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理工科類本科生畢業(yè)設計(論文)開題報告論文(設計)題目某型渦輪增壓柴油發(fā)動機特性分析研究作者所在系別機電工程學院作者所在專業(yè)車輛工程作者所在班級B13141作 者 姓 名楊國明作 者 學 號201322195指導教師姓名臧繼嵩指導教師職稱實驗師完 成 時 間2017年3月北華航天工業(yè)學院教務處制說 明1根據學校畢業(yè)設計(論文)工作暫行規(guī)定,學生必須撰寫畢業(yè)設計(論文)開題報告。開題報告作為畢業(yè)設計(論文)答辯委員會對學生答辯資格審查的依據材料之一。2開題報告應在指導教師指導下,由學生在畢業(yè)設計(論文)工作前期內完成,經指導教師簽署意見及所在專業(yè)教研室論證審查后生效。開題報告不合格者需重做。3畢業(yè)設計開題報告各項內容要實事求是,逐條認真填寫。其中的文字表達要明確、嚴謹,語言通順,外來語要同時用原文和中文表達。第一次出現縮寫詞,須注出全稱。4開題報告中除最后一頁外均由學生填寫,填寫各欄目時可根據內容另加附頁。5閱讀的主要參考文獻應在10篇以上(土建類專業(yè)文獻篇數可酌減),其中外文資料應占一定比例。本學科的基礎和專業(yè)課教材一般不應列為參考資料。6參考文獻的書寫應遵循畢業(yè)設計(論文)撰寫規(guī)范要求。7開題報告應與文獻綜述、一篇外文譯文和外文原文復印件同時提交,文獻綜述的撰寫格式按畢業(yè)設計(論文)撰寫規(guī)范的要求,字數在2000字左右。畢業(yè)設計(論文)開題報告學生姓名楊國明專 業(yè)車輛工程班 級B13141指導教師姓名臧繼嵩職 稱實驗師工作單位北華航天工業(yè)學院課題來源教師自擬課題課題性質理論研究課題名稱 某型渦輪增壓柴油發(fā)動機特性分析研究本設計的科學依據(科學意義和應用前景,國內外研究概況,目前技術現狀、水平和發(fā)展趨勢等)發(fā)動機作為動力機械,主要為其他工作機械提供必要的動力。對汽車而言,發(fā)動機作為其心臟,其輸出特性直接影響車輛的行駛特性。因此,了解和掌握發(fā)動機的性能,對有效利用動力源,以及提高整車性能具有重要意義。而發(fā)動機的輸出特性主要通過其動力性指標、經濟性指標以及排放性能指標等隨發(fā)動機使用工況的變化特性來表現出來。所以研究發(fā)動機特性的主要目的,在于正確評價發(fā)動機的特性,為汽車或其他工作機械正確選用動力源提供依據。同時,通過對發(fā)動機特性的評價與分析,為進一步改進發(fā)動機的性能使之與整車性能良好匹配提供有效途徑。而柴油機作為發(fā)動機重要的一大類,也極具有研究意義。 一百多年來,柴油機技術得以全面的發(fā)展,應用領域起來越廣泛。大量研究成果表明,柴油機是目前被產業(yè)化應用的各種動力機械中熱效率最高、能量利用率最好、最節(jié)能的機型。裝備了最先進技術的柴油機,升功率可達到3050kWh/L,扭矩儲備系數可達到0.35以上,最低燃油耗可達到198g/kWh,標定功率油耗可達到204g/kWh;柴油機被廣泛應用于船舶動力、發(fā)電、灌溉、車輛動力等廣闊的領域,尤其在車用動力方面的優(yōu)勢最為明顯。全球車用動力柴油化趨勢業(yè)已形成。據專家預測,在今后20年,甚至更長的時間內柴油機將成為世界車用動力的主流。世界汽車工業(yè)發(fā)達國家政府對柴油機發(fā)展也給予了高度重視,從稅收、燃料供應等方面采取措施促進柴油機的普及與發(fā)展。 設計內容和預期成果(具體設計內容和重點解決的技術問題、預期成果和提供的形式)試驗內容及最終成果:1. 試驗目標:通過數據測量,分析指定發(fā)動機特性。2.試驗要求:通過動手操作測功機,測量相關數據,進行處理分析。系統(tǒng)地說明做這個試驗的相關背景,研究的意義。3.畫出發(fā)動機特性曲線、實驗設備相關簡圖,明確試驗流程圖,數據處理后結合用圖表進行分析。文字說明簡明通順。計算過程只需列出已知條件、計算公式,將有關數據代入公式,省略計算過程,直接寫出計算結果。4.任務完成驗收時提供材料:完整的試驗數據,畢業(yè)論文(學術論文標準)。擬采取設計方法和技術支持(設計方案、技術要求、實驗方法和步驟、可能遇到的問題和解決辦法等)1、 實驗方法要研究發(fā)動機的特性,首先需要了解發(fā)動機的使用工況、發(fā)動機性能指標的測量方法。查閱資料,操作測功機,主要測量出輸出轉矩Ttq,同時測量發(fā)動機轉速n。然后利用公式Pe=Ttq*n/9550,求得發(fā)動機的輸出功率并根據功率和平均有效壓力的關系式,計算平均有效壓力Pme。測功器能吸收發(fā)動機輸出的功,利用這一特點任意改變發(fā)動機的負荷和轉速,由此模擬發(fā)動機的使用工況,得出多組數據。根據數據畫出發(fā)動機特性曲線、實驗設備相關簡圖、試驗流程圖。數據處理后,圖表結合進行分析,文字表述說明結論。2、 技術要求通過對測功機的正確操作對柴油發(fā)動機進行測試,能夠得到各項所需準確數據。3、 可能遇到的問題若操作測功機步驟不清晰,可以請教老師;若所畫圖表有問題,可以請教同學;實現本項目已具備的條件(包括過去學習、研究工作基礎,現有主要儀器設備、設計環(huán)境及協作條件等)發(fā)動機測功機一臺、指定渦輪增壓柴油發(fā)動機一臺熟讀發(fā)動機原理和汽車理論。各環(huán)節(jié)擬定階段性工作進度(以周為單位)1-4周 完成開題報告5-6周 查閱資料,確定實驗方案7-8周 操作測功機,測量相關數據9-10周 對數據進行處理分析,畫出發(fā)動機特性曲線、 實驗設備相關簡圖,試驗流程圖11-12周 提供材料:完整的試驗數據,畢業(yè)論文13-14周 細節(jié)工作,準備答辯開 題 報 告 審 定 紀 要時 間地點主持人參會教師姓 名職 務(職 稱)姓 名職 務(職 稱)論證情況摘要 記錄人:指導教師意見指導教師簽名: 年 月 日教研室意見教研室主任簽名: 年 月 日第 3 頁 共4頁VOL. 7, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012ISSN 1819-6608ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences2006-2012 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.www.arpnjournals.comPERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF DIESEL ENGINE WITHOXYGENATED BIO-FUEL BLENDST. Krishnaswamy1 and N. Shenbaga Vinayaga Moorthi21Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore, India2Anna University of Technology, Tirunelveli, IndiaE-mail: tknptcgmail.comABSTRACTThe use of oxygenated bio-fuels like bio diesel and ethanol in combination with diesel is an effective measure to substitute renewable fuels and reduce particulate matter (PM) from in-use diesel vehicles. To study the fuel performance, three oxygenated blend fuel designs containing volumes of 15% ethanol with cetane improver additive, 10% ethanol with 10% bio diesel and 15% ethanol with 20% bio diesel were formed. The physical stability of ethanol diesel blend is studied and phase separation is prevented by adding co solvents like Tetrahydrafuran and bio diesel. To meet stricter emission