電大《現(xiàn)代教育原理》形成性考核作業(yè)1-4參考答案 作業(yè)1(第一----三章) 一、簡答題 1. 教育的本質特性是什么? 答:(1)教育是人類社會特有的一種社會現(xiàn)象。(2)教育是人類特有的一種有意識的活動。(3)教育是人類社會特有的傳遞經(jīng)驗的形式。(4)教育是有意識的以影響人的身心發(fā)展為目標的社會活動。 2. 現(xiàn)代學制有哪些發(fā)展趨勢? 答:(1)教育社會化和社會教育化。(2)重視早期教育。(3)初等教育入學年齡提前,義務教育年齡延長。(4)尋求普通教育與職業(yè)技術教育的最佳結合。(5)高等教育出現(xiàn)多級層次,學校類型多樣化。(6)以終身教育思想為指導,實現(xiàn)教育制度一體化,發(fā)展繼續(xù)教育。 二、 論述題 1. 試述終身教育思潮對學校教育制度的影響。 答:學校教育必須積極地適應終身教育的挑戰(zhàn)。(1)終身教育改變了傳統(tǒng)教育的理念。(2)終身教育改變了教育的目的和功能。(3)終身教育改變了教育的內容和方法。(4)終身教育改變了教育的階段和教育的組織。 (答題注意事項:論述題一不能僅僅回答要點,必須要有“論”的內容,也就是要展開論述;論述題二不能僅僅回答理論問題,必須有結合實際的內容。) 2. 試述素質教育的特征和實質。 答:素質教育的內涵就是全面貫徹黨的教育方針,以提高國民素質為根本宗旨,以培養(yǎng)學生的創(chuàng)新精神和實踐能力為重點,造就有理想、有道德、有文化、有紀律的德、智、體、美全面發(fā)展的社會主義事業(yè)的建設者和接班人。其特征包括:一是全體發(fā)展;二是全面發(fā)展;三是主動發(fā)展;四是和諧發(fā)展;五是充分的發(fā)展;六是可持續(xù)發(fā)展。實施素質教育,其實質是一種導向思想——指導學校和教師按照黨的教育方針和教育、教學規(guī)律、克服片面追求升學率的不良傾向,使學生得到全面的發(fā)展。即要把主要精力用在課堂教學上,通過教學改革,使學生在掌握大量知識的基礎上發(fā)展能力與個性,使全面提高學生素質的理想目標具備堅實的基礎。其次,素質教育的實施還要落實到教育活動的各個方面和環(huán)節(jié)。如教學、教育實踐或實習、課外活動等,實現(xiàn)德育、智育、體育、美育的有機統(tǒng)一,這樣才能完成全面素質教育的任務。 (答題注意事項:論述題一不能僅僅回答要點,必須要有“論”的內容,也就是要展開論述;論述題二不能僅僅回答理論問題,必須有結合實際的內容。 三、實例分析題(或辯析題) 1.有一種觀點認為,學校當然是“校長”說話才真正算數(shù)。請結合學校的權利和義務談談你的看法。 “學校當然是‘校長’說話才真正算數(shù)”這個觀點對不對,我們首先行分清“學校”和“校長”的關系,校長是學校的當然法人代表,但校長并不能夠等同于學校,校長既然是學校的當然法人代表,那校長理當帶領全校師生忠實地履行法律賦予學校的義務,享有法律賦予的權利,也即是說,校長只是上級行政機關或者全體師生委托實施法律賦予的權利義務的執(zhí)行者,而不是說校長就是學校里的家長、校長依法行政的號令,那當然要算數(shù)了;校長的號令有違法亂紀國家的法律,任何師或生都有抵制或控告的權利。 2.榮獲2003年全國“十杰教師”稱號的朱兆林,曾教過一個叫趙寧的學生。這個有著“領袖”能力的男生,曾帶著自已的足球隊員偷偷翻過圍網(wǎng)進場踢球;曾為了保護“小同學”和人打架留下青紫的傷痕。他各科成績倒數(shù),卻有一個威武的綽號-----“將軍”?!皩④姟笔窒矏圮娛拢徽撋鲜裁凑n,趙寧都會借回答開始“軍事話題講演”。 一天,朱兆林剛進課堂,趙寧就又成了“被告”。同學們七嘴八舌地向朱兆林報告今天“將軍”闖禍的經(jīng)過。她聽了一會兒,揚手讓大家安靜:“同學們,我清楚了,他又“挺身而出”了是吧?”停頓了一下,朱兆林大聲說:“挺身而出才是合格的軍人!也許未來共和國將軍中就有趙寧的的名字,他很可能是我們的驕傲!”全班黯然。從此,“將軍”被“提審”的次數(shù)越來越少,他對朱老師發(fā)自內心地折服了。一次,他沒完成作業(yè),朱兆林批評了他。轉天,一份“詩經(jīng)體”的檢查放在朱兆林的案頭:“嗚呼悔矣,未完吾題。浩浩優(yōu)化(指作業(yè)),所作無幾。面對檢查,羞愧至極。痛心疾首,滿面流涕。嗚呼惜矣,錯失良機。心中悔恨,難以平息。高考已近,不思進取。恩師心碎,無顏見伊……敢望恩師,嚴加看管。下不為例,決不再犯!” 朱兆林讀著這份整整800字的“檢查”,深受感動。課堂上,她濃墨重彩地評說了這份“檢查”,全班同學聽得癡迷。這個入學初成績全年級倒數(shù)的學生,最后竟以550分的高考成績考上了中國人民解放軍電子工程大學,踏上了他跨向“將軍”的人生之路。臨行前,趙寧把他在國家級圍棋賽上獲得獎品-----一支金筆送給朱兆林作紀念。告別老師時,趙寧的眼睛里噙滿了淚水。他動情地說:“朱老師,收下。您不是說我能當將軍嗎?等我得了軍功章,再拿它換這支筆好不好?” 結合這個事例,你能談談自已對素質教育的理解嗎? 要點:(1)朱教師之所以成功地將趙寧引入了正道并獲得成功,根本原因是順應了趙寧思想性格發(fā)展的特點。(2)正確地激發(fā)了趙寧自身潛能的內驅力。(3)科學地處理了自由發(fā)展與教育引導的關系。(4)充分地尊重了作為“人”的各方面需求,從而使其的到全面發(fā)展。 作業(yè)2 (第四----六章) 一、簡答題 1. 教育現(xiàn)代化的內容有哪些? 答:(1)教育觀念的現(xiàn)代化;(2)教育內容的現(xiàn)代化;(3)教育條件設備現(xiàn)代化;(4)教育管理現(xiàn)代化;(5)教師素質現(xiàn)代化。 2. 人的身心發(fā)展的動因及其規(guī)律是什么? 答:人的身心發(fā)展的動因:(1)根據(jù)馬克思關于事物發(fā)展的動因學說,事物的發(fā)展是由事物自身的矛盾所決定,事物內部矛盾是事物發(fā)展的內因,外因通過內因起作用。人的身心發(fā)展的內部矛盾是“本我”與“自我”的矛盾,即個體的需要與已有水平之間的矛盾;其外部矛盾是“自我”與“超我”的矛盾,即個體現(xiàn)有的發(fā)展水平與社會要求之間的矛盾。