2366 車燈注射模設計
2366 車燈注射模設計,車燈,注射,設計
南京理工大學泰州科技學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯系 部: 機械工程系 專 業(yè): 機械工程及自動化 姓 名: 張彪 學 號: 05010256 外文出處: Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。 指導教師評語:譯文基本能表達原文思想,語句較流暢,條理較清晰,專業(yè)用語翻譯基本準確,基本符合中文習慣,整體翻譯質量一般。簽名: 年 月 日附件 1:外文資料翻譯譯文冷沖裁模具隨著制造行業(yè)的發(fā)展,材料加工方法也隨著發(fā)展,其中冷沖壓加工方法在制造行業(yè)得到了廣泛的發(fā)展,特別在汽車制造行業(yè)。隨著冷沖壓加工方法的應用,許多汽車零件的外形和精度得到了改善。側減震片的加工方法也得到了發(fā)展,最后由冷沖壓加工而成。最近的幾年里,冷沖壓加工方法得到了廣泛的發(fā)展。冷沖壓是建立在金屬塑性變形的基礎上,在常溫下利用安裝在壓力機上的模具對材料施加壓力,使其產生分離或塑性變形,從而獲得一定形狀、尺寸和性能的零件的一種加工方法。在冷加工中,將材料(金屬或非金屬)加工成零件(或半成品)的一種特殊工藝裝備,稱為冷沖壓模具(俗稱冷沖模) 。冷沖模在實現(xiàn)冷沖壓加工中是必不可少的工藝裝備,沒有先進的模具技術,先進的沖壓工藝就無法實現(xiàn)。隨著國民經(jīng)濟的高速發(fā)展、沖壓技術的發(fā)展和新型模具材料的不斷研究開發(fā),市場對模具的需求量不斷增長,模具的結構也發(fā)生了一定的變化,對模具的制造,裝配等都有了很大的影響。近年來,模具工業(yè)一直以 15%左右的增長速度快速發(fā)展。模具是機械制造業(yè)中技術先進、影響深遠的重要工藝裝備,具有生產效率高、材料利用率高、制件質量優(yōu)良、工藝適應性好等特點,被廣泛應用于汽車、機械、航天、航空、輕工、電子、電器、儀表等行業(yè)。一、經(jīng)過幾十年的發(fā)展,沖壓模具行業(yè)獲得了飛速發(fā)展,具體體現(xiàn)在:(1)輔助設計/加工/工程技術得到廣泛使用。(2)大型模具企業(yè)擁有高速數(shù)控加工/加工中心/數(shù)控機床等先進的加工工藝與裝備,可以開展 RP/RT 或模具逆向工程工作,硬件裝備已經(jīng)站在了與世界基本同步的水平線上。(3)在沖模的表面精整加工技術方面,開展了積極探索、積累了一些經(jīng)驗。 (4)以汽車覆蓋件為代表的大型、復雜、精密沖壓模具,采用 CAD /CAM /CAE軟件進行三維設計和模擬,減少試模時間和縮短周期。借助高速、精密的加工設備加工生產,獲得良好的尺寸精度和表面粗糙度,用新型的研磨或拋光方法代替?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)的手工研磨拋光,提高模具質量。這些都代表了沖壓模具發(fā)展的趨勢。二、國際模具制造業(yè)的技術特點如下:(1)產品專業(yè)化車身模具企業(yè)向專業(yè)化發(fā)展,如德國大眾公司模具廠、奧迪公司模具廠、SCHULLER 公司,意大利 COMAU 公司,美國 AUTODIE、SECKLY,日本豐田公司模具廠、荻原公司、富士公司,韓國現(xiàn)代汽車模具中心等。有的專業(yè)制造整體側圍模具,有的專業(yè)生產四門模具,有的專門生產地板及結構件模具。模具向多工位自動化以及級進模方向發(fā)展。(2)制造數(shù)字化三維實體設計廣泛應用于模具制造中,二維 DL 圖轉為三維DL 圖后可直接用于有限元分析和數(shù)控編程,百分之百采用 CAE 分析。模具設計采用 3D 參數(shù)化設計。實現(xiàn)了不等厚板成形模具設計,將同模模具推向生產。模具數(shù)控加工技術包括實型鑄造技術、精細化編程、高速加工技術、型面數(shù)控強化和修補技術。三、沖壓模具制造技術發(fā)展趨勢:(1)制造沖壓件用的傳統(tǒng)金屬材料,正逐步被高強鋼板、涂敷鍍層鋼板、塑料夾層鋼板和其他復合材料或高分子材料替代。隨著材料科學的發(fā)展,加強研究各種新材料的沖壓成形性能,不斷發(fā)展和改善沖壓成形技術。(2)精沖與半精沖、液壓成形、旋壓成形、爆炸成形、電水成形、電磁成形、超塑成形等技術得到不斷發(fā)展和應用,某些傳統(tǒng)的沖壓加工方法將被它們所取代,產品的沖壓加工趨于更合理、更經(jīng)濟。其中精密沖裁技術得到了較快發(fā)展,精密沖裁是一種先進制造技術,可取代某些零件的切削加工,具有優(yōu)質、高效、低耗、應用廣的特點。以齒圈壓板精沖而論,在普通液壓機上進行精沖,工藝裝備簡單而工件精密。它以金屬板材為原料,采用少無切削的塑性加工方法,一次成形即可得到尺寸精度高、剪切面粗糙度低的零件,采用精沖技術生產的零件稱為精沖、件。(3) 隨著計算機圖形技術的發(fā)展成熟,近年來在沖壓成形領域興起了計算機輔助設計(CAD)、計算機輔助工程(CAE)和計算機輔助制造(CAM)技術。該技術的出現(xiàn)對傳統(tǒng)沖壓技術的變革產生了重要的影響。尤其是板料成形數(shù)值模擬技術的出現(xiàn),使板料沖壓成形技術徹底擺脫了“經(jīng)驗”和“定性”的水平,進入了“科學”和“定量”的發(fā)展階段。采用這一技術進行板材沖壓成形工藝過程的模擬,可以預知沖壓成形過程中金屬的流動、應力應變及厚度場的分布、模具受力及皺曲、破裂、沖擊線等可能的缺陷及失效形式。這為優(yōu)化工藝參數(shù)和模具結構提供了極為有效的工具,在減少甚至取消試模過程,縮短產品開發(fā)周期,降低產品開發(fā)成本方面發(fā)揮著越來越重要的作用,已逐漸成為指導模具設計和優(yōu)化的重要手段。(4)高速銑削加工,國內外近年來發(fā)展的高速銑削加工,大幅度提高了加工效率,并可獲得極高的表面光潔度。另外,還可加工高硬度模塊,還具有溫升低、熱變形小等優(yōu)點。高速銑削加工技術的發(fā)展,對汽車、家電行業(yè)中大型型腔模具制造注入了新的活力。目前它已向更高的敏捷化、智能化、集成化方向發(fā)展。 (5)模具掃描及數(shù)字化系統(tǒng),高速掃描機和模具掃描系統(tǒng)提供了從模型或實物掃描到加工出期望的模型所需的諸多功能,大大縮短了模具的在研制制造周期。有些快速掃描系統(tǒng),可快速安裝在已有的數(shù)控銑床及加工中心上,實現(xiàn)快速數(shù)據(jù)采集、自動生成各種不同數(shù)控系統(tǒng)的加工程序、不同格式的 CAD 數(shù)據(jù),用于模具制造業(yè)的“逆向工程” 。模具掃描系統(tǒng)已在汽車、摩托車、家電等行業(yè)得到成功應用,相信在“十五”期間將發(fā)揮更大的作用。(6)優(yōu)質材料及先進表面處理技術,選用優(yōu)質鋼材和應用相應的表面處理技術來提高模具的壽命就顯得十分必要。模具熱處理和表面處理是否能充分發(fā)揮模具鋼材料性能的關鍵環(huán)節(jié)。模具熱處理的發(fā)展方向是采用真空熱處理。模具表面處理除完善應發(fā)展工藝先進的氣相沉積、等離子噴涂等技術。