹绞?,它讓我們的生活方式發(fā)生了翻天覆地的變化。目前,汽車已經(jīng)分布全世界的各個角落,慢慢的汽車的文化、發(fā)展歷史已經(jīng)形成了一種文化。而且現(xiàn)在汽車已經(jīng)進入了藝術(shù)領(lǐng)域,每年的的汽車展覽,吸引了許多人們的眼光,大量的靚麗的汽車讓人發(fā)現(xiàn),原來汽車也可以制造的如此豪華、奢侈。生活就是這樣,對任何生活方式的評價都是相對的,沒有絕對的好與壞。這是一種觀念,一種態(tài)度,更是一種文化關(guān)鍵詞:電動汽車 混合動力 插件 綠色 歷史簡介汽車文化內(nèi)涵 汽車在改變我們的生活,它在帶給我們極大便利的同時,的確也帶來了一些煩惱。但是, 生活就是這樣,對任何生活方式的評價都是相對的,沒有絕對的好與壞。這是一種觀念,一種態(tài)度,更是一種文化。當一種消費品已經(jīng)達到一定數(shù)量時,它自然就會在人們生活中發(fā)揮其“使用價值”以外的作用。從而也就形成了其自身的一種文化目前人們對車的興趣已經(jīng)不僅僅是一種知識的談資,更看重它能夠給生活帶來哪樣的變化。而這種變化也正是人們對汽車需求的原動力,是汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展的原動力。這個時候,對汽車文化的介紹,對汽車生活的渲染就更重要,1886年,德國工程師卡爾 本茨和高特利布 戴姆勒發(fā)明的汽車并沒有車標,三年后法國人路易斯 雷納 潘哈德開創(chuàng)了使用汽車商標的先河,提高了汽車品牌的知名度,促進了汽車工業(yè)的發(fā)展。由于他生產(chǎn)的汽車與眾不同,并用商標與其他汽車區(qū)別開來,極大地促進了汽車的銷售。汽車標志包含兩部分,文字標志和圖案標志,它們構(gòu)成了汽車文化功能性與精神性的內(nèi)涵,它使汽車成為融合自然科學、社會科學與藝術(shù)文化的完美器物。電動車發(fā)展史1、 法國汽車發(fā)展史 在汽車發(fā)展史上,法國人有著自己獨特的地位。早在1769年,法國陸軍技術(shù)軍官居尼奧就在政府的支持下試制成功了世界上第一輛具有實用價值的蒸汽汽車,從而引發(fā)了世界性的研究和制造汽車的熱潮。但隨后到來的法國大革命卻讓法國的汽車研究中斷了幾十年,直到1828年,巴黎技工學校校長配夸爾制造了一輛蒸汽牽引汽車,其獨創(chuàng)的差速器及獨立懸掛技術(shù)至今仍在汽車上廣泛應用著。法國出現(xiàn)第一輛汽油汽車是在1890年,由阿爾芒標致創(chuàng)立的標致公司生產(chǎn),一戰(zhàn)前,標致的年產(chǎn)量達到1.2萬輛,到1939年時年產(chǎn)量達4.8萬輛.而1915年創(chuàng)辦的雪鐵龍汽車公司發(fā)展更快,在二十年代初年產(chǎn)量就突破10萬輛,1928年日產(chǎn)達汽車400輛,占全法汽車產(chǎn)量三分之一。另一創(chuàng)辦于1898年的大型汽車廠雷諾汽車公司發(fā)展也很快,1914年便形成了大規(guī)模生產(chǎn),一戰(zhàn)期間更是因軍火生產(chǎn)而籌集了大量資金用于汽車生產(chǎn)。進入80年代,世界性的經(jīng)濟危機使法國汽車工業(yè)受到了一定的挫折,雷諾公司更是連年虧損,1984年產(chǎn)量急劇下降到30萬輛,但幾年后雷諾公司便恢復了元氣,1999年3月還收購了日產(chǎn)汽車公司36.8%的股份,去年的產(chǎn)量達229萬輛。法國汽車的總體特點就是車體較小而設(shè)計新穎,符合大眾化的方向,因此在西歐成為家庭轎車的熱門,雷諾的“麗人行”微型車在歐洲曾多次獲銷量第一。但是在豪華車、跑車領(lǐng)域,法國汽車公司就不如美、德、日等國汽車公司出色,這成為法國汽車業(yè)的遺憾。2、德國汽車發(fā)展史 1885年10月,卡爾奔馳設(shè)計制造了世界上第一輛三輪汽油汽車,她的妻子貝爾塔駕駛它時走時停地開了100多公里,成為世界上第一個女駕駛員。1886年1月26日,奔馳取得了專利權(quán),德國人便把1886年稱為汽車誕生年。同年戈特利布戴姆勒也發(fā)明了一部四輪汽油汽車。兩人各自成立了自已的汽車公司,1926年兩家合并為戴姆勒-奔馳汽車公司。汽車的誘人前景使德國的汽車廠紛紛出現(xiàn),一些其他行業(yè)的廠家也轉(zhuǎn)向汽車生產(chǎn)。1901年,德國共有12家汽車廠,職工1773人,年產(chǎn)884輛,而到1908年,汽車廠達到53家,職工12400多人,年產(chǎn)5547輛。1914年“一戰(zhàn)”前,德國汽車工業(yè)已基本形成一個獨立的工業(yè)部門,年產(chǎn)量達2萬輛。汽車工業(yè)的發(fā)達從某種程度上也激發(fā)了“一戰(zhàn)”的爆發(fā)。 從總體上看,德國汽車以質(zhì)量好、安全可靠而著稱,奔馳、寶馬等豪華車和保時捷跑車在世界車壇享有盛譽,經(jīng)久而不衰,其品牌含金量極高。所以,1998年春戴姆勒奔馳公司與克萊斯勒合并時,戴姆勒奔馳的年產(chǎn)量僅百萬輛有余,而克萊斯勒年產(chǎn)量近400多萬輛,但戴姆勒奔馳取得了新公司的支配權(quán)。當然,德國汽車一味追求高檔、豪華也給其市場開拓帶來了一定的難度,除了大眾能以真正大眾特色的產(chǎn)品雄居世界十大汽車廠商第四位外,其他公司的產(chǎn)量都不高,這也是日本后來居上超越德國的原因3、美國汽車工業(yè)史 美國歷史上第一次汽車展覽始于1900年11月,在紐約市當時的麥迪遜花園廣場舉行。從歷次汽車展覽可以看出美國汽車工業(yè)的發(fā)展歷史,也可以看出美國汽車工業(yè)汽車造型及功能的發(fā)展。19世紀末,美國的經(jīng)濟已經(jīng)達到了比較高的水平,工業(yè)生產(chǎn)開始處于世界前列,它的鋼鐵和石油化工等工業(yè)的發(fā)展為汽車工業(yè)的創(chuàng)造了條件。1908年,福特汽車推出了著名的型車,這種售價不足500美元后降到300美元的汽車,只有當時同類汽車價格的1/4甚至1/10,美國一個普通工人用一年工資就可以購買到。福特的型車戰(zhàn)略使汽車成為真正意義上的大眾交通工具。1913年,福特公司首先在生產(chǎn)中使用流水線裝配汽車,這給汽車工業(yè)帶來革命性變化,美國隨即出現(xiàn)了普及汽車的高潮。從20世紀初到現(xiàn)在,美國汽車工業(yè)已超過了100多年的歷史,在與同行的激烈競爭中不斷創(chuàng)新發(fā)展,迎合消費者對汽車造型的性能的需求,主宰了世界汽車工業(yè),美國成為名副其實的汽車大國,工業(yè)大國。在這一過程中,美國通用汽車公司不僅成為世界最大的汽車公司,也成為世界上首屈一指的跨國集團(通用1993財政年度銷售額為1336億美元,約等于同年中國國民生產(chǎn)總值的45%。它消耗了美國10%以上的鋼鐵、25%以上的橡膠),直到今天仍沒有第二家汽車公司可以取代它的霸主位置。4、日本汽車發(fā)展史 日本汽車制造業(yè)的開山者應是吉田真太郎,1904年他成立了東京汽車制造廠,三年后制造出第一輛國產(chǎn)汽油轎車“太古里1號”。隨后日本國內(nèi)出現(xiàn)了眾多汽車制造廠,情形不亞于80年代的中國。出于軍事的需要,政府頒布了軍用汽車補助法,對汽車廠商進行扶持,這成為早年日本汽車業(yè)發(fā)展的原動力。