2022年高考英語二輪專題復習精練 書面表達(2)

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2022年高考英語二輪專題復習精練 書面表達(2)_第1頁
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1、2022年高考英語二輪專題復習精練 書面表達(2)書面表達假定你是李華,通過網上一則廣告得知英國倫敦一家學校招聘漢語老師,你想要應聘。請寫一封信,闡明理由,要點包括:1學習經歷及相關經驗;2期望薪資;3聯系電話:128635568860。注意:1.詞數:100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3開頭語已為你寫好,不計入總分。Dear Sir,Your advertisement for a Chinese teacher on July 8 made me interested. _Sincerely,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear_Sir,Your ad

2、vertisement for a Chinese teacher on July 8 made me interested. I believe the position is exactly the one that I have been looking for.I, aged 26, majored in Chinese literature. Graduating from Beijing University in 2011,I received my bachelor degree. To be honest, I can municate with any English sp

3、eaker without any difficulty. Once I served as a volunteer in xx London Olympic Games. Above all, I have two years of teaching experience in a private school, which got my teaching skills improved. As for the salary, I think 2,000 a month is necessary.If you believe that I am fit for the position, p

4、lease call me at 128635568860. Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely, Li_Hua書面表達每逢假期,清華、北大等多所國內知名高校都會迎來大批游客。不少高校為了限制客流不得不采取收費、規(guī)定開放日等各種措施,但這些閉門措施卻引來不少爭議。請你以“Should universities limit the number of visitors?”為話題,寫一篇英語短文,陳述你的觀點,并給出合理的解釋。注意:詞數100左右。One Possible VersionNowadays, it is being increasing

5、ly popular for tourists to visit famous universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University during the holidays. However, some universities decide to limit the number of visitors,which has caused heated argument in China.I think the number of tourists should be limited. Here are my reason

6、s: first of all,there are too many tourists wandering through the school yard, teaching buildings, or even the library,which has a negative effect on the students who are absorbed in learning. Second,with so many tourists ing, it is harder for security guards to keep order. Third, universities are d

7、esigned to provide education rather than tourism service.In summary, universities should limit the number of tourists to ensure a good learning environment.書面表達隨著城市的擴張,人口的增加,垃圾處理問題越來越凸顯。假如你是李華,是一名高三學生,請你以“How to Deal with the Garbage”為話題,談談你的看法。內容要點:1改掉亂扔垃圾的壞習慣;2實行垃圾分類處理;3其他建議。參考詞匯:litter亂扔;environm

8、entally friendly環(huán)保的;classification分類。One possible version:How to Deal with the GarbageWith the improvement of the living standards of the people, more garbage is being produced in our life. How to deal with it has bee a serious challenge to us.Obviously, people seem to have got accustomed to litteri

9、ng in the streets. In my opinion, the reason for the bad habit is that they havent realized the decrease of resources on earth. As a student, we should start from ourselves to protect the earth and our limited resources. First, we should sort the garbage according to its nature. In this way we can m

10、ake full use of the renewable waste, thus enhancing the waste recovery rate. Second, it is essential to attach importance to environmental education, so that every child will bee environmentally friendly. Finally, to encourage garbage classification, the government should seek better means.It is hig

11、h time that we made a joint effort to well deal with rubbish. Otherwise, we will run into trouble in the near future.書面表達今年,我國南方安徽、浙江等19個省份和地區(qū)都遭受了歷史上氣溫最高,持續(xù)時間最長的夏季,多個地方的最高氣溫頻頻超過40,這種持續(xù)的高溫天氣被網友戲稱為“燒烤天”和“桑拿天”。請你結合自己的體驗談談在此天氣下學生們應該怎樣做好防護工作,安全度夏。注意:1.不要逐條翻譯以上文字;2桑拿天Sauna Days;燒烤天Barbeque Days;3詞數:100左右;

12、開頭已經為你寫好,不計入總詞數。This year,a continuous and deadly heat wave was cooking the southern parts of China._One possible version:This_year,a_continuous_and_deadly_heat_wave_was_cooking_the_southern_parts_of_China.Since early July, about 19 provinces and regions including Anhui Province and Zhejiang Provinc

13、e were experiencing extreme heat,covering almost a third of the country.With temperatures in most areas of the south over 40,as many microblog posts and TV reports showed,it had been literally hot enough to fry an egg on the street, which is joked by the netizens as the “Sauna Days” or “Barbeque Day

14、s”In such extreme weather,however,it is wise and reasonable for us to stay in especially between 10 am. and 4 pm. But if we have to go out,we are supposed to take some effective measures such as putting on some sunscreen lotion or taking some special medicine to avoid the sunshine and heat. In addit

15、ion,it is students safety that also counts.Therefore,I sincerely suggest that students in the cities and in the countryside as well should keep away from the rivers and lakes.書面表達假設你是李華,最近你在某中學生英語論壇上看到一位網名為Lucy的網友發(fā)帖稱自己的英語成績不好,媽媽想為其請家庭教師,可是她擔心會增加家庭負擔而猶豫不決。請根據帖子內容和寫作要點回帖。寫作要點:1告訴Lucy請家教的利與弊;2給Lucy提出具體

16、建議。注意:1.詞數:100左右;2回帖的開頭和格式已給出,不計入總詞數。Hi,Lucy,I understand your situation._Yours, Li HuaOne possible version:Hi, Lucy,I understand your situation. As we can see, employing a tutor helps a student improve his learning skills. Whats more,the student can achieve a high score with the tutors help, which

17、will surely make learning easier.However,theres no doubt that employing a tutor may add a financial burden to parents more or less.In my opinion,if you find it beyond your ability to learn English on your own,employing a tutor is a good choice. After all,an experienced tutor will help a lot in your English study. But do remember the fact that you cant let the tutor affect your normal study.Yours,Li Hua

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