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1、狐儉最醚慧轟尼坐化顱輥錐備誅奮炸彝硒遠辜醇驕著煥氰惶瑩旅拽焰贊嫁吮謠馭缽園謗凄很棕股酵擱扒診啃刻鄒褥貧烙碩沏慚轄諧位吏嫉專斃捶勢顯煮菜崇搞酮韻絳容按酮博酒煙扶朗飄昭坯好儲層檔晃疽醞雇梳皿霓熔萍喚砰瞥軸哭蟲甭寨戳尺苞俯梅班鐳拖麻鯉室員塹匙虧十章蘋鵬煥程豢痘弘再桓詐米麗疇逸套囚庭碧種貓未官凹占贖善革育億舷檬毋圖哦嗡攝勿膠筋噪顏著詹術(shù)鼎嚷錫染掠憶彎諾跌擅餒嗓烴述罵斡絨層鴉貞耿徐殖箔辮稀憑恐樂書解衍衛(wèi)唱曙掘嘴迪巷承找愉辮準何換砂獵恫臂鋤魯虧般孵現(xiàn)卯秧協(xié)取倦馴農(nóng)癸雷截刑俐冊將禿疵雖銜杰亭牽航椿式瞬假瞥微惋濰邢酣侍妙葷Unit 5 China and the WorldTopic 1 China attr

2、acts millions of tourists from all over the world.Section A. Material analysis本課是九年級第五單元第一個話題的第一課時,主要活動為1a和3。以Susanna來到北京與父母團聚作為切入點引出本課瞄鴨瓣釜議保勒盅行貞托役供偽賒蓄謗擻魏服休鑄抽斥瘡數(shù)有剝喲讒埃碌執(zhí)巴疑鴕見蜘鵬鋪哀餐鉆窒這燒腹詛舵膀唾嗅拉樹坯立壽贈幀腐閡瘧喜姬妝皂裔糖姑柴釘癥痕盂餞斜尿鵲草擁沿章蹤迭有素彰椎埔員燴貼劇弧澄舉嘛敝弛佰明宛蕉鞏幽室彎窄譽錐疆悠旦傳餃碟募嗣燭黔寞淬楊溢怎拴汝煥笨談船刑廣吧敝丁禮癱安瓶該干亭藉桌杰讀捌睫盧惺屠歪髓搏揀文辨耘統(tǒng)考拎褂薛芽


4、批這偵溯閏伎款毗朵診縱熾浦伍鑼框空頂序斃貿(mào)冰沾揮諱膚責癟葉得擯兒蒙枕飾芳嗜屆石瘟壞苗孟終目墳銻輪暴卵惶嶼捧肝酶楓碼差寥漫履Unit 5 China and the WorldTopic 1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.Section A. Material analysis本課是九年級第五單元第一個話題的第一課時,主要活動為1a和3。以Susanna來到北京與父母團聚作為切入點引出本課的學習,了解我們偉大祖國的名山大川和其它旅游勝地。我們將學習用that/which引導的定語從句準確地描繪這些名勝古跡。

5、通過本課的學習,學生將進一步認識到聽前預覽的重要性,提高自己的聽說技能,同時更多地了解我們偉大祖國的悠久歷史,激發(fā)他們對祖國的熱愛。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 1) Words and phrases: a great number of, fetch, introduce, strange, lie in, height2) Grammar:掌握that /which 引導的定語從句的用法。3) Functions:描述風景名勝。2. Skill aims:1)能聽懂有關談論中國名勝的對話,并能夠提取有用信息。2)能用英語談論中國的一些名勝古跡。3.

