2021-2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 口語道歉講義

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2021-2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 口語道歉講義_第3頁
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《2021-2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 口語道歉講義》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《2021-2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 口語道歉講義(5頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、2021-2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 口語道歉講義general apologies 一般道歉用語 1. excuse me. 請原諒.2. im so sorry. 很抱歉.3. im awfully sorry. 非常抱歉.4. im terribly sorry about that. 為此我非常抱歉.5. i apologize. 我道歉.6. my apologies. 我道歉.7. please forgive me. 請原諒.8. i hope you will excuse me. 希望你能原諒我. 9. it seems i owe you an a

2、pology. 好像我該向你道個歉.10. you have my sincere apology. 我誠心誠意向你道歉.11. please accept my sincere apology. 請接受我誠心誠意的道歉.12. i cant tell you how sorry i am. 我真的是很抱歉. 13. you cannot believe how sorry i am. 你不知道我感到多么抱歉. 14. words cannot describe how sorry i am. 語言無法描述我對你的歉意.15. i just dont know what to say. 我真不

3、知該說什么好.16. i really feel bad about it. 我真的感到很內疚.apologizing for bothering someone 因打擾對方而致意.1. sorry to be a bother. 不好意思打擾你.2. sorry to be a pest. 不好意思打擾你.3. sorry to disturb you again. 抱歉, 又來打擾你.4. im sorry, i didnt mean to bother you. 對不起,真不想打擾你.5. im afraid ive brought you a lot of trouble. 恐怕我給你

4、帶來了不少麻煩.6. my son must have put you to a lot of trouble. 我兒子一定給你帶來不少麻煩.7. im sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience. 給你造成諸多不便,我很抱歉.8. sorry about the inconvenience. 對不起添麻煩了. apologizing for ones mistake 因自己的過失而道歉.1. im sorry for what ive done. 我為我的所作所為向你道歉.2. i shouldnt have done that. 我不該那么

5、做.3. i should have asked you first. 我應該先征得你的同意.4. i honestly didnt mean it. 我的確不是故意的.5. i didnt mean to do that. 我并不想要那么做.6. i didnt mean it that way. 事情鬧成那樣并非我的本意.7. i dont know haw that could have happened. 我不知道怎么會發(fā)生那樣的事.8. you were right and i was wrong. i apologize. 你是對的, 我錯了. 我道歉.9. its my faul

6、t. i really feel bad about it. 是我的錯. 我真的感到很難過.10. its all my fault. ill try to make it up to you.這事兒全怪我. 我會盡力補救.11. my mistake. it wont happen again. 是我的錯. 不會再發(fā)生類似的事情了.12. it was so stupid of me. i really do apologize. 非常抱歉, 我當時真糊涂.13. im sorry, i spoke out of turn. 對不起,我說錯話了. (out of turn: 輕率,不合時宜)

7、 14. i owe you an apology for what i did last night. 我應該為昨天晚上的事向你道歉.15. forgive me, i didnt mean to offend you. 請原諒, 我不是有意惹你生氣.16. please accept my apologies for any trouble my mistake has caused you. 因為我的失誤給你添麻煩了,請接受我的道歉.accepting apologies 接受道歉1. thats all right. 沒關系.2. youre forgiven. 我原諒你.3. tha

8、ts okay. 沒事兒.4. no harm done. 沒什么.5. no problem. we all make mistakes. 沒問題. 人人都有犯錯的時候.6. never mind. 無所謂.7. forget it. 忘掉它吧.8. its not your fault. 那不是你的錯.9. it really doesnt matter at all. 真的沒關系.10. dont worry about it. 別放在心上. 11. think no more of it. 別再想它了.12. dont give it another thought. 不要再想了. 1

9、3. okay. i accept your apology. 好吧. 我接受你的道歉. 14. i wont hold it against you. 我不會記仇的.15. ill let you off this time. 這回我放過你.16. ill give you another chance. 我再給你一次機會.附送:2021-2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 告別講義如何用英語告別 1. 暗示告別的常用套語: Ive got to be going now. 我現在得走了。 I must be going now. 我現在必須走了。 Im afraid I

10、must be going now. 恐怕我現在得走了。 Its getting late. Im sorry I must be going now. 不早了,很抱歉,我得走了。 Id better be going now. 我最好現在走了。 I think its time for me to leave now. 我想我該走了。 Im afraid I must be off. 恐怕我得走了。 Its about time I was going. 我該走了。 Oh, its already six. I must be leaving now. 哦,已經六點了,我得走了。 Well,

11、 I think Id better be leaving now. 哦,我想我現在該走了。 2. 對暗示告別的回答: Cant you stay any a little longer? 不再呆會兒嗎? Must you really be going? 真的要走了嗎? Do you really want to go? 真的要走了嗎? I wont keep you, then. Bye! 那我就不留你了,再見。 In that case I wont keep you. 那我就不留你了。 So soon? Cant you stay a little longer? 這么快就走?不再呆會

12、兒嗎? Must you? Its still early. 一定要走了嗎? 還早呢!3. 告別時的客套話: Drop in again when youre free. 有空請再來。 Please drop in whenever you have time. 有空請再來。 Have a good day. 祝你度過愉快的一天。 Have a nice weekend. 祝你周末愉快。 Dont forget to give me a ring. 別忘了給我來電話。 I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你一路順風。 I hope youll have a plea

13、sant trip. 祝你旅途愉快。 4. 告別時請人轉達問候的客套話: Please give my best regards to your family. 請向你們全家問好。 Best wishes to your parents. 請向你父母問好。 Remember me to your mother. 向你媽媽問好。 Mention me to Jim. 向吉姆問好。 Say hello to your wife for me. 請代我向你妻子問好。 Thanks for dropping in. 謝謝你來看我。 5. 表示“再見”的客套話: Goodbye. 再見! Good ni

14、ght. 晚安;再見。 See you (then)。 再見。 See you later. 再見。 See you soon. 再見。 See you around. 再見。 See you tomorrow. 明天見。 So long. 再見。 Bye. 再見。 Bye-bye. 再見。 Bye for now. 再見。 Cheerio. 再見。 Cheers. 再見。 Take care. Bye. 多保重,再見。 Take it easy. 慢走。 Take your time. 慢走。 交際指南 1. 在與客人道別時,由于各國的風俗習慣不同,有不少告別的話也有所不同。比如我們中國人常說“慢走”,在英語中絕不能直譯為 Walk slowly, Go slowly.等,要表示類似的意思,可用 Take it easy!, Take your time! 等。 2. 中國有句俗話,叫“殺雞不如遠送客”,其意是說用豐盛的飯菜來招待客人固然重要,但與之相比,“遠送客”顯得更重要所以我們中國人在送客時,往往是送了一程又一程,告別的話說了一遍又一遍。 我們的這種習俗在英美人看來是不可思議的,他們送客往往是送到門口即止。當然若是客人對當地的路不熟悉或有其他特殊原因,則是另外一回事了。

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