重點單詞(必修 5 Unit 1 Great scientists)(講義)

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《重點單詞(必修 5 Unit 1 Great scientists)(講義)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《重點單詞(必修 5 Unit 1 Great scientists)(講義)(15頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、重點單詞(必修5 Unit 1 Greatscierrtists)(講義)咼中央語丨重點單詞(必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists)1學習單詞廠注意重點單詞的用法并靈活運 用這些單詞。2.牢記核心單詞的介詞搭配及其重要用法。重點:conclude, attend, expose, absorb, blame難點:absorb的用法?!締卧~學習】1. conclude 窗kiuq vt& vi.斷定,推斷;使 結束,終止;達成,締結conclude sth. with sth. / by doing sth. 以結束conclude sth.(from sth.) that.(

2、從)推斷出撕定He concluded from their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan.計劃。He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home.他講話結束時祝愿大家回家一路平安。conclusion n.結論;結束draw / reach / arrive at / come to a conclusion得出結論come to the conclusion that.所得結論 是in conclusion=jIve come to the conclusion that

3、he is not the right person for the job.我斷定他不適合做這項工作。完成句子 從這些事實中你得出什么結論?do youthe facts? 他以一句名言“有志者,事竟成”結束他的 演講。Hea famous saying : Wherethere is a will,there is a way. 最后,我想向我的家人表示感謝。, Id like to express my thanks to my family.答案: What; conclude from concluded his speech with In conclusion思路分析:考查con

4、clude from“從得出結論”,本句是特殊疑問句,疑問詞在句中充當?shù)氖?conclude的賓語,所以應該填入疑問代詞what??疾?concludewith 以結束,concluded his speech with“ 以 結束他的演 講”??疾閕n conclusion最后。2. attend 比何 誕出席;參加;照顧;護理;注意誠專心;attend on / upon sb.伺候某人;照顧某人 attend to sb. / sth.照顧某人/專心于處理某 事He is very famous in this field, and tens of thousands of fans w

5、ill attend his lecture this evening.他在這個領域很出名,今晚會有成千上萬的 粉絲聽他的講座。He has to attend (on) his sick son.他不得不照顧生病的兒子。He has a great deal to attend to today.他今天有許多事要處理。易混詞 (組)辨析例句attend表示出席或參加會 議、儀式、典禮; 也可表示上課、上 學、聽報告等They attended college together atBeijingUniversity.他們起就讀于 北京大學。join表示加入某一組織 ,并成為其中的一 員,如加

6、入黨派、組織、社團、俱樂 部等。其賓語也可 以是人My wish is to join the army after graduation. 我的愿望是畢業(yè) 后參軍。 join in表示參加正在進行 的小型活動,也可 用于 join sb. in (doing) sth表示加 入某人的行列一起 做某事I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.我希望每個人都 能夠加入進來, 玩得開心。takepart in表示參加活動,側 重說明主語參加并 在其中發(fā)揮一定的 作用,part前若有 修飾語,前面要用 不定冠詞People who ta

7、ke part in sports must be in condition.參加運動的人一 定要保持良好的 健康狀態(tài)。attendant n.服務員,侍者,侍從,隨從;護理者語境填詞:用 attend,join in,join, take part in的適當形式填空An old Party member who theParty in 1949 the meeting.He our group discussion andencouraged us to various socialactivities.答案:joined; attended; joined in; take part i

8、n思路分析:第一空后賓語the Party是組織 名詞,所以應該填入joined;第二空后賓語為the meeting,所以填入 attended;第三空 joined in 表示參加小型的活動;第四空take part in則表 示參加活動并在其中起到重要作用。3. expose 昨迪vt.暴露,揭露;使曝光; 使面臨exposeto使顯露;暴露expose sth. to sb.向某人揭發(fā)某事be exposed to 暴露于,處于危險中Being exposed to sunlight for too much time will do harm to onesskin.暴露在陽光下太久

9、對皮膚有害。It is reported that he exposed the truth of the milk poisoning incident to the public.他向公眾揭露了毒奶粉事件的真相。The fact that children are exposed to too many violent online games worries parents nowadays as well as the society.孩子們接觸到太多的暴力網(wǎng)絡游戲,這一事 實使現(xiàn)在的家長和社會尤為擔心。Whento danger and conflict, mentend to in

10、crease blood pressure, nervous and anxious.A. exposed; feltB exposed; feelingC. exposing; feelingD. exposing; felt答案:B思路分析:句意:當面對危險和沖突時,人 們往往血壓升高,感到緊張或焦慮??梢苑治龀?句中第一空涉及be exposed to “暴露于”,而在語 法方面則是考慮到時間狀語從句的省略問題,句 子的主語是men,故可省略men are主語men與 feel之間是主謂關系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞形式。4. absorb州卻vt.吸收;并入,并吞;吸引;使專心;理解,掌握abso

