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1、林肯葛底斯堡演講詞Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.八十七年前我們的先輩在這塊大陸上建立了一個(gè)新的國家,這個(gè)國家在爭(zhēng)取自由中誕生,忠于人人生來平等這一信念。Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nat

2、ion, orany nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.We are meton a great battle-field of that war.We have come to dedicate a portionofthatfield asa finalresting-place forthose whoheregavetheirlivesthat that nation might live.It is altogether fitting and proper thatwe should do this.目前我們

3、正進(jìn)行這一場(chǎng)偉大的國內(nèi)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng),戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)考驗(yàn)著以上述信念立國的我們或其他國家,是否能長期堅(jiān)持下去。今 天我們?cè)谶@場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的戰(zhàn)場(chǎng)上集會(huì),來把戰(zhàn)場(chǎng)的一角奉獻(xiàn)給為我們國家的生存而捐軀的人們,作為他們的安息之地。這 是我們應(yīng)該做的事。But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate we cannot consecrate wecannot hallow this ground.The brave men, living and dead, whostruggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to a

4、dd ordetract.The world will little note nor long remember what we say here,but it can never forget what they did here.It is for us, the living,rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who foughthere have thus far so nobly advanced.It is rather for us to be herededicatedto thegr

5、eattask remainingbeforeus that fromthesehonoreddead we takeincreased devotion to that cause forwhich they gavethe lastfullmeasureofdevotion;thatwe herehighlyresolvethat thesedead shallnot have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birthoffreedom;andthat governmentof thepeople,b

6、y thepeople,forthepeople,shall not perish from the earth.但是,從更大的意義上說,我們無權(quán)把這塊土地奉獻(xiàn)給他們,我們不能使這塊土地增加光彩,成為圣地。這 是那些活著的或已經(jīng)死去的、曾經(jīng)在這里戰(zhàn)斗過的英雄們才使這塊土地成為神圣之土,我們無力使之增減一分。我們?cè)谶@里說些什么,世人不會(huì)注意,也不會(huì)長期記住,但是英雄們的行動(dòng)卻永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)被人們遺忘。這更要求我們這些活著的人去繼續(xù)英雄們?yōu)橹畱?zhàn)斗并使之前進(jìn)的未竟事業(yè)。我 們還需要繼續(xù)為擺在我們面前的偉大的事業(yè)獻(xiàn)身更忠誠于先烈們?yōu)橹I(xiàn)出了生命的事業(yè);我們決不能讓先烈們的鮮血白流;我們這個(gè)國家在上帝的保佑下

7、,要爭(zhēng)得自由的新生;這個(gè)民有、民治、民享的政府一定要永遠(yuǎn)在地球上存在下去。Abraham Lincoln and His Gettysburg Address林肯和他的葛底斯堡演講Late in the evening of November 17, 1863 William Slade, a servant at theWhite House, called at the President s study to see whether anything. Slade was a free colored man from Virginia. His jobLincoln was thene

8、ededbuyingof food used in the White House. Lincoln liked Slade, often talked with him, asking his opinion about different matters.1863 年 11 月 17 日的深夜,白宮的一個(gè)傭人威廉 斯 萊德走進(jìn)總統(tǒng)的書房,問林肯是否還需要什么東西。斯 萊德是個(gè)自由的黑人,來自弗吉尼亞州。他 的工作是給白宮采購食品。林肯喜歡他,常常和他談話并就各種問題征求他的意見。“ Listen to this, William, ” Lincoln said. “ See how you

9、 think it sounds. ” Lincoln then read aloud the short speech he had written.“你聽聽這個(gè),” 威廉林肯說。“ 看你聽了覺得怎么樣。” 林肯把寫好的那篇短短的演講稿大聲地念給他聽。“ I like it, Mr. President, ” Slade said. “ It sounds good. ” 斯萊德說:“很好,總統(tǒng)先生,聽起來挺不錯(cuò)。 ”But Lincoln himself was mot at all satisfied with what he had written. The next day, on

10、the train to Gettysburg, he again worked on the speechbriefly. Later that same evening, in the small Gettysburg hotel room where he stayed that night, he did some more work on it. Lincoln was physicallyvery tired. His mind was troubled by the many serious problems of war and government. It was diffi

11、cult for him to think.可是林肯自己卻對(duì)他寫的一點(diǎn)也不滿意。第 二天,在前往葛底斯堡的火車上,他對(duì)稿子又略加修改。晚 上在他所住的葛底斯堡旅館的小房間里,他又把講稿再推敲了一番。林肯很累。戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)和政府的許多嚴(yán)重的問題困擾著他,思想很難集中。In any case, the speech was short which was the way Lincoln wanted it.He was mot the main speaker. The speaker of the day was Edward Everett.recognizedas probablythegreate

