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1、 Unit 2 Hero高中英語多媒體教案設計(北師大版) 說明:本教案是一份計算機輔助英語教學的多媒體教案,包括兩個組成部分: 1.自制的多媒體網(wǎng)頁(電子教案) 2.教學過程暨軟件制作流程圖設計 教學目的要求: 1. 通過對話、聽力練習,使學生熟練掌握并運用有關談論音樂與舞蹈的日常交際 用語。 2. 指導學生閱讀課文Modern Hero, Sport Start, Superhero 培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀理解能力。 3. 學習表達意見的句型。 4.學習時態(tài):一般過去時和過去進行時 德育滲透點 讓學生了解英雄事跡,培養(yǎng)學生的高尚品質(zhì)。 美育滲透點 培養(yǎng)學生熱愛文藝.陶冶學生情操。 重點難點: 1.

2、oral practice: 2.閱讀三篇課文 全面理解課文。 3.學習狀語從句的用法 教學方法: 運用自制多媒體網(wǎng)頁,結(jié)合課文內(nèi)容進行教學. 課時安排:4課時 第一課時 Warming Up Listening 第二課時 Reading (1) 第三課時 Listening 第四課時 Reading (2) 第五課時 Reading (3) 每課的教學過程暨課件設計流程: Period 1 Warm up Stage 1 Those students who are keen on music and dance can explain any words that others in th

3、e class may not know. Students look at the photos and Key Words and identify classical, jazz and ballet. In groups, students discuss other kinds of music and dance and add words to the Key Words. Stage 2 Students listen to the four extracts on the cassette and match them to the types of performances

4、. Students exchange views. Stage 3 Students go through the Key Words and get prepared for listening a second time. Listen to the extracts again, paying special attention to the words each speaker uses to discuss the rhythm. Underline words while listening. Listen again to check the answers in class.

5、 Practice Students work in pairs talking about their favourite music to listen to and dance to. Students carry out a class survey to find out the most popular kinds of music and most popular groups and singers. Homework In groups, students discuss and decide what music to play, and in what order, at

6、 a friends birthday party. Period 2 Performance Objectives To practise the vocabulary related to concerts and performance. To read and understand a concert review. To practise using will for decisions. To practise using time clauses with as soon as, when, before., and clauses of concession with alth

7、ough/though. Stage 1 Key words The concert- the music, the singing, the guitar solos, the drums, the lighting, the special effects, the stage design, the sound, the songs, the words Adjectives- boring, brilliant, exciting, fantastic, poor, guitar, good, really loud, disappointing, spectacular, clear

8、, incomprehensible Read through the Key Words with the class. Ask students to talk about concerts they have watched encourage them to say as much as possible and to give their opinions. Stage 2 Students read through the titles (a-d) and guess the order. Then they read the concert review and see if t

9、heir guesses were correct. Stage 3 Students can compare their answers in pairs before checking the answersas a class. Stage 4 Students work in pairs, reading the text and finding the words. Ask students to look at the text again and to describe the songs Everything but and Ironic. Stage 5 In groups,

10、 students discuss the possible reasons why pop music and rock n roll are love by many young people. Students also discuss which performers they would like to hear at a live concert and give reasons. Each group reports their discussion to the class. Have a class discussion if necessary. Language stud

11、y Will for decisions; time and conditonal clauses Stage 6 Students listen to the telephone conversation on the cassette to find out who decides to pick up the tickets. Play the cassette twice if necessary Stage 7 Read through the sentences with the students. Students then listen to the conversation

12、again and says the sentences. Play the cassette again, and ask: Why cant Ricky pick the tickets up at lunchtime tomorrow? (Hes got choir practice.) Why cant he pick them up after school tomorrow? (The ticket office will be closed.) Where does Rickys mum work? (Near the tickes office.) Where is Sue g

13、oing after shes got the tickets? (To the dentist.) Stage 8 Play the cassette again and ask students to listen for which verb forms Sue and Ricky use when they make sudden decisions. Stage 9 In pairs, students read the sentence and decide what time the underlined part refers to - the present or the f

14、uture? Students then look back at the sentences in Exercise 7 and identify the linking words. Stage 10 Students read the sentences in pairs and underline the linking words Stage 11 Students work in pairs, discussing what response to make in each situation. Stage 12 Students work in pairs and try to

15、think of two different endings for each sentence. When checking answers, have several students give their answers for each sentence. The important point is that the verbs should be in the Present Simple tense. Stage 13 Students ask and answer the questions, working in pairs. Go round to check that s

16、tudents are using the time and concession clauses correctly. Practice Students work in groups making chains starting with one of these sentences: When I can speak English fluently, Ill When Im rich, Ill When I pass my driving test, Ill When Im old enough, Ill The groups can then read out their chain

