【精校版】人教版必修1 Unit4 Period 4 Listening and Talking 優(yōu)質教學案

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1、人教版精品英語資料(精校版)Period 4Listening and Talking整體設計從容說課This is the fourth teaching period of this unit. As usual, the teacher will first get the students to review what they learned in the last period, and then lead in the new lesson.The emphasis of this period is placed on developing students listening

2、 ability. The purpose of the listening text on Page 38 in the Textbook is to explain more of the issues in South African politics. The students need to know why people were so unhappy that they were prepared to struggle in order to bring about positive changes. Remember to tell the students that it

3、does not matter if they do not understand every word. The important thing is to understand the main information. For that purpose the exercises test literal comprehension. First, let the students guess the listening text may be about. Play the tape for the first time for students to listen and decid

4、e whether their guessing is right and write down the main idea. Second, ask them to listen for the second time to compare the life and work of white and black people at that time and fill in the chart in Exercise 3. Third, let them listen again to have a further discussion on the questions in Exerci

5、se 4. While they are listening, the teacher should pause and repeat the key sentences to help students understand. When checking the answers, explain some difficult listening points if necessary. In the end, show them the listening text and let them read and retell it. This step can help students un

6、derstand and grasp the listening material far further.As to Listening on Page 69 in the Workbook, its purpose is to help the students to understand more about one of the great men in this unit. William Tyndale is not well known in Britain, but his translation of the Bible is very widely known and ve

7、ry much loved. Since the sixteenth century it has had a very important influence on the English language because many poor people learned to read and understand the Bible from it. Its poetry and expressions have become part of British speech. Let the students listen to the text and get the gist of t

8、he information. This is considered so important that the exercises after the text all concentrate on general understanding and literal comprehension. Listening task on Page 72 in the Workbook is designed for students to get information from a listening text and write it down in note form. After list

9、ening, students also have to decide on the accuracy of the evidence and make a choice. They have to decide who caused the accident. It does not really matter who they choose. The most important thing is that students should give a reason for their choice. The teaching procedure can be approximately

10、the same as the part Listening on Page 38.Perhaps some students will find it hard to listen and understand listening materials. Encourage them not to give up. The more they listen to English, the easier it becomes.At the end of the class, we come to the part Talking on Page 69. This is an opportunit

11、y for students to talk about somebody that they admire. They should practice using the expressions on giving opinions and making comments so that they become familiar with them. Do this exercise in pairs and try to make sure that everybody is getting an opportunity to talk. After the talk let some p

12、eople tell the rest of the class about their heros or heroines.教學重點1. Develop the students listening and speaking ability.2. Let the students know how to give opinions and make comments.教學難點Get the students to listen and understand different listening materials.教學方法1. Task-based listening2. Cooperat

13、ive learning3. Discussing教具準備A tape recorder and other normal teaching tools三維目標Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn some useful new words and expressions.2. Get the students to learn the patterns on giving opinions and making comments:Why do you think so? What do you think of. . . ? Whats yo

14、ur opinion? I agree/dont agree. I think/dont think. . . I prefer. . . In my opinion. . . Im afraid. . . Good idea! Thats an excellent idea.Ability aims:1. Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.2. Develop the students ability to get special information and take notes while l

15、istening.3. Get the students to learn how to give opinions and make comments.Emotional aims:Get the students to talk about their hero/heroine using the patterns on giving opinions and making comments, know noble qualities they have and learn from them.教學過程Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercis

16、es.2. Ask some students to make sentences with attributive clauses.Step 2 Warming up1. Ask some students to retell the reading passage Elias Story. Discuss the following questions:Did Elias join the ANC Youth League? Why do you think Elias join the ANC Youth League?2. Tell the students:we know, at t

17、hat time, Elias was in a difficult situation and the background was very different from todays. With what you have known, can you predict the following questions?What is a passbook?Is it important?Is it easy to get for Elias?What job did Elias want to do?Who worked underground?Who worked on the surf

18、ace?Where did Elias live?Step 3 Listening (on Page 38)1. Before listening, let the students discuss the question:What things do you think were unfair in South Africa?2. Listen to the tape and write down the main idea.3. Listen again and choose the right answers.1)What is a passbook?A. A book to help

19、 you pass exams.B. A book to show your identity.C. A book to tell you where to live.D. A book to tell you how to live.2)Why is it important?A. For traveling outside South Africa.B. For showing where you were born.C. For traveling inside South Africa.D. For getting a job.3)What job did Elias want to

20、do?A. To work with other black workers.B. To work as a cleaner.C. To teach in a primary school.D. To work in the mines.4)Who worked underground?A. The white workers.B. The black and white workers.C. The black workers.D. Foreign workers.5)Who worked on the surface?A. The black workers.B. The black an

21、d white workers.C. The white workers.D. Foreign workers.6)Where did Elias live?A. In a classroom.B. In a home of his own.C. In a large room with beds.D. With his family.4. Check the answers with the whole class.Answers:BCDCCC5. Listen a third time and compare the life and work of white and black peo

22、ple at that time. Fill in the chart.DifferencesWhite peopleBlack peopleThe jobs they didWhere the workers livedHow much land they ownedTheir hospital and schools6. In pairs discuss these questions.1)Do you think Elias was right to join the ANC Youth League?2)Imagine you are Elias. What would you do?

