2010年 上海市房屋租賃合同

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2010年 上海市房屋租賃合同_第1頁
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2010年 上海市房屋租賃合同_第2頁
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2010年 上海市房屋租賃合同_第3頁
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《2010年 上海市房屋租賃合同》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《2010年 上海市房屋租賃合同(10頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、2010年 上海市房屋租賃合同-上海市商品房預(yù)租合同-商品房,公寓,別墅-房屋出租協(xié)議 中英雙語 標準格式上海市房屋租賃合同(商品房預(yù)租) 商品房預(yù)租)Shanghai Municipal Premises Lease Contract上海市房屋土地資源管理局 上海市工商行政管理局 二年十一月印制制定特別告知一、本合同適用于本市行政區(qū)域范圍內(nèi)的商品房預(yù)租以及按市場化原則協(xié)商確定租賃的房屋租賃,不包括 按市政府規(guī)定的租金標準出租的公有居住房屋、行政調(diào)配方式出租和政府投資建造的公益性的非居住 房屋以及在 條例 施行前按照市政府規(guī)定的租金標準出租的私有居住房屋的租賃。 二、預(yù)租僅限于房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)企業(yè)投

2、資建造,并已取得預(yù)售許可證的商品房,但房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)企業(yè)已經(jīng)預(yù)售的 商品房不得預(yù)租;商品房預(yù)購人也不得將預(yù)購房商品房預(yù)租。 三、本合同條款中的【出租】或【預(yù)租】為提示性符號,表示該條款適用于出租行為或預(yù)租行為。本合同 作為房屋租賃合同使用時,只能采用標有【出租】部分的內(nèi)容;而作為商品房預(yù)租合同使用時,則只 能采用【預(yù)租】部分的條款和補充條款中的“ 預(yù)租有關(guān)事宜”部分的條款。其他未標有【 】符號的 條款作為通用性條款,不論預(yù)租或出租都適用。 四、本合同用于商品房預(yù)租的,在該商品房竣工,房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)企業(yè)辦理了房地產(chǎn)初始登記、取得了房地產(chǎn) 權(quán)證后,預(yù)租雙方當事人應(yīng)當簽訂商品房使用交接書。該合同即轉(zhuǎn)為房屋租

3、賃合同,合同內(nèi)的原預(yù)租 條款履行完畢。 五、本合同文本系市房地資源局和上海市工商管理局根據(jù) 上海市房屋租賃條例 制定的范本(試行) 。 其合同條款均為提示性條款,供租賃雙方當事人約定采用。本合同中的未盡事宜可由甲、乙雙方協(xié)商 一致后,訂立補充條款予以明確。 六、本合同簽訂前,出租人應(yīng)向承租人出具房地產(chǎn)權(quán)證或其他權(quán)屬證明,房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)企業(yè)向預(yù)租人出具預(yù) 售許可證。并相互交驗有關(guān)身份證明。其中將房屋出租給外來流動人員的,出租人還應(yīng)出示公安部門 發(fā)放的 房屋租賃治安許可證 。 七、本合同簽訂后的 15 日內(nèi)當事人應(yīng)按規(guī)定辦理合同登記備案。其中,屬房屋租賃的,應(yīng)向房屋所在地的 房地產(chǎn)交易中心或農(nóng)場系統(tǒng)受

4、理處辦理,領(lǐng)取租賃合同登記備案證明;屬于商品房預(yù)租的,外銷商品 房應(yīng)向市房地產(chǎn)交易中心辦理登記備案;內(nèi)銷商品房向房屋所在地的房地產(chǎn)交易中心辦理登記備案。 預(yù)租商品房竣工取得房地產(chǎn)權(quán)證,由雙方當事人訂立預(yù)租商品房使用交接書后,再按規(guī)定向房屋所在 地的房地產(chǎn)交易中心或農(nóng)場系統(tǒng)受理處辦理登記備案,領(lǐng)取租賃合同登記備案證明。租賃合同經(jīng)登記 備案后,當發(fā)生重復(fù)預(yù)租、出租、租賃期間房屋轉(zhuǎn)讓或設(shè)定抵押后被處分等事實時,可以對抗第三人。 八、凡當事人一方要求登記備案,而另一方不予配合的,要求登記備案的一方可持本合同、有效身份證明 等有關(guān)文件辦理登記備案。 九、房屋租賃保證金是一種履約保證的措施。房屋出租時,出

