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關(guān) 鍵 詞:
英語基礎(chǔ)寫作 英語基礎(chǔ)寫作必備.ppt 英語寫作基礎(chǔ)
英語基礎(chǔ)寫作必備 常用句型分類訓練 基礎(chǔ)寫作失分點: 1.漏要點; 2.時態(tài)錯用; 3.句子結(jié)構(gòu)問題, 特別是多個謂語動 詞; 4.介詞亂搭; 5.重要詞拼錯; 6.中文直譯 高分作文必備: 1.要點齊; 2.不多不少五句話 ,有一句定從, 最好還會非謂語 動詞形式或其他 句式; 3.首尾句千萬別出 錯 4.書寫相當重要! 請用一句話, 翻譯以下句子 一、關(guān)于人物: 1. 李華:開朗,樂觀 陳偉:待人友善,有點害羞 2. 他眼睛近視/遠視,鼻梁上架著一副眼睛。 3. 她長得很漂亮,留著長長的頭發(fā)。 Li Hua is an open-minded and optimistic boy and Chen Wei is very friendly but a little shy. He is a near-sighted /far-sighted guy/man with a pair of glasses on his nose. She is good-looking with long beautiful hair. 4她與學生關(guān)系融洽,常與學生通過電子郵件和 網(wǎng)上聊天交流。 5高錕,1933 年 11 月 4 日出生于上海的一個富 裕家庭,試驗產(chǎn) 生濃厚的興趣。 6他于 1957 年在倫敦念大學,并于 1965 年獲得 博士學位。 She gets on well with the students, who always communicates with us by e-mail or Internet . Gao Kun, (who was) born into a rich family in Shanghai on Nov.4, 1933, showed great interest in /was interested in doing different experiments during his childhood. In 1957, he studied in a university in London and gained/got his doctors degree in 1965. 71978 年至 1996 年他在香港中文大學工作 并任校長。 8中山大學英語系畢業(yè)后,她出國深造。 9在閑時,他喜歡打羽毛球和排球。 From 1987 to 1966 he worked in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and was appointed to be the principle/president/headmaster. After she graduated/ After graduating /Having graduated from the department of English of Zhongshan University, she went abroad for further studies. In his spare time, he likes playing badminton and volleyball. 10. 憑著無比的決心和毅力,他花了 37 年完 成了這本書,為這個領(lǐng)域作出重大貢 獻。 11. 雷鋒為我們樹立了個好榜樣,人們都高 度贊揚他,尊敬他。 With great determination and will/ perseverance, he spent 37 years (in) finishing the book, which makes a great contribution to the field. Leifeng set us a good example, so all the people speak highly of him and respect him. 12.巴拉克 奧巴馬 ,父親是肯尼亞 人,母親 是美國白人,于 1961 年 8 月 4 日出 生在 夏威夷檀香山 ,現(xiàn)居住在芝加哥市。 13. 他于 1992 年結(jié)婚,育有二女 。 14.1983 年他畢業(yè)于哥倫比亞大學,1988 考 入哈佛法學院, 1991 年獲博士學位。 Born in Honolulu, Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961, Barack Obama, the son of a black man from Kenya and a white American woman, lives in Chicago. Married in 1992, he has two daughters. In 1983, he graduated from Columbia University and in 1988, he was admitted into Harvard Law School, where he gained his doctors degree in 1991. 15.畢業(yè)后他當律師、大學講師,后來一直從政 16. 2008 年 11 月 4 日,奧巴馬在大選中擊敗麥凱 恩,成為首位黑人總統(tǒng)。 17. 米高.菲爾普斯(Michael Phelps)是美國一位 非凡的游泳運動員。1985 年 6 月 30 日出生于美 國馬利蘭州巴爾的摩市。 After graduation he worked as a lawyer, lecturer and then began his political career. On Nov. 4, 2008, Barack Obama defeated John McCain in the general election and became the first African American President of the USA. Michael Phelps is a great American swimmer who was born in Baltimore, Maryland on June 30, 1985. 18.他 7 歲開始游泳,經(jīng)歷了許多艱苦的訓練 。 19. 15 歲的時候,他參加了 2000 年奧運會, 并在 200 米蝶泳比賽中排名第五。 20. 在北京奧林匹克運動會,菲爾普斯實現(xiàn)了他的 8 枚金牌夢,打破了 7 個世界 紀錄,創(chuàng)造了歷史。 When he was seven years old, he started swimming and experienced/went through much tough/hard training. At the age of 15, he attended the 2000 Olympics and placed the fifth in the 200-meter butterfly. At the Beijing Olympic Games, Phelps realized his 8-gold medal dream and bravely broke 7 world records, creating the history. *描寫地 方 關(guān)于描寫地方: 1.位置 2.人口 3.面積 4.歷史 5.