高中英語 Unit 16 Period 2 Name Stories課件 北師大版選修6

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1、 Period TwoLesson 2 .單詞識記 1_ adj. detailed or not general 2_ n. importance;meaning 3_ adj. different from what is normal 4_ adj. lively;clear and distinct 5_ n. severe sufferingspecificsignificanceabnormalvividhardship 6_ n. starting point 7_ vt. take away the courage or confidence of sb 8_ adj. exc

2、ellent;causing admiration 9_ n. pain of body or mind,unhappiness 10_ vt. make fun of sb origindiscourageadmirablesufferingtease .短語天地 1_ 在右邊 2_ 就整體來看 3_ 以命名 4_ 偶然遇見 5_ 支撐起on the rightas a wholename aftercome acrosshold up 6count on_ 7end up_ 8put up with_ 9in particular_ 10figure out_依靠最后成為,終歸容忍特別,尤

3、其理解 .句型搜索 1This student has parents who wanted their daughter to be as strong as any boy. 信息提取as.as.意為“和一樣”。 例句仿寫她跟她姐姐一樣漂亮。 She is _.as beautiful as her sister 2But her mother thought that sounded too much like a boys name. 信息提取sound like“聽起來像”,sound為系動詞。 例句仿寫這聽起來像是個好主意。 It _ .sounds like a good ide

4、a 3So they figure out a way to change it. 信息提取a way to do sth. 做某事的方法 例句仿寫他提出了一個解決問題的方法。 He came up with _.a way to solve the problem 4If they could choose other names, what do you think they would be? 信息提取do you think作插入語,其后的特殊疑問句用陳述語氣。 例句仿寫你認(rèn)為他去哪兒了? Where _?do you think he has gone 1specific (1)ad

5、j.具體的,特定的,特有的,明確的 Is this game meant for a specific age group? 這種游戲是專為特定年齡組設(shè)計的嗎? Una gave us very specific instructions. 尤娜給了我們非常明確的指示。 (2)n.細(xì)節(jié),詳情 get down to/go into specifics詳談具體情況 I cant go into specifics at this time, but I can tell you that we have an agreement. 我現(xiàn)在不可能詳談具體情況,但我可以告訴你我們有了一項協(xié)議。 【單

6、項填空】 (1)The address you said is on this block;can you be a bit more_? Aspecial Bspecific CadditionalDspare 【翻譯句子】 (2)如果你想上大學(xué),必須有明確的目標(biāo)。 _ 【答案】(1)B(2)You must have a specific aim if you want to go to college. 2significance n. 重要;價值;意義;重要性 Can/Could you explain the significance of this part of the cont

7、ract? 請你解釋一下合同這一部分的意義好嗎? significant adj.有意義的;意味深長的;重大的 signify v要緊;代表;象征 be of great significancebe very significant有重要意義的 be of great usebe very useful很有用的【拓展】 【單項填空】 (1)The new discovery of oil is of great_to the countrys economy. AsignatureBimportant CsignificantDsignificance (2)Fitness is impor

8、tant in sport, but of at least _importance are skills. AfairBreasonable CequalDproper 【答案】(1)D(2)C 3origin n起源,開端,出身,血統(tǒng) the origins of language語言的起源 have ones origin in sth 起源于 by origin論籍貫 original adj.最早的,最初的 Many of the problems had their origin in postwar Europe. 許多問題起源于戰(zhàn)后的歐洲。 His mother is Fren

9、ch by origin. 他的母親原籍法國?!敬钆洹?【完成句子】 (1)Some Japanese words are Chinese_ (起源) (2)_ (爭吵的開端) between them isnt clear now. 【答案】(1)in origin(2)The origin of the quarrel discouraging adj.令人失去信心的,使人氣餒的 discouragement n氣餒,泄氣,挫折 encourage v鼓勵4discourage vt.使泄氣;勸阻,促使(不做)某事【搭配】We ought to be focusing on discour