17、s to the rest of the class. Homework If you or one of the students has a recording of Alanis Morissette, bring it into class and play one of the songs. Students can then discuss their reactions to the song, describing the singers voice and the effect it has on them.Period 3 Beijing Opera To practise

18、 using general knowledge to think of possible answers before listening. To practise getting the general idea when listening for the first time. To practise identifying key words to listen for. To practise asking for, giving and refusing permission. Stage 1 In pairs, students look at the photographs

19、and guess the possible answers to the questions, using their background knowledge. Check the answers with the class. Ask students more about Beijing Opera: How many operas do you know in China? What do you think of Beijing Opera? Do you think people enjoy watching Beijing Opera? Why or why not? Stag

20、e 2 In pairs, students look at the pictures carefully and make guesses where the characters are. Remind students that the costumes they wear and the stage designs will be of great help. Students do the matching in pairs. Check the answers as a class. Stage 3 Listen to learn know how to use any of th

21、ese Strategies already Students listen to the cassette and get the general idea. Play the cassette without pausing the first time. And ask them to In pairs, students look at the pictures carefully and make guesses where the characters are. Remind students that the costumes they wear and the stage de

22、signs will be of great help. Stage 3 Students study the words and the definitions in pairs and guess the possible definition for each word or phrase. Check the answers as a class and make sure students understand all the new words. Stage 4 Read through the Strategies with the class and see if they k

23、now how to use any of these Strategies already. In pairs, students read the questions and try to predict the answers using background knowledge about Beijing Opera. Students then exchange ideas to find out if they have the same predictions. If they have made different predictions, ask students to ju

24、stify their opinions Students listen to the cassette and get the general idea. Play the cassette without pausing the first time. And ask them to make notes if possible. When replaying the cassette, pause it after each section to give students time to check their answers. Stage 5 Encourage students t

25、o guess the possible answer to each question. Students skim the part and get the general idea. Students scan the dialogue and identify the key words or phrases to help answer the questions. Students check the answers in pairs before check them as a class. Encourage students to give more such example

26、5 using their general knowledge of Beijing Opera. Students work in pairs, ask and answers the questions. Students listen to the programme and read the last part of it again. Then have some of them talk about the features of Beijing Opera in class. Stage 6 Students listen to the dialogue and make not

27、es about Li Ming and Zhu Meiling. Play the dialogue two or three times if necessary. Students can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class. Play the dialogues again and ask students what differences there are in the situations and the language ( the first is more informal between

28、a mother and son. Stage 7 Students read through the Function File and guess what the missing words are before they listen to the cassette again. Students listen to the cassette and complete the sentences Check answers by having students read the sentences aloud. Students can then see if their guesse

29、s were correct. Stage 8 Read through the table with the class. Students then work individually, thinking of 8ood reasons why they need permission to do the things. Read through the example dialogue with the class, and point out that all the situations are formal ones so we need formal language. In p

30、airs, students act out their dialogues. Go round and monitor their language and go over any general mistakes at the end. Some of the pairs can act out one of their dialogues for the class. Stage 9 Read the instructions and the example sentences with the class. Students then work individually, writin

31、g five sentences including one false one. In groups, students read out their sentences and see if the others can guess the false one. Practice In pairs, students prepare and act out an informal dialogur asking permission to do something. The dialogue could be between a parent and teenager or an olde

32、r brother or sister and teenager. Extension In groups, students discuss what image their own town had in the past and how and why it has changed.Period 19 Experiment in Folk Objectives To practise the vocabulary relating to music. To read and understand a newspaper article. To express opinions and g

33、ive reasons for them. To practise using adverbial clauses of cause, result and purpose with because, as, since, so that and so/such., that. To distinguish between because and because of and practise using them correctly. Stage 1 Key words Classical, folk, jazz, traditional, pop, electronic, rock n r

34、oll Read through the key words with the class. Ask students to talk about different kinds of music and famous musicians relating to the kind of music-encourage them to say as much as possible and to give their opinions. Example: Kong xiangdaong is a world-famous pianist. He plays not only classical

35、music but folk as well. Elicit information about kong xiangdong from students to arouse their interests in him. Show some photos of kong xiangdong to students if necessary. Read and learn Stage 2 Ask student to skim the title, the picture and the first sentence of each paragraph to get the general i

36、dea of the text. Students read through the questions first and guess the possible answers. Then ask them to scan the text for the answers and take notes if necessary. Students compare their answers in pairs before check them as a class. Stage 3 Students read the text again to check their answers and