四、沖壓在機械制造中的地位及特點:沖壓既能夠制造尺寸很小的儀表零件,又能夠制造諸如汽車大梁、壓力容器封頭一類的大型零件;既能夠制造一般尺寸公差等級和形狀的零件,又能夠制造精密(公差在微米級)和復雜形狀的零件。占全世界鋼產 60%~70%以上的板材、管材及其他型材,其中大部分經(jīng)過沖壓制成成品。沖壓在汽車、機械、家用電器、電機、儀表、航空航天、兵器等制造中,具有十分重要的地位。沖壓件的重量輕、厚度薄、剛度好。它的尺寸公差是由模具保證的,所以質量穩(wěn)定,一般不需再經(jīng)機械切削即可使用。冷沖壓件的金屬組織與力學性能優(yōu)于原始坯料,表面光滑美觀。冷沖壓件的公差等級和表面狀態(tài)優(yōu)于熱沖壓件[6]。沖壓生產的工藝和設備正在不斷發(fā)展,除傳統(tǒng)的使用壓力機和鋼制模具制造沖壓件外,液壓成形以及旋壓成形、超塑成形、爆炸成形、電水成形、電磁成形等各種特種沖壓成形工藝亦迅速發(fā)展,把沖壓的技術水平提高到了一個新的高度。特種沖壓成形工藝尤其適合多品種的中小批量(甚至是數(shù)十件)零件的生產。對于普通沖壓工藝,可采用簡易模具、低熔點合金模具、成組模具和沖壓柔性制造系統(tǒng)等,組織多品種的中小批量零件的沖壓加工??傊瑳_壓模具具有生產率高、加工成本低、材料利用率高、操作簡單、便于實現(xiàn)機械化與自動化等一系列優(yōu)點。采用沖壓與焊接、膠接等復合工藝,使零件結構更趨合理,加工更為方便,可以用較簡單的工藝制造出更復雜的結構件。附件 2:外文原文known as DieWith the development of manufacturing industry, materials processing methods with the development of processing methods which cold stamping industry in the manufacture of a wide range of development, especially in the automotive manufacturing industry. With the cold stamping process applications, and many auto parts form and accuracy improved. Side damping film processing method has also made progress, and finally formed by cold stamping process. Recent years, cold stamping process has been widely development.cold pressing is built on the metal plastic deformation, based on the use of the installation at room temperature in the mold press to exert pressure on the material to produce separation or plastic deformation, and thus obtain a certain shape, size and performance parts a processing methods. In the cold will materials (metal or non-metallic) processing into parts (or semi-finished products) is a special technique and equipment, known as the cold stamping die (commonly known as Die). Die in the achievement of cold stamping processing technique and equipment is essential, there is no mold advanced technology, advanced stamping process can not be achieved. With the rapid development of the national economy, stamping technology development and new types of mold material constant research and development, the market's growing demand for mold, mold also occurred in the structure of certain changes in mold manufacturing and assembly have been greatly affected. In recent years, the mold industry has been around 15 percent to the growth rate of rapid development. Mold is a technologically advanced machinery manufacturing industry, an important and far-reaching process equipment, with the production of high efficiency, high utilization of materials, parts quality, technological adaptability and good characteristics, are widely used in automobiles, machinery, aerospace, aviation, light industry, electronics, electrical appliances, instrumentation and other industries. First, after decades of development, stamping die industry was the rapid development, embodied in: (1)-aided design / processing / engineering and technology are widely used. (2) large-scale enterprises have a high-speed mold CNC machining / Machining Center / CNC machine tools and other advanced processing technology and equipment, they can conduct RP / RT or Die reverse engineering work, hardware and equipment have been standing with the