10、aging kids from smoking.我們應(yīng)把重點放在勸阻孩子們不要吸煙上。 用discourage的適當(dāng)形式填空 He failed the exam again.The _ news completely _ him .He felt_at his future. 【答案】discouraging;discouraged;discouraged 5admirable adj.令人欽佩的;極佳的 His handling of the situation was admirable. 他對這個情況的處理令人欽佩。 He gave us an admirable performanc

11、e. 他向我們展示了優(yōu)美的演出。 admire vt.欽佩;羨慕;贊美 admire sb for sth 佩服某人的 admiration n敬佩,羨慕【拓展】 There are many paintings to be admired at an art museum.美術(shù)館里有許多令人贊嘆的繪畫作品。 I really envy you having a five weeks holiday. 我真羨慕你有5周的假期。 【完成句子】 (1)她的行為令人敬佩。 Her behaviour_ _. (2)約翰因為他對公司的貢獻(xiàn)而受到敬佩。 John_ _ _ _ _ _the compan

12、y. 【答案】(1)was admirable (2)was admired for his contributions to 6suffering n. 痛苦;苦難;困難 There is so much suffering in this world. 這個世界上多災(zāi)多難。 (1)suffer from(尤指長期地或習(xí)慣地)患有(疾病等);為所苦;因而吃苦頭 (2)suffer from headache/loss of memory/bad health患頭痛/患有失憶癥/身體不好 (3)suffer losses/pain/punishment/defeat/hardship/hung

13、er遭受損失/痛苦/懲罰/失敗/苦難/饑餓【拓展】 【完成句子】 (1)英國遭受了一次敗仗。 Britain had _ a defeat. (2)她正患重感冒。 She is _ a bad cold. 【答案】(1)suffered(2)suffering from 1name.after.以的名字給命名 Bill is named after his father. 比爾以父親的名字命名。 【拓展】 name.as/to be指定/任命為 in the name of.以的名義 【完成句子】 (1)_ (一個名叫瑪麗的女孩)is waiting for you. (2)The presi

14、dent _ (任命他為)secretary of State. (3)I arrest you _ (以法律的名義) 【答案】(1)A girl named Mary (2)named him as/to be (3)in the name of the law 2come across偶然遇見;被理解;給人的印象是 He had never come across a person like Sheila. 他從沒遇到過像希拉這樣的人。 Your point really came across at the meeting. 大家確實理解了你在會議上的觀點。 【完成句子】 (1)當(dāng)你在行

15、文中遇到生詞時,猜測它們的意思是個很好的方法。 As you_ in a context,it is a very good method for you to guess their meanings. (2)他們思考了很長一段時間,但仍未想出一個解決方法。 They thought about it for a long time,but still couldnt_ . 【答案】(1)come across new words (2)come up with a solution 3hold up支撐起,承受??;延遲;阻礙;(試圖)搶劫 The roof is held up by pi

16、llars. 屋頂是由柱子支撐著的。 The building work has been held up by bad weather.由于天氣不好,建筑工程被耽擱下來。 The train he took was held up for over 2 hours. 他乘坐的火車晚點了兩個多小時。 hold back 退縮,躊躇;阻攔 hold on 繼續(xù);別掛斷電話 hold on to 抓住不放,堅持;保留【拓展】 The teacher held up my composition as an example to the class.老師推舉出我的作文給全班作范文。 【完成句子】 (

17、1)他的女朋友正在幫他支撐這個處于困境的公司。 His girlfriend is helping him_the poor company. (2)這個故事那么感人,我忍不住掉下眼淚。 The story was so touching that I could hardly _ . 【答案】(1)hold up(2)hold back my tears 4figure out理解;總計,把加起來;算出 Can you figure out how to do it? 你能想出這件事該怎么做嗎? It took me hours to figure those math problems o

18、ut. 我花了好幾個小時才算出那些數(shù)學(xué)題。 【拓展】 figure on計劃;計算;預(yù)料到 figure in把計算在內(nèi) 【單項填空】 (1)We_your coming early. Afigure outBfigure on Cfigure inDfigure up (2)They couldnt_where I was last night. Afigure outBfigure on Cfigure upDfigure in 【完成句子】 (3)I_(計劃)being in New York in January. 【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)figure on 5put up wi

