2019版高考英語二輪復習 專題限時集訓18 完形填空之說明文(含解析)

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1、專題限時集訓(十八)完形填空之說明文A(2018運城市模擬)Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life.It 1 our happiness when we are cheerful,and lessens our 2 when we are sad.A good book may absorb our attention so 3 that for the time being we forget our 4 .Whatever may be our main purpose in reading,good book

2、s should never fail to give us 5 .With a good book in our hands we will never be 6 .Whether the characters in the book are taken from real life or are purely 7 ,they may become our companions and make us laugh.The people we meet in books may 8 us either because they are similar to our close friends

3、or because they present 9 types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances.Our human friends sometimes 10 us,but the friends we make in books always respect us.By turning the pages we can 11 them without any fear of hurting their feelings.When our human friends 12 us,good books are always ther

4、e to give us sympathy and encouragement.One of the most valuable gifts from books is 13 .Few of us can travel far from home, 14 all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of book.When we wish to 15 from the dull realities of everyday life,a book will help us when 16 else can.To travel by book

5、 we dont have to 17 and save a lot of money.Through books we may get the thrill of adventure without 18 .We can climb high mountains or cross the hot sands of the desert, 19 ,through books the whole world is ours for the asking.The 20 of our literary experiences are almost unlimited.【語篇解讀】本文為說明文。主要介



8、的朋友相似,要么是因為他們呈現(xiàn)給我們不熟悉(unfamiliar )類型的人,我們很高興把他們當作新的熟人。9A.uncertainBunpracticalCunfamiliarDunnecessaryC參見上題解析。10A.make fun ofBtake care ofCcatch sight ofDpay attention toA有時我們?nèi)祟惖呐笥褧⌒?make fun of)我們,但是書中的朋友會尊重我們。11A.orderBcontrolCbelieveDignoreD通過翻書頁我們可以忽略(ignore)它們,不用擔心會傷害到他們的感情。12A.challengeBabando

9、nCunderstandDpersuadeB當我們?nèi)祟惖呐笥堰z棄(abandon)我們時,書中的朋友總是給我們以同情和鼓勵。故選B。13A.pleasureBknowledgeCexperienceDsuccessC書中最有價值的禮物之一就是經(jīng)驗(experience )。14A.butBorCifDsoA我們很少能出遠門。但是(but)我們都可以通過書了解豐富多彩的生活。15A.returnBrecoverCgraduateDescapeD當我們想從日常乏味的生活中逃脫(escape)時,如果沒有別的東西(nothing)的話,一本好書將會給我們幫助。16A.anythingBnothing


11、)Do you ever feel like you are studying a mad rush of one subject after another? When things happen at such a 21 pace,it is easy to lose sight of what you are learning.It is important to 22 every now and then to think about what youve been learning.Self reflection means stopping the mad rush and 23

12、yourself so your brain can evaluate what it has already 24 .Some people prefer to do their self reflections 25 ,while others keep a journal.Either method can work,depending on what your own personal 26 is.School textbooks are often divided into units.This can make it 27 for someone to begin the proc

13、ess of self reflection.Watch for the times when you complete a unit of study.Sometimes you are reminded that the unit is 28 because there is some kind of test or quiz.Use these natural 29 as opportunities to stop and reflect.You should find a 30 placeanywhere without noise is OK.This can even be sit

14、ting at your desk at school when you finish something 31 and the other students are still working.If you are going to take notes,take out your journal.Write down some notes on things that you 32 learned in this unit.Let your mind think about the notes you have written and make some 33 .Sometimes jus

15、t pausing to think deeply allows your brain to make connections 34 new information can quickly appear when you 35 it again.Next,think about things that you still wonder about. 36 maybe you learned about a certain body system,but you dont 37 how it works with the other body systems.Maybe you learned

16、a new way to solve a math problem,but youre not sure when to use it.Writing down your 38 will help you remember to continue seeking answers the next time you 39 the same topic.Self reflection is an essential skill for a 40 student.If you have never taken the time to reflect,try it now.【語篇解讀】本文為說明文。主

