lynn B7U3 7 復習ppt課件

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1、.單詞薈萃 1_adj.每年的;按年度計算的 n年刊;年鑒_adv.年度地;每年地 2_n住所;住宿 _v能容納;能供留宿 3_prep.在對面 adj.相對的;相反的_n反對,敵對;抵抗_adv.相反地 4_n深(度);深處_adj.深的深刻的_adv.深深地;強烈地;非常地 5_vt.催促;極力主張;驅策_n緊急;迫切_adj.急迫的,迫切的,緊急的,annual,annually,accommodation,opposite,accommodate,opposition,oppositely,depth,deep,deeply,urge,urgency,urgent,6_vt.放棄,拋棄

2、,遺棄 _adj.被遺棄的;放縱的;墮落的 _n放棄,拋棄,遺棄 7_n關系;交往 _n親屬,親戚 adj.比較的;相對而言的 8_vt.思考;映射;反射vi.思考_n反射;回響 _adj.反射的;反省的 9_adj.意識到的;知道的_n覺察;自覺,覺悟 10_adj.狹窄的;有限的;狹隘的_adv.僅僅;勉強地,abandon,abandonment,relationship,relative,reflect,abandoned,reflection,reflective,aware,awareness,narrow,narrowly,.短語檢測 1親眼所見 _ 2整理;分類 _ 3松開 _

3、 4與此同時,在此期間 _ 5被遺棄 _ 6上下翻轉 _ 7認真思考某事,沉思某事 _ 8倒掛著 _ 9明白;意識到 _ 10嚇死了 _,witnesswith ones own eyes,sort out,letgo,in the meantime,be abandoned by,upside down,reflect on/upon sth,hang upside down,be/become aware of,(be) scared to death,1. on a snorkelling trip 2. at the aquarium 3. nature programmes

4、 the beginning of 5. It was a time when. 6. annual migration 7. hear of 8. witness with ones own eyes 9.sort out accommodation 10. run down to the shore enormous animal 12.throw oneself out of 13.crash down 14.cry out 15.yell out,1.在潛泳中 2.在水族館 3.自然節(jié)目 4.在開始時 5.這是一段.的時期 6.每年的遷徙 7.聽說 8.親眼看到 9.找住處

5、 10.跑到海岸邊 11.龐大的動物 12.躍出水面 13.墜落 14. 高聲說 15.大聲喊叫,16.ahead of 17.have on 18.race after sb. 19.without pausing 20.head out into the bay 21.lead sb to sp. 22.draw closer 23.a pack of 24.flee out 25.point to the bow of 27.aim at 28.hit the spot badly hurt 30.within a moment or two,16.在前頭 17.

6、穿著 18.跟著某人跑 19.一刻不停 20.出發(fā)進入海灣 21.帶領某人去. 22.靠近 23.一群,一伙,一包 24.出逃 25.指著 26.在船頭 27.把瞄準 28.擊中目標 29.受重傷 30.過了片刻, dragged swiftly 32.the depths of the sea 33.float up to the surface the meantime=meanwhile 35.have a good feed on 36. fierce hunters 37. sb. be washed off terrified of 39. be

7、abandoned 40. let near firmly held up 42.the relation between 43. an endangered species need of conservation international ban on whaling,31.被快速地拖拽 32.大海深處 33.浮出水面 34.與此同時 35.飽餐一頓 36.兇殘的獵手 37.某人被沖下 38.對感到害怕 39.被遺棄 40.讓靠近 41.被穩(wěn)穩(wěn)舉起 42之間的關系 43.瀕危物種 44.需要保護 45.國際捕鯨禁令,Key sentences in R

8、eading,正當我在找住處的時刻,聽到從海灣那邊傳來 一陣喧鬧聲。 _ I was _my accommodation, I heard a huge noise _. 我們趕到岸邊,正好看到對面有一個巨大的動物猛力躍出海面,然后又墜落到水里。 We ran down to the shore _to see an _ animal _itself out of the water and then _again.,as,sorting out,coming from the bay,in time,enormous,throwing,crashing down,我以前就聽說過,喬治不喜歡等

9、人。所以盡管我還沒有穿上合適的衣服,就抓過靴子跟在他后面跑起來。 I had already heard that George didnt like _, so _I didnt have the right clothes_, I _my boots and _him.,being kept waiting,even though,on,grabbed,raced after,4. 我朝水里望去,可以看到老湯姆就在漁船旁邊游著,為我們指路。幾分鐘之后,湯姆不見了,于是喬治最先用槳拍取水面。湯姆泛起了,轉回到船邊,又領著我們前往捕獵處。 I _ the water and could see

10、 Old Tom _by the boat, _us the way. A few minutes later, there was no Tom, so George started beating the water with his oar and there was Tom, _back to the boat, _us to the hunt again.,looked down into,swimming,showing,circling,leading,我們走近些一看,原來是一頭大鯨正受到約另外六條虎鯨的進擊。 As we_, I could see a whaler _by _

