高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit 2 Robots課件 新人教版選修7

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1、選修7 Unit 2 Robots 重點單詞1._n.小說;虛構(gòu)或想象出來的事2. _n.渴望;欲望;渴求vt.希望得到;想要_adj.值得向往的;值得擁有的;令人滿意的3. _n.滿意;滿足;令人滿意的事物_vt.使?jié)M足;使?jié)M意 _adj.令人滿意的;夠好的;可以的_adj.令人滿足的;令人滿意的_adj.感到滿意的;滿足的4. _n.警報;驚恐vt.使警覺;使驚恐;驚動_adj.擔(dān)心的;害怕的5. _n.同情(心)_adj.有同情心的fictiondesiredesirablesatisfactionsatisfysatisfactorysatisfyingsatisfiedalarmal

2、armedsympathysympathetic ( 學(xué) 生 用 書 見 P165) 重點單詞6._ adj.優(yōu)雅的;高雅的;講究的_n.優(yōu)雅;高雅;典雅7. _ n.喜愛;恩惠vt.喜愛;偏袒_ adj.贊成的;有利的_ _adj.特別喜愛的8. _n.堆;摞;疊vi.堆起;堆積vt.把堆起;積聚9. _adj.荒謬的;可笑的10. _vt.陪伴;伴奏_n.陪伴;(一)群;(一)隊_n.伙伴 11. _ n. 售貨員;職員;旅館接待員12._ n. 柜臺;計數(shù)器eleganteleganceFavour/favorFavorable/favourableFavorite/favouritep

3、ileabsurdaccompanycompanycompanionclerkcounter 重點單詞13. _ adj. 極壞的;極討厭的;可怕的;(口語)糟透的 _ adv. 可怕地;十分14. _vt. 宣布;聲明;表明;宣稱 _n. 宣布;公告15. _vt. 忌妒;羨慕16. _adj. 數(shù)字的;數(shù)碼的;手指的;腳趾的17. _ adj. 大的;豪華的;雄偉的18. _ n. 喜愛;愛;感情19. _n. 全體員工;手杖20. _adj. 較年幼的;資歷較淺的;地位較低的 _adj. 年長的;高級的;資歷較深的;地位較高的21. _n. 天才;特殊能力;才干awfulawfullyd

4、eclaredeclarationenvydigitalgrandaffectionstaffjuniorseniortalent 重點單詞22. _adj. 理論(上)的;假設(shè)的 _ n. 理論;原理;學(xué)說23. _ n. 框架;結(jié)構(gòu)24. _ n.離婚;斷絕關(guān)系vt.與離婚;與脫離25. _ vt.吹警報號 give the alarm to.給發(fā)警報 take (the) alarm at 對感到吃驚; 因而驚恐 in alarm 驚恐地(2) be alarmed at. 被嚇一跳 alarmed adj.驚恐的;憂慮的 alarming adj.(令某人)驚慌的;(令某人)憂慮的(1

5、)(3) Sound the alarm in case of fire.萬一失火就按響警報器。 Hearing a scream , he jumped up in alarm.聽到尖叫聲,他驚慌地跳了起來。 We didnt take alarm at the news.我們聽到這消息并不吃驚。 sympathy n同情;同情心Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. (教材P11)克萊爾覺得,機器人會向她表示同情,這有點荒唐可笑。3 have/feel sympathy for sb./sth.

6、對某人/某物表示同情 get sympathy from sb.獲得某人的同情 have sympathy with/for.贊同(支持) in sympathy with sb./sth.支持某人/某事 be out of sympathy with 不贊成 (3)sympathetic adj. 同情的,贊同的(1)(2) I have much sympathy for you.我很同情你。 She pressed my hand in sympathy.她同情地緊緊握住我的手。 I eyed Charlotte with sympathy.我同情地望著夏洛特。 I have no sy

7、mpathy with your silly ideas.我不贊成你那愚蠢的主意。 He is in sympathy with their beliefs.他與他們的信仰一致。 He is out of sympathy with the war.他不贊同這場戰(zhàn)爭。 favour(A.E.favor) n.恩惠,幫忙;偏愛 vt.偏袒;贊同As a favour Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant. (教材P11)托尼想讓克萊爾高興起來,他想幫助克萊爾,使她和她的家變得高雅大方

8、。4 ask a favour of sb.=ask sb. a favour求某人幫個忙 do sb.a favour=do a favour for sb.幫某人一個忙 do sth.as a favour 為了幫忙而做某事 in favour of贊成,支持;以.來代替 in sb.s favour對某人有利(3)be in/out of favour(with)受寵/失寵(2) (1) Do me a favour and turn the radio down while Im on the phone, will you?勞駕,我在打電話時把收音機的聲音調(diào)小點好嗎? We are