正是這對矛盾構成了人的身心發(fā)展的內因和外因,共同推動人的身心發(fā)展。(2)規(guī)律:A、人的身心發(fā)展具有順序性;B、人的身心發(fā)展具有階段性;C、人的身心發(fā)展具有不均衡性;D、人的身心發(fā)展還具有個別差異性。 二、論述題 1. 如何理解教育優(yōu)先發(fā)展是現(xiàn)代社會的普遍規(guī)律? 答:所謂教育優(yōu)先發(fā)展有兩個內涵,其一是社會用于發(fā)展教育的投資要適當超越于現(xiàn)有生產力和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展水平而超前投入;其二是教育發(fā)展要先于或優(yōu)于社會上其他行業(yè)和部門而先行發(fā)展。因此教育優(yōu)先發(fā)展又可稱為教育超前發(fā)展或教育先行。 教育優(yōu)先發(fā)展在當今世界成為各國政府的戰(zhàn)略決策并加以推行,其理論根據(jù)就在于從教育在整個社會大系統(tǒng)中的定位,即教育的三性——基礎性、先導性、全局性出發(fā)。 (1)人類社會的發(fā)展是由一系列要素和機制相互作用共同推動的,但從根本上是由一代代人主體地位的上升、素質的提高來實現(xiàn)的。人力資源在社會發(fā)展中有著決定作用,這種決定性和教育本體功能向社會功能的轉變,為教育的基礎性、先導性、全局性的確認提供了理論基礎。單一科技和經(jīng)濟的進步并不能導致社會的全面的、可持續(xù)的發(fā)展。教育、科學、文化、人的素質的提高是直接推動生產力發(fā)展,促進社會進步的決定性因素,也是衡量一國綜合國力的重要指標。 一切先進的科技與文化、現(xiàn)實的生產力與非現(xiàn)實的生產力都是由人所創(chuàng)造的,教育產業(yè)是所有其他非育人產業(yè)共同需要的上位產業(yè)、前提產業(yè),即基礎性、全局性產業(yè)。由于人力資源在社會發(fā)展中有著決定作用,根據(jù)未來社會的需要,培養(yǎng)未來人,這就表現(xiàn)了教育對各行各業(yè)的先導作用。 (2)現(xiàn)代社會的發(fā)展越來越呈現(xiàn)高速度的態(tài)勢,科技轉化為生產力的周期越來越短。知識總量在激增,知識更新的周期在迅速遞減,教育周期卻不能因此而縮短。由于教育對國家和個人的重大作用,出現(xiàn)了教育時段向兩端的延伸,這就決定了教育必須根據(jù)社會發(fā)展的需要培養(yǎng)未來人的超前性。 由此可見,教育優(yōu)先發(fā)展已是現(xiàn)代社會的普遍規(guī)律。 (答題注意事項:論述題一不能僅僅回答要點,必須要有“論”的內容,也就是要展開論述;論述題二不能僅僅回答理論問題,必須有結合實際的內容。) 2.試述馬克思關于人的全面發(fā)展的思想。 答:個人全面發(fā)展的涵義:(1)量的方面——智力和體力的盡可能多方面的發(fā)展;(2)質的方面——智力和體力的充分的、自由的發(fā)展;(3)度的方向——個人智力和體力的統(tǒng)一發(fā)展。 (答題注意事項:論述題一不能僅僅回答要點,必須要有“論”的內容,也就是要展開論述;論述題二不能僅僅回答理論問題,必須有結合實際的內容。) 三、實例分析題(或辯析題) 1.美國芝加哥大學教授舒爾茨被認為是教育經(jīng)濟學的創(chuàng)始人。他說:“教育作為經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的源泉,其作用是遠遠超過被看作實際價值的建筑物、設施、庫存物資等物力資本的?!痹谡劦饺肆Y源時說:“有技能的人的資源是一切資源中最為重要的資源,人力資本收益大于物力資本投資的收益?!?舒爾茨根據(jù)其人力資本學說,對美國歷年高等教育費的收益率進行了計算。結果是,美國1929年到1957年教育投資在增加國民收入中作出貢獻的比率是33%。由此出發(fā),請談談你對教育所擔負的經(jīng)濟功能的看法。 要點:(1)從辯證唯物主義者的立場以及辯證法的觀點看,人在生產過程中是到關重要的,因此對人的教育投入就是對將來經(jīng)濟增長的最好投入。(2)有人說:“教育是生產力”,這一點都過分,因為決定生產力高低的人的素質,即教育水平的高低,直接影響著生產力的高低。(3)教育投入與成效的周期是漫長的持續(xù)的。(4)隨著社會的發(fā)展,我們已進入知識經(jīng)濟時代,教育水平的高低,即人力資源水平的高低,完全控制著經(jīng)濟水平的高低。 2.有一種看法說:“一兩的遺傳勝過一噸的教育。”你認為這種看法正確嗎?理由是什么? 要點:(1)不能否認,遺傳在人的成長過程中或者說對一個人的成功與否,起著重要作用。(2)但是,環(huán)境教育的作用都大大的勝過了遺傳的作用。(3)正確地做法:尊重遺傳的客觀性,因材施教,發(fā)揮教育的主觀能動性。 作業(yè)3(第七----九章) 一、 簡答題 1.我國基礎教育課程改革的理念與策略是什么? 答:我國基礎教育課程改革的理念與對策是:(1)倡導全面、和諧發(fā)展的教育;(2)重建新的課程結構;(3)體現(xiàn)課程內容的現(xiàn)代化;(4)倡導建構的學習;(5)形成正確的評價觀念;(6)促成課程的民主化與適應性。 2.現(xiàn)代社會教育有哪些特點? 答:現(xiàn)代社會教育與學校教育、家庭教育相比具有以下特點:(1)開放性;(2)群眾性;(3)多樣性;(4)補償性;(5)融合性。 二、論述題 1.試述綜合實踐活動作為教育途徑的重要作用。 答題要點:第一,綜合實踐活動可以更好地培養(yǎng)學生的實踐能力。第二,參加綜合實踐活動,可以增加學生的生活體驗。第三,綜合實踐活動可以形成學生的服務意識。 (答題注意事項:論述題一不能僅僅回答要點,必須要有“論”的內容,也就是要展開論述;二不能僅僅回答理論問題,必須有結合實際的內容。 2.針對學生學習方式的變革,教師應該如何指導,組織學生學習? 