高中英語 Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries Period Two Language in Use每課一練 外研版選修9

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高中英語 Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries Period Two Language in Use每課一練 外研版選修9_第1頁
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1、高中英語 Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries Period Two Language in Use每課一練 外研版選修9.單項填空1When do we need to pay the balance?_September 30.AIn BBy CDuring DWithin答案Bby不遲于(某時);在之前。the balance余欠之錢。2In time of serious accidents, _we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.Awhether Buntil C

2、if Dunless答案C本題考查連詞的用法。根據(jù)句意,此處為條件狀語從句,故C項正確。3It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.Thats right._.AMany hands make light workBSomething is better than nothingCThe more the merrierDThe sooner begun, the sooner done答案A句意:晚會后如果我們都主動幫忙的話,那就不會花很長時間來打掃干凈。是的,人多好辦事。A項符

3、合句意;B項意為:有比沒有好;有勝于無;C項意為:人越多越熱鬧;D項意為:開始越早,完成得越早。4You have failed two tests.Youd better start working harder, _you wont pass the course.Aand Bso Cbut Dor答案D句意:你已經兩次考試不及格了,你最好更加努力學習,否則你這門課程還會不及格。or否則。5We all know that, _, the situation will get worse.Anot if dealt carefully withBif not carefully dealt

4、 withCif dealt not carfully withDnot if carefully dealt with答案B本題考查狀語從句的簡化以及非謂語動詞的否定。由“be副詞done”結構以及“not非謂語動詞”可排除A、C兩項;然后結合狀語從句的簡化原則可知D項錯誤,故選B項。6If you really have to leave during the meeting, youd better leave _the back door.Afor Bby Cacross Dout答案B句意:如果你確實要在會議期間離開,那么你最好從后門離開?!皬暮箝T”用by the back door

5、。for表示原因;across表示“穿過,橫穿”;out表示“在外面”,三者均不符合句意。7If you cant decide which of the two books to borrow, why dont you take_?I wont read them this week.Aall Bany Ceither Dboth答案D本題考查代詞的用法。all與any用于三者或三者以上,either與both用于兩者之間,either是“兩者之一”。根據(jù)句意,應用both。8I grew up in Africa, _at least I should say that I spent

6、much of the first ten years of my life there.Aand Bor Cso Dbut答案B句意:我在非洲長大,或者至少可以說我10歲以前的大部分時間是在那兒度過的。9The moment the 28th Olympic Games_open,the whole world cheered.Adeclared Bhave been declaredChave declared Dwere declared答案D本題考查時態(tài)和語態(tài)。句意:宣布第28屆奧運會開幕的那一刻,世界人民沸騰了。the 28th Olympic Games作主語,因此用被動語態(tài),因為

7、declare是狀語從句的謂語,故用過去時態(tài)。10Would you like a cup of coffee, _shall we get down to business right away?Aand Bthen Cor Dotherwise答案C表示選擇時用or。.閱讀理解I remember the day when my father gave me my legacy (遺產)It was the darkest of times.Our house was about to be sold.After decades of illness and treatments,my m

8、other and my younger brother had almost gone mad.My sister had fled across the country to escape from this time of darkness.For my father,this moment was the end of a family.As the oldest child,it was my job to pack up the house.I packed up boxes and labeled them.After a while,I noticed that my fath

9、er had disappeared.I found him taking down six huge wooden crates and opening them.At first I was angry,we were supposed to be packing boxes,not unpacking them.Then I saw he was weeping.I looked down at the ground.He had broken apart the crates and set up a row of heads and bodies in stone.I had nev

10、er seen these pieces of sculpture,which were made by my mother when she was a young woman.Tears were rolling down my fathers cheeks before the depression and the pills and whiteknuckle nights and shock treatments.I had never seen my father cry.My father broke the Yankee tradition of keeping tight co

11、ntrol over his emotions.Because he wanted to be sure I heard,to be sure I saw this was my mother I never knewa woman of joy and talent.This was his message to future generations:No matter how dark,no matter how great the loss,there is always the promise of life in full force.I use it in my work as a

12、 journalist.When I interview people in crisis I can empathize the darkbut I always want to look for the life,to look for the gift.1What did the author inherit from his parents?AA house and a lot of debts.BThe attitude that one should never lose hope for the future.CNothing except several sculptures.