17、要介紹自我反思的定義,來幫助學生學習。21A.steadyBfastCrelaxingDuniqueB根據(jù)前文的“a mad rush of one subject after another”判斷,此處應表示“快速的”,故選B。22A.changeBcheckCstopDexerciseC根據(jù)前文的learn可推斷,此處應是停一下,故選C。23A.calmingBenjoyingCbehavingDhelpingA根據(jù)前文的學習那么快,此處應是讓自己平靜下來。故選A。24A.dealtBforgottenCfoundDreceivedD此處表示“大腦能評估它接收的東西”,故選D。25A.pe

18、rsonallyBmentallyCslowlyDdirectlyB與下文的“keep a journal”相對應,此處應是記在心里,故選B。26A.paceBgradeCskillDstyleD兩種方法都有效,這取決于你個人的風格,故選D。27A.quickBnecessaryCeasyDhardC教科書被分成幾部分,應該是使得自我反思很容易,故選C。28A.finishedBdividedCinterruptedDcoveredA通過后面的“test or quiz”可知,應是這部分完成了,故選A。29A.breaksBtestsCunitsDperiodsA根據(jù)前文的complete和t

19、est or quiz等判斷,此處應是稍作停頓,故選A。30A.safeBfamiliarCquietDcomfortableC根據(jù)下文的“without noise”可知此處應表示“安靜的”,故選C。31A.correctlyBfinallyCearlyDindependentlyC通過句中的“you finish something”和“the other students are still working”相比較可知,你完成得早,故選C。32A.activelyBnewlyCrapidlyDcarefullyB此處表示對新學的東西做一下回顧,故選B。33A.choicesBdecisi

20、onsCconnectionsDimprovementsC這里指讓新舊知識相連,下一段的connections是提示,故選C。34A.in caseBso thatCeven ifDas thoughB空后是前一分句的結(jié)果,故選B。35A.seekBshareCshowDneedD此處表示“如果你再需要的時候”,故選D。36A.In generalBOf courseCFor exampleDAs usualC下文是前面觀點的例子,故選C。37A.knowBdoubtCbelieveDrememberA但是你不知道它是如何工作的,故選A。38A.opinionsBmethodsCworries

21、DquestionsD既然有疑問,就可以把問題(questions)寫下來,故選D。后面的answers也是提示。39A.come acrossBget throughCthink ofDtake awayA此處指下一次你遇到同樣的問題時,故選A。40A.talentedBsuccessfulCseriousDyoungB根據(jù)文意,自我反思是一個成功學生的基本技能,故選B。C The Silver Line,created in 2013,is a free,24-hour telephone helpline. It offers information,friendship and adv

22、ice to 41 people.“Its often easier to speak to a 42 ,and nice to know you can 43 day or night,” says Bolton,who has no family nearby.She called the helpline after it was 44 by others.New figures show that August was the charitys 45 month,receiving more than 45,000 calls.Summer can be a(n) 46 time fo

23、r those left behind during the holiday season, 47 familiar faces are away for holidays,from the shopkeeper to the bus driver or even family members.Two-thirds of the calls are 48 at night-time and weekends,when no other services are 49 .84 percent of older people say it is very difficult to 50 lonel

24、iness,even to members of their 51 because they do not wish to become a “burden”A recent study found that almost three-quarters of older people in the UK are 52 ,and more than half have 53 spoken to anyone about how they feel.People can call the Silver Line 54 ,or be referred by a relative or other h

25、elplines,Helpline staff try to learn callers 55 first and then suggest information or 56 voluntary support,aiming to reconnect them with their communities.“For a charity,trying to gain donations (捐款)from the public is a 57 task,” says Sophie Andrews,chief leader of the Silver Line,“Older people are

26、regarded as being responsible for economic fall.” To 58 this,Andrews wants a greater understanding of their mental health 59 .“Being older means you are still exposed to mental health issues,but your ability to change your situation is 60 .”【語篇解讀】本文是說明文。文章介紹了一個為老年人服務的熱線電話。41A.disabledBhomelessCpoorD