norms, now diesel engines are fitted with after treatment devices. This paper describes the engine and emission characteristics of the above blend fuels on a 4 cylinder, naturally aspirated light duty diesel engine fitted with diesel oxidation catalyst. The engine test results show that it is feasible to use these blends in diesel engines: the thermal efficiencies of the engine fueled by the blends are comparable with that fueled by diesel, with small increase in fuel consumption, due to the lower heating value of ethanol and bio diesel. The smoke emissions from the engine fueled by the blends are lower than that fueled by diesel owing to the increased oxygen content. The reduction is more at higher loads. The HC and CO emissions are found to be higher at lower loads due to the lower cetane number of ethanol. However, NO emissions depend on load conditions and blend contents.Keywords: diesel engine, emission, biofuel, renewable fuel.1. INTRODUCTIONIn the context of higher crude oil price and vehicular pollution search for renewable sources of energy and cleaner technologies has become significant. The agreement to reduce CO2 emission has a great effect on automotive sector. Diesel engines provide important transportation power sources which are receiving additional attention due to their superior fuel economy and lower green house gas emissions. However, diesel engines have the problem of emitting more amount of particulate matter (PM) due to its heterogeneous combustion. Diesel emission control is a function of combustion improvement, fuel formulation and after treatment devices 1. Combination of fuel formulation and add on after treatment device is effective for control of emissions from in-use diesel engines.In general, it has been recognized that the addition of oxygenated blend components to diesel fuel will result in lower particulate emissions under many operating conditions. Since ethanol (35% of oxygen content) is widely available oxygenate with long history of use in gasoline blends it has also been considered as a potential oxygenate with diesel fuel. The particulate matter reduction appeared to be related to the amount of oxygen content in the fuel blends 2, 3, 4. Mixing up to 15% (vol) of ethanol with diesel is the easiest method to use ethanol in diesel engines. But the ethanol solubility in diesel is one of the difficulties of using ethanol in them. Solubility can be increased by adding co solvent or emulsifier to produce a homogeneous blend. Researchers identified co solvent like Tetrahydrofuran and emulsifier like bio diesel can be used for preserving diesel ethanol blends 5, 6. Ethanol has a very low cetane number that reduces the cetanenumber of ethanol-diesel blend. Hence cetane improvers are required to increase the combustion behavior of diesel-ethanol blend. An octyl nitrate (2-EHN) is used as cetane improving additive for diesel fuel in petroleum refineries. The same can be used to increase cetane value of ethanol-diesel blend.Bio diesel is an alkyl ester of fatty acids made from a wide range of vegetable oils, animal fat and used cooking oil via the transesterification process. Bio diesel can be directly used in diesel engines, or mixed with any proportion of mineral diesel 7. Blending bio diesel and ethanol into a conventional diesel fuel dramatically improved the solubility of ethanol in diesel fuel over a wide range of operating temperature. The high viscosity of bio diesel can also compensate for the decreased viscosity caused by the presence of ethanol in the ethanol-diesel blend. The addition of ethanol and bio diesel to the diesel raises the total oxygen content in the blend fuel.With an increase of ethanol