二戰(zhàn)失敗后,盟軍司令部曾下令全面禁止汽車生產(chǎn),但沒有得到執(zhí)行,豐田、東洋工業(yè)、富士重工都推出了自已的新車型。但在50年代前期,美國、歐洲生產(chǎn)的汽車充斥日本汽車市場,大有泛濫之趨勢。特別是歐洲生產(chǎn)的小型廉價汽車,對處在半毀滅狀態(tài)的日本汽車工業(yè)構(gòu)成了致命的威脅。當時的日本政府為了保護本國汽車產(chǎn)業(yè),對進口汽車征收高達40%的關(guān)稅(本項關(guān)稅于1978年廢止,其后直到今天日本對進口汽車全免關(guān)稅),同時嚴格禁止外國資本滲透國產(chǎn)汽車工業(yè)。而一些小的汽車廠家為了生存,紛紛采取與國外廠家連手搞“事業(yè)合作”或“技術(shù)合作”,唯有豐田依然靠自身力量開發(fā)生產(chǎn)國產(chǎn)轎車。進入九十年,日本汽車工業(yè)漸呈頹勢,許多廠商出現(xiàn)了開工不足、生產(chǎn)力閑置的情況,而美歐汽車商則通過兼并重組恢復了元氣,反過來把日本汽車公司當做并購的對象?,F(xiàn)在,通用汽車在富士重工、五十鈴、鈴木三家公司分別擁有20%、49%、9.9%的股份,福特汽車則擁有馬自達33.4%的股份,戴姆勒克萊斯勒擁有三菱汽車34%的股份。1999年,日本第二大汽車公司日產(chǎn)汽車公司因虧損嚴重,被迫將36.8%的股權(quán)賣給法國雷諾公司,成為日本汽車工業(yè)危機的一次大暴露。曾經(jīng)輝煌一時的日本汽車工業(yè)會向何處去?這將成為國際汽車界的一個懸念 。 在我們既有機遇又有挑戰(zhàn)的時候我們應該在各個方面達成平衡條件。對于汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)來說我們應該認識到它是一個有背景有發(fā)展有歷史的行業(yè)。在未來,應該不斷正、整合創(chuàng)新,不斷提高自己的競爭力,不斷完善,促進企業(yè)發(fā)展。才能使社會受益。參考文獻5Song Qiang and Lv Chengguang. Data Acquisition System for Electric Vehicles Driving Motor Test Bench Based on VC+J School of Mechanical Engineering Beijing Institute of Technology 2012.3The history and development of electric vehiclesAbstract: a brief description of the history of automobile development, and the current trend of the development of the car, that is, the future development of the car, but also about the connotation and extension of automobile culture. The invention of automobiles changed the world, changed our life, and changed peoples livesIt makes our lifestyle change a lot. At present, the car has been distributed in every corner of the world, and slowly, the car culture, history of development has formed a culture. But now the car has entered the field of art, the annual car exhibition, attracted many peoples eyes, a beautiful car to find, the original car can also be made so luxurious. Life is like this, the evaluation of any way of life is relative, there is no absolute good or bad. This is a concept, an attitude, but also a cultureKeywords :electric vehicle, hybrid, plug in, green, historyINTRODUCTIONthe connotation of automobile culture The automobile is changing our life, it brings us great convenience at the same time, it also brings some troubles. However, life is like this, the evaluation of any way of life is relative, there is no absolute good or bad. This is a concept, an attitude, but also a culture. When a consumer product has reached a certain amount, it will naturally play its role in peoples lives outside the use of value. It also created a culture of its own current interest in the car is not only a kind of knowledge about, pay more attention to the changes it brings to life which can. And this kind of change also is the motive power that people demand to the automobile, it is the motive power that the automobile industry develops. This time, the introduction of the automobile culture, automobile life rendering is more important in 1886, the German engineer Carle Benz cars and high Gottlieb Daimler invented and no logo, three years after Luis Rainer Pam had pioneered the use of the French car brand first, improve the automobile brand awareness, promote the development of the automobile industry. Because of the difference in the number of cars he