5、租人可以與承租人在合同中約定收取房屋租 賃保證金。租賃保證金的數(shù)額由租賃雙方當事人約定。租賃關(guān)系終止時,房屋租賃保證金除用以抵充 合同約定由承租人承擔(dān)的費用外,剩余部分應(yīng)當歸還承租人。 十、本合同文本可向市或房屋所在地區(qū)、縣房地產(chǎn)交易中心或農(nóng)場系統(tǒng)受理處購取。雙方當事人使用本合 同前仔細閱讀,認真了解各條款內(nèi)容。 十一、 本合同為示范文本,供當事人參照使用。 同的最后一頁簽字、蓋章。 十二、 本合同的租賃關(guān)系由經(jīng)紀人機構(gòu)代理或居間的則租賃當事人應(yīng)當要求經(jīng)紀人機構(gòu)和經(jīng)紀人在本合房屋租賃上海市商品房預(yù)租本合同雙方當事人: 出租方(甲方) : 【出租】 承租方(乙方) :Parties to thi

6、s contract: Lesser (Party A):合同Lessee (Party B):根據(jù) 中華人民共和國合同法 上海市房屋租賃條例 、 (以下簡稱: 條例 )的規(guī)定,甲、乙雙方 在平等自愿公平和誠實信用的基礎(chǔ)上,經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,就乙方承租甲方可依法 出租 (出租/預(yù)租)的 房 屋 (房屋/商品房)事宜,訂立本合同。 Having reached unanimity through consultations, Party A and Party B, on the basis of voluntary, equality and mutual benefit, have entered

7、 into this Contract in respect of Party A letting the premises which it lawfully owns to Party B, and Party B leasing the premises from Party A in accordance with the relevant laws and regulation of the State and relevant regulations of this Municipality.一、出租或預(yù)租房屋情況Location, Area, Renovation, Facili

8、ties of the Premises1-1甲方 出租 (出租/預(yù)租)給乙方的房屋座落在本市 浦東新 (區(qū)/縣) 路 / (弄/新 村) (號/幢) 室(部位) / (以下簡稱該房屋) 。該房屋【出租】實測 ( 【出 租】實測/【預(yù)租】預(yù)測) 建筑面積為 平方米,土地用途為 住宅 ,房屋類型為 、 結(jié)構(gòu)為 鋼混 。甲方向乙方出示: 【出租】房地產(chǎn)權(quán)證/房屋所有權(quán)證/ 房地產(chǎn)權(quán)證 ; 證書編號: 滬 Party A lets to Party B its lawfully owned premises located in this Municipality at .(hereinafter

9、referred to as the Premises), the Premises actual surveyed and measured constructional area : _ _ sq. meters. The Premises usage: . Property type: apartment Structure: steel concrete . Property Ownership Certificate No.: (2012)第 which is presented to Party B by Party A (房地產(chǎn)權(quán)利人/代管人/法律規(guī)定的其他權(quán)利人)與乙方建立 甲

10、方作為該房屋的 房地產(chǎn)權(quán)利人 租賃關(guān)系。簽訂本合同前,甲方已告知乙方該房屋 未 (已/未)設(shè)定抵押。1-2Party A, acting as an owner of the Property, has established a leasing relationship with Party B. Party A already informed Party B the Premise was unmortgaged before signing the contract. 1-3 該房屋的公用或合用部位的使用范圍、條件和要求;現(xiàn)有裝修、附屬設(shè)施的內(nèi)容標準及需約定的有 關(guān)事宜,由甲、乙雙方分

11、別在本合同附件(一)(二)中加以列明。甲、乙雙方同意該附件作為甲 、 方向乙方交付該房屋和本合同終止時乙方向甲方返還該房屋的驗收依據(jù)。 The state of the existing furbishing and facilities of the premises shall be set forth by the parties in Appendix 1 & 2 to the Contract. Unless the parties agree otherwise, such Appendix shall form the basis of the acceptance inspec

12、tion, taking place when Party A hands over the premises to Party B in accordance with the stipulations of this Contract and when Party B, upon the expiration of the lease term of this Contract, returns said premises.二、租賃用途Use of the Lease2-1乙方向甲方承諾,租賃該房屋作為 住宅 使用,并遵守國家和本市有關(guān)房屋使用和物業(yè)管理的規(guī)定。 Party B under