in diesel fuel, there is a reduction in smoke and particulate matter, an increase in total hydrocarbon, CO and NOx could increase or decrease depending on the engine type and operating conditions 8. Diesel oxidation catalysts installed on a vehicles exhaust system oxidizes CO, HCs, and the soluble organic fraction of particulate matter in to carbon dioxide and water. The advancements made in the developments of diesel oxidation catalyst that can operate with high-sulfur fuel without significant SO2 formation and low light off temperature provides cost effective, low maintenance and emission control with regular diesel fuel (high sulfur content) in developing countries 9,10.Based on this background, main purpose of this research is to compare the engine performance and emission characteristics when10VOL. 7, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012ISSN 1819-6608ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences2006-2012 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.www.arpnjournals.comdiesel engine fitted with diesel oxidation catalyst is fueled with oxygenated bio fuel blends.2. ETHANOL RESOURCES IN INDIAIndia is the second largest producer of sugarcane in the world and ethanol is mainly derived from sugarcane molasses which is by -product in the conversion of sugarcane into sugar. Therefore, ethanol does not compromise on the food security front in India. On the total sugar cane production in India, 60% is utilized for sugar production by sugar mills. At present conditions also, 25-30% of sugar cane produced is processed for production of unrefined sugar 11. On an average basis one ton of sugar cane yields 100 kg of sugar and 45 kg of molasses. This molasses can produce 11 Liters of ethanol on fermentation. While producing unrefined sugar in cottage industries appreciable amount of molasses are produced as by-product and mostly dumped as waste. These molasses can be utilized for bio ethanol production.3. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMThe experimental part is carried out in two phases. In the first phase, phase stability of bio fuel blends is tested. And then the fuel blends are used to run a diesel engine to test its performance and emissions characteristics with diesel oxidation catalyst as after treatment device.3.1 Studies on blend stabilityThe phase stability of various blends is shown in Figure-1. At warm ambient temperatures (30C) until anhydrous ethanol content reaches 10% volume, readily blends with diesel. When ethanol content exceeds 10% volume, the blend starts separation. In this study, addition of co- solvent Tetrahydrofuran of volume 1-2% result in single phase, homogeneous clear liquid with 15-20% volume ethanol content in the diesel. The addition of bio diesel of 5% volume in the diesel ethanol blend also produces single phase, homogeneous liquid. From this, it have been concluded that the homogeneity requirement of diesel fuels can be met with use of co-solvent or bio diesel.3.2 Test engine and fuelsThe engine under study is a four cylinder, natural aspirated diesel engine whose major specifications are shown in Table-1. A commercially available diesel oxidation catalyst is retrofitted to the engine exhaust system. The engine was coupled to an eddy current dynamo meter through which load was applied. The AVL Di gas 444 emission analyzer was used to measure the concentration of NO, HC, CO and the smoke opacity was measured using AVL Smoke meter. The exhaust temperature was measured with thermo couple.Figure-1. Phase stability.The regular diesel fuel and analysis grade anhydrous ethanol (99.5% purity) were used in this test. Considering the resource availability, the