produces, and the use of trademarks to distinguish them from other cars, he has greatly promoted the sale of automobiles. Vehicle logo consists of two parts, text logo and logo, they constitute the car culture function and spirit, it makes the car into a combination of natural science and social science and art culture perfect artifacts.Development history of electric vehicleHistory of automobile development in France last year, the yield reached 2 million 290 thousand. The general characteristics of theFrench car body is small and novel design, in line with the direction of popularity, so in Western Europe has become a popular family car, Reynolds beauty mini car in Europe has repeatedly won the first sales. But in the field of luxury cars and sports cars, the French car companies are not as good as the United States, Germany, Japan and other countries car companies, this has become the French auto industrys regret.1、 The history of GeIn the history of automobile development the French have their own unique status. In early 1769, the French army officer Gunio technology under the support of the government successfully produced the worlds first practical steam car, causing the worlds automotive research and manufacturing boom. But then the arrival of the French Revolution makes automotive research France suspended for decades, until 1828, the headmaster of Paris technical school with quartu manufacturing a steam traction vehicle, the original differential and independent suspension technology is still widely used in automobile. The first car gasoline car is in France in 1890, founded by Armand Peugeot Peugeot Co, a war, Peugeots annual output reached 12 thousand units, to the 1939 annual output reached 48 thousand cars. And in 1915 founded the Citroen automobile company development faster, exceeded 100 thousand at the beginning of the 20s annual output reached 400 cars in 1928, Nissan the total production of 1/3 vehicles. Another large automobile factory, founded in 1898, developed rapidly, and produced large-scale production in 1914. During the first World War, a large amount of money was raised for automobile production because of arms production. In 80s, the world economic crisis in the French automobile industry has suffered some setbacks, Renault is 1984 years of losses, a sharp decline in output to 300 thousand cars, but a few years after the Reynolds company will recover in March 1999, Nissan also acquired a 36.8% stake in the companrman automobile development2. The history of German automobile developmentIn October 1885, Carle Benz designed and made the worlds first car three gasoline car, his wife Bertha driving it to stop and go to open more than 100 kilometers, becoming the first female driver in the world. In January 26, 1886, Mercedes Benz patented, and the Germans called it the year of the automobile in 1886. In the sameyear, Gottlieb Daimler also invented a four wheel gasoline car. The two formed their own auto companies, and in 1926 the two merged into Daimler - benz. The tantalizing prospect of cars has created German auto factories, and some other industries have switched to car production. In 1901, there were 12 automobile factories in