11、about six other killers. 6. 而其他那些虎鯨則阻止它潛水或逃跑?!眴讨我贿呏钢东C的情景,一邊告訴我。 And those others are stopping it _or _out to sea,” George told me, _towards the hunt.,drew closer,being attacked,a pack of,diving,fleeing,pointing,7.鯨因為受了重傷,沒過多久就死了。 _ , the whale soon died. 8.從詹姆斯的臉上我能看出他異常驚恐,生怕被我們遺棄。 From Jamess face

12、, I could see he was terrified of _by us.,Being badly wounded,being abandoned,7.我們花了半個小時才把船調回頭來,回到詹姆斯落水的處所。當我們接近他的時刻,我看到老湯姆正在水中穩(wěn)穩(wěn)托著詹姆斯。 _over half an hour to get the boat back to James, and when we _him, I saw James _in water by Old Tom.,It took,approached,being held up,Key sentences in Using langua

13、ge,1. a new dimension of life 2. reflect on the day 3. a day of pure magic the most fantastic thing I have ever done 5. such extraordinary beauty 6. every cell in ones body wakes up 7. be/become aware of 8. be shaped like 9. mind sb. doing,1.嶄新的生活空間 2.回憶當天的事 3. 神奇的一天 4.我做過的最絕妙的事 5.這樣奇特的美 6.周身的每個細胞都蘇

14、醒 7.意識到,注意到 8.形狀像 9.介意某人做,10. narrow passages 11. hang upside down 12. suck (off) 13. each one and a half meters long scared to death 15.mark a boundary 16. the edge of 17.look down into the depths of the ocean,10.狹窄的通道 11.倒掛 12.吮吸 13.每只大約1.5米長 14. 怕得要死 15.標志著邊界線 16.的邊緣 17.從上往下看海底,18.beat wild

15、ly 19.feel very exposed 20.What a limitless world! 21.What a tiny spot I was in this enormous world! 22. a final thought 23. some sea creatures,18.劇烈地跳動 19.感覺徹底暴露 20.多么漫無邊際的世界! 21.在這個巨大的世界我 多么渺小啊! 22.最終的想法 23.一些海洋生物,1. 看到這樣奇特的美景,我周身的每個細胞都蘇醒了,就像發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個全新的生活空間似的。 _such _beauty, I think every cell in my

16、body_. 2. 我首先注意到的是我周圍那些鮮艷的色彩。 The first thing I _was all the vivid colours _me.,Seeing,extraordinary,woke up,became aware of,surrounding,3.那些魚群似乎并不在乎我在他們中游泳。 The fish didnt seem to _ among them. 4.當我用水下探明燈探索小石洞、巖石和狹窄通道的時候,似乎每個角落都有使我感到驚奇的東西等著我 。 _there was a surprise _for me around every corner as I

17、explored small caves, shelves and _ with my underwater flashlight,mind me swimming,waiting,It seemed,narrow passages,5. 一條帶有利齒的鰻魚,只是把頭從石洞里伸出來,望著可供美餐的魚過來(或者在等著我的美味腳趾伸過去);一個巨大的蛤蜊半掩在珊瑚礁中等著有什么東西游過來,游到它那寬厚的綠嘴唇中。 an eel with its strong sharp teeth , with only its head _ from a hole, _a tasty fish (or my t

18、asty toe!) and the giant clam half buried in some coral _ something to swim _its thick green lips.,showing,watching for,waiting for,in between,6.我自言自語地說它們并不危險,但是我這樣說一點也不能抑制我那怕得要死的心情。 I told myself they werent dangerous but that didnt stop me from _ for a moment.,feeling scared to death,Reading task,

19、1.朝某人大聲叫喊 2.向你求婚 3.催促某人做某事 4.成為一個好妻子 5.有一部分隱藏在 6.別無選擇只好做 7.與此同時 8. 感到內疚 9.違背她的意愿 10.不管巨浪和 冰冷的海水,yell at sb. ask for your hand in marriage urge sb. to do sth. make a good wife be partly hidden in have no choice but to do sth. in the meantime feel guilty about/ of against ones will ignore strong tides

20、 and freezing water,11.請求某人的原諒 12.發(fā)出的喊叫聲 13.抓住他鋒利的刀子 14.沉到海底 15.向某人表示敬意,11. ask sb. for forgiveness 12. let out cries of 13. grab his sharp knife 14. sink to the bottom 15. show sb. great respect,重點詞匯、短語, 單詞點睛 1witness vt.(to see sth happen)當場見到;目擊 vi.(to provide or serve as evidence of)作證 n(a perso

21、n who sees sth happen and is able to describe it to other people)目擊者;證人 (eyewitness) (1)witness against對做不利的證明 witness for 對做有利的證明 witness to sth/doing sth 為作證 (2)be a witness to 是的目擊者 bear/give witness to sth 作證;證明某事,Did anyone witness the accident? His loud voice witnessed his anger. Recent years