non-edible and underutilized vegetable oil from honge tree (whose Botanical name is Pungamia pinnata ) in India is selected for biodiesel conversion 11. The Table-2 shows the important properties of diesel, ethanol and bio diesel. In current study, three kinds of bio fuel blends containing volumes of 15% ethanol with 0.75% 2-EHN as cetane improver (denoted as E15+CI), 10% ethanol with 10% biodiesel (denoted as E10B10) and 15% ethanol with 20% bio diesel (denoted as E15B20) were formed. The viscosity of diesel-ethanol blend is less in comparison with diesel. Increasing ethanol and bio diesel percentage in blended fuels also increases the oxygen content of the fuel and decreases the heating value of the fuel. Without any modification on engine parameters, the brake specific fuel consumption, exhaust emissions including smoke opacity, CO, NO and HC are measured at different load conditions with engine speed of 2000 rpm when diesel engine is fueled with oxygenated diesel blend fuels and compared to the baseline diesel fuel.11VOL. 7, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012ISSN 1819-6608ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences2006-2012 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.www.arpnjournals.comTable-1. Engine specifications.Cylinder bore83 mmStroke90 mmDisplacement1948 ccMaximum power45 kW at 4500 rpmMaximum torque105 N-m at 2500rpmCompression ratio22.5: 1Table-2. Fuel properties.PropertiesDieselE15+CIE10B10E15B20Diesel (% vol)100838065Ethanol (% vol)0151015Biodiesel (% vol)001020Density (kg/m3)840833839841Viscosity3.182.643.033.14(mm2/s, 40C)Lower heat value42.540.140.639.0(MJ/kg)Oxygen content-5.184.557.38(Wt %)Cetane Index4847.546.645.84. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS4.1 Fuel consumption and thermal efficiencyFigures 2 and 3 show the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) versus engine load for ethanol-diesel blend with cetane improver, ethanol-biodiesel-diesel blends and pure diesel fuel. The comparison of brake specific energy consumption is representative of brake thermal efficiency. It is clear from the Figure that as the load increases, the BSFC decreases and brake thermal efficiency increases for all fuels. At the same time, it can be seen that the BSFC for E15+CI, E10B10 and E15B20 blend fuels are slightly higher, but the brake specific energy consumption is closely similar to that of diesel. These behaviors are reasonable because the oxygenated blends have low calorific value compared to that of diesel fuel. The improvement in energy consumption is due to better combustion on account of oxygen enrichment.4.2 Exhaust gas temperatureFigure-4 shows the exhaust gas temperature for the pure diesel fuel, ethanol-diesel blend fuel and ethanol-biodiesel -diesel blend fuels for various loads. It is observed that for all bio fuel blends, the temperature is very slightly lower than for pure diesel operation. This due the higher latent heat of evaporation of the ethanol blends compared with that for the diesel fuel. This will have some effect on the conversion efficiency of diesel oxidation catalyst at low load operating conditions.Figure-2. Brake specific fuel consumption.Figure-3. Brake specific energy consumption.Figure-4. Exhaust gas temperature.4.3 Emission characteristicsFigure-5 shows the smoke emission at various load of the engine with diesel oxidation catalyst in the exhaust system. It is seen that the smoke emission increases with increasing of load. The smoke emission12VOL. 7, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012ISSN 1819-6608ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences2006-2012 