world level of the basic synchronous online . (3) in the die surface finishing processing technology, to carry out an active exploration and accumulated some experience. (4) automotive panel, represented by large, complex, precision stamping die, using CAD / CAM / CAE software for three-dimensional design and simulation to reduce the test time and shorten the cycle mode. With high-speed, precision processing equipment production, access to good dimensional accuracy and surface roughness, using a new type of grinding or polishing method to replace the traditional manual abrasive polishing, to improve the quality of mold. These represent the development trend of stamping dies. Second, the international mold manufacturing technical characteristics are as follows: (1) product specialization body mold enterprises to professional development, such as Germany Volkswagen mold factory, mold factory Audi AG, SCHULLER companies, companies COMAU Italy, the United States AUTODIE, SECKLY, Japan's Toyota Mold Factory, Ogihara, Fujitsu Corporation, Hyundai Motor Dies center. Some professional mold manufacturing overall Wai side, some specializing in the production of four molds, and some specialize in the production floor and the structure of mold. Die to the Multi-Position Progressive Die automation and direction. (2) to create digital three-dimensional physical design widely used in mold manufacturing, the two-dimensional to three-dimensional map DL after DL chart can be used directly in finite element analysis and numerical control programming, the use of CAE analysis of 100 percent. Mold Design using 3D parametric design. Achieved a range of plate forming mold design, mold to the same mode of production. Die CNC machining technology, including EPC technology, the refinement of programming, high-speed processing technology, face NC technology to strengthen and repair. Third, stamping die manufacturing technology development trends: (1) manufacturing stampings with traditional metal materials, are gradually being high-strength steel plate, coated steel plating, plastic laminated steel and other composite materials or polymer materials substitution. With the development of materials science, strengthen the research of new materials stamping performance, continuous development and improvement of metal forming technology. (2) fine blanking and semi-fine blanking, hydroforming, spinning forming, explosive forming, electric water forming, electromagnetic forming, superplastic forming, such as technology development and applications, some of the traditional processing methods will be stamping their replaced by punching processing products become more reasonable and more economical. Fine Blanking technology which has been relatively rapid development, Fine Blanking is an advanced manufacturing technology, can be used to replace certain parts machining with high-quality, high efficiency, low consumption, application characteristics of Canton. Gear plate in terms of fine blanking, in ordinary hydraulic fine blanking machine, technique and equipment is simple and precision workpiece. Its sheet