答:學生學習方式的變革主要是由傳統(tǒng)的“被動學習”、“個體學習”、“接受性學習”轉變?yōu)椤白灾鲗W習”、“合作學習”、“研究性學習”,教師的教學觀念、方法也要隨之相適應。 首先,要促使學生自主學習。讓學生在學習活動前自己確定學習目標,制訂學習計劃,作好具體的學習準備;在學習活動中指導學生對學習進展、學習方法做出自我監(jiān)控、自我反饋和自我調節(jié);在學習活動后幫助學生對學習結果進行自我檢查、自我總結、自我評價和自我補救。 其次,提倡合作學習。合作學習可以培養(yǎng)學生的責任感,充分調動學生學習積極性。但教師必須做好前期的組織工作,明確團隊成員的各自任務、責任,在活動中指導學生進行有效的溝通并對各人完成的任務進行小組加工;在后期對活動的成效進行評估,尋求提高有效性的途徑。 再次,倡導研究性學習。在教學中可以創(chuàng)設一種類似于學術(或科學)研究的情境,通過學生自主、獨立地發(fā)現(xiàn)問題、解決問題的探究過程,讓學生獲得智力、能力的發(fā)展和深層次的情感體驗、構建知識、掌握解決問題的方法。 (答題注意事項:論述題一不能僅僅回答要點,必須要有“論”的內容,也就是要展開論述;二不能僅僅回答理論問題,必須有結合實際的內容。 三、實例分析題(或辯析題) 1.北京史家胡同小學正在實施“小博士”工程,要求孩子們利用課余時間,自愿完成一項“長作業(yè)”,少則兩周,多則三四個月,自已研究探索某一個專題,或完成一部童話作品,拓展語文學習的領域,讓學生在探索中自主學習。 “小博士工程”涉及范圍廣泛,包括天文、地理、科技、歷史等,不同年級,不同班級都有自已的“子工程”,確定的專題包括:“北京的四合院”、“國寶大熊貓”、“關于沙塵暴的調查報告”、“中國茶文化”等,以個人或小組合作方式進行研究。 同學們利用課余時間,去圖書館、逛書店、上網(wǎng)搜尋等手段搜集材料。許多同學還走向社會,去考察、采訪,去親身體驗。如四(二)班十幾名同學研究北京的胡同,每到周未,同學們便背上水壺、面包、筆記本、照相機等穿梭于北京大大小小胡同,結識了一些京城老人,更加深刻地了解了北京的歷史文化。把收集到的資料進行分類整理,然后和老師、家長一起研究,最終得出自已的“結論”,最多的寫了七八千字。 為了達到廣泛交流目的,學校每周一組織一次課題宣講,“小博士”向老師、同學介紹自已研究的基本經(jīng)過,課題的主要內容,進行課題研究的體會,并當場回答同學們提出的各種問題。 請根據(jù)上面的案例與傳統(tǒng)學習方式進行比較,分析新課程改革可以給學生的學習生活帶來哪些變化? 要點:(1)該案例是一則研究性學習的具體表現(xiàn)(2)對此傳統(tǒng)的學習方式與研究性學習的優(yōu)劣(3)結論:①團隊合作精神的培養(yǎng)②直接面對社會、自然、知識、開闊視野、深入實際③培養(yǎng)學習的性趣④思想情操培養(yǎng)訓練。 2.“隨著當代社會教育的蓬勃發(fā)展與非正規(guī)教育的廣泛發(fā)展,學校教育作為教育的主導形態(tài)最終會被社會教育所取代”。請你談談對這種觀點的看法。 要點:(1)表明觀點:不會。(2)闡釋:①歷史發(fā)展的規(guī)律②學校教育與社會教育的比較,各有其職能、長短。③趨勢:社會教育的重要性會突現(xiàn),但三種力量的事例是努力的方向。 作業(yè)4(第十----十一章) 一、簡答題 1、“教師教育”概念的含義和意義是什么? 答:教師教育是對教師培養(yǎng)和教師培訓的統(tǒng)稱,是師范教育與教師繼續(xù)教育相互聯(lián)系、相互促進、統(tǒng)一組織的現(xiàn)代體制,是實現(xiàn)教師終身學習、終身發(fā)展的歷史要求。 現(xiàn)在的教師教育就是在終身教育思想的指導下,按照教師專業(yè)發(fā)展的不同階段,對教師進行的連續(xù)性的、可持續(xù)發(fā)展的、一體化的教育。 2、當代學生的主要特點有哪些? 答:當代學生的主要特點有:(1)主體意識增強;(2)信息獲得方式多樣;(3)受多元文化沖擊較大;(4)受同輩群體影響較大。 二、論述題 1.試述教師職業(yè)專業(yè)化必要性和可能性。 答題要點:教師職業(yè)專業(yè)化的必要性:(1)教師職業(yè)基本上屬于腦力勞動,但它對教育理論的依賴性不強;(2)教師職業(yè)向社會提供的服務具有公共性,但不具有鮮明的獨特性;(3)教師職業(yè)有一定的入職和解職標準以及職業(yè)道德規(guī)范,但要求不高,控制不嚴。因此,教師職業(yè)距離專業(yè)標準相差很遠,有必要向專業(yè)化方向努力。 教師職業(yè)專業(yè)化的可能性:(1)提高教師職業(yè)對教育理論的依賴性;(2)延長教師培養(yǎng)年限,實現(xiàn)教師的終身學習;(3)嚴格教師的入職和解職標準,提高教師的專業(yè)自主性;(4)厲行嚴格的教師職業(yè)規(guī)范。 (答題注意事項:論述題一不能僅僅回答要點,必須要有“論”的內容,也就是要展開論述;二不能僅僅回答理論問題,必須有結合實際的內容。) 2.試述一個教師應該具備的當代學生觀。 答題要點:教師應該具備的當代學生觀有:(1)以人為本的理念;(2)尊重的教育理念;(3)重視學生發(fā)展性的教育理念;(4)依法施教的理念;(5)自我教育的理念。 (答題注意事項:論述題一不能僅僅回答要點,必須要有“論”的內容,也就是要展開論述;二不能僅僅回答理論問題,必須有結合實際的內容。 三、實例分析題(或辯析題) 1.據(jù)北京教科院基礎教育研究所2001年7月9日的調查:78.5%教師主張“教師為了教育孩子,應做孩子的知心人?!钡c此同時,50.2%的教師認為自已所在學校存在著教師體罰、諷刺、挖苦學生的現(xiàn)象,并有38.6%的教師認為“教師經(jīng)常批評、懲罰學生是出于對學生負責和對學生有愛心。”雖然反映教師經(jīng)常發(fā)脾氣的小學生、中學生的比例只有7.3%和9.8%,但是反映教師不發(fā)脾氣的小學生和中學生的比例也只有20.6%和13.4%,也就是說有79.4%的小學生和86.6%的中學生認為教師在他們面前發(fā)脾氣,只是“經(jīng)常”、“有時”、“偶爾”之間的程度不同而已。 