13、takes in respect of Party A that the lease of said premises shall only be used for residence purpose. Party B shall observe the rules and regulations of the State and Municipality in use and management of the premises.2-2 乙方保證,在租賃期內(nèi)未征得甲方書面同意以及按規(guī)定須經(jīng)有關(guān)部門審批而未核準前, 不擅自改變上述約定的使用用途。 Party B shall not arbit

14、rarily change the use of said premises within the term of the lease, unless received Party As prior written consent and obtained the approval of the relevant authorities in accordance with regulations.三、交付日期和租賃期限Term of the Lease3-1甲乙雙方約定,甲方于 年 月 日前向乙方交付該房屋。 【出租】房屋租賃期自 200 年 月 日起至 200 年 月 日止。 即自 200

15、 年 月 日起, 乙方有權(quán)利提前 1 個月書面通知甲方終止本合同,即合同終止不得早于 200 年 月 日,通知不足 1 個月的,乙 方應(yīng)補足不足期限的租金作為補償。 上述行為將不被視作違約,甲方將按合同向乙方退還無息租賃保證金。 Party A and Party B agree that Party A shall have the Premises over to Party B before . The lease term of said premises commences on and expires on . From , Party B has the right to ter

16、minate the leasing agreement by giving one month written notice in advance. Less than one month notice, Party B should pay for the balance of one month rental as the compensation. The above terms and conditions of both parties will be eligible. Party A should refund the security deposit to Party B w

17、ithout interest.3-2租賃期滿, 甲方有權(quán)收回該房屋, 乙方應(yīng)如期返還。 乙方需繼續(xù)承租該房屋的, 則應(yīng)于租賃屆滿前 一 個月,向甲方提出續(xù)租書面要求,經(jīng)甲方同意后重新簽訂租賃合同。 Party A shall have the right to recover all leased premises upon the expiry of the lease term, and Party Bshall return the premises on time. If Party B desires to renew the lease, the written intent m

18、ust be made to Party A one month prior to the expiration of the lease term; subject to Party As consent, a new lease contract shall be executed.四、租金支付方式和期限Rental, Method of Payment and Term4-1甲、乙雙方約定,該房屋每日每平方米建筑面積租金為(人民幣) 元。 元。 【出租】月租金總計為( 人民幣 ) (大寫:人民幣 萬 仟 佰 拾 元 角整 ) 。 該房屋租金 個月內(nèi)不變。自第 200 年 月 日 起,雙方

19、可協(xié)商對租金進行調(diào)整。有 關(guān)調(diào)整事宜由甲、乙雙方在補充條款中約定。 The total of the monthly rental is RMB (in words: RMB ). The rental of said premises shall not change within month(s). Commencing on the both parties can negotiate and adjust the rental. Items on adjustment of the rental can be further set forth into the Supplementa

20、l Agreement. 乙方應(yīng)于每月 日前向甲方支付租金。逾期支付的,每逾期一日,則乙方需按日租金的 支 付違約金。 Party B must pay the monthly rental before the of each month. If Party B fails to pay on schedule, it shall be required to pay liquidated damages at the rate of of the daily rental for each day of delay. 乙方應(yīng)于 200 年 月 日前向甲方支付首月租金和另兩個月的租金作為租

21、賃保證金。 Party B must pay the first monthly rental,together with another two months rental as security deposit before . 乙方支付租金的方式如下: 銀行轉(zhuǎn)帳 The method of payment for the rental of said premises is as follows: Bank account transfer 乙方支付甲方租金(人民幣)的帳號如下: The method of payment for the rental of said premises

22、is as follows: 收款單位: 銀行賬號:開戶銀行:4-24-34-44-5五、保證金和其他費用Security Deposit & Other Fees5-1甲乙雙方約定,乙方應(yīng)于 200 年 月 日前向甲方支付房屋租賃保證金,保證 金為 個月的租金,即(人民幣) 元。 甲方收取保證金后向乙方開具收款憑證。 租賃關(guān)系終止時,甲方收取的房屋租賃保證金除用以抵充合同約定由乙方承擔(dān)的費用外,剩余部分 無息歸還乙方。Both Parties agree that Party B shall pay to Party A a security deposit of ¥ (in words:

23、RMB ) equivalent to months rent before . Party A shall provide Party B with a receipt upon receipt of the security deposit. At the lease expiry, except for amount to offset any outstanding payment by Party B, Party A shall refund the remainder of the security deposit to Party B without interest. 5-2

24、 租賃期間,使用該房屋所發(fā)生的水、電、通訊設(shè)備安裝等費用由 甲方 ( 甲方/乙方 )承擔(dān)。其 他有關(guān)費用,均由 乙方 ( 甲方/乙方 )承擔(dān)。 During the lease term, any fees for water, electricity, telephone and internet installation, by Party B in the Premises shall be borne by Party A (Party A/Party B). Any other fees shall be borne by Party B (Party A/Party B).六、房屋

25、使用要求和維修責(zé)任Responsibilities to Repair the Premises6-1租賃期間,乙方發(fā)現(xiàn)該房屋及其附屬設(shè)施有損壞或故障時,應(yīng)及時通知甲方修復(fù);甲方應(yīng)在接到乙 方通知后的 3 日內(nèi)進行維修。逾期不維修的,乙方可代為維修,費用由甲方承擔(dān)。 During the lease term, in the event of any defect or malfunction of the Premises or its auxiliary facilities, Party B shall inform Party A in time to repair. Party A

26、shall render repair work within three days upon receipt of Party Bs notice. If Party A fails to repair after the above deadline, Party B can perform repairing work on its own and Party A shall be responsible for related charges and/or fees therefore. 租賃期間,乙方應(yīng)合理使用并愛護該房屋及其附屬設(shè)施。因乙方使用不當或不合理使用,致使該房 屋及其副屬

27、設(shè)施損壞或發(fā)生故障的,乙方應(yīng)負責(zé)維修。乙方拒不維修,甲方可代為維修,費用由乙 方承擔(dān)。 Party B shall take good care of and reasonably use the leased premises and accessory facilities. Party B shall be responsible for prompt repairing or compensating any damage it caused to the premises or facilities resulting from improper use thereof. Faili

28、ng such, Party B shall bear all related charges of the repairing work conducted by Party A on behalf of Party B. 租賃期間,甲方保證該房屋及其附屬設(shè)施處于正常的可使用和安全的狀態(tài)。甲方對該房屋進行檢查、 養(yǎng)護,應(yīng)提前 3 日通知乙方。檢查養(yǎng)護時,乙方應(yīng)予以配合。甲方應(yīng)減少對乙方使用該房屋 的影響。 Party A shall guarantee normal/usable condition and safety for the use of the let premises and

29、 accessory facilities during the term of the lease. Party A shall notify Party B three days before repair and maintenance work of the Premises. Party B shall offer cooperation during repair and maintenance work. Party A shall minimize negative affect on the use of the Premises by Party B. 除本合同附件(二)外

30、,乙方另需裝修或者增設(shè)副屬設(shè)施和設(shè)備的,應(yīng)事先征得甲方的書面同意, 按規(guī)定須向有關(guān)部門批準審批的,則還應(yīng)由 甲方 ( 甲方/ 甲方委托乙方 )報請有關(guān)部門批 準后,方可進行。乙方增設(shè)的附屬設(shè)施和設(shè)備及其維修責(zé)任由甲、乙雙方另行書面約定。 Except Attachment 2 of this Contract, Party B shall obtain a prior written consent of Party A if Party B plans to need renovation/fit-out or install additional facilities. If accord

31、ing to regulations, application procedures should be carried out with the relevant departments (including the property management of said6-26-36-4premises), the relevant procedures must have been properly carried out by Party A (Party A/Party B) before proceeding. The ownership and maintenance respo

32、nsibility of the additionally installed or altered facilities shall be further determined and agreed in writing by Party A and Party B。七、房屋返還時的狀態(tài)Property State of Repossession by Party A7-1除甲方同意乙方續(xù)租外,乙方應(yīng)在本合同的租期屆滿后的 當 日內(nèi)應(yīng)返還該房屋,未經(jīng)甲方同意 元/天 ( 人民幣 )甲方支付該房屋占用使用 逾期返還房屋的,每逾期一日,乙方應(yīng)按 費。 Except for lease renew

33、al agreed upon by Party A and Party B, Party B shall return the Premises to Party A the day expires. Delaying in returning the Premises without Party As consent, Party B shall pay an overtime occupying fee RMB / day 乙方返還該房屋應(yīng)當符合正常使用后的狀態(tài)。返還時應(yīng)經(jīng)甲方驗收認可,并相互結(jié)清各自應(yīng)當承擔(dān) 的費用。 Party B shall return the Premises t