23、 Why?7. Reading and retellingShow the students the listening text and let them read it. Then ask them to retell the reason why Elias joined the ANC Youth League.Listening text:WHY ELIAS JOINED THE ANC YOUTH LEAGUEI know you wonder why I could not get a job I liked, and why I had to have a passbook a

24、t all. The passbook had your name, age, address and birthplace. Without this passbook I was not allowed to travel in South Africa at all, and if the police found me without it or if I was living in the wrong town, I could be put in prison or sent back to the countryside where I was born. I did not w

25、ant that so I went to see Nelson Mandela.I could not do many jobs because of my poor education. At that time, most black children did not use their school years well. Most had to leave school without finishing primary school. When I left school, I wanted to work in a gold mine, where black people ar

26、e well paid. But I was not old enough so I had to wait till I was older to become a real miner. The mines used black workers to dig gold from the ground. The white workers sat in offices but black South Africans worked hard underground digging for the gold. And we could not live with our families li

27、ke the white people did. We had to live in large rooms with beds placed like the desks in a classroom. I had no wife or children but I still did not want to live with my workmates. I hoped to live in a home of my own, but that was not allowed for black workers.I joined the ANC Youth League because i

28、t wanted the same rights for black and white people in South Africa. The white people could live where they liked. They owned almost all the land in South Africa though they were fewer in numbers than black people. They had the best schools. They had the best doctors. They could make the laws. We wa

29、nted to be the same and equal to the white people in our own land.Step 4 Listening (on Page 69)1. Ask students to talk about the information on William Tyndale mentioned in the part Pre-reading. Then tell them they are going to listen more about William Tyndale.2. Go through the sentences in Ex. 1,

30、then listen to the tape for the first time, and dicide whether the sentences are true or false. Correct the wrong information.3. Students discuss their answers in pairs.4. Play the tape again for students to complete the passage in Ex. 2.5. Play the tape a third time for students to answer these que

31、stions in Ex. 3.After listening, the teacher asks some students to answer the questions and checks the answers with the whole class.6. Reading and retellingShow the students the listening text and let them read it. Then ask them to tell something about William Tyndale.Listening text:A:Do you know wh

32、o William Tyndale was?B:His name sounds as if he came from England.A:Yes, you are right. He was born in London a long time ago. Do you know when he lived?B:He lived from 1494 to 1536. So he was only 42 years old when he died.A:But why is he remembered?B:For two reasons. He wrote the Bible in English

33、 so that everybody could read it. He wrote so beautifully that people still use some of his words and expressions today.A:Why did he need to write the Bible in English?B:Because some of it was written in the Greek language and some in the Hebrew language and most people could not read them.A:So peop

34、le liked his Bible in English.B:But the English king didnt like it.A:Why not?B:At that time the English king was King Henry VIII. He was not happy with William Tyndale because he did not want the people to read the Bible in English.A:So what did William Tyndale do?B:He went to another country called

35、 Belgium where the king could not find him and he wrote his English Bible there.A:Did the king find him?B:No, but other people found him in Belgium.A:What happened?B:He was put in prison and later he was killed. But writing the Bible in English was a good idea, wasnt it?A:Yes. His Bible was the firs

36、t one written in English that was used in churches in England.B:Do people still read this Bible today?A:Yes, people in England still love his words today. It is still the most popular Bible written in English.B:He was a great man to be so brave.Step 5 Listening task (on Page 72)1. Ask students to re

37、ad these sentences in Ex. 1 and listen to the tape. Choose the one that describes the main idea. Explain why the other two are wrong.The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and finish the task. After finishing, the teacher checks the answers with the class.2. Ask students to listen to

38、Part 1 and answer the questions in Ex. 2.After listening, the teacher asks some students to answer the questions and checks the answers with the whole class.3. Ask students to listen to Part 2 and complete the tables in Ex. 3. Then ask them to give their own opinion and reason.Suggested answers:INFO

39、RMATION ON A CARACCIDENT BY:AWhere did it happen?On the road.How many people in the accident?2.BEFORE THE ACCIDENTWhere was the boy?Walking along the road.Where was the car?Coming up behind the boy.What happened?The car was going too fast and did not look. It hit the boy and hurt him.Who caused it?T