12、storatoroftheperiod.Everetta very distinguished man. He had been governor of Massachusetts,ambassador to Great Britain, president of Harvard College. There alreadyexisted four printed volumes of Everetts public speeches.was also但是,這篇演講很短,林肯就要它短。那天的主要發(fā)言人是愛德華艾 弗萊特,不是林肯。愛 德華艾 弗萊特要算是當(dāng)時(shí)最有口才的演說家了。他 是一位杰出的

13、人物,當(dāng)過馬薩諸塞州的州長,美國駐英國大使和哈佛大學(xué)的校長。他 的演說集已經(jīng)出了四冊(cè)。Lincoln, on the other hand, was not considered an orator. He was a goodpoliticalspeaker,and in hispoliticalcampaignshadprovenhimselfquitecapable.But on thisoccasionsomethingmore seriouswas demande d.At first,the officials in charge of the ceremony had not e

14、ven wanted to inviteLincoln. Lincoln received only a printed notice of the event. But later,two weeks before the actual ceremony, he was asked, mainly for politicalreasons, to“ say a few words”at the close of Mr. Everetts address.Even then, some of the newspapers objected, claiming that the Presiden

15、t was sure to take advantage of the situation to make a political show.而林肯并沒有認(rèn)為他擅長演講,但他能做很好的政治講話,在政治活動(dòng)中顯示了充分的才干。但 是這個(gè)場(chǎng)合對(duì)林肯提出了更高的要求。本 來負(fù)責(zé)組織這次典禮的官員根本不想請(qǐng)林肯,后來主要出于政治上的考慮,在舉行儀式的兩周前才給他發(fā)了一個(gè)打印的通知,請(qǐng)他在艾弗萊特先生演講之后“講幾句話”。即使如此,有些報(bào)紙還反對(duì),說什么總統(tǒng)肯定會(huì)利用這次機(jī)會(huì)大撈政治資本。At eleven o clock the following morning, the parade from t

16、he town of Gettysburg to the cemetery began. Lincoln rode a horse. Those who saw him said that he bent forward even more than usual, looked particularly worn and tired. The group arrived at the place set for the ceremony at about eleven fifteen. Mr. Everett had not yet come. Bands played continuousl

17、yto pass the time. At noon, Mr. Everett finally appeared.第二天上午十一點(diǎn)從葛底斯堡到墓地的游行開始了。林 肯騎在馬上。當(dāng) 時(shí)看見他的人說他比平時(shí)更加彎腰躬背,顯得特別疲勞。大 約十一時(shí)十五分,游行隊(duì)伍不斷奏樂以消磨時(shí)間。中午時(shí)分,艾弗萊特先生總算來了。There were some 15,000 people present. On the platform with Lincoln satstategovernors,army officers,foreignambassadors,members ofcongress.Mr. Eve

18、rett first addressed the President, then began his long expectedspeech.His speechwas typicalof theextendedand colorfulpublicspeakingof that period. Among other things, he touched on the geography of thearea, the three day battle, European history, Greekhistory, StatesRights.The speechlastedforan hou

19、rand fifty-sevenminutes.At itsclose,the audience answered with applause which was properly loud and long.那天的會(huì)約有一萬五千人出席。和林肯一起坐在主席臺(tái)上的有各州州長、軍官、外國大使、議員等。艾 弗萊特先生先向總統(tǒng)致意,然后發(fā)表人們引頸以待的長篇演說。他 的演說是當(dāng)時(shí)流行的那種詞藻華麗而又冗長的典型。他 談到葛斯底堡一帶的地理,三天的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng),歐洲、希臘的歷史,州的權(quán)力問題,等等,等等。講 了一小時(shí)五十七分鐘。結(jié)束時(shí),聽從報(bào)以響亮的,長度恰如其分的掌聲。Lincoln then rose to

20、 speak. Everett was a tall, very handsome man, whoalways dressed extremely well, Lincolns bent and tired figure, hiscareless dress were in strong contrast to the impression left by Everett.Lincolnput onhis glassed, took fromhisinside coat pocket the two smallsheets of paper on which he had written h

21、is speech. However, by this time he knew most of the speech from memory, so he referred to the sheets only briefly. He spoke slowly and clearly, but his speech lasted just five minutes. It contained only nine sentences, ending with the famous words concerning a “ government of the people, by the peo