對以上調查結果你有什么感觸,請用當代學生觀的理念進行分析。 要點(1)擺出自己的觀點:隨著社會大環(huán)境的改善,人本思想、法制觀點、認識水平、認同感等已經(jīng)成為我們社會的起碼共識。當然,我們的學生也毫不例外,在作為受教育者時的定位感也發(fā)生了變化。因此,對教育、對學校、對老師都有了新的要求和認識(僅供參考)(2)闡述依據(jù)(P389頁)(3)對策。 2.“多一把評價的尺子,就多出一批人才”。請你談談對這種觀念的看法。 要點:(1)這是一個對教育、對教育對象、對人才的認識問題、也即是說,不要以一種模式去看待學生,古語有:“七十二行,行行出狀元”(2)“人”的分析,人是全面的、多方的、豐富的、立體的。(3)社會需要的分析,社會是豐富的、多元的、各行各業(yè)都有需求。(4)結論:科學客觀地評價學生,認識教育成果,人才就會輩出。請您刪除一下內容,O(∩_∩)O謝謝!??!2016年中央電大期末復習考試小抄大全,電大期末考試必備小抄,電大考試必過小抄Basketball can make a true claim to being the only major sport that is an American invention. From high school to the professional level, basketball attracts a large following for live games as well as television coverage of events like the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) annual tournament and the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA) playoffs. And it has also made American heroes out of its player and coach legends like Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Sheryl Swoopes, and other great players. At the heart of the game is the playing space and the equipment. The space is a rectangular, indoor court. The principal pieces of equipment are the two elevated baskets, one at each end (in the long direction) of the court, and the basketball itself. The ball is spherical in shape and is inflated. Basket-balls range in size from 28.5-30 in (72-76 cm) in circumference, and in weight from 18-22 oz (510-624 g). For players below the high school level, a smaller ball is used, but the ball in mens games measures 29.5-30 in (75-76 cm) in circumference, and a womens ball is 28.5-29 in (72-74 cm) in circumference. The covering of the ball is leather, rubber, composition, or synthetic, although leather covers only are dictated by rules for college play, unless the teams agree otherwise. Orange is the regulation color. At all levels of play, the home team provides the ball. Inflation of the ball is based on the height of the balls bounce. Inside the covering or casing, a rubber bladder holds air. The ball must be inflated to a pressure sufficient to make it rebound to a height (measured to the top of the ball) of 49-54 in (1.2-1.4 m) when it is dropped on a solid wooden floor from a starting height of 6 ft (1.80 m) measured from the bottom of the ball. The factory must test the balls, and the air pressure that makes the ball legal in keeping with the bounce test is stamped on the ball. During the intensity of high school and college tourneys and the professional playoffs, this inflated sphere commands considerable attention. Basketball is one of few sports with a known date of birth. On December 1, 1891, in Springfield, Massachusetts, James Naismith