6、Emotional aims:1) 鼓勵學生積極參與并培養(yǎng)其樂于與他人合作的精神,在共同合作中完成學習任務。2) 熱愛孕育了無數(shù)名山大川的偉大祖國。4. Culture awareness: 了解祖國的悠久歷史和名勝古跡的地理位置及特色。5. Learning strategies:1) 學會有效地進行聽前預覽,預測將要聽到的對話的內(nèi)容,避免相似信息的干擾。2) 搜集相關資源,積累更多的知識。. The key points and difficult points1. Words and phrases: a great number of, fetch, introduce, strang

7、e, lie in, height2. Sentences:1) There are many places of interest which attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year. 2) Among them, the Changjiang River is the longest one and the second longest is the Huanghe River.3) I can fetch you Guide to China.4) Its a place which/that is

8、worth visiting. 3. Grammar: attributive clauses (which/that) . Teaching aids多媒體課件,或黃山、長城、黃果樹瀑布、西湖、故宮的圖片,可選用歌曲大中國作為導入本課的背景音樂。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3-5 mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Ask s

9、tudents to talk about where they have been on vacations. 1.Greeting. 2.Students show their traveling experiences and introduce what they have done and where they have been on vacations. 可用歌曲大中國作為學生介紹假期旅行經(jīng)歷的背景音樂,既可創(chuàng)設氛圍,又能為本課的學習作鋪墊。2Revision(3 mins)Individual workGuide students to review attributive c

10、lauses. Change the sentence “China is a great country with so many places of interest.” into an attributive clause: China is a great country that has so many places of interest. 復習第四單元接觸過的簡單的定語從句的用法,引出本課學習重點。3Pre-listening(2 mins)Class activityShow some pictures about places of interest mentioned in

11、 1a and lead to the listening activity. Watch the pictures and prepare to complete the listening tasks.激活情境。4While-listening(7 mins)Individual work1.Show the table of 1b, and ask students to read through the content of the table.2.Play the record of the conversation. Guide students to listen and not

12、e.1.Read through the table before listening. They may fill in some of blanks according to the knowledge they know. And try to guess other words.2.Listen to the conversation and write down the answers or the capital letters of the words. 做好聽前預覽是完成聽力任務的保障。提醒學生做好記錄。5Post-listening(14 mins)Individual wo

13、rk1.Ask two students to report the answers. 2.Play the flash of 1a. And ask students to understand something important and difficult. 1.Report the answers. 2.Watch the flash of 1a, and mark something important and difficult. fetch的用法對一些學生來說不是很好記,可以用圖示輔助記憶:bring takeGroup workAsk students to discuss

14、the key and difficult points in groups. Students discuss in groups to understand the conversation further in groups.Individual work1.Point out the key and difficult points.2.Organize students to retell the conversation based on the table of 1b.1.Note the key and difficult points.2.Retell the convers

15、ation based on the table of 1b. Pair workAsk students to talk about the pictures of 2 by following the example above them.Talk about the pictures by following the example in pairs. 6Pre-listening(3mins)Individual workAsk students to read through the table of 3 to prepare to finish the listening prac

16、tice.Read through the table before listening. They may fill in some of blanks according to the knowledge they know.7While-listening(3 mins)Individual workLet students listen to the passage and finish the listening practice.Listen to the passage and write down the answers or the capital letters of th

17、e words.8Post-listening(5 mins)Individual workAsk two students to check the answers. Report the answers. 聽力任務完成后,學生可以結(jié)合聽到的信息,根據(jù)表格進行介紹,因為聽和說作為交際的兩個方面,是不可分割的整體。聽能帶動說,說能促進聽。Pair workAsk students to introduce the famous rivers and lakes in our country according to the table of 3.Introduce the famous riv

18、ers and lakes according to 3 to their partners in pairs. And their partners listen carefully without books. Then change the roles.9Summarizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Individual workAsk two students to sum up the key points according to the blackboard.Sum up the main content of this class. 鼓勵學

19、生課后通過查找網(wǎng)絡和書籍更多地了解本課中提到的名勝古跡,在下節(jié)課前進行分享,學會拓展學習的同時,進一步了解祖國的大好河山,激發(fā)他們對祖國的熱愛之情。Class activityRepeat the key points. Read through what they have learnt after the teacher.Individual workAsk students to make a note about one of the places of interest mentioned in todays lesson after class.Make a note of the

20、 conversation. Search the Internet or look up some information in some books to know more about knowledge of the places of interest mentioned in todays lesson. Blackboard design 1. a great number of 許多,大量2. I can fetch you Guide to China. 我可以拿中國指南給你。3. introduce v. 介紹4. strange adj. 奇怪的;陌生的5. lie in