metal as raw material, the use of less without cutting the plastic processing methods, one can get the size shape and high precision, low-shear surface roughness of the parts, the use of fine blanking technology known as fine blanking parts, pieces. (3) With the development of computer graphics technology matures, the field of metal forming in recent years the rise of the computer-aided design (CAD), computer aided engineering (CAE) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology. The technology of traditional stamping technology changes have had an important impact. Especially the numerical simulation of sheet metal forming technology, so that sheet metal forming technology to rid itself of the "experience" and "qualitative" level, has entered a "scientific" and "quantitative" stage of development. The use of this technology for sheet metal forming process simulation, you can predict metal stamping process flow, stress and strain and thickness distribution, die by the strength and wrinkle, break down, the impact of lines of possible defects and failure mode. This is to optimize process parameters and die structure provides a very effective tool in reducing or even abolishing the test mode process, shorten the product development cycle and reduce the cost of product development plays an increasingly important role, has become the guiding mold design and optimization an important tool. (4) high-speed milling process, both at home and abroad in recent years the development of high-speed milling process to improve the processing efficiency, and access to high surface finish. In addition, high hardness module can also be processed, also has a low temperature rise, thermal deformation of the small advantages. High-speed milling technology, automobile, home appliance industry, a large cavity mold manufacturing has injected new vitality. At present it has more agile, intelligent, integrated direction. (5) die scanning and digitizing system, high-speed scanners and mold scanning system provides a model or in kind from the scan to be processed into the desired model number of the necessary functions, greatly reducing the mold in the development of the manufacturing cycle. Some quick scan system, which can quickly installed in existing CNC milling machine and machining center, the fast data acquisition, automatic generation of a variety of CNC machining process, the CAD data in different formats for the mold manufacturing industry " Reverse Engineering. " Die scanning system has been in the automotive, motorcycle, household appliances and other industries has been successfully applied, I believe in the "Tenth Five-Year" period will play a greater role. (6) high-quality materials and advanced surface treatment technologies, high-quality steel and application of the corresponding surface treatment technology to improve the life of mold it is very necessary. Mold heat treatment and surface treatment can give full play to the die steel material properties of the key link. Mold heat treatment is the development direction of vacuum heat treatment. In addition to improving the