hung two half-bushel peach baskets at the opposite ends of a gymnasium and out-lined 13 rules based on five principles to his students at the International Training School of the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA), which later became Springfield College. Naismith (1861-1939) was a physical education teacher who was seeking a team sport with limited physical contact but a lot of running, jumping, shooting, and the hand-eye coordination required in handling a ball. The peach baskets he hung as goals gave the sport the name of basketball. His students were excited about the game, and Christmas vacation gave them the chance to tell their friends and people at their local YMCAs about the game. The association leaders wrote to Naismith asking for copies of the rules, and they were published in the Triangle, the school newspaper, on January 15,1892. Naismiths five basic principles center on the ball, which was described as "large, light, and handled with the hands." Players could not move the ball by running alone, and none of the players was restricted against handling the ball. The playing area was also open to all players, but there was to be no physical contact between players; the ball was the objective. To score, the ball had to be shot through a horizontal, elevated goal. The team with the most points at the end of an allotted time period wins. Early in the history of basketball, the local YMCAs provided the gymnasiums, and membership in the organization grew rapidly. The size of the local gym dictated the number of players; smaller gyms used five players on a side, and the larger gyms allowed seven to nine. The team size became generally established as five in 1895, and, in 1897, this was made formal in the rules. The YMCA lost interest in supporting the game because 10-20 basketball players monopolized a gymnasium previously used by many more in a variety of activities. YMCA membership dropped, and basketball enthusiasts played in local halls. This led to the building of basketball gymnasiums at schools and colleges and also to the formation of professional leagues. Although basketball was born in the United States, five of Naismiths original players were Canadians, and the game spread to Canada immediately. It was played in France by 1893; England in 1894; Australia, China, and India between 1895 and 1900; and Japan in 1900. From 1891 through 1893, a soccer ball was used to play basketball. The first basketball was manufactured in 1894. It was 32 in (81 cm) in circumference, or about 4 in (10 cm) larger than a soccer ball. The dedicated basketball was made of laced leather and weighed