34、o Party A on a tenantable condition after Party As inspection and acceptance and settlement of payments by both Parties respectively.7-2八、轉(zhuǎn)租、 轉(zhuǎn)租、轉(zhuǎn)讓和交換Terms for Subleasing, Transferring & Exchanging8-1除甲方已在本合同補充條款中同意乙方轉(zhuǎn)租外,乙方在租賃期內(nèi),需事先征得甲方的書面同意,方 可將該房屋部分或全部轉(zhuǎn)租給他人。但同一間居住房屋,不得分割轉(zhuǎn)租。 Party B must obtain Par

35、ty As prior written consent before it may sublet part or all of its leased premises to another party within the term of the lease, unless Party A and Party B have agreed otherwise in the Supplemental Agreement hereof. However, Party B shall not sublet the same room in part or as a booth for resident

36、ial purposes to 2 lessees or more than 2 lessees at the same time. 乙方轉(zhuǎn)租該房屋,應(yīng)按規(guī)定與接受轉(zhuǎn)租方訂立書面的轉(zhuǎn)租合同。并按規(guī)定向該房屋所 在區(qū)、縣房地產(chǎn)交易中心辦理登記備案。 The sublease contract entered into under which Party B sublets said premises may only come into effect subject to the registration for the record carried out in accordance with

37、 the relevant regulation at related real estate exchange center with the jurisdiction over the area the subleased Premises located. 在租賃期內(nèi),乙方將該房屋轉(zhuǎn)讓給他人承租或與他人承租的房屋進行交換,必須事先 征得甲方書面同意。轉(zhuǎn)讓或交換后,該房屋承租權(quán)的受讓人或交換人應(yīng)于甲方簽訂租賃主體變更合 同并繼續(xù)履行本合同。 During the lease term, Party B shall obtain a prior written consent in the

38、event Party B plans to assign or exchange the Premises with other Party. After such assignment and exchanging for the leasing right of the Premises, the assignee or exchanger shall enter into a contract for the variation of leasing subject and continue to fulfill this Contract. 在租賃期內(nèi),甲方如需出售該房屋,應(yīng)提前三個

39、月通知乙方。乙方在同等條件下有優(yōu)先購買權(quán)。 During the lease term, Party A shall notify Party B 3 months in advance of selling of the Premises. Party B8-28-38-4shall have the refusal under the same terms and conditions for the sales of the Premises.九、解除本合同的條件Conditions for Rescinding this Contract9-1甲乙雙方同意在租賃期內(nèi),有下列情況之一的,

40、本合同終止,雙方互不承擔(dān)責(zé)任: (1) 該房屋占用范圍內(nèi)的土地使用權(quán)依法提前收回的; (2) 該房屋因社會公共利益被依法征用的; (3) 該房屋毀損、滅或者被鑒定為危險房屋的; (4) 該房屋因城市建設(shè)需要被依法列入房屋拆遷許可范圍的; (5) 甲方已告知乙方該房屋出租前已設(shè)定抵押,現(xiàn)被處分的。 (6) 其他非甲方所能及的情況 。 Party A and Party B agree that this Contract shall be rescinded during the term of the lease under any of the following circumstances

41、. Both Parties shall not be held liable for each other any more. (1) The right to the use of land whereon the Property is erected is statutorily resumed by the government authority. (2) The Property is statutorily resumed for public interest. (3) The Property has been included for clearance for cons

42、tructing municipal infrastructure. (4) The Property has been damaged, destroyed or classified as dangerous building. (5) The Property which has been set on mortgage by Party A with notification of such to Party B before occupancy is now being disposed of at the discretion of the mortgage. (6) Any ot

43、her circumstances that are out of Party As control. 甲乙雙方同意,有下列情形之一的,一方可書面通知另一方解除本合同。違反合同的一方,應(yīng)向另一 方按月租金的 雙 倍支付違約金;給對方造成損失的,支付的違約金不足抵付一方損失的,還應(yīng) 賠償造成的的損失與違約金的差額部分: (1)甲方未按時交付該房屋,經(jīng)乙方催告后 5 日內(nèi)仍未交付的; (2) 甲方交付的該房屋不符合本合同的約定, 致使不能實現(xiàn)租賃目的的; 或甲方交付的房屋存在缺陷, 危及乙方安全的。 (3)乙方未征得甲方書面同意改變房屋用途,致使房屋損壞的; (4)因乙方原因造成房屋主體結(jié)構(gòu)損壞的

