新概念英語第三冊Lesson5-The-facts (共47張PPT)

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《新概念英語第三冊Lesson5-The-facts (共47張PPT)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《新概念英語第三冊Lesson5-The-facts (共47張PPT)(47頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Translationz今晚我們很榮幸地邀請到了我們的校長給我們發(fā)言。(privilege)zWe are privileged tonight to have our headmaster as our speaker.z這種行為有可能會引起誤解。(give rise to)z Such conduct might give rise to misunderstandings.z 在辦公室上班的人們常常被稱作白領(lǐng)僅僅因為他們通常穿著硬領(lǐng)襯衫和系著領(lǐng)帶去上班。( refer to.as ; for the reason that)zPeople who work in offices are

2、frequently referred to as white-collar workers for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. z他們被稱作智齒(wisdom teeth)僅僅是因為他們要直到人們二十多歲更睿智聰明的時候才會出現(xiàn)的原因。(refer toas, for the reason that.)They are referred to as wisdom teeth for the simple reason that they do not come up unti

3、l people are in their twenties and wiser.A桌子的質(zhì)量和B桌子一樣好,但是價格只是B的一半。Table A is of the same quality as table B, but the price is only half as much. zWhat he obtained is well worth the effort.z這個辦法很值得一試。 z我們心甘情愿努力學習甚至犧牲睡眠時間為了進入理想的大學。(sacrifice,ideal)zWe are willing to study hard and even sacrifice sleep

4、ing time to be admitted to an ideal university.zThe athletes/competitors competed with each other to gain access to the Olympic Games for the privilege of winning glory for their motherland.(為了的殊榮)z他覺得太尷尬了以至于什么也沒說就走了。zHe was too embarrassed to say anything and left. z他穿著一套時髦的黑西裝上班去了。(dress/wear)zHe

5、went to work dressed in / wearing a smart black suit.z自去年四月以來物價一直在上漲。(since)zPrices have been going up ever since last April.z至今我們學英語十年了。(up till now)zUp till now weve been learning English for 10 years.z他剛到家。(just)zHe has just arrived home. z你可曾考慮過將來學什么專業(yè)?(ever)zHave you ever considered what major

6、to choose in future? Lesson 5 The facts 確切數(shù)字 New words and expression editor 編輯 a chief 主編 edit 編輯edition 版,版本 the first 第一版/ a pocket 袖珍本a limited 限量版 2. extreme 極端 極端的 ;末端的 -go to extreme(s) to do做某事走極端 He went to extreme to say that the play was the best one.-go from one extreme to the other 從一個極

7、端走向另一個極端-vary from one extreme to the other 天壤之別 3. journalist 新聞記者correspondent n. 戰(zhàn)地記者,駐地通訊記者reporter (電視臺)記者 interviewer (訪問)記者broadcaster (電臺)廣播員DJ (disc jockey 操作員)(廣播電臺)流行音樂節(jié)目主持人VJ (video jockey) 電視綜藝節(jié)目主持人 4. publish 出版 = print (vt.), go to press The book has already been published. =The book

8、has already been printed. =The book has gone to press. 5. impatient adj.不耐煩的patience(n.耐性)havepatient(adj.有耐心的)be withpatiently(adv.有耐心地)impatience(n.不耐煩)impatient(adj. )impatiently(adv. )6. fire 解雇(口語) He was fired from his job.dismiss 解雇(正式)The manage dismissed him from his company. 7.Originally a

9、dv.最初, 原先 (firstly; initially) The book was originally published as ABC. zOriginal adj.最初的, 原始的, 獨創(chuàng)的, 新穎的 n.原物, 原作 -an original play原創(chuàng)劇本 -an original mind.有創(chuàng)造性的思想 -an original edition 原版z origin n. 起初, 起源the origin of human beingz source resource zWhat was the man doing in the picture? Multiple choi

10、cezHmwkzRecite P1 Insistence=zInsist on doingzInsist that .z我們班主任堅持要求我們6:50前到校到操場跑5圈。z他堅持認為定期鍛煉對我們的學習有益。 Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics.zprovide=supply 給.提供zprovide sb with sth/provide sth for sbzSupply sb with

11、sth/supply sth to sbz這個網(wǎng)站給我們提供了所有必需的關(guān)于university independent recruitment(自招)信息。zThe website provided us with all the necessary information needed for university independent recruitment zOffer sb sth Last year a journalist by a well-known magazine to write an article the presidents palace in a new Af

12、rican republic. z instruct sb. to do sth 正式告訴某人做某事z instruction (n)指導, 說明書instructor (n)導師a. 教;指導 My uncle instructs people how to drive cars.b. 指示;告訴 My boss ed me to type the letters quickly. 這個病人被告知手術(shù)后24小時之內(nèi)不要吃任何東西。 The patient was instructed not to eat anything for 24 hours after the operation.c