Germany, with 1773 employees, with an annual output of 884 vehicles. By 1908, the automobile plant reached 53, with more than 12400 employees, with an annual output of 5547 vehicles. Before the First World War in 1914, the German auto industry has basically formed an independent industrial sector, with an annual output of 20 thousand vehicles. The development of the automobile industry, to some extent, also stimulated the outbreak of World War I. In general, the German car with good quality, safe and reliable and well known, Mercedes Benz, BMW and other luxury cars and Porsche sports car and enjoy high reputation in the world, without failure, its brand high gold content. So, the spring of 1998 Daimler Benz Corp and Chrysler merger, Daimler Benzs annual output of only one million more than the Chrysler annual output of nearly about 4000000 vehicles, but Daimler Benz has dominated the new company right. Of course, the German car blindly pursue high-grade, luxury to the market brought a certain degree of difficulty, in addition to the real characteristics of the mass public products ranks the worlds ten largest car manufacturer in fourth, other companys production is not high, this is the reason beyond Germany Japan catch up from behind3. History of American automobile industry The first automobile exhibition in American history began in November 1900, at the then Madison garden square in New York. The history of the American automobile industry can be seen from the previous automobile exhibitions, and the development of the shape and function of the American automobile industry can also be seen. At the end of the nineteenth Century, the economy of the United States had reached a relatively high level, and industrial production began to be in the forefront of the world. The development of its steel and petrochemical industries created the conditions for the automobile industry. In 1908, Ford introduced the famous T vehicle, the exergy price of less than $500 down to $300 after the car, only when a similar car prices even 1/4 1/10, an average American worker with a year wages can buy. Fords T model makes the car a real means of mass transportation. In 1913, the Ford Motor Co first used assembly line cars in production, which revolutionized the automotive industry, and the climax of the popularity of automobiles in the United states. From the beginning of twentieth Century to the present, the U.S. auto industry has more than 100 years of history, continuous innovation and development in the fierce competition with their peers, to cater to the performance of the car styling consumer demand, dominate the world automobile industry, the United States has become worthy of the name of the automotive big industry, big country. In this process, the General Motors Corporation has not only become the worlds biggest car company, has become the worlds leading multinational group (general fiscal year 1993 sales of $133 billion 600 million, the same year Chinese is approximately equal to 45% of gdp. It consumes more than 10% of the steel and more than 25% of the rubber in the United States. Until today, there are still no second car companies that can take the place of its