22、have witnessed a growing social change. Italian cooking is very healthy witness the low rate of heart disease in Italy.,當場看到,目擊(尤指罪行或事故),表明,說明 (suggest/indicate),是發(fā)生的地點/時間/組織, 見證,就是證據(jù),看就知道,2. urge “Man overboard! Turn the boat around!” _ (催促) George, shouting loudly. She urged him to stay. (2) The s

23、ituation is dangerous, but the UN is urging caution. (3) He urged his horse forward. (4) She could hear him urging her on as she ran past.,urged,敦促,催促,力勸,大力推薦,竭力主張 urge sth on/upon sb,鼓勵,激勵,給加油,驅趕,鞭策,【活學活用】 (1)2012福建卷閱讀D And the next time you feel the urge to cough in the cinema when someone else do

24、eswell, perhaps youll understand why. 下一次在電影院,當別人咳嗽時,你也有咳嗽的沖動的話,也許你就能理解這是為什么了。 (2)With the formation of cooperatives, the peasants_ learn to read and write out of economic necessity. 農民組織了合作社,且因為經濟上的需要,他們迫切地要求學習文化。,had a strong urge to,3reflect vt. (throw back light, heat, sound or an image) 映射;反射;思

25、考 vi. 思考 reflect on 思考,反省,反思 reflect in 在中反射出來;在中反映出來 課文原句: Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day a day of pure magic.,【活學活用】 (1)His image seemed to be reflected many times in the mirror. 那面鏡子里好像映現(xiàn)出很多個他的影像。 (2)Juvenile delinquency should make us_ the

26、 current situation. 未成年人犯罪應當引起我們對現(xiàn)狀的反思。,reflect on,(3)_(反映出的) in his report is a shift(轉變) in the priorities(優(yōu)先權) of environmentalists and economists. 他的報告反映出的是環(huán)保人士和經濟學家在工作重心上的轉變。 (4)我聽說過關于他的各種不同的故事,但奇怪的是書上一點兒都沒有反映出來。 I heard different stories about him, but strangely, in no sense_ in the book.,What

27、 is reflected,were they reflected,in no sense 決不,4be/become aware of sth意識到某事 raise awareness of 提高的意識 be aware that 知道;意識到 make sb aware that/of 讓某人注意到 adj. 沒有意識到的 _ n. 意識 _,unaware,awareness,【活學活用】 (1)2013天津卷閱讀B Emerald Valley is only one community that is becoming aware of the negative effects of

28、 light pollution. 翡翠谷是唯一一個意識到光污染的副作用的社區(qū)。 (2)It was several minutes _ what was happening. 過了幾分鐘我才意識到所發(fā)生的一切。,before I was aware of,It be + 一段時間 + before從句 “多久之后才”,(3)He_ that my parents marriage was breaking up. 他一定已經知道我父母的婚姻即將破裂。 (4)_ of is that providing the best education is very important for thei

29、r childrens future. 很多人已經意識到為孩子的未來提供最好的教育是非常重要的。,must have been aware,What many people have been aware,Must have done 對過去事情的肯定推測, 句型透視 1. Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic! 我坐在溫暖的夜風中,手持一杯冷飲回憶著這一天這奇妙至極的一天! 句型公式: with的復合結構 “with賓

30、語賓語補足語”結構 “with賓語介詞短語/形容詞/副詞 /非謂語動詞”,【活學活用】 (1)He likes to sleep with the windows open. 他喜歡開著窗戶睡覺。(形容詞作賓補) (2)With her son away from home,she was worried. 由于她的兒子離家出走,所以她很擔心。(副詞短語作賓補) (3)She came in with a baby in her arms. 她抱著孩子進來了。(介詞短語作賓補),(4)With the problem settled, we went on smoothly. 由于問題得到了解

31、決,我們進展順利。 (過去分詞作賓補) (5)With a local guide leading the way, we got there easily. 由于當?shù)叵驅?,我們很容易就到了那兒?(現(xiàn)在分詞短語作賓補) (6)With her husband to help her,she worked it out. 由于她丈夫幫助她,她解決了這個問題。 (不定式作賓補),1. _ (所有學生坐下seat) in the hall, the visiting professor delivered an impressive speech on the art of language.

32、 2. He was a German, nearly 60 years, _. (頭發(fā)全白了) 3. _ (隨著時間的流逝go by),her hair turned gray. 4. Our school looks even more beautiful, _ (把所有的燈都打開on),With all the students seated,with his hair all white,With time going by,with all the lights on,1. _ (ask) to put on performance, she refused. 2. He disli

33、ked _ (interrupt) in his experiment . 3. _ (give) such a good chance, you should catch it .,Being asked,Fill in the blanks.,being interrupted,Having been given,Grammar,4. I didnt mind _ (leave) at home. 5. The house wants _ (clean). 6. He came in without _ (ask). 7. _ (show) around the library, we were taken to see the lab.,being left,cleaning,being asked,Having been shown,

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