27、olderD根據(jù)下文中多處出現(xiàn)的older people 可知,這個熱線電話主要是為“老年人(older people)”服務的。42A.neighborBstrangerCfriend DdoctorB根據(jù)下文中“they do not wish to become a burden”和Helpline staff可知,老年人不愿意成為家人的負擔,反而覺得和“陌生人(stranger)”聊天更容易一些。43A.come BtalkCcallDvisitC根據(jù)下文中的“called the helpline”可知,不管白天黑夜都可以給這個熱線服務“打電話(call)”。44A.mentione

28、dBservedCignored DblamedA根據(jù)語境可知,有人“提到過(mentioned)”這個熱線電話后,Bolton便給這個熱線打電話。45A.happiestBbusiestChottestDworstB根據(jù)下文中的“receiving more than 45,000 calls”可知,八月份是這個慈善機構(gòu)“最忙的(busiest)”一個月。46A.difficultBmeaningfulCunforgettableDrelaxingA根據(jù)文中的“those left behind during the holiday season”和“familiar faces are a

29、way for holidays”可知,八月份對于這些留守的老年人來說“很艱難(difficult)”,因為每當“這時(when)”人們都去度假了,留下老年人們孤零零的。47A.ifBorCwhen DthoughC參見上題解析。48A.missed BpaidCcanceledDreceivedD根據(jù)上文中的“24-hour telephone helpline”可知,這個熱線服務電話是全天候服務的,很多電話在半夜或周末“打進來(received)”。49A.standardBofficialCusefulDavailableD根據(jù)上文中的“at night-time and weekend

30、s”和“no other services”可知,沒有任何其他服務在半夜和周末是“可獲得的(available)”。50A.avoidBrecover fromCadmit toDvalueC根據(jù)句中的“they do not wish to become a burden”可知,老年人不愿意“承認(admit to)”自己的孤獨,不想成為負擔,甚至對自己的“家人(family)”也不愿意說。51A.familyBhospitalCcharityDteamA參見上題解析。52A.healthy BwealthyClonely DunfortunateC根據(jù)上文中的loneliness可知,老年

31、人很“孤單(lonely)”。53A.ever BneverCoftenDsometimesB根據(jù)上文中的“do not wish to become a burden”和loneliness可知,很多老年人“從來沒有(never)”和別人說過他們的感受。54A.earlyBfreelyCdirectlyDfrequentlyC根據(jù)下文中的“or be referred by a relative or other helplines”可知,老年人可以“直接(directly)”撥打熱線服務電話,或由其他熱線電話轉(zhuǎn)接。55A.needsBinterestsCjobsDhabitsA根據(jù)下文中的

32、“and then suggest information”可知,熱線電話工作人員首先要了解打電話求助者的“需求(needs)”,然后才給出建議。56A.privateBwidespreadClocalDinternationalC根據(jù)下文中的“reconnect them with their communities”可知,工作人員會向求助者提供信息或者 “當?shù)氐?local)”志愿服務,將他們與自己所在的社區(qū)聯(lián)系起來。57A.simple BhardCdangerousDpleasantB根據(jù)下文中的“Older people are regarded as being responsib

33、le for economic fall”可知,公眾的對老年人的處境并不理解,這使得慈善機構(gòu)獲得社會基金的支持是一項很“艱難(hard)”的任務。58A.change BsupportCknow DfindA根據(jù)下文中的“wants a greater understanding of their mental health”可知,Andrews想“改變(change)”這一現(xiàn)狀。59 A.suggestionsBexaminationsCplansDexperiencesD根據(jù)下文中的“Being older means.”可知,Andrews呼吁人們理解老年人的“經(jīng)歷(experiences)”。60A.doubtedBdevelopedCprovedDreducedD根據(jù)上文中的“you are still exposed to mental health issues,but your ability.”可知,衰老意味著仍然存在心理健康問題,但改變這一狀況的能力卻“下降了(reduced)”。8

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