其他: be located in/at/ lies in has/with a population of about covers/with an area of east東 south南 west西 north 北 southeast square metres/kilometers 平方米/公里 capital 首都,省會 province 省 district 區(qū) city 市 village 村 town 鎮(zhèn) suburbs郊區(qū) places of interest名勝古跡 politics 政治 economy 經(jīng)濟 culture 文化 symbol象征 was built in memory of為紀念 而建 be known/ honoured as被譽為 traffic/transportation 交通 convenient 便利 has/with a long history of 二 關(guān)于地點描寫 1. 歸屬: 中華人民共和國, 地理位置: 中國西 南方,被譽為世界屋脊(Roof of the World) 2. 人口: 約 2,800,000 面積: 120 多萬平方公里 3. 省會: 拉薩 ,被譽為世界上最高的城市 Located in the southwest of China, Tibet belongs to the PRC and it is known as the “Roof of the World”. It has a population of about 2.8 million with / , covering an area of more than 1.2 million square kilometers. Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is honoured as “the highest city” in the world. 4. 特征: 700 多年的悠久歷史;風景秀麗,有很 多享譽海內(nèi)外的名勝古跡,如布達拉宮。 5.1951 年 5 月 23 日解放以來,西藏在政治、經(jīng)濟 (economy)、文化等方面都取得了很大的進步。 6. 廣州市地處廣東省中部,是廣東省的省會,廣 州又是一座古城,有 2200 多年的文明歷史。 With a long history of more than 700 years, Tibet has a number of world-famous places of interest, such as the Potala Palace. Since the liberation of Tibet on May 23, 1951, it has made great progress in politics, economy and culture. Located in the middle of Guangdong province, Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong, is an ancient city with a cultural history of 2200 years. 7. 廣州一年四季如春、繁花似錦,故又有“花城”的美譽; 同時,“五羊”是廣州的象征。 8.加拿大是世界第二大國,是世界是湖泊最多的國家。 9. 東部區(qū)以漁業(yè)、森林為主,中部人口最密集。 Because it is warm and flowery all the seasons, Guangzhou is also called “Flower City” and “Five Goats” is the symbol of it. Canada is the second largest country with/ which has the largest number of lakes in the world. The majority of people live in the central part of the country, while fishing and forestry are of great importance in the eastern part. 10. 北京是中國的古都,名勝古跡甚多。 11.學校植物園:校園西南角;面積 1000 平方米 12.歷史:20 年的歷史;2008 年重建 Beijing, the capital of China, has many places of historic interest. Located at the south-west corner of our school, the botanical garden covers an area of 1000 square meters. The garden has a history of over 20 years and it was rebuilt in 2008. The garden with a history of over 20 years was rebuilt in 2008. 13.功能:美化校園;研究植物場所;休閑之地 14.中山紀念堂(Sun Yat-sen)位于廣東 省廣州市,為紀念孫中山而建。 15.它于 1998 年重修,可容納上千人。 The garden makes our school more beautiful and its a place for students to study and learn more about plants or simply to relax for a while Located in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall was built in memory of Sun Yat-sen. It was rebuilt in 1998 and can hold thousands of people. *災難事 件 舉辦活動 關(guān)于 15. 2008 年 5 月 12 日 14:28 分汶川爆發(fā)了一場大地震。 2. 2008 年 1 月中旬,雪災襲擊了華南大部分地區(qū) ,并持續(xù)了差不多一個多月。 10.起火地點:福建省長樂市拉丁酒吧 時間: 2009 年 1 月 31 日 23:30 原因:約十名高 中生開生日聚會,在桌上燃放煙花. A big earthquake broke out at 14:28 on May 12, 2008 in Wenchuan. A severe snow storm hit most parts of Southern China in mid-January, 2008, which lasted for nearly a month. A fire broke out in the Latin Bar in the city of Changle, Fu Jian Province at 23: 30 on Jan.31, 2009, which was caused by a dozen of high school students who held a birthday party, setting off fireworks on their table. 3. 地震估計將導致 4.5 至 5 萬人遇難,另有 300 萬人受傷或無家可歸。 4. 這次雪災是 50 年里最嚴重的一次災難,大約 60 人死亡,8 人失蹤。 5. 首都太子港將近 50%的房屋被損毀, 目前海地 首都太子港到處是一片廢墟。 