44、; (5) 乙方擅自轉(zhuǎn)租該房屋、轉(zhuǎn)讓該房屋承租權(quán)或與他人交換各自承租的房屋的; (6) 乙方逾期不支付租金累計超過 一個 月的; Both Parties agree that under any of the following circumstances, either Party can notify the other Party to terminate the Contract. The default Party shall pay to the other Party _ two _ times of the monthly rent as penalty. If such p

45、enalty amount is not enough to cover damage and loss suffered by the other Party, the default Party shall be responsible for the difference. (1) Party A fails to deliver the Premises on time and even within five days after receipt of Party Bs notice pressing for the delivery of the Premises. (2) The

46、 conditions of the premises delivered to Party B fails to be in accordance with the terms of the Contract for occupancy or any defect of the Premise to potentially endanger Party B safety. (3) The Premises is damaged due to Party Bs alteration of the Premises without Party As written consent. (4) Th

47、e main structure of the Premises is damage due to Party Bs causes. (5) Party B subleases, assigns or exchanges the Premises with other Party without related approval. month. (6) Party B fails to make rental payment for over one9-2十、違約責(zé)任Liabilities for Breach of Contract10-1該房屋交付時存在缺陷的,甲方應(yīng)自交付之日起的 5 日

48、內(nèi)進行修復(fù),逾期不修復(fù)的,甲方 同意減少租金并變更有關(guān)租金條款。 Party A shall repair any defected part of the Premises within five days after delivery in the event of any defects noticed when delivery of the Premises. Failing such, Party A shall agree to deduct rent and amend related terms for rental payment. 因甲方未在本合同中告知乙方,該房屋出租前

49、已抵押或產(chǎn)權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)移已受到限制,造成乙方損失的,甲 方應(yīng)負責(zé)賠償。 Party A shall be responsible for any major damage suffered by Party B due to Party As failure to inform in the Contract to Party B of mortgage or restricted ownership title transfer of the Premises before the leasing of the Premises. 租賃期間,甲方不及時履行本合同約定的維修、養(yǎng)護責(zé)任,致使房屋損壞,造

50、成乙方財產(chǎn)損失或人 身傷害的,甲方應(yīng)承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任。 During the lease term, Party A shall be responsible for physical and/or monetary damage suffered by Party B due to Party As failure to render repairing and maintaining work of the Premises in time to cause defect of the Premises 租賃期間,非本合同規(guī)定的情況甲方擅自解除本合同,提前收回該房屋的,甲方應(yīng)按 月租金的雙 倍

51、向乙方支付違約金。若支付的違約金不足抵付乙方損失的,甲方還應(yīng)負責(zé)賠償。 During the lease term, in the event Party A early terminates the Contract unnaturally under other circumstances than stated in the Contract, Party A shall pay to Party B _two times of the monthly rent. If such penalty amount is not enough to cover damage and loss

52、suffered by Party B, Party A shall be responsible for the difference. 乙方未征得甲方書面同意或者超出甲方書面同意的范圍和要求裝修房屋或者超出甲方書面同意的范 圍和要求裝修房屋或者增設(shè)附屬設(shè)施的,甲方可以要求乙方 _ 賠償損失 ( 恢復(fù)房屋原狀/ 賠償損失 ) 。 Party A shall have the right to request Party B to compensate damage (restore the Premises to its original state / compensate damage)

53、 in the event Party B has installed additional facilities or altered the facilities without Party As consent or exceeding the requirements or limits previously agreed upon by Party A in writing. 租賃期間,非本合同規(guī)定的情況,乙方中途擅自退租的,乙方應(yīng)按月租金的 雙 倍 向甲方支付違約金。若違約金不足抵付甲方損失的,乙方還應(yīng)負責(zé)賠償。甲方可從租賃保證金中抵 扣。保證金不足抵扣的,不足部分則由乙方另行交付

54、。 During the lease term, in the event Party B early terminates the Contract unnaturally under other circumstances than stated in the Contract, Party B shall pay to Party A _two_ times of the monthly rental as penalty. If such penalty amount is not enough to cover damage and loss suffered by Party A,