hegemony.4. History of Japanese automobile development The founder of the Japanese auto industry should be Yoshida Shintaro, who founded the Tokyo automobile factory in 1904 and produced the first domestic gasoline car three years later, No. 1 in Tai koo. Subsequently, there were many automobile factories in Japan, no less than China in 80s. For military needs, the government promulgated the military vehicle subsidy act to support automobile manufacturers, which became the driving force of Japans automobile industry in the early years. After the defeat of World War II, the allied command ordered a total ban on auto production but was not implemented. TOYOTA, Toyo and Fuji heavy industries have launched their own new models. But in the early 50s, the United States and Europe produced cars flooded the Japanese auto market, there is a flood of trends. In particular, small, cheap cars produced in Europe pose a deadly threat to the semi destruction of the Japanese auto industry. At that time, the Japanese government in order to protect the domestic automobile industry, tariffs on imported auto collection of up to 40% (the tariff was abolished in 1978, followed by Japan until today on imported cars free of tariffs, at the same time) strictly prohibited foreign capital penetration of domestic automobile industry. While some small car manufacturers in order to survive, have taken together with foreign manufacturers to engage in cooperation or technical cooperation, but TOYOTA is still on its own development and production of domestic cars. In ninety years, the Japanese auto industry gradually decline, many manufacturers appear underemployment, productivity idle, US and European automakers are recovered through mergers and acquisitions, in turn, the Japanese car company as the object of mergers and acquisitions. Now, general motors in Fuji, Isuzu, SUZUKI three companies respectively with 20%, 49% and 9.9% of the shares, Ford owns a 33.4% stake in Mazda, Daimler Chrysler owns MITSUBISHI 34% stake. In 1999, Nissan Motor Corp., Japans second biggest car company, was forced to sell 36.8% of its stake to French Renault, a major exposure to the crisis in the Japanese auto industry. Where did the Japanese auto industry, once brilliant, go? This will become a suspense in the international automotive industry When we have both opportunities and challenges, we should reach a balance in every respect. We should realize that it is a background of the development of historical industry to auto industry. In the future, we should always be positive, integrated innovation, and constantly improve their competitiveness, and constantly improve and promote enterprise development. To benefit society.Reference5Song Qiang and Lv Chengguang. Data Acquisition System for Electric Vehicles Driving Motor Test Bench Based on VC+J School of Mechanical Engineering Beijing Institute of Technology 2012.3指 導 教 師 評 語 外文翻譯成績:指導教師簽字: 年 月 日注:1. 指導教師對譯文進行評閱時應注意以下幾個方面:翻譯的外文文獻與畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)的主題是否高度相關(guān),并作為外文參考文獻列入畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)的參考文獻;翻譯的外文文獻字數(shù)是否達到規(guī)定數(shù)量(3 000字以上);譯文語言是否準確、通順、具有參考價值。2. 外文原文應以附件的方式置于譯文之后。11