22、ple, and for thepeople. ”接著林肯站起來講話。艾 弗萊特個(gè)子高高的,英俊瀟灑,衣著講究。林 肯卻是疲憊躬腰不修邊幅,在艾弗萊特面前,顯得相形見絀。林 肯戴上眼鏡,從上衣夾層的口袋里掏出兩張小紙片的講話稿。但 此時(shí)對(duì)講話的內(nèi)容他已大致記熟,只偶爾地向稿紙瞟上一眼。他 講得慢而清楚,只講了五分鐘,九句話。講 話以“一個(gè)民有、民治、民享的政府”這句名言結(jié)束。Lincolnspokewithhonorofthewar dead atGettysburg,saying,will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, b

23、ut it can neverforget what they did here.”But he placed chief emphasis upon the taskahead, the task so dear to his own heart. That of preserving the Unionand carrying forward the principles of democracy upon which the countrywas based.“ The world林肯高度贊頌在葛底斯堡之戰(zhàn)中捐軀的將士,他說:“ 我們?cè)谶@里說些什么,世人不會(huì)注意,也不會(huì)長期記住,但是英雄

24、們的行動(dòng)卻永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)被人遺忘 ”。林 肯著重講了今后的任務(wù),也是他的心愿,即維護(hù)合眾國不致分裂,并把作為建國基礎(chǔ)的民主原則貫徹到底。When Lincolnfinished, therewas a moment of silenceor admiration for anything he had said. The audience simply expected alongerspeech,When Lincolnreturnedtohisseat,therenotout of respectwas politeapplause.“ The ceremony then being over,

25、 the crowd broke up quickly and lost notime in returning to their homes.”林肯講完后,全場(chǎng)沉默片刻。這 并非對(duì)他的講話相肅然起敬,而是人們沒有想到他的演說這么短。林肯回到座位上時(shí),聽眾中發(fā)出幾聲出自禮貌的掌聲。然后,儀式結(jié)束,人們紛紛退場(chǎng),趕緊各自回家去了。No oneat thetimeseemedmuch impressedbyLincoln sspeech.Thatnight,onthetrainbackto Washington,Lincolnbaystretchedout on a seat,tiredanddi

26、scouraged.He saidtoa companion,“ Thatspeechwas a flatfailure,and the people are disappointed. ”Most of the newspapers seemed to feelthesame way.They calledthespeechunimportant,evenfoolish.One writerwent so far as to say that every American should feel ashamed that thePresident of the United States h

27、ad to express himself in such a stupidmanner.林肯的演講似乎在當(dāng)時(shí)沒有給人留下什么深刻的印象。當(dāng)晚在回華盛頓的火車上,林肯攤手?jǐn)偰_地坐在位子上,疲倦,沮喪。他對(duì)人說:“那篇演講糟透了,令人失望”。多 數(shù)報(bào)紙也是這個(gè)看法,說那篇演講無足輕重,甚至是可笑的。有一個(gè)作者竟然說堂堂美國總統(tǒng),講話如此愚蠢,這是每個(gè)美國人的恥辱。Yet others saw in the speech what later served to establish it as a partof Englishliterature,namely, thesimpleanddirec

28、tstyle,theexpressionin almost perfect language of the central idea for which Lincoln livedanddied.Edward Everett s opinionwas typicalofthis point ofviewwhen,the next day, he wrote the following note to Lincoln,“I should be gladif I could flatter myself that I came to near to the central idea of theo

29、ccasion in two hours as you did in two minutes.”Lincoln s answer wasalso typical. He replied to Everett, saying.“You could not have beenexcused to make a short address, nor I a long one. I am pleased to knowthat,inyour judgment,the littleI didsay was notentirelyafailure.”有人當(dāng)時(shí)就看到了后來使這篇演講成為英文文學(xué)中的精品的特點(diǎn),它以樸素?zé)o華的風(fēng)格,無懈可擊的語言闡明了林肯畢業(yè)為之奮斗和獻(xiàn)身的中心思想。愛德華艾 弗萊特第二天寫給林肯的條子很能代表這個(gè)看法。他 寫道:“恕我大言不慚,我用了兩小時(shí)總算接觸到了您所闡明的那個(gè)中心思想。而 您只用了兩分鐘就說得明明白白?!绷挚系拇饛?fù)也是文如其人:“您做簡(jiǎn)短的演講,人們不會(huì)原諒,正如我作長篇演講人們不會(huì)原諒一樣。您認(rèn)為我那短短的講話還不是徹底失敗,我感到十分高興。“

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