37、 further understand the text. Match the beginnings to the endings then. Students cover the text and in pairs, talk about Kong Xiangdong, seeing how much they can remember from the text. Encourage students to exchange ideas about how they tackled the task-did they read the whole text again from the b

38、eginning? What clues did they use, e.g. the questions in Exercise 2.? the combined sentences in Exercise 3? the notes they have made?. Ask students what strategies they would use for a similar talk with a text in Chinese. Stage 4 In groups, students roleplay interviewers and interviewees about music

39、 to find out their preferences and their reasons. Choose one or two groups to report their findings to the class. Suggestion: Provide more questions for students to voice their opinions. For example: What do you think of Kong Xiangdong? In class, students talk about why Kong Xiangdong has achieved s

40、o much and what they can learn from him. Language Study ADVEBIAL CLAUSES (II): CAUSE, RESULT AND PURPOSE Stage 5 Students read the sentences and identify the adverbial clauses of cause, result or purpose. When checking the answers, also check students; understanding of the clauses. Stage 6 Students

41、complete the rule individually, and then go to Grammar Summary for reference. Stage 7 Students do the exercise individually and then compare the answers in pairs before checking them as a class. Stage 8 Students do the exercise individually and compare answers in pairs. Stage 9 Students read the sen

42、tences in pairs and work out the differences. Students compare their answers with another pair before checking them as a class. Make sure that they understand the differences. Stage 10 Students do the exercise individually and then check the answers in pairs. Language in Use Stage 11 Read through th

43、e example first so that students have a model to follow. Students work in groups, introducing their favourite music and the time they usually listen to music. Encourage them to give reasons by using the given conjunctions. Have one students in each group to reaport their discussion to the class if y

44、ou have time Practice for vocabulary Fill in the blanks with the following words as a result of, persevere, potential intense, pressure, identity, appearance, exchange, transform 1. Police are trying to discover the _ of a baby found by the side of a road. (identity) 2. _ the pilots strike, all flig

45、hts have had to be cancelled. (As a result of) 3. Women, in general, tend to be more concerned than men about their personal _ (appearance) 4. The movie _ her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar. (transformed) 5. Stevenson _ in his efforts to discover what had really happened

46、. (persevered) 6. But as you grow in confidence, and experience, you will be able to realize your full _. (potential) 7. I feel Im not able to cope well with the _ of life. (pressures) 8. As we waited for the winner to be announced, the excitement was _ . (intense) 9. At the end of the game players

47、traditionally _ shirts with each other. (exchange) Extension In groups, students choose one of their favourite singers, musicians, dancers or artists, etc and write a brief introduction about him/her. The groups then take turns to read their instructions to the class and the other students guess who

48、 they are describing.Period 20 Lets Dance Objectives To practise reading a text quickly to identify the type of dance. To read a text with gapped sentences and be able to complete the gaps using topic, linking and reference clues. To practise vocabulary related to music and dancing. To talk about pr

49、eferences about music and dancing. Stage 1 Key words Breakdance, the Charleston, classical ballet, flamenco, Chinese folk dance, rock n roll, the twist, waltz. Students read the Key Words and explain or translate them Then they listen to the musical extracts on the cassette and identify the dances.

50、Stage 2 Ask students to look at the text quickly and decide where it is from. Ask students for their answers and ask them to give reasons. Ask students how difficult they think the text will be and why. Ask students how it would be different if it was in a newspaper, a traditional encyclopedia or a

51、Sunday magazine. Stage 3 Useful vocabulary: Renaissance, art form. community, generation, palaces, aristocrats, ballroom. Students should be understand the general meaning these words from the context. Read the Reading Strategies box with the class, studying the example given of Paragraph 1 and sent

52、enced. Students then follow the stages in the Strategies: 1 - read the text to get a general idea of the content 2 - look at the missing sentences and gaps 3 - think about the sentence topics and paragraph topics and match them 4-check that sentence fit the text by focusing on linking words and pron

53、ouns. Students can compare their answers in pairs before checking answers as a class Stage 4 Read through the questions with the class Students work in pairs answering the questions Vocabulary: Compound words Stage 5 Students work in pairs, matching the words to make compound nouns. When checking an

54、swers, also check that students have used the hyphen correctly. Point out that some compound words remain two separate words, e.g. folk dance; some, especially compounds with adjectives, are joined with hyphens, e.g. well-known; some form one word, e.g. ballroom. Students choose four of the words an

55、d make sentences of their own using these words. Stage 6 Students match the words with their definitions In pairs, students choose one of the other words from stage 5 and write a definition, giving the part of speech. The pairs then read out their definitions to the class who have to guess the word. Stage 7 Read through the questionnaire with the class. Students work individually thinking about their answers. In pairs, students tell each other their answers to the questionnaire .

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