About 50% houses in the capital city Port-au- Princeis have been destroyed and the whole city lies in ruins at present. It is estimated that about between 45 thousand and 50 thousand people will be killed in the quake, with 3 million more people injured or homeless. The disaster was the worst in five decades / 50 years in which about 60 people died and 8 people missed. 7. 估計雪災造成了超過 5 百億元的損失。 12. 傷亡情況:15 人死亡,24 人重傷。 13.火災經(jīng)濟損失:至少兩千萬元。 14. 影響:引起當?shù)卣腿鐣年P(guān)注。 15 people lost their lives and 24 people were injured. /It caused 15 deaths as well as 24 bad injures. It is estimated that the storm has caused a loss of more than 50 billion yuan. The fire caused a loss of 20 million yuan at least. Not only the local government but also all the people are concerned about the fire, thinking of the lesson from the fire. 6. 地震后,國際社會紛紛伸出援助之手-包括 捐衣服,食品和藥物。 9. 救援工作正在進行,與此同時,大家正在積極 為災區(qū)捐錢。 11. 救援人員:數(shù)百消防員,警察,當?shù)厝罕姟?The rescue work is going on while people are actively donating money to the disaster areas. After the earthquake international societies offered their helping hands - donating clothes, food and medicine. Hundreds of firefighters/firemen, police and local people fought bravely against the fire until it was finally put out. 1. 2010 年 1 月 13 日,星期二,加勒比島國海地首 都太子港發(fā)生李氏 7 級地震。 8. 中國國際救援隊也于 1 月 14 日抵達海地,并立即 展開搜救工作;醫(yī)務工作者們 也已經(jīng)在海地建立了流 動醫(yī)院,救治當?shù)厥軅癖姟?Meanwhile, the Chinese international Rescue Team also arrived in Haiti on Jan. 14th to carry out the rescue for the survivors and medical workers have even set up mobile hospitals in the capital district, providing medical service for the local people. On Tuesday,an. 13th, 2010, a big earthquake at scale of 7 on the Richter calculations hit Port-au- Prince, the capital of Haiti, on the Caribbean. Writing 唐山位置面積積歷歷史事 件 今天 內(nèi)容 河北省 東部, 與北京 、天津 毗鄰 13,472 平方公 里,是 全國大 城市之 一 1976年7 月28日大 地震,城 市夷為平 地,24萬 人喪生 美麗富 饒,充 滿活力 ,被譽 為鳳凰 之城 啟示 你從中得到的啟示 要求: 用5句話完成寫作。 Discussion 1.這篇短文的人稱是: 2. 時態(tài)是: Past simple; present simple The third person singular 重要單詞與短語 毗鄰 _ 總面積 _ 令人難過的是_ 夷為平地 _ 喪生_ 在的幫助下_ 充滿活力 _ 譽為_ 鳳凰之城 _ next to; close to; nearby cover / have a total area of sadly, it was sad that destroy in ruins cause sb. to death;lose ones life with the help of energetic; full of energy be known as; be recognized as The Phenix City; the City of Phenix + + = _ How to assess(評評價) a composition? Content 內(nèi)容 內(nèi)容要點齊全5 Expressio n 表達 1. 單詞拼寫正確 2. 時態(tài)運用正確 3. 套用句型或復合句如定語 從句, 名詞性從句, 非謂語 等的運用 8 Coherenc e 連貫性 句子通順連貫, 上下承接好, 正確使用過渡詞 2 Assessment 1._(locate) in the east of Hebei Province, Tangshan is next to Beijing and Tianjin. 2._(cover) a total area of 13,432 square kilometers/km, Tangshan is one of the big cities in China. 3._ made us sad was that a terrible earthquake 4._ (strike) Tangshan 5._ July 28, 1976, 6._ destroyed the city in ruins and caused 240,000 people to death. 7._, with the help of the people nationwide, now it is a rich, beautiful and 8._(energy) city, which is known 9._ the Phoenix City. The story of Tangshan 10._(encourage) me to be confident and optimistic towards the future of life. Located Covering What struck onwhich Fortunately energetic as encourages *數(shù)據(jù)調(diào) 查 關(guān)于議論調(diào)查: 調(diào)查(v./n.) survey,問卷 questionnaire, 表一 chart one, 根據(jù) according to, 社會 society,政府 government 采取措施take measure 提高,改善(v.) improve 保護環(huán)境 protect the environment 環(huán)境保護 environment protection 意識到 realize, 的重要性 the importance of 的嚴重性 the seriousness of 同意;贊成 agree/ be for/ be in favor of/ approve sb. of sth. 