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1、包裝類中英文詞匯(貨物/行李)一件case(-s),package包裝件packing case 物件號碼number of a packing 物件順序號碼ordinal number of a package 件數number of cases 物件總數total number of cases 細繩cord 包裝用的細繩packing cord 粗麻布cloth,canvas 包裝用的粗麻布packing cloth,packing canvas 重心centre of gravity 用垂直紅線標明重心mark the centre of gravity with a red vert

2、ical line 繩子,繩索cord 箱子case,box 用過的箱子second-hand case 包裝箱packing case 箱子的數量number of cases,number of boxes 箱子的大小size of a case 箱子的一面side of a case 箱子的正面face plane side of a case 信封,信套envelope 防水信封waterproof envelope 薄膜,膠片film 聚乙烯薄膜polyethylene film 工程項目的識別標志indentification mark of object 商標,牌子,牌號,標志m

3、ark,sign,brand 識別標志distinction mark 熱帶貨物標志tropical loadline (產品)出廠牌子,出廠商標trade-mark,trademark 涂刷標志mark 刷紅色垂直線作標志mark with a red vertical line 運輸標志,涂刷運輸標志marking 附加標志additional marking 專用(警告)標志,特殊標志special marking 清晰的標志(嘜頭)clear marking 發(fā)貨人標志consignors marking 收貨人標志consignees marking 刷嘜規(guī)定instructions

4、 concerning marking 涂刷相應的標志with appropriate marking 涂刷嘜頭mark,grade 在貨運單上指出標志specify marking in a waybill 在說明書上指出標志point out marking in a specification 運輸標志marking (此端)向上up 毛重,總重gross weight 凈重,實重net weight 分數fraction 分數形式in the form of a fraction 分母denominator 分子numerator 保持干燥,切勿受潮keep dry 請勿倒置do no

5、t turn over 請勿翻轉do not turn over 此斷底部bottom 小心輕放handle with care 玻璃glass 編號,號碼numeration 買方編號numeration of the buyer,numeration of the purchaser 賣方編號numberation of the seller 紙paper 包裝紙packing paper 顏料,油漆,涂料paint 防水油漆water-repellent paint 不褪色的涂料,耐洗涂料indelible paint 圖案板patter,template,templet,stencil

6、 按圖安板by pattern,by stencil 包裝,包裝材料packing,package 防水包裝(材料)water proof packing 硬紙盒包裝card board package 海運包裝seaworthy packing 合適的包裝suitable packing 未損壞的包裝sound packing,undamaged packing 普通包裝customary packing 破損的包裝damaged packing 適應熱帶氣候的包裝tropical packing 散裝without packing,unpacked 包裝重量,皮重tare 包裝種類kind

7、 of packing 紙包裝paper packing 外部包裝packing exterior 內部包裝packing interior 塑料包裝plastic packing 包裝損壞damage to packing 有關包裝的規(guī)定instructions concerning packing 包裝費用packing charges 包裝性能properties of packing 內在包裝性能latent properties of packing 遵守包裝要求observance of instructions concerning packing 包裝情況condition o

8、f packing 包裝有缺陷defective condition of packing 包裝費cost of packing 出口商品(貨物)的包裝packing for export goods 包裝性質nature of packing 不含包裝費的價格packing not included 包括包裝費的價格packing inclusive 附加包裝費extra packing 保障商品包裝provide the packing of goods 裝運有包裝的(散貨)貨物ship goods in packing (without packing) 裝箱單,打包單,包裝單packi

9、ng list,packing sheet,packing note,packing ship 袋sack 已磨損的口袋worn-out sack 明細單specification(-s) 扎捆明細單bale specifications 裝箱明細單case specifications 標簽,標牌tag(US),label,tally 紙標簽paper tag 金屬標牌metal tag 特殊標簽,專用標簽special tag 標簽上的運輸標志marking on a tag 往行李上貼標簽put labels on ones luggage 包裝材料,包皮tare 多次使用的包皮reus

10、able tare 皮重tare 實際皮重actual tare 預計皮重estimated tare,computered tare 平均皮重average tare 發(fā)貨單皮重invoice tare 海關規(guī)定皮重customs tare 法定皮重legal tare 確定皮重tare 包皮缺陷defects in tare 皮重總量tare 規(guī)定皮重量customary tare 包皮價值,外包裝費cost of tare 不能繼續(xù)使用的包皮throwaway tare 繩子,繩索.twine,string,pack thread 包裝用的繩子,運單packing string 運單waybill 貨運單cargo waybill 貨運單號碼number of a cargo waybill

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