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1、單擊此處編輯母版標(biāo)題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,*,單擊此處編輯母版標(biāo)題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,單擊此處編輯母版標(biāo)題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,單擊此處編輯母版標(biāo)題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,*,單擊此處編輯母版標(biāo)題樣式,單擊此處編輯母版文本樣式,第二級,第三級,第四級,第五級,*,*,初中英語演講比賽培訓(xùn),初中英語演講比賽培訓(xùn)初中英語演講比賽培訓(xùn),lets have fun!,What is worse than dying?,P

2、ublic speaking!,Guess,Why are people afraid of public speaking?,Looking foolish,forgetting,Lack of speaking skills,Making mistakes,The fear is NOT true!,If you prepare and practice,you can be Great Speaker!,English speech英語演講,English Club,English speech英語演講,lets enjoy!,演講:我們的糧食系統(tǒng)究竟出了什么問題,How to Give

3、 an Excellent Speech(如何做一個精彩的演講),1、Things to be avoided in making a speech(演講切忌),Talking too rapidly,語速太快;,2.Speaking in a monotone,聲音單調(diào);,3.Presenting without enough emotion or passion,感情不充分;,4.Talking down to the audience,對觀眾采取一種居高臨下的姿態(tài);,2、How to communicate with the listeners(怎樣與聽眾交流),A message wo

4、rth communicating,要有值得交流的觀點(diǎn);,2.Attract the listeners attention:catch their interest and build their trust,引起聽眾的注意:抓住他們的興趣并贏得信任;,3.Watch your emotional tone,注意聲調(diào)要有感情;,4.Persuade the listeners 說服聽眾;,3、How to be confidence(怎樣變得自信),Smile and look at the listeners,微笑并看著觀眾;,2.Start very slowly,with your s

5、houlders,back and your chin up;,開始發(fā)言時要慢一點(diǎn),身體保持昂首挺胸的姿態(tài);,3.Open your speech by saying something very frankly,開場白說一些真誠話;,4.Say something positive to yourself,對自己說一些積極的話,4、Four goals of the speech(演講的四個目標(biāo)),To offer information,提供信息;,2.To entertain the listeners,使聽眾感到樂趣;,3.To touch emotions,動之以情;,4.To mo

6、ve to action,使聽眾行動起來;,5、How to organize the speech(怎樣組織演講),To have a structure:such as first,second,third;,要有一個結(jié)構(gòu):可以分一二三點(diǎn);,2.To label the materials,將材料歸類整理,如笑話、趣事、名人名言、有趣的數(shù)據(jù);,3.To use note cards;,使用卡片;,6、How to use cards(怎樣使用卡片),1.Number your cards on the top right;,在卡片的右上角標(biāo)上數(shù)字;,2.Write a complete s

7、entence on both your first and last card;,在第一張和最后一張上寫上完整的句子;,3.Write up to five key words on other cards;,其他卡片上最多只能寫五個關(guān)鍵詞;,4.Use color to mark the words you want to emphasize;,用顏色來標(biāo)記你想強(qiáng)調(diào)的詞;,7、How to cope with brownout(如何對付忘詞),Just smile and go to the next card.Not the one in front of you,but to the

8、next following.Look at the first word on it.This will be the point from which you will now continue.Of course you missed part of your speech.But nobody will notice it.They will blame themselves for not following your thoughts.,只需要微微一笑,繼續(xù)下一張卡片上的內(nèi)容,不是擺在你目前的那張卡片,而是下一張??匆幌驴ㄆ系牡谝粋€單詞,這就是你要繼續(xù)的要點(diǎn)。當(dāng)然你會遺漏一部分內(nèi)