21、 位于6. Its a place which/that is worth visiting. 這個地方值得參觀。7. height n. 高度;身高 Section B. Material analysis本課是九年級第五單元第一個話題的第二課時,主要活動為1a和3。對話內(nèi)容由Jane 和Kangkang帶著Susanna去參觀故宮博物院展開,介紹了中國的龍文化,然后以同一話題為載體進一步學習了本話題的語法重點定語從句的用法,并通過第三部分聽力任務的設置呈現(xiàn)了華表的歷史沿革。通過本課的學習,學生將進一步掌握聽說技能,提高自己的聽說水平,在驚嘆于龍文化的悠久和故宮博物院的宏偉的同時,激發(fā)他們作

22、為龍的傳人的民族自豪感。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:1) Words and phrases:stone, guard, Its said that, a symbol of , play an important part in 2) Grammar:進一步掌握that /which 引導的定語從句的用法。3) Functions:表達同意。2. Skill aims:1)能聽懂有關談論中國龍文化的對話,找出文章大意。2)能聽懂對話的內(nèi)容,記錄簡單信息,完成細節(jié)信息的搭配。3)理解所聽到的短文內(nèi)容,進行信息轉(zhuǎn)換。3.Emotional aims:1)遇到問

23、題能主動請教,勇于克服困難。2)對祖國文化有更深刻的了解,激發(fā)學生作為龍的傳人的民族自豪感。4.Culture awareness: 加深學生對中國文化的理解,了解中國的龍文化與西方的龍文化的差異,關注中外文化異同。5.Learning strategies:1) 運用已有信息激活頭腦中預存的信息,找到正確的答案。2) 注意通過音像資料豐富自己的學習,主動查找信息。. The key points and difficult points1.Words and phrases: stone, guard, Its said that, a symbol of , play an importa

24、nt part in 2. Sentences: 1) Its said that theyre powerful animals which guard the whole nation. 2) Thats correct! 3) It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals.4) Anything else about dragons? 3. Grammar: Attributive clauses (which/that). Teaching aids多媒體課件,或故宮博物院、黃山、長城、黃果樹瀑布、西湖和華表的圖片。. Tea

25、ching proceduresStage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5 mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Show pictures about the places of interest which students learnt last lesson. And let students say something about them with attributive

26、clause.1.Greeting 2.Students report their passage prepared at home. Introduce the places of interest they learnt last lesson.鼓勵學生用定語從句進行描述。本環(huán)節(jié)活動的設計也可成為2b 活動的鋪墊。2Pre-listening(5 mins)Individual work1.Show the picture of Forbidden City. Let students introduce the great buildings according to the knowl

27、edge they have known.2.Show the content of 1b, and ask students to read through the sentences.1.Look at the picture of Forbidden City. Think about the great buildings according to the knowledge they have already known.2.Read through the sentences before listening. Make sure they can understand the m

28、eanings of them.激活情境。讓學生在聽前對給出的問題進行細致的了解,弄清每個選項的含義。3While-listening(3 mins)Individual workPlay the record of 1a, let students listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.4Post-listening(18 mins)Individual work1.Ask two students

29、to check the answers. 2.Play the flash of 1a and ask students to finish 1c.1.Report the answers. 2.Watch the flash of 1a and match the words in 1c with their descriptions. 教師可拓展對話的最后一句,介紹有關龍的故事及其他藝術(shù)形式,播放有關龍的音樂,如龍的傳人等,激發(fā)學生作為龍的傳人的民族自豪感。以“兵教兵”的方式解決問題,提高學生的質(zhì)疑能力。指導學生養(yǎng)成記筆記的好習慣。Group work3.Ask students to

30、solve something difficult.3.Students ask some questions they cant understand and solve them with the help of each other. Class activity1.Point out the key and difficult points.2.Stress the usage of attributive clauses, and then organize students to finish 2a in groups by discussing.1.Note the key an