反對 ;持反對意見 disagree (with/that) / disapprove of / be against / hold the opposite opinions 三、數(shù)據(jù)調(diào)查 1.根據(jù)調(diào)查得出,48%的學生認為贊成文理分科。 2. 被調(diào)查中 67.9%人認為博物館應該免費開放 。 3. 70%的人認為不要期望太高的收入,及早就業(yè) According to the survey, about 48 percent of the students are in favour of/are for the seperation/division of science and arts education. 67.9% of the people surveyed believe/ think that museums should be free to the public 70% of people think it makes sense that they realize an early employment by lowering their income expectations. 4.從表一我們可以看出高中學生來自不同的家庭背景。 5.根據(jù)表二,學生畢業(yè)后的選擇呈現(xiàn)得很清楚。 6. 最近,網(wǎng)上做了一份關(guān)于為什么要上大學的問 題做了一份問卷調(diào)查。 7.最近,我們就黃金周是否應該取消作了一份調(diào)查 From Chart 1, we can see high school students are from different family backgrounds. According to chart 2, the students choices after graduation appears to be very clear. Recently, a website organized a questionnaire survey about/on why people go to university Recently we made a survey whether we should have long holiday in the coming National Day. 8. 然而,25%的學生不贊成志愿者工作。 9. 我最近在 30 個男生和 30 個女生當中做了 一份關(guān)于上網(wǎng)的目的的調(diào)查。 10. 從柱形圖呈現(xiàn),小孩隨著年齡的增長, 花費在和父母的談心的時間越少。 I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class about/on their purpose of getting on the Internet. However, 25% of the students disagree with / disapprove of voluntary work As is shown in the bar chart, children spend less time having heart-to-heart talks with their parents when they grow older. *議論文 四關(guān)于議論文 1.人們對學生是否應該上網(wǎng)交友持不同意見。 2.一些學生認為上網(wǎng)有助于廣交朋友,通過網(wǎng)上 聊天他們可以自由表達思想。 3. 而且有利于外語學習。 There are different opinions about whether the students should make friends online. Some students think that the Internet helps to make many friends and through/by chatting online, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely. Whats more, it is helpful to study foreign languages. 4. 但是,一些學生持反對意見,他們認為上網(wǎng)交 友浪費時間,影響學習,更糟的是,可能上當受騙 。 5. 作為我自己,我認為在能夠平衡學習和放松的 情況下可以上網(wǎng)交友。 However, some students hold the opposite opinions that it will waste time to make friends online, so it will have a bad effect on their study and worse still, they may get cheated by online friends. As for me, I think that students can make friends online by making a good balance between study and relaxation. 6.隨著時間的過去,越來越多的游客環(huán)保意識日益增強 7. 不容置疑,吸煙對吸煙者有害,對非吸煙者更有害 8. 肯定,在不久的將來越來越多的人將會認識到 吸煙的嚴重性,放棄吸煙。 As time goes by, more and more tourists/ travelers are paying greater attention to environment protection. There is no doubt that smoking is harmful to smokers and even non-smokers. It is certain that more and more people will realize the seriousness of smoking and give up smoking in the near future. 9.我們必須學會與人合作: 1現(xiàn)在社會必備 2.可省 時間和精力 3.更多互相學習機會 10. 每個人都要重視食品安全;政府應該采取更嚴 格的措施保障食品安全。 we must learn to cooperate with others, which is necessary for the society and it not only save us a lot of time and energy, but also we can learn much from each other. Everybody should pay more attention to food safety and the government should take stricter measures to ensure the safety of food.
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