mold surface treatment technology should be developed advanced vapor deposition, plasma spraying techniques. Fourth, stamping machinery manufacturers in the position and characteristics: Pressing both capable of producing small-size instrument parts, but also capable of producing beams, such as automotive, pressure vessel head for a class of large parts; both capable of producing the general size and shape of the tolerance level of spare parts, also capable of producing precision (tolerances in the micron level ) and the complex shapes of parts. The world's steel production accounted for 60% ~ 70% of the plates, tubes and other profiles, most of which are made after stamping products. Stamping in the automotive, machinery, household appliances, electrical, instrumentation, aerospace, weapons manufacturing, a very important position. Stamping parts of the light weight, thickness, stiffness good. Its size tolerance is guaranteed by the mold, so the quality of stability, in general no longer be used by mechanical cutting. Cold metal stampings and mechanical properties superior to the original blank, smooth surface appearance. Cold stamping tolerance level and surface state is superior to hot-stamping parts [6]. Stamping production technology and equipment is growing, with the exception of the use of the traditional mold presses and steel stampings, the hydroforming and spinning forming, superplastic forming, explosive forming, electric water forming, electromagnetic forming a variety of special Stamping technology is also developing rapidly, the press raise the level of skills to a new height. Special metal forming process is particularly suitable for many species of small and medium-sized quantities (or even dozens of) parts production. For ordinary stamping process, to be used in simple mold, low melting point alloy die, die and stamping group flexible manufacturing systems, organizations and more species of small and medium-sized quantities of stamping parts processing. In short, stamping die with high productivity, low processing costs, material utilization high, simple operation, easy to achieve mechanization and automation are a number of advantages. The use of stamping and welding, bonding and other composite process, so that more reasonable structural parts, processing more convenient, you can use relatively simple technology to create more complex structure.南京理工大學泰州科技學院本科生畢業(yè)設計(論文)選題、審題表姓 名 丁武學系 部 機械工程系指導教師專業(yè)技術職 務 副教授課題名稱 車燈注射模設計適用專業(yè) 機械工程及自動化A B C D E A B C D課題性質? 課題來源 ?大 適中 小 難 適中 易課題預計工作量大小 ?課題預計難易程度 ?課題簡介塑料件在各行各業(yè)及日常生活中使用越來越多,塑料模具的設計制造的社會需求日益增長,要求也越來越高,同時社會對具有三維CAD 設計能力的人才需求也日益增長。車燈塑件形狀較復雜,模具含側抽芯結構,通過車燈注射模設計,對學生進行模具設計、工藝設計的基本技能訓練與培養(yǎng),使學生基本掌握利用三維 CAD 軟件進行工程設計的方法,培養(yǎng)學生應用所學知識進行工程設計的能力,適應社會需求。課題應完成的任務和對學生的要求1.測繪塑件圖紙。要求實測實物尺寸,合理確定零件精度,利用三維 CAD 軟件進行實體造型,生成工程圖紙;2.完成塑件注射模方案設計和設計計算;3.全部模具零件圖、裝配圖紙設計。要求所有成型零件完成三維實體造型后生成工程圖;4.模具制造工藝設計。要求完成主要零件工藝設計;5.編寫設計說明書。所在專業(yè)審定意見:專業(yè)負責人(簽名): 年 月 日本課題由 張 彪 同學選定,學號: 05010256 注:1.該表由指導教師填寫,經(jīng)所在專業(yè)負責人簽名后生效,作為該專業(yè)學生畢業(yè)設計(論文)選題使用;2.有關內容的填寫見背面的填表說明,并在表中相應欄內打“√” ;3.課題一旦被學生選定,此表須放在學生“畢業(yè)設計(論文)資料袋”中存檔。