高三英語上冊 Module 2 Unit 3 Reflecting on History課件1 上海新世紀版

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1、 UNIT 3Reflecting on HistoryCOST OF WORLD WAR IInWorld War II was the most devastating war in human history in terms of human and material resources expended. In all, 61 countries with 1.7 billion people, three-fourth of the worlds population, took part. A total of 110 million persons were mobilized

2、 for military service.nA rough consensus has been reached on the total cost of the war. In terms of money spent, it has been put at more than $1 trillion, which makes it more expensive than all other wars combined. The human cost, not including more than 5 million Jews killed who were the indirect v

3、ictims of the war, is estimated to have been 55 million dead. refugee n. na steady flow of refugees from the war zone 從戰(zhàn)區(qū)不斷涌出的難民從戰(zhàn)區(qū)不斷涌出的難民npolitical refugees; a refugee camp refuge n. shelter or protection from danger take refuge in / seek refuge from As the situation at home got worse, he increasin

4、gly took/sought refuge in his work. The lonely child regarded his room as a refuge from the outside world.ANALYSE (ANALYZE) V.ANALYSIS N. (PL. ANALYSES)ANALYST N. 化驗員,分析者(家)化驗員,分析者(家) ANALYTICAL ADJ.nThe job involves gathering and analysing data.nWe need to analyse what went wrong.nThe blood samples

5、 are sent to the laboratory for analysis.nThe essay is an analysis of poverty and its causes.nin the final/last analysis 總之,歸根結(jié)底總之,歸根結(jié)底nShe has a clear analytical mind.ADAPTATION N.nIt is a screen adaptation of Shakespeares Macbeth.nShe was able to make a good adaptation to new customs.nThe playwrig

6、ht adapted another novel for television (the stage).nThe young children soon adapted their way of living to the new surroundings.nadaptable adj. be highly to nadaptor n. 多功能插頭;適配器多功能插頭;適配器WAVER V.- 顫抖;動搖顫抖;動搖nHis voice wavered with emotion.nShe never wavered in her determination to succeed.- 猶豫不決,舉棋

7、不定猶豫不決,舉棋不定nShe is wavering between settling down here and moving away.nJenny is still wavering on/over taking the job.WEIGH DOWNnThe branches are weighed down by the thick fruit.nDont overwork yourself, otherwise youll be weighed down.nbe weighed down with guilt 因內(nèi)疚而心神不定因內(nèi)疚而心神不定weight n. put on/gai

8、n weight; lose weight; watch ones weight(控制體重)(控制體重)Telling the truth was a great weight off my mind (shoulders).Your opinion carries weight with the boss.(有(有影響力)影響力)THRUST ( UPON ) 猛推;刺猛推;刺 nWe will never thrust our opinions upon others. She doesnt want to impose her values on / upon her family.nH

9、e thrust his way through the crowd in order to have a close look at the singer.nAll our objections were thrust aside.nJack pushed the desk heavily and thrust it against the wall.REDUCE STH (FROM ) (TO ) / STH (BY )n雇員人數(shù)從雇員人數(shù)從50人減少到了人減少到了25人。人。The number of employees was reduced from 50 to 25.n在過去的一年

10、中,費用已經(jīng)減少了在過去的一年中,費用已經(jīng)減少了20%。Over the past year, the costs have been reduced by 20%.We can reduce the report to three main issues.She was reduced to tears by their criticisms.Although I tried to uphold my ideals, the reality has reduced them to nothing. TEXT A YOUNG GIRLS IMPOSSIBLE IDEALISMnAn adapt

11、ation of an excerpt from Anne Franks Diary, published on June 15, 1952RELEVANT BACKGROUND ABOUT ANNE FRANKS DIARYn二次大戰(zhàn)留下來的文獻里,影響最大二次大戰(zhàn)留下來的文獻里,影響最大,流傳最廣的,可能流傳最廣的,可能不是邱吉爾首相的六大冊不是邱吉爾首相的六大冊二次大戰(zhàn)史二次大戰(zhàn)史(The Second World War, 6 Vols.),而是一個),而是一個15歲時死于納歲時死于納粹集中營的小女孩,安妮粹集中營的小女孩,安妮法蘭克(法蘭克(Anne Frank,1929-1945)

12、的日記。的日記。n在某一個意義上,在某一個意義上,安妮日記安妮日記見證的是兩個父權(quán)人物見證的是兩個父權(quán)人物的一場慘烈的人道角力的一場慘烈的人道角力希特勒用最酷虐的方式,殘希特勒用最酷虐的方式,殘殺了殺了500萬猶太人,其最終目的是滅絕所有猶太子裔,萬猶太人,其最終目的是滅絕所有猶太子裔,當中,也包括了死于納粹集中營的安妮、安妮的母親和當中,也包括了死于納粹集中營的安妮、安妮的母親和姐姐瑪歌;但安妮的父親奧圖姐姐瑪歌;但安妮的父親奧圖法蘭克(法蘭克(Otto Frank)卻)卻意外地,藉由一個猶太父親的身分,促成他稚齡聰慧的意外地,藉由一個猶太父親的身分,促成他稚齡聰慧的女兒留下對希特勒的第一手