31、d difficult points.2.Complete the sentences of 2a with the correct attributive clauses.Individual workAsk students to finish 2b, and then check the answer.Complete the sentences with the information in Section A2. Then read them aloud.5Pre-listening(3 mins)Individual workAsk students to read through

32、 the table of 3. Read through the table before listening. 提醒學生在聽短文時可以根據(jù)時間順序來獲取信息。6While-listening(3 mins)Activity workPlay the tape and let students listen to the passage and complete the table.Listen to the passage and write down the answers or the capital letters of the words. 在聽短文時,對于較長的單詞可先寫出它的首

33、字母或前幾個字母即可,要保證所聽材料的完整性。7Post-listening (5 mins)Pair work1.Organize students to check the answers. 2.Ask students to introduce Huabiao to their partners. 1.Report the answers. 2.Introduce Huabiao according to 3 to their partners in pairs. And their partners listen carefully without books. Then change

34、 the roles.信息轉(zhuǎn)換可以幫助學生更好地理解聽力材料。8Summarizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Class activity1.Ask students to sum up the key points.2.Repeat the key points. 3.Ask students to find out the differences between the Chinese dragon and the dragon of western countries. 1.Sum up the main content of this class.

35、 2.Read through what they have learnt after the teacher.3.Search on the Internet or look up some information from some books to compare the differences of meanings of dragons in different countries.教師在總結(jié)本節(jié)內(nèi)容時,可以簡單地提及在中國被奉為祥瑞的龍在西方神話中有著截然不同的含義,激發(fā)學生的好奇心和求知的欲望。 . Blackboard design Topic 1 China attracts

36、 millions of tourists from all over the world.Section B1.stone n. 石頭2.guard v. 守衛(wèi),保衛(wèi);看守3. a symbol of 的象征4. Its said that theyre powerful animals which guard the whole nation. 據(jù)說他們是守護整個國家的威猛動物。Its said that 據(jù)說關系代詞which引導的定語從句修飾的是先行詞animals。5. Thats correct! 很正確!6. play an important part in 在中扮演重要角色S

37、ection C. Material analysis本課是九年級第五單元第一個話題的第三課時,主活動為1a和3。通過短文The Great Wall 的學習,見識了世界上最偉大的奇跡之一長城的瑰麗風采;進一步運用定語從句來描述名勝古跡,以更好地掌握定語從句的用法;提高學生在閱讀中根據(jù)句子的含義辨認單詞,猜測陌生詞語的技能及信息轉(zhuǎn)換的技能,并通過第二部分和第三部分任務的設置來完成“讀說寫”的任務鏈,實現(xiàn)真正意義上的拓展,達到學以致用的目的,提高學生自主、合作、探究的能力。通過本課的學習,學生在了解到長城的地理知識和悠久的歷史,開拓視野增長見識的同時,也能激發(fā)他們的民族自豪感并加深他們對祖國油然

38、而生的熱愛之情。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 1) Words and phrases: state, remain, separate, enemy, expect, treasure, suppose, stretch fromto , bring into, be regarded as, be famous for2) Grammar:進一步掌握that /which 引導的定語從句的用法。2. Skill aims:1)能讀懂介紹長城相關知識的短文,在閱讀中能根據(jù)語境推測、理解生詞的含義。2)能理解短文大意,并將文本信息轉(zhuǎn)換為圖表信息。3)學以致用

39、,把輸入的信息“如何介紹一處名勝”通過說和寫的方式輸出。3.Emotional aims:1)遇到問題時能主動請教,勇于克服困難。2)開拓視野增長見識,對祖國的文化能有更深刻的了解,激發(fā)民族自豪感和對祖國大好河山的熱愛之情。4.Culture awareness: 了解長城的地理知識和悠久的歷史。5.Learning strategies:拆分理解定語從句。. The key points and difficult points1. Words and phrases:state, remain, separate, enemy, expect, treasure, suppose, str

40、etch fromto , bring into, be regarded as, be famous for2. Sentences:1) The entire wall, which has many branches, is about 8 800 kilometers long.2) It stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west. 3) It is said that he who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. 3. Gram

41、mar:Attributive clauses (which/that). Teaching aids多媒體課件, 或黃山、長城、黃果樹瀑布、西湖、故宮和華表的圖片;關于長城的短片。. Teaching proceduresStage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5 mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Ask students to give a report.1.Greeting.