less than 20 oz (567 g). The first molded ball that eliminated the need for laces was introduced in 1948; its construction and size of 30 in (76 cm) were ruled official in 1949. The rule-setters came from several groups early in the 1900s. Colleges and universities established their rules committees in 1905, the YMCA and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) created a set of rules jointly, state militia groups abided by a shared set of rules, and there were two professional sets of rules. A Joint Rules Committee for colleges, the AAU, and the YMCA was created in 1915, and, under the name the National Basketball Committee (NBC) made rules for amateur play until 1979. In that year, the National Federation of State High School Associations began governing the sport at the high school level, and the NCAA Rules Committee assumed rule-making responsibilities for junior colleges, colleges, and the Armed Forces, with a similar committee holding jurisdiction over womens basketball. Until World War II, basketball became increasingly popular in the United States especially at the high school and college levels. After World War II, its popularity grew around the world. In the 1980s, interest in the game truly exploded because of television exposure. Broadcast of the NCAA Championship Games began in 1963, and, by the 1980s, cable television was carrying regular season college games and even high school championships in some states. Players like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, and Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) became nationally famous at the college level and carried their fans along in their professional basketball careers. The womens game changed radically in 1971 when separate rules for women were modified to more closely resemble the mens game. Television interest followed the women as well with broadcast of NCAA championship tourneys beginning in the early 1980s and the formation of the WNBA in 1997. Internationally, Italy has probably become the leading basketball nation outside of the United States, with national, corporate, and professional teams. The Olympics boosts basketball internationally and has also spurred the womens game by recognizing it as an Olympic event in 1976. Again, television coverage of the Olympics has been exceptionally important in drawing attention to international teams. The first professional mens basketball league in the United States was the National Basketball League (NBL), which debuted in 1898. Players were paid on a per-game basis, and this league and others were hurt by the poor quality of games and the ever-changing