13、控訴,而且奇跡似地在戰(zhàn)后女兒留下對希特勒的第一手控訴,而且奇跡似地在戰(zhàn)后使之公諸于世,成為永恒的感動世人的戰(zhàn)爭文獻。使之公諸于世,成為永恒的感動世人的戰(zhàn)爭文獻。 n安妮在日記中填滿了她安妮在日記中填滿了她13到到15歲這段青春卻被囚閉歲這段青春卻被囚閉的歲月,她的的歲月,她的成長、思考成長、思考,她對周圍的人尤其是父,她對周圍的人尤其是父親溫柔的愛,還有她對猶太人命運的憤怒不平和親溫柔的愛,還有她對猶太人命運的憤怒不平和對對戰(zhàn)爭的控訴戰(zhàn)爭的控訴。節(jié)編本的。節(jié)編本的安妮日記安妮日記(Anne Frank Diary Of A Young Girl)在)在1947年出了荷文版。迄年出了荷文版。迄今

14、已有約今已有約60種不同語言版本種不同語言版本,發(fā)行超過,發(fā)行超過3千萬冊;千萬冊;百百老匯舞臺劇老匯舞臺劇、電影版本電影版本也競相推出,當年的密室則也競相推出,當年的密室則在在1960年改成年改成安妮法蘭克紀念館安妮法蘭克紀念館,一年的參觀人口,一年的參觀人口將近百萬。將近百萬。n安妮沒有熬過集中營的苦難,但她在日記中會祈望:安妮沒有熬過集中營的苦難,但她在日記中會祈望:“我希望死后依然活著我希望死后依然活著 ”,經(jīng)由父親的愛,這個,經(jīng)由父親的愛,這個祈禱竟然成了真。我們必須說,猶太民族的堅忍、祈禱竟然成了真。我們必須說,猶太民族的堅忍、虔誠的信仰和對知識的敬重,是使他們歷經(jīng)苦難依虔誠的信仰

15、和對知識的敬重,是使他們歷經(jīng)苦難依然出類拔萃的原因。小小的安妮只是殘酷荒謬年代然出類拔萃的原因。小小的安妮只是殘酷荒謬年代的一個小切片,卻巨大地對襯了希特勒的瘋狂殘虐。的一個小切片,卻巨大地對襯了希特勒的瘋狂殘虐。誰是最終的勝利者?是安妮,也是文字面對暴政的誰是最終的勝利者?是安妮,也是文字面對暴政的永恒的勝利。永恒的勝利。 nIn spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. -Anne Frank 無論如何,我依然相信人們的心地確實是善無論如何,我依然相信人們的心地確實是善良的。良的。nW

16、hoever is happy will make others happy too. He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery. -Anne Frank 快樂的人會使別人快樂。有勇氣和信心的人快樂的人會使別人快樂。有勇氣和信心的人永遠不會死于不幸。永遠不會死于不幸。nIdealism has no place in modern society.nA trip to Paris is an ideal opportunity to pick up some French.nIt is difficult to live

17、up to his high ideals.nflee the hometown to the neighboring country flee from the responsibilitynThe managers are analysing the international market situation to make a plan for the next years production. nHe was so angry that he smashed the radio to pieces.n從各方面考慮,他的計劃似乎更可行。從各方面考慮,他的計劃似乎更可行。 Everyt

18、hing considered (taken into account), his plan seems to be more feasible.n他走了進來,手里拿著一本字典。他走了進來,手里拿著一本字典。 He came in, dictionary in hand.n暴風雨過去了,一切又恢復平靜。暴風雨過去了,一切又恢復平靜。 The storm over, everything was in peace again.n他靜靜地坐在窗前,兩眼滿含淚水。他靜靜地坐在窗前,兩眼滿含淚水。 He sat quietly by the window, his eyes full of tears

19、.n犯人被帶了進來,雙手綁在背后。犯人被帶了進來,雙手綁在背后。 The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.The great majority of the people in the world cherish peace and dont want to see any war break out.She still cherished the memory of those days in Paris.Mr Smith was reading newspapers when suddenly the

20、 window was shattered by a football.The silence was shattered by the sudden breaking of a bottle.Are these sticks strong enough to uphold the board?The lawyer devoted himself to upholding the law.GO INTO (HIDING )n(of a vehicle) to hit sth violently The car skidded and went into a tree.njoin an orga

21、nization, take up a job go into teaching / the Armynbegin to do sth or behave in a particular way He went into a long explanation of the affair.n(of money, time, effort, etc) to be spent on More government finance needs to go into the project.IN FEAR OFnSituated so closed to the border, they lived i

22、n a constant fear of being attacked by the enemy.nThe doctors report confirmed our worst fears.nThey spoke quietly for fear of waking the guards.nShut the windows for fear (that) it might rain.nfear v. be frightened of (doing) sth fear death / the unknown You have nothing to fear from us. It is fear

23、ed that he may have been kidnapped. He feared for (be worried about) his mother, left alone on the farm. Impossible as (though) it seems, - Though / Although / While it seems impossible, Child as he is, he had to make a living on his own.The time will come when - The days are gone when 定語從句定語從句 Gone

24、 are the days when he depended on his parents for everything.- Word came that 同位語從句同位語從句GRAMMAR THE ABSOLUTE CONSTRUCTIONWhen Mary came back, they discussed it together.- Mary coming back, they discussed it together.If weather permits, we will go there on foot.- Weather permitting, we will go there on foot.When the moon had risen, they took a walk in the field.- The moon having risen, they took a walk in the field.Because so much money has been wasted, he will be punished.- So much money having been wasted, he will be punished. HOMEWORK

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