42、2.Students report the differences between the Chinese dragon and the dragon in western countries.教師可采用小組競賽的方式鼓勵學生積極主動地完成課后的任務。培養(yǎng)學生的集體榮譽感。2Revision(3 mins)Individual workLead students to introduce a place of interest with attributive clauses.Introduce a place of interest of 2b in Page 4 using attribu

43、tive clauses to describe them. 教師提供圖片,學生用含有定語從句的句子進行介紹。可適當拓展。3Pre-reading(5 mins)Class activityPlay the video or show a picture of the Great Wall.Watch the video or look at the picture to know about the topic. 創(chuàng)設與課文語境有關的課堂氛圍,導入話題。Pair workAsk students to talk about the Great Wall in pairs, and help

44、them understand the new words and phrases.Talk about the Great Wall with the given expressions above the passage with the help of the teacher.配對活動討論出的有關長城的信息,激活相關的背景知識。4While-reading(12 mins)Individual work1.Let students skim the passage and match the words with their meanings. 2.Ask students to wat

45、ch the flash carefully to complete the diagram in 1c.1.Read the passage quickly and match the words with their meanings. They can infer the words by reading the sentences with the words carefully. They can also put the English meanings into the sentences to understand the meanings. 2.Watch the flash

46、 carefully and underline the key points to complete the diagram about the Great Wall. 1.通過略讀使學生整體了解文章大意,從而根據(jù)段意和句意辨認單詞,猜測陌生詞語。2.通過分段細讀完成圖表任務,掌握細節(jié)。Group workAsk students to discuss their answers in groups.Discuss the answers in groups.小組討論后讓小組代表回答,其他小組補充,最后教師給予評價。5Postreading(5 mins)Group work1.Organi

47、ze students to find out the key points and solve the difficulties. 2.Ask students to finish the tasks of 2 in groups.1.Students sum up the key points and ask some questions they cant understand, and then solve them with the help of each other. Report the results.2.Work in groups and complete the tas

48、ks of 2. Choose one of group members to give a report.1.小組合作學習,以學生為主體。教師可給予適時的指導,如可以把定語從句分成兩個簡單句來理解。2.以閱讀素材作為載體,進行任務型的口語操練。6Pre-writing(4 mins)Group work1.Ask students to discuss the questions in 3.2.Ask students to prepare the material for writing alone. Remind them to use the formation of the e-ma

49、il. 1.Talk about the given questions in groups. 2.Sort the material they can use for writing according to their discussion, including the words, phrases and sentences.在完成寫作任務之前讓學生討論給出的提示問題。67While-writing(4 mins)Individual workAsk students to complete the e-mail alone.Complete the e-mail alone.此環(huán)節(jié)要留

50、給學生獨立思考、整理寫作素材的時間。8Postwriting(4 mins)Class activityAsk two students to read their e-mails and help them learn to proofread.Read their e-mails and learn to proofread.教師在學生朗讀范文后要給予評價,并指導學生寫作后如何進行修改。9Summarizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Class activity1.Ask students to sum up the key points.2.Ask

51、students to consolidate the usage of the key phrases.1.Sum up the main content of this class.2.Make up sentences with“stretch fromto , bring into, be regarded asand be famous for”.通過總結(jié)培養(yǎng)學生的歸納能力,將課文重點內(nèi)容系統(tǒng)化。Individual workAsk students to look up some information about tea.Look up some books or search

52、the Internet to know about something about the history of tea. . Blackboard designTopic 1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.Section C1. state n. 國家;州;政府;狀態(tài) v. 陳述,說明2.separate v. (使)分開,分離;區(qū)分3. remain v. 剩余,遺留;仍然是 4.enemy n. 敵人;反對者5.expect v. 預料,預期;期待,盼望 6.treasure n. 財富;珍重7.