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.www.arpnjournals.comsignificantly lowered for oxygenated blend fuels compared to diesel fuel, with the reduction being higher for the E15B20 blend fuel. The reduction is due to the increase of oxygen content to 7.38% for E15B20. As it is important to control smoke emission at higher loads from diesel engines, oxygenated bio fuel blends are effective in this regard. This is because of the availability of fuel-bound oxygen in the ethanol and biodiesel even in locally rich zones of combustion. Addition of after treatment device diesel oxidation catalyst is also responsible for reduction of smoke emission. This is due to oxidation of carbon soot particle by the oxidation catalyst.Figure-5. Smoke emission.Figure-6. Carbon monoxide emission.Figure-6 illustrates the carbon monoxide (CO) emissions versus engine load for pure diesel, E15+CI, E10B10 and E15B20 fuels. For blend fuels, CO emission slightly increases with that of diesel. The factors causing combustion deterioration such as high latent heat of evaporation of ethanol could be responsible for the increased CO emissions.It is found that the HC emissions have increased for ethanol blended fuels compared with base diesel fuel at lower load conditions as shown in Figure-7. But at higher load conditions HC emission is same for ethanol-biodiesel-diesel blend fuels. It is also noted that increase in ethanol content in blend fuel increases HC emission. This is due to lower cetane number of ethanol compared with diesel.Figure-7. Hydrocarbon emission.Figure-8. Nitric oxide emission.The NO emissions of diesel engine fueled with ethanol-diesel blend and ethanol-biodiesel-diesel blend fuels for various loading conditions are given in Figure-8. The NO emission increases with increase in engine load and tend to reduce when ethanol is added to diesel fuel. The NO emission depends on peak combustion temperature, high temperature duration and oxygen concentration in the air-fuel mixture. The combined effect of this factors influence the NO emissions of diesel engine fueled with oxygenated blends. The addition of ethanol in to diesel helps in simultaneous control of both nitric oxide and smoke emission from diesel engines.13VOL. 7, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012ISSN 1819-6608ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences2006-2012 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.www.arpnjournals.com5. CONCLUSIONSThe effects of addition of bio ethanol and biodiesel in to diesel fuel on the engine performance and emission characteristics of the four cylinder light duty diesel engine have been investigated and compared to the baseline diesel fuel. The main results can be obtained as follows:a) Ethanol-biodiesel-diesel blends have similar viscosity as diesel and good phase stability than ethanol-diesel blend;b) The BSFC slightly increased due to the lower energy content of ethanol and the brake thermal efficiency improved with respect to base diesel;c) The smoke and NO emission decreased simultaneously when oxygenated diesel blends are used in diesel engines;d) CO emission and HC emission is slightly increased at lower loads compared with diesel;e) Diesel fuel formulation with oxygenated bio fuels can reduce particulate emission from diesel engines of in-use vehicles; andf) Blending of renewable fuels with diesel fuel helps to achieve low carbon emissions from diesel engines.REFERENCES1 Jianxin Wang, Fujia Wu, Jianhua Xiao, Shijin Shuai.2009. Oxygenated blend design and its effects on reducing diesel particulate emissions. Fuel. 88: 2037-2045.2 Keith C. Corkwell, Mitchell M Jackson and Daniel T. Daly. 2003. 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