11、rb sth. (into.)吸收absorb ones attention吸引某人的注意absorb oneself in (=be absorbed in)全神貫 注于,專注于The material can absorb outward-going radiation from the Earth.該物質可以吸收地球向外輻射的能量。The banks would be forced to absorb large losses.銀行將被迫承受巨大的損失。I keep the lesson simple because small kids cant absorb that much.我把

12、課講得很簡單,因為小孩子理解不了那 么多。absorbed adj聚精會神的;專心致志的be absorbed by / into.被 所吸收吞并;被be absorbed/buried in全神貫注于;專心于You could tell he was absorbed in his conversation, not paying much attention to the road.可以看出,他當時光顧著說話而沒有注意到 路上的情況。Completely absorbed in her new novel, the young writer kept thinking and writin

13、g for a dozen hours in her study.這位年輕作家在她的書房里一連十幾個小 時專心思考和創(chuàng)作她的新小說。Most little shops have been absorbed into big businesses due to the influence of the global financial crisis.由于受全球金融危機的影響,大多數(shù)小店已 被并入大公司。She was soin her job that shedidnhear anybody knocking at the door at all.A. attractedB. absorbedC

14、. drawnD. devoted答案:B思路分析:句意:她如此專注于工作,以至 于完全沒有聽到有人在敲門。be absorbed in / be devoted to.專心致力于 ,全神貫注于 。 本題四個選項中容易誤選devoted,因此提醒考 生需要注意介詞的搭配,這也是高考當中常見的 出題點,要給予足夠重視。5. blamevt責備;譴責;把歸咎于n.過失;責備blame sb. for sth因某事而責備某人 blame sth. on sb把某事怪到某人頭上 be to blame (for.)應承擔責任;該受責備(用 主動形式表被動意義)get / accept / bear /

15、 take the blame for. 對負責lay / put the blame for sth. on sb.把某事歸 咎于某人身上Police are blaming the accident on dangerous driving.警方把事故歸咎于危險駕駛。Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to blame.格林先生站起來為這個16歲的男孩做辯 護,說他不是該受譴責的人。According to the drivers explanation,

16、it was not his carelessness but the bad road conditions that were to blame for the accident.根據(jù)駕駛員的解釋,事故的發(fā)生不是由于他的粗心大意而是惡劣的道路狀況造成的。The drunk driver should take the blame forthe traffic accident.那位醉酒司機應該承擔交通事故責任。It was the boy, rather than his teachers, thatfor what the boy had done.A. were to blameB.

17、were to blamedC. was to blameD. was to be blamed答案:C思路分析:句意:是這個男孩應該為他所做 的事情受到責備,而不是他的老師們。在題目中 含有一個強調句型結構,句子的主語是the boy, 空中所填內容應當表示“應受責備”故而選用be to blameo本題中雖然boy與blame之間是動賓 即被動關系,但是要特別注意此處須用 be to blame,此處to blame用主動形式表示被動含義。 這也是blame 一詞的常考點,須引起足夠的重 視。1. He became inspired when he thought abouthelpin

18、g ordinary peopleto cholera (霍亂)A. exposeB. exposedC. exposingD. to expose2. When he came back three hours later, theywere still sitting on the sofa, inconversation.A. absorbingB. absorbedC. to absorbD. to beabsorbed3. 一Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.一Iit, but I was busy preparingB

19、 hadfor a job interview. A. attendedD. wouldattendedC. would attend have attended4. The, I think, he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.A. attention B. conclusion C. promise D. relation5. Nowadays, children are to toomany violent online games, which is bad for the development of their

20、 character.A. linkedB. ledC. usedD. exposed答案:BBDBD思路分析:1. expose使暴露于;顯露;使接觸”在 此處作后置定語修飾people,二者存在動賓關 系,故用過去分詞形式。2. 考查非謂語動詞。句意:當他三個小時 后回來時,他們仍坐在沙發(fā)上,聚精會神地交談。be absorbed in為固定搭配,意為“專心于”所以此處應該用absorb的過去分詞形式,作伴隨 狀語。3. 考查虛擬語氣。句意:一很可惜你錯過 了這次有關核污染的演講。一我本來要參加,但 忙于準備工作面試。根據(jù)but后面的內容可知, 設空處表達與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣,所以正 確答案為D項。4. 句意:我認為他從簡單的實驗中得出的結論是不科學的。draw a conclusion “得出結 論” draw onesattention “引起某人注意”5. 考查動詞辨析。句意:當今,孩子們接觸 到過多暴力網(wǎng)絡游戲,這對他們的性格發(fā)展不 好。be exposed to接觸,暴露在,符合句

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