9、in favour of having a picnic if the weather is favorable. 如果天氣好,我們贊成野餐。 A great thing has happened in our favor. Nobody must spoil it. 這件事對我們有利,可別弄糟了! She is out of favour with her employer.她不再受到老板的偏愛。 accompany vt.陪伴;伴奏As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of item

10、s for her. (教材P11)因為克萊爾不讓托尼陪她去商店,所以托尼就給她寫了份購物清單5 accompany sb.to.陪某人到(to為介詞) accompany with伴隨;隨同;與同時發(fā)生(或完成,做) be accompanied by由伴奏/伴隨 accompany sb.at/on sth.(尤指用鋼琴)為伴奏 company n.陪伴;交往;公司;商號 keep sb. company陪伴某人(3) companion n.同伴,伙伴(1)(2) The storm is accompanied with thunder.暴風(fēng)雨中夾雜著雷聲。 In the hotel,

11、 they accompanied the old man in drinking away as usual.在旅館里,他們陪這位老人和往常一樣喝個不停。 Sarah sings and Bill accompanies her on the guitar. 莎拉唱歌,比爾彈吉他為她伴奏。 The speaker accompanied his speech with gestures.演講者邊講邊做手勢。 declare vt.宣布;聲明;宣稱;表明She cried out “Tony” and then heard him declare that he didnt want to l

12、eave her the next day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her. (教材P11-12)她大叫一聲“托尼”,然后聽到托尼一本正經(jīng)地說,明天他不想離開她,而且他并不滿足于僅僅使她開心。6 declare sb./sth.to be宣布某人或某事declare for/against表示贊成/反對declare war (on/against)(向)宣戰(zhàn)declare sth.open/closed宣布開始/結(jié)束 announce指正式地“公開;發(fā)表;宣布”,側(cè)重“預(yù)告”人們所關(guān)心或感興趣的事情,尤指新聞之

13、類的消息。 declare指正式地、明確地向公眾“宣布;宣告;聲明”,側(cè)重“當眾”發(fā)表,多用于宣戰(zhàn)、議和、宣判等。 The governor declared a state of emergency.州長宣布進入緊急狀態(tài)。 She declared that she didnt want to see him again.她聲稱她不想再見他了。 He declared the report to be beyond belief.他聲稱這個報告不可信。 It was announced that there would be a celebration on Sunday.據(jù)稱,星期日要舉行

14、慶祝(活動)。 test out 考驗;試驗(徹底的檢查)It was going to be tested out by Larrys wife, Claire. (教材P11)這項試驗將由拉里的夫人克萊爾來嘗試。1(1) test for為鑒定而測試;勘探 have/take a test in 參加考試 stand/bear the test 經(jīng)得起考驗 put.to the test 使經(jīng)得起考驗;實驗(2) (學(xué)生用書見P167 ) Working in the new school gave him a chance to test out some of the latest i

15、deas in education.在那所新學(xué)校工作使他有機會對某些最新教育思想進行檢驗。 The company is testing for oil.那家公司正在勘探石油。 leave behind 留下,遺留leave aside (把某事)擱置一邊,不考慮leave for 出發(fā)前往leave out 省去;遺漏;不考慮 Shes asked to be left alone but the press keep pestering her. 她要求不要打擾她,但報界總是纏著她不放。 I wonder why they left aside such an important ques

16、tion.我納悶他們?yōu)槭裁床豢紤]如此重要的一個問題。v It was careless of him to leave out an important detail.他真粗心,漏掉了一個重要細節(jié)。 set aside 將放到一邊;為節(jié)省或保留(錢或時間);暫時不考慮He felt happy when his boss stated that he could set aside some time for exercise. (教材P13)當他的老板說,他每天可以抽出時間從事鍛煉時,他感到很開心。3 set about doing著手做某事set down (車輛或司機)停下來讓(乘客)下

17、車;記下;放下set off出發(fā),動身;起程;使爆炸set out出發(fā);擺放;陳述或宣布;開始做某事set up擺放或豎起某物;使準備使用;開辦,建立 I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.我每天盡量騰出一些時間鍛煉一下身體。 She set aside her book and lit a cigarette.她把書放在一旁,點燃了一支香煙。 Why dont you set your ideas down on paper?你怎么不把你的想法寫在紙上呢? Do be careful with those