19、th容忍,忍受 I dont know how you put up with their constant quarrelling. 我不知道你是如何忍受他們無休止的爭吵的。 You see what I have to put up with! 你看到我不得不忍受些什么了吧! (1)put down寫下來,記下來;放下 put aside忽視,不理睬;攢錢 put back放回;撥回(鐘表)的針;拖延,使延遲 put forward向前移;提出;撥快(鐘表) (2)come up with提出 catch up with趕上 keep up with跟上,不落后;了解(最新發(fā)展)【拓展】

20、【完成句子】 (1)If I were you,I_ (不能容忍) his behaviour any longer. (2)There are some things_ (不容易讓人忍受的)and his impatience is one. (3)Do you find it hard to _ (了解)medical developments? (4)She had to run to _ (跟上他) (5)I walked as fast as I could, but I could not _(趕上他) (6)I cant _ (容忍) a lot of noisy people

21、when Im working. 【答案】(1)wouldnt put up with (2)that are not easily put up with (3)keep up with (4)keep up with him (5)catch up with him(6)put up with 1(課文重現(xiàn))This student has parents who wanted their daughter to be as strong as any boy.這個學(xué)生的父母希望他們的女兒和任何男孩一樣強(qiáng)壯。 【句式分析】 本句為一個復(fù)合句,who引導(dǎo)的為parents的定語從句。其中as

22、.as意為“和一樣”。 Her hair is as long as mine. 她的頭發(fā)和我的一樣長。 asadj.as.the samen.as. 和一樣(表示肯定) not as/soadj.aslessadj.than 不如(表示否定) 倍數(shù)asadj.as.是的幾倍【拓展】 【單項填空】 (1)It is reported that the United States used_energy as the whole of Europe. Aas twice Btwice much Ctwice much as Dtwice as much (2)I like this jacket

23、 better than that one,but it costs almost three times_. Aas muchBas many Cso muchDso many 【答案】(1)D(2)A 2(課文重現(xiàn))But her mother thought that sounded too much like a boys name.但是她的媽媽認(rèn)為那聽起來太像男孩子的名字了。 【句式分析】 本句為一個復(fù)合句,that sounded.為thought的賓語從句。sound like意為“聽起來像”,sound為系動詞。 feel like摸起來像;喜歡,想要 look like看起來

24、像 smell like聞起來像 taste like嘗起來像【拓展】 They made me feel like one of the family. 他們使我覺得自己是他們家里的一員。 【完成句子】 (1)這雞肉的味道吃起來更像火雞肉。 This chicken _ _ _turkey. (2)盡管這聽起來像是項簡單的任務(wù),還是需要小心。 Although this may_ _ _ _ task,great care is needed. (3)琳達(dá)不想出國學(xué)習(xí),她的父母年齡都大了。 Lydia doesnt _ _ abroad.Her parents are old. 【答案】(1

25、)tastes more like(2)sound like a simple (3)feel like studying 3(課文重現(xiàn))If they could choose other names, what do you think they would be?如果他們可以選擇其他的名字,你認(rèn)為他們會選擇什么名字呢? 【句式分析】 句式結(jié)構(gòu):Whatdo you think陳述句語序? What do you think is the most beautiful city? 你認(rèn)為哪個城市最漂亮? Who do you think is coming?你認(rèn)為誰要來? When do

26、you think she will visit her uncle? 你認(rèn)為她何時會去看她舅舅? 【完成句子】 (1)他又作出一項偉大發(fā)明,我想這次發(fā)明對科學(xué)研究很重要。 He made another wonderful discovery,_ _ _ _ _ great importance to science. (2)你認(rèn)為我應(yīng)該先做什么? _ _ _ _ should I do first? (3)你建議派誰去那里工作? _ _ _ _ be sent to work there? 【答案】(1)which I think is of(2)What do you think (3)Who do you suggest

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