9、容,但是沒有人會注意到這一點(diǎn)。聽眾只會責(zé)怪自己沒有跟上你的思路。,8、How to begin(如何開頭),1.To tell a story(about yourself),講個(自己的)故事;,2.To quote,引用名人名言;,3.To use unusual statistics,使用一些不平常的數(shù)據(jù);,5.To ask the audience a challenging question 問 觀眾一個挑戰(zhàn)性的問題;,6.To show a video or a slide,播放錄像帶或看幻燈片。,9、How to close(如何結(jié)尾),1.To repeat your open

10、ing 重復(fù)你的開頭;,2.To summarize your presentation,概括你的演講;,3.To close with an anecdote,以趣事結(jié)尾;,4.To end with a call to action,以號召行動結(jié)尾;,5.To make a statement,以一個陳述句結(jié)尾;,6.To show an outline of your presentation,展示演講大綱。,10、Eye contact(眼神交流),1.Move your eyes slowly from person to person,and pause two or three

11、seconds with each listener;,眼睛慢慢地從一個移動到另一個人,在每一個人身上停留兩到三秒鐘時間;,2.Look at people straight or look at the bridge of their noses or chins;,眼睛直視聽眾,或看著他們的鼻梁或下巴,11、How to use the microphone(如何使用話筒),1.You must speak up and project your voice even if you are using a microphone;,即使是用話筒,也要聲音響亮并運(yùn)氣發(fā)聲;,2.Try to e

12、nd declarative sentences on a low tone without,however,trailing off in volume;,盡量用降調(diào)結(jié)束陳述句,但不要減弱音量;,3.Slow down.,放慢語速。,Excellent Speech 精彩演講分享,第十屆21世紀(jì)杯全國英語演講比賽冠軍夏鵬,第十屆21世紀(jì)杯全國英語演講比賽初中組第一名,Conclusion,總結(jié),How to make a speech,1.Choose your topic.,2.Every speech has the same parts:,1)Beginning,2)Middle,3)

13、End,3.Make sure you are prepared!,4.Stay focused!,5.Practice is important!,6.Just before you speak,keep smiling,never start by saying“sorry.Im so nervous!”“I didnt prepare well.”,just tell your audience what your topic is going to be.,7.Eye-contact!,8.How to finish a speech:,The beginning and the en

14、d should be the strongest part!,Assignment下周任務(wù)英語演講比賽,每班安排一位同學(xué)參加英語演講比賽。,每班安排一位同學(xué)作評委。,參賽者要求:,演講時間為2分鐘以內(nèi);,演講結(jié)束后需回答一個問題;,下周二前將演講稿交至辦公室4 Miss Wu處,English Speaking Contest 英語演講比賽,內(nèi)容要求:主題鮮明,內(nèi)容清楚、結(jié)構(gòu)清晰、中心突出,合理展開、邏輯性強(qiáng),內(nèi)容生動、不枯燥,能吸引聽眾注意力。,語言要求:使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英語。語言準(zhǔn)確(發(fā)音清晰,音調(diào)、音高合適,用詞準(zhǔn)確、相關(guān)),語言流利(注意連讀、詞重音、句重音、語調(diào)和節(jié)奏等)。,技巧要求:自信

15、,有感情與氣勢;注意手勢、眼神與身體語言;幽默感(不能是啞劇式的幽默或調(diào)侃);適當(dāng)使用修辭手段(比喻、類比等)。,English Speaking Contest 英語演講比賽,回答問題技巧:,I think.,Because,First,Second,Third,So.,Excellent Speech 精彩演講分享,【TED】小喬布斯,(12歲Thomas Suarez)演說,See you next time!,The Mirror and I,I like to look into the mirror.I remember when I was a little girl,I oft

16、en stood on my toes,trying to find my face in the mirror of the dressing table,which was nearly as high as I was.Now I still like to look into the mirror.Only now,the dressing table is too low for me.As I bend down,I see the face of a young woman,glowing with maturity,confident in her future and fascinated with her own reflection.,The fact that I like to look into the mirror has to do with my granny with whom I spent most of my childhood.I remember clearly that one night I heard her murmuring,Wo

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