players on a team. After the Great Depression, a new NBL was organized in 1937, and the Basketball Association of America was organized in 1946. The two leagues came to agree that players had to be assigned to teams on a contract basis and that high standards had to govern the game; under these premises, the two joined to form the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1949. A rival American Basketball Association (ABA) was inaugurated in 1967 and challenged the NBA for college talent and market share for almost ten years. In 1976, this league disbanded, but four of its teams remained as NBA teams. Unification came just in time for major television support. Several womens professional leagues were attempted and failed, including the Womens Professional Basketball League (WBL) and the Womens World Basketball Association, before the WNBA debuted in 1997 with the support of the NBA. James Naismith, originally from Al-monte, Ontario, invented basketball at the International YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1891. The game was first played with peach baskets (hence the name) and a soccer ball and was intended to provide indoor exercise for football players. As a result, it was originally a rough sport. Although ten of Naismiths original thirteen rules remain, the game soon changed considerably, and the founder had little to do with its evolution. The first intercollegiate game was played in Minnesota in 1895, with nine players to a side and a final score of nine to three. A year later, the first five-man teams played at the University of Chicago. Baskets were now constructed of twine nets but it was not until 1906 that the bottom of the nets were open. In 1897, the dribble was first used, field goals became two points, foul shots one point, and the first professional game was played. A year later, the first professional league was started, in the East, while in 1900, the first intercollegiate league began. In 1910, in order to limit rough play, it was agreed that four fouls would disqualify players, and glass backboards were used for the first time. Nonetheless, many rules still differed, depending upon where the games were played and whether professionals, collegians, or YMCA players were involved. College basketball was played from Texas to Wisconsin and throughout the East through the 1920s, but most teams played only in their own regions, which prevented a national game or audience from developing. Professional basketball was played almost exclusively in the East before the 1920s, except when a team would "barnstorm" into the Midwest to play local teams, often after a league