40、he car driver.INFORMATION ON A CAR ACCIDENT BY:BWhere did it happen?On the road.How many people in the accident?2.BEFORE THE ACCIDENTWhere was the boy?Walking in the road.Where was the car?Came up behind the boy. What happened?The boy moved farther into the road. The car tried to stop but it couldnt

41、 and it hit the boy. The boy was hurt.Who caused it?The boy.Now let students decide who they think caused the accident. A possible answer is:I think the boy caused the accident because he should not have been walking in the road. He should have been on the pavement.4. Reading and retellingShow the s

42、tudents the listening text and let them read it. Then ask them to tell their own opinions.Listening text:Do you know what a point of view is? It means that there may be more than one way of looking at things. For example, if an accident happens the police will ask all those who were nearby what happ

43、ened. They will not just ask one person because that person may not have seen everything that happened. They will ask everybody. The stories that people tell will often be different. This is because they each have a different idea of the accident. All these ideas are different points of view.Let us

44、look closer at this accident. A boy is walking in the road when a car comes behind him and hurts him. There are two people who see what happens. Let us listen to their stories.A:I was walking along the road when I saw the boy coming towards me. He was walking in the bicycle lane of the road. A car c

45、ame very fast up the road in the bicycle lane. The driver did not see the boy and knocked him over and hurt him. It was the car driver who caused the accident.B:I saw the boy walking in the road. He was not doing what he should and he moved farther into the road as the car came up behind him. The ca

46、r tried to stop but it was too close to him. So the car hurt the boy. But it was the boy who caused the accident.When you hear two points of view, it is up to you to decide who was correct. So who do you think caused the accident?Step 6 Talking (on Page 69)Let the students in groups talk about their

47、 hero/heroine. Tell them to try to use the following words and phrases in their discussion.Good idea!Thats an excellent idea!I agree/dont agree.I prefer. . .In my opinion. . .I think/dont think. . .Im afraid. . .Why do you think so?What do you think of. . . ?Whats your opinion?Sample dialogue 1:S1:M

48、y hero is Martin Luther King, Jr. He was so brave and did not seem to worry about his personal safety.S2:What did he do?S1:He led the movement for civil rights in America.S2:I suppose he encouraged fighting white people! S1:No. He always argued for non-violent action. He led marches and showed the w

49、hite people of the southern states that black people wanted the same rights.S2:But black people have the vote in America, dont they?S1:But the law said black people must eat and go to school in different places from white people. King stopped that.S2:Where did this happen?S1:The first place he stopp

50、ed it was Montgomery, a town in Alabama State in 1955-1956. He did it peacefully but he made a lot of white people upset.S2:What happened?S1:When he went to Birmingham Alabama to do the same thing a few years later, he was put in prison.S2:Was that the end?S1:No. He wrote a letter from prison tellin

51、g people that they must break the law peacefully if the law is wrong.S2:Is that he is most famous for?S1:No. His most famous speech is “I have a dream” which he gave in Washington in 1963. It talks of a future when black and white people can live together peacefully and happily.S2:In that case I wil

52、l make him my hero too. I really like people who fight for what they believe in but in a way that is peaceful and non-violent.Sample dialogue 2:S1:My hero is David Beckham. He is the best footballer in the world.S2:How can you say that? Im afraid that I think Ronaldo is better and he won a prize thi

53、s year as the best footballer.S1:I dont agree. David Beckham is not just a good footballer. He is a good man with a happy family and he cares about other people.S2:Well, Im afraid I dont agree. Anybody can be nice with so much money.S1:MaybeBut in my opinion he is my hero because he is modest and do

54、es not show off about his football or his money.S2:That is good, of course. Im afraid that you have this idea because he is so popular in Britain.S1:Well, its true he is very popular. They call him and his wife the second royal family. People like them because they seem so natural and ordinary. But

55、I like the way he worked to be good at football and he does not pretend to be clever. I also like the way he looks after his son, Brooklyn.S2:Of course thats good. But what has he done for others?S1:I dont think he has much free time. Hes always playing or practicing football or going on tour to pla

56、y matches in Europe. I hope hell do more for others when he has time.S2:If he does then he will be my hero too. There are not many rich men who care about others.Step 7 Homework1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.2. Preview the part Reading and discussing on Pages 38-39 and Reading Task on Pages 73

57、-74.板書設計Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern heroListening and TalkingTalking:Use the following words and phrases:Good idea!Thats an excellent idea!I agree/dont agree.I prefer. . .In my opinion. . .I think/dont think. . .Im afraid. . .Why do you think so?What do you think of. . . ?Whats your opinion?活動與探究Do

58、 you have any trouble in English listening? Perhaps some of you will find it hard to listen to and understand listening materials. Hold a discussion on how we can improve our English listening and make your own practical listening plan. Remember:The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.

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