55、 Party B shall be responsible for the difference. Party A may deduct such penalty amount from the security deposit. If the security deposit is insufficient, Party B shall further be responsible for the difference.10-210-310-410-510-610-7若乙方未能按本合同約定時間向甲方交付首月租金及保證金,則甲方有權(quán)將交房時間相應(yīng)順延。交 房順延時間與乙方交付首月租金和保證金的

56、延期時間相等。 Shall Party Bs payment of first months rental fee and security deposit be overdue; the delivery date of Party A should be postponed accordingly.十一、 十一、 其他條款Other Provisions 11-1 租賃期間,甲方需抵押該房屋,應(yīng)當書面告知乙方,并向乙方承諾該房屋抵押后當事 人協(xié)議以折價、變賣方式處分該房屋前 30 日書面征詢乙方購買該房屋的意見。 During the lease term, in the event Pa

57、rty A plans to set mortgage on the premises, Party A shall notify Party B of such mortgage in writing. And Party A shall undertake that any intent to purchase the Premises by Party B shall be consulted thirty days prior to the Parties disposal of the Premises in the form of depreciation or sales aft

58、er the mortgage of the premises. 本合同自雙方簽字/簽署后 當日 生效。生效后的 15 日內(nèi),由甲方負責(zé)按規(guī)定向房屋所在地區(qū)、 縣房地產(chǎn)交易中心戶或農(nóng)場系統(tǒng)受理處辦理登記備案,領(lǐng)取房屋租賃登記備案證明;本合同經(jīng)登記 備案后,凡變更、終止本合同的,由 甲方 ( 甲方/乙方 )負責(zé)在本合同變更終止之日起的 15 日內(nèi),向原登記機構(gòu)辦理變更、終止登記備案手續(xù)。因甲方未辦理房屋租賃登記備案或變更、終 止登記備案的,所引起的法律糾紛,由甲方承擔(dān)一切責(zé)任。 The Contract shall take effect the same day signing by Part

59、y A and Party B. In accordance with the relevant regulations of this Municipality, Party A shall be responsible to register this contract within 15 days after its execution by Party A and Party B with Shanghai municipal/district (county) real estate exchange authorities on behalf of the parties. Wit

60、h respect to any amendment or termination of this contract after the registration of this Contract, Party A (Party A/Party B) shall be responsible to carry out, on behalf of the parties, the procedures for the registration of the amendment or termination with the original registration authorities wi

61、thin 15 days following the amendment or termination of this contract. Party A shall be responsible for any litigation disputes for failure to render the lease registration procedures. 本合同未盡事宜,經(jīng)甲、乙雙方協(xié)商一致,可訂立補充條款。本合同補充條款及附件均為本合同不 可分割的一部分,本合同及其補充條款和附件內(nèi)空格部分填寫的文字與鉛印文字具有同等效力。 Matters not covered in this c

62、ontract may be set forth in Supplemental Agreement subject to consensus reached between Party A and Party B consultations. The supplemental Agreement and Annexes of this contract form an inseparable part of this contract. The text written into the blank spaces of this contract and its Supplemental A

63、greement and Annexes and the printed text shall be equally authentic. 甲、乙雙方在簽署本合同時,對各自的權(quán)利、義務(wù)、責(zé)任清楚明白,并愿按合同規(guī)定及公共場所治 安管理條例嚴格執(zhí)行。如一方違反本合同,另一方有權(quán)按本合同規(guī)定索賠。 At the time of executing this Contract, Party A and Party B have the full capacity for civil acts, clearly understand each ones rights, obligations and

64、responsibilities, and are willing to perform strictly in accordance with the provisions of the contract and the Innkeepers Act. If a party breaches this Contract, the other party shall have the right to claim compensation in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. 甲、乙雙方就履行本合同發(fā)生糾紛,應(yīng)通過協(xié)商解決;協(xié)商

65、解決不成的,選擇下列一種方式解決(下 列兩種方式由甲、乙雙方共同任選一種) : 二11-211-311-411-5(1)提交上海仲裁委員會仲裁; (2)依法向人民法院起訴。 Disputes arising between the parties in the course of performing this Contact shall be resolved through consultations. If the consultations are not successful, the dispute shall be resolved by the second of the following methods as agreed in this Contract. arbitration committee. (1) Submit to Shanghai (2)

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