had folded. Before the 1930s very few games, either professional or amateur, were played in facilities suitable for basketball or with a perfectly round ball. Some were played in arenas with chicken wire separating the players from fans, thus the word "cagers," others with posts in the middle of the floor and often with balconies overhanging the corners, limiting the areas from which shots could be taken. Until the late 1930s, all players used the two-hand set shot, and scores remained low. Basketball in the 1920s and 1930s became both more organized and more popular, although it still lagged far behind both baseball and college football. In the pros, five urban, ethnic teams excelled and played with almost no college graduates. They were the New York Original Celtics; the Cleveland Rosenblums, owned by Max Rosenblum; Eddie Gottliebs Philadelphia SPHAs (South Philadelphia Hebrew Association); and two great black teams, the New York Renaissance Five and Abe Sapersteins Harlem Globetrotters, which was actually from Chicago. While these teams had some notable players, no superstars, such as Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, or Red Grange, emerged to capture the publics attention as they did in other sports of the period. The same was true in college basketball up until the late 1930s, with coaches dominating the game and its development. Walter "Doc" Meanwell at Wisconsin, Forrest "Phog" Allen at Kansas, Ward "Piggy" Lambert at Purdue, and Henry "Doc" Carlson at Pittsburgh all made significant contributions to the games development: zone defenses, the weave, the passing game, and the fast break. In the decade preceding World War II, five events changed college basketball and allowed it to become a major spectator sport. In 1929, the rules committee reversed a decision that would have outlawed dribbling and slowed the game considerably. Five years later, promoter Edward "Ned" Irish staged the first intersectional twin bill in Madison Square Garden in New York City and attracted more than 16,000 fans. He demonstrated the appeal of major college ball and made New York its center. In December 1936, Hank Luisetti of Stanford revealed the virtues of the one-handed shot to an amazed Garden audience and became the first major collegiate star. Soon thereafter, Luisetti scored an incredible fifty points against Duquesne, thus ending the Easts devotion to the set shot and encouraging a more open game. In consecutive years the center jump was eliminated after free throws and then after field goals, thus speeding up the game and allowing for mo- 配套講稿:
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