13、DThe responsibility of supporting a family.答案B在這篇文章里,母親的雕刻品具有象征意義,就是永遠不要對未來失去希望,根據(jù)文章倒數(shù)第三句也可知選B。2According to the passage, we can learn that_.Athe whole family suffered a lot from the family members illnessBthe family united to struggle with fateCthe authors father gave up treating his wifeDthe autho

14、r hated both his parents答案A根據(jù)文章第一段中的“After decades of illness and treatments.”可知A正確。3The authors mother is most likely_.Aa successful sculptorBa caring motherCa woman with gift and enjoymentDa devoted wife答案C根據(jù)文章第四段第三句中的“a woman of joy and talent.”可知選C。4Why was the authors father weeping?AHe helped

15、his wife so much.BHe was moved by his wifes talent.CHe was sad for the fall of the family.DIt was the Yankees tradition.答案C文章第一段最后一句說“For my father, this moment was the end of a family.”,這令父親非常傷心,所以后來哭了。BIt was the evening rush hour on Pacific Coast Highway in Redondo Beach, CA.Drivers lined up from

16、 traffic signal to traffic signal, anxious to get home.On a side street merging (并入) into this highway was a timid driver, afraid to edge in and no one let her in.Some of the drivers backed up behind her loudly blasted their horns.This made her more upset and nervous.To the right of this side street

17、, the signal on Pacific Coast Highway turned red and the traffic stopped.A driver who saw what was happening to this woman stopped a few car lengths behind the car in front of him and motioned to her to pull in front of him.She quickly did and as he waited, two more cars dashed in behind her.While t

18、he woman hed helped waited for the signal to turn green, she sank into her drivers seat and was deeply relieved.Although this thoughtful man couldnt see it, her body language expressed her gratitude loud and clear.If youve been in a traffic situation like the one she was in, you know how upsetting i

19、t could be.But this little act of kindness allowed her to safely reach her home.She tells others about this, which helps to restore their belief in human goodness and encourages them to do something nice for someone else.This kindness spreads.Someone does something nice for you and in turn youre lik

20、ely to do something nice for that person or for someone else.A simple act of kindness could have a widespread effect.Its like a stone that drops in a pond and causes a ripple in each direction.No one knows how far those ripples will travel but they will affect everything they touch along the way.5Wh

21、y was it difficult for the woman to edge in the way according to the passage?ABecause it was the evening rush hour.BBecause she was fearful and no one let her in.CBecause she was so anxious to get home early.DBecause some drivers behind her blasted the horns.答案B根據(jù)第一段中“On a side street merging into t

22、his highway was a timid driver,afraid to edge in and no one let her in.”可以得出正確答案為B。其余幾項雖然在第一段中都提到了,但都不是主要原因。6How did the thoughtful man help the lady driver to edge in the traffic flow?AHe pulled in front of her car and asked her to follow his car.BHe signaled to her to drive in when the traffic sig

23、nal turned green.CHe stopped his car some distance back to give her enough space to move in.DHe stopped the two cars behind him from shooting in before her.答案C根據(jù)第二段中“.stopped a few car lengths behind the car in front of him and motioned to her to pull in front of him.”可以判斷出正確答案為C。7What can be inferr

24、ed about most of the drivers on Pacific Coast Highway from the story?AThey were all anxious to get home.BThey were thankful to the driver who helped the lady.CThey sounded their horns to encourage the lady.DThey were not so friendly and thoughtful.答案D根據(jù)前兩段可知大部分司機都很不友好,不斷地按喇叭,因此D項為正確答案。A項雖然也是正確信息,但是是文中直接提到的信息,不是推斷出來的,因此不符合題目要求。

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