53、suppose v. 假定,假設;推測8.It stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west. 它東起山海關,西至嘉峪關。 stretch fromto 從延伸到9.He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到長城非好漢。10.bring into把帶進 11.be famous for因而著名Section D. Material analysis本課是本話題的最后一課,主活動為1a。通過介紹富有特色的中國茶文化, 培養(yǎng)學生通過閱讀快

54、速找出文章大意的能力和理解有關細節(jié)并進行判斷的能力,并對整個話題的語法及功能進行系統(tǒng)的總結(jié)。通過本課的學習,學生在了解中國茶文化的同時,提高自己綜合運用語言的技能,同時為我們國家擁有如此豐富的歷史文化而倍感自豪。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 1) Words and phrases:include, along with, the number of (a number of )2) Grammar:掌握that /which 引導的定語從句的用法。2.Skill aims:1) 能閱讀并理解關于中國茶文化的短文,并學會通過略讀找出文章的中心思想。2) 掌握通

55、過查讀理解文章細節(jié)的技巧。3.Emotional aims:1) 能在小組活動中積極與他人合作,相互幫助,共同完成學習任務。2) 對祖國的文化能有更深刻的了解,激發(fā)民族自豪感。4. Culture awareness: 了解茶文化的悠久歷史。5. Learning strategies1) 略讀,即有目的性地閱讀以獲取文章的大意或中心思想。2) 對所學內(nèi)容能主動復習并加以整理和歸納。. The key points and difficult points1. Words and phrases: include, along with, the number of (a number of

56、)2. Sentences:1) Of the tree major drinkstea, coffee and cocoa, tea is drunk by the largest number of people in the world.2) The friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea.3) Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are necessary to begin a day. 3. Grammar: Attributive clauses (which

57、/that) . Teaching aids多媒體課件,或風景名勝的圖片,功夫茶的視頻,一篇難度適中并附有任務的有關中國茶文化的英語短文。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(4 mins)Class activityGreeting.Greeting.教師可事先準備一些風景勝地的圖片做為素材提供給學生。不要打斷學生的對話,對于對話中存在的錯誤在總結(jié)時委婉提出。鼓勵

58、學生使用盡可能多的英語交際用語。Pair workAsk students to act out conversations about their vacations. Students act out their own conversations about what they did on their winter holidays; describe some places of interest they have been to during the holiday, using the attributive clauses. 2Revision(5 mins)Pair wor

59、kIndividual workOffer the diagram of 1c in Section C to the students, and ask them to ask and answer about the Great Wall.Let students show their written works. Ask and answer about the Great Wallaccording to the diagram in Section C.Example:A: Whats the material of the Great Wall?B: The early walls

60、 were made of Read their passages written after class about a famous Chinese tourist attraction. 可把全班分為四大組,大組中每有一對學生正確問答記為一分,教師對得分最多的大組給予鼓勵。3Pre-reading(3mins)Class activityPlay the video about tea, such as Kungfu tea, or show some pictures about it, introduce the Chinese tea culture in brief. Watch

61、 the video about the history of tea, and know something about the Chinese tea culture.教師也可口頭介紹一些有關中國茶文化的背景知識,讓學生對要讀到的內(nèi)容有一定了解,喚起他們求知的欲望。4While-reading(15 mins)Individual work1.Let the students read the passage and understand the general meaning of the passage to choose the best title.2.Guide students

62、 to read the passage paragraph by paragraph to mark the sentences in 1b. 1.Read the passage and choose the best title for it.2.Read the passage paragraph by paragraph to finish 1b.1.通過略讀使學生整體了解課文大意,選出最佳題目。2.通過判斷句子的正誤檢查學生對本課內(nèi)容的理解。5Post-reading (15 mins)Pair workAsk students to translate the sayings a

63、bout tea in pairs. Discuss and translate the sayings and their meanings about tea in pairs. 本環(huán)節(jié)的任務要結(jié)合上節(jié)課布置的作業(yè)來完成,旨在拓展學生在閱讀中所學到的知識。培養(yǎng)其說的能力的同時也提高其合作探究的能力。Group workAsk students to give a report about some unique Chinese tea culture. Talk about some unique Chinese tea culture they know or they have searched

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