13、. 下令指揮命令 z這些士兵們被命令等待直至進一步指示。z The soldiers were instructed to wait until further instruction. z An inner voice instructed me to breathe deeply and calm down. , the editor read the first sentence and then refuse to publish it.=When the editor received the articlezrefuse 拒絕,非常堅決地、不客氣地拒絕。refusalzdeclin

14、e 婉言拒絕,謝絕zreject 拋棄,不采納,主語可以是人或物,后接名詞zdeny 否認,否定z turn down / say no to sb./ sth. 口語中常用 The article began: Hundreds of steps the high wall which surrounds the presidents palace. lead to-導致, 通向 - This road leads to that hospital. - His carelessness led to the accident. -究竟是什么讓你相信了他的謊言。z surround v.包圍

15、, 環(huán)繞,圍繞, 喜歡結(jié)交朋友 -A wall surrounds the garden. 一座墻圍繞著花園。He surrounds himself with people who are full of positive energy.z surrounding -n.圍繞物, 環(huán)境 zenvironment .環(huán)境(周圍的狀況) -adjust to a new environment適應新的環(huán)境z circumstances 環(huán)境, 詳情, 境況 -under no circumstances 無論如何不;決不 -under the circumstances 或in the circ

16、umstances 在這些情況下;情況既然如此 Under the circumstances we had to go with him. The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.The journalist immediately set out to these important facts, but he took a long time to send them.z set

17、 out to do =decide and try to do =set about doing 決定,打算,著手做. -He set out to make his first 1,000,000 in 5 years. -警察著手開始調(diào)查這場火災的原因。The police set out to investigate/look into the cause of the fire. set out for 啟程,出發(fā),開始 -We set out for the Western Hills at 10:30. 目的狀語 About “set”zset out zset off 出發(fā) 著

18、手做 開始做 決定做zset up 搭建zset an example 做榜樣zset on fire 放火 , the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon . z meanwhile-(=meantime) n.其間, 其時 -adv.其間-In the meantime we waited. 我們在這時等待著。 -作為副詞meantime 不及 meanwhile 普遍: -Meanwhile we waited. 與此同時,我們等候著。 He sent the journalist two more faxe

19、s, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired.z yet與once, again, another 連用,意思是“再”e.g. He has made yet another mistake.z inform ( of/about) 通知, 告訴, 獲悉, 告知-He informed me of your decision.他把你的決定告訴了我。-老師把這個好消息告訴了校長。-be well informed ab

20、out sth.精通某事; 對某事消息靈通 information 信息 When the journalist again reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had been written.z fail to-不能, 不(做), 忘記; 疏忽 -He failed to come. - 他沒有通過英語考試。 -He never fails to write to his mother every week.z reluctantly-adv.不情愿地, 嫌惡地z reluctant-adj. 不愿意的, 勉強

21、的(同意、答復等) -He go away.他很不愿意離去。我真不愿意和她一起工作。 reluctance A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist.Not only the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. not only but also/ not onlybut/ not onlybutas well.*Not only 位于句首,必須采用倒裝形式。本句=The poor man had not on

22、ly been arrested, but had been sent to prison as well. e.g. Not only did the dog bark at him, but (it) bite him. 他不僅遲到了,還把書丟了。 However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that the he had been arrested the 1,084 steps the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the p

23、residents palace.zhe had at last been allowed =he had at last been permitted =he had asked for permission請求被允許做某事:be allowed to do / be permitted to do / ask for permission to do permit 許可,允許,準許 permission 許可,允許 摘要寫作 作文 1.預習第6課2.背誦這篇課文3.復習今天講的內(nèi)容Assignment Test your memoryz How do editors of newspape

24、r and magazines often go to extremes?z What had a journalist been instructed to do?z How long ago was this?z Why was the editor dissatisfied with the first sentence?z Did he refuse to publish it?z What did the editor instruct the journalist to find out? z Was the journalist able to supply this infor

25、mation immediately?z Why was the editor getting impatient?z How many more faxes did he send the journalist? More testz What did the last one say?z What happened to the original article the journalist had written?z How long was it before the journalist could fax the editor?z Why hadnt the journalist

26、faxed sooner?z How many steps led to the wall surrounding the presidents palace?z How high was the wall?z When had the journalist been arrested? z How long had he spent in prison? Expressions Test走極端 go to extremes to do sth給提供 provide with通往,導致 lead to 不能,疏忽 fail to do通知,告訴 inform sb. of sth.著手干 set out to do 書信寫作

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