18、 fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.要格外小心這些煙火,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。 “狀語謂語主語”式的全倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. (教材P11)她一轉(zhuǎn)身,發(fā)現(xiàn)格拉迪斯克拉芬站在那里。句子謂語是動詞go, come, run, stand, live等表示位置轉(zhuǎn)移的動詞以及be動詞,且句中又有表示方向的副詞there, here, up, down, in, out, away等,為強調(diào)該副詞,可將副詞置于句首,若這時主語是名詞,則主謂全部倒裝;若為

19、代詞,則不倒裝。全倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)一般用于以下二個方面:(學(xué)生用書見P167 ) (1)由地點和時間副詞引出的完全倒裝句:以地點副詞here, there和時間副詞now, then開頭,而主語又是名詞時,構(gòu)成完全倒裝句。 There appeared to be a man in black in the distance.遠處有個穿黑色衣服的人。(2)表示方位的狀語位于句首時。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. 轟炸機下面竄出一枚導(dǎo)彈。 .品句填詞(用所給詞的恰當形式或根據(jù)語境寫一個合適的詞)1.“These results are just

20、the tip of the iceberg.” he said, adding that many more species that have yet to be assessed could also be serious threat. 【答案】 1.under2.He wasted few gestures; as we spoke, his hands remained _(elegant) folded on his desk. 【答案】 2 .elegantly3.The moment they saw the fire the Queens women all cried o

21、ut _ alarm while the gentlemen began to issue instructions to one another.【答案】 3.in4.Since the factors for my choice are in black and white, what remains (desire) is how to strive for it.【答案】 4.to be desired (學(xué)生用書見P168 ) 5.Mona Lisas smile (favor) by every class of the society. The smile has a fresh

22、 kind of spirit. 【答案】 5.is favored6.Black humorists often attack the (absurd) they see in life itself, as well as societys ills. 【答案】 6.absurdity7. (scan) and checked by specialists, he dashed back to the stadium to join in the celebrations. 【答案】 7.Having been scanned8.Although the problem (exist) f

23、or a long time, it was not until recently that people came to realize its importance. 【答案】8.has been existing 9.It was the first national park in the world. After Yellowstone became a public park, many other areas of great scenic importance were set . 【答案】9.aside10. (declare) a genius is a high hono

24、r; a compliment to be sure, but also a big title to uphold.【答案】 10.To be declared .單句改錯(含詞匯和本單元的語法)1.There can be many arguments for and against this theory, but the debate is bound to remaining inconclusive.【答案】remainingremain 2.The president was so young that he was junior than some of his employe

25、es.【答案】thanto3.One woman who divorced with her husband of 20 years told the Los Angele Times that they would have divorced much earlier had the laws been changed earlier. 【答案】去掉husband 前的with 4.I adored my teachers; their spirit gave me the unlimited power to desire after knowledge and their teachin

26、g made me become a kind person.【答案】afterfor5.I have been kept accompanied by the most considerate friends who keep encouraging me through the most difficult time.【答案】去掉kept6.They are not panic yet, but as the job rejections mount up, they are beginning to feel alarming.【答案】alarmingalarmed 7.With the

27、 development of society,English oral tests have been appealed for due to the fact that more and more qualified English speakers are desired with in all walks of life.【答案】去掉desired后的with8.You are a real friend and a pick-me-up, but Id really like to be leaving alone right now to do some deep thinking

28、.【答案】leavingleft9.The fire service said numerous people were trapped in buildings, and a state of emergency had declared.【答案】在declared 前加been 10.When the alarm clock sounded, she automatically reached her gym bag and headed out of the door.【答案】在reached 后加for .課文語法填空 Larry worked for a company that m

29、ade robots. Recently it had begun experimenting with a household robot, 1. _ was going to be tested out by Larrys wife, Claire. But Claire didnt want to have the robot in her house at first, especially when her husband would be 2. _ (absence) for three weeks. The robots name was Tony and he seemed m

30、ore like a human 3. _ a machine. He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice although his 4. _ (face) expression never changed. On the second morning Tony brought Claire breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing. She felt 5. _ (embarrass) on hearing this and quickl

31、y asked him to go, for it was 6. _ (disturb) and frightening that he looked so human. whichabsent thanfacial embarasseddisturbing 7. _ the passing of time, she began to trust him while Tony was helpful to make her smarter and her home more elegant. Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the make

32、-up she 8. _ When the clerk in the shop was rude to her, she rang Tony 9. _ for help. Tony even made her to be an envy of the women. Before the time for Tony to be taken away to the company, Claire fell 10. _ love with Tony. Eventually Tony had to be rebuilt, for the company won t allow such an absurd thing to happen. with woreupin

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