河南理工大學(xué)萬方科技學(xué)院本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)中期檢查表指導(dǎo)教師: 李章東 職稱: 副教授 所在院(系): 機械與動力工程系 教研室(研究室): 機制教研室 題 目遙控器面板注塑模具設(shè)計學(xué)生姓名楊華龍專業(yè)班級08機制3班 學(xué)號0828050024一、選題質(zhì)量:1.遙控器面板注塑模具設(shè)計符合本專業(yè)的培養(yǎng)目標(biāo),能夠體現(xiàn)綜合訓(xùn)練要求。2.題目難易程度中等偏上。3.設(shè)計說明書的設(shè)計與計算部分難度中等但工作量較大。4.此題目直接與現(xiàn)實中的生產(chǎn)相關(guān),設(shè)計此模具設(shè)計可以直接與工廠生產(chǎn)相連,產(chǎn)生效益;此題目為創(chuàng)新型題目,可培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的研究精神。二、開題報告完成情況:按時完成三、階段性成果:1.完成開題報告2.設(shè)計說明書計算部分草稿完成3.完成AutoCAD的部分圖紙草繪4.完成國外文獻的翻譯四、存在主要問題:1.圖紙設(shè)計需要查資料,因此進展緩慢2.設(shè)計計算工作量稍大,特別是需要校核部分五、指導(dǎo)教師對學(xué)生在畢業(yè)實習(xí)中,勞動、學(xué)習(xí)紀律及畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)進展等方面的評語指導(dǎo)教師: (簽名) 年 月 日2河南理工大學(xué)萬方科技學(xué)院本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)開題報告題目名稱遙控器面板注塑模具設(shè)計學(xué)生姓名楊華龍專業(yè)班級機制08-3班學(xué)號0828050024 一、選題的目的和意義:塑料是一門新興工業(yè),是隨著石油工業(yè)發(fā)展應(yīng)運而生的,作為現(xiàn)代四大工業(yè)基礎(chǔ)之一,越來越廣泛地在各行各業(yè)應(yīng)用。其中注塑成型在塑料的各種成型工藝中所占的比例也越來越大。隨著社會的經(jīng)濟技術(shù)不斷向前發(fā)展,對注塑成型的制品質(zhì)量和精度要求都有不同程度的提高。塑料制品在工業(yè)中的應(yīng)用日趨普遍。在國民經(jīng)濟中,塑料制件已成為各行業(yè)不可缺小的重要材料之一。塑料制品的造型和精度直接與模具設(shè)計和制造有關(guān)系,對注塑制品的要求就是對模具的要求。有人說,模具是現(xiàn)代工業(yè)之母。世界各國對模具生產(chǎn)技術(shù)非常重視,出現(xiàn)許多新工藝、新技術(shù)。從而促進注塑工藝的不斷提高和發(fā)展。本課題要求設(shè)計遙控器面蓋的注塑模具,注塑成型是現(xiàn)代塑料工業(yè)中的一種重要的加工方法 注塑模具由于其專用性和獨一性,在設(shè)計時主要考慮到工廠現(xiàn)有的設(shè)備情況、產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)批量及模具的壽命。這遙控器面蓋為批量生產(chǎn),但由于該塑料制件尺寸比較小,模具的結(jié)構(gòu)相對比較簡單,模具制造成本比較底,在生產(chǎn)時主要考慮到模具壽命盡量要高,所以對模具材料提出了較高的要求。遙控面蓋是一個外形件,尺寸精度要求不高,但對外層的表面粗糙度要求比較高,因此在設(shè)計時在能順利成型出塑料制品的情況下,對模具型腔的表面拋光工藝要求比較高。按照現(xiàn)今注塑模具設(shè)計的總體趨勢,注塑模具的設(shè)計已很少使用手工繪圖或完全由二維軟件來進行設(shè)計,且模具標(biāo)準件已在注塑模具設(shè)計中大量采用。因此本課題將采取使用模具二維軟件CAD和三維軟件Pro/E綜合使用來進行模具的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計,且在模具設(shè)計的過程中綜合考慮模具制造工藝及注塑成型工藝。二、國內(nèi)外發(fā)展?fàn)顩r:1)模具工業(yè)的概況: 模具工業(yè)是制造業(yè)中的一項基礎(chǔ)產(chǎn)業(yè),是技術(shù)成果轉(zhuǎn)化的基礎(chǔ),同時本身又是高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)的重要領(lǐng)域,在歐美等工業(yè)發(fā)達國家被稱為“點鐵成金”的“磁力工業(yè)” ;美國工業(yè)界認為“模具工業(yè)是美國工業(yè)的基石”;德國則認為是所有工業(yè)中的“關(guān)鍵工業(yè)” ;日本模具協(xié)會也認為“模具是促進社會繁榮富裕的動力” ,同時也是“整個工業(yè)發(fā)展的秘密”,是“進入富裕社會的原動力” 。日本模具產(chǎn)業(yè)年產(chǎn)值達到13000億日元,遠遠超過日本機床總產(chǎn)值9000億日元。如今,世界模具工業(yè)的發(fā)展甚至己超過了新興的電子工業(yè)。在模具工業(yè)的總產(chǎn)值中,沖壓模具約占50%,塑料模具約占33%,壓鑄模具約占6%,其它各類模具約占11%。2)我國塑料模具工業(yè)和技術(shù)現(xiàn)狀:在中國,人們已經(jīng)越來越認識到模具在制造中的重要基礎(chǔ)地位,認識到模具技術(shù)水平的高低,已成為衡量一個國家制造業(yè)水平高低的重要標(biāo)志,并在很大程度上決定著產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、效益和新產(chǎn)品的開發(fā)能力。我國塑料模工業(yè)從起步到現(xiàn)在,歷經(jīng)半個多世紀,有了很大發(fā)展,模具水平有了較大提高。在大型模具方面已能生產(chǎn)l8英寸大屏幕彩電塑殼注射模具、6. 5kg大容量洗衣機全套塑料模具以及汽車保險杠和整體儀表板等塑料模具。精密塑料模具方面,已能生產(chǎn)照相機塑料件模具、多型腔小模數(shù)齒輪模具及塑封模具。我國模具年生產(chǎn)總量雖然已位居世界第三,但設(shè)計制造水平在總體上要比工業(yè)發(fā)達國家落后許多,其差距主要表現(xiàn)在下列六方面:(1)國內(nèi)自配率不足80,中低檔模具供過于求,中高檔模具自配率不足60。(2)企業(yè)組織結(jié)構(gòu)、產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)、技術(shù)結(jié)構(gòu)和進出口結(jié)構(gòu)都不夠合理。(3)模具產(chǎn)品水平和生產(chǎn)工藝水平總體上比國際先進水平低許多,而模具生產(chǎn)周期卻要比國際先進水平長許多。(4)開發(fā)能力弱,經(jīng)濟效益欠佳。我國模具企業(yè)技術(shù)人員比例較低,水平也較低,不重視產(chǎn)品開發(fā),在市場中常處于被動地位。(5)模具標(biāo)準化水平和模具標(biāo)準件使用覆蓋率低。(6)與國際先進水平相比,模具企業(yè)的管理落后更甚于技術(shù)落后。 縱觀發(fā)達國家對模具工業(yè)的認識與重視,我們感受到制造理念陳舊則是我國模具工業(yè)發(fā)展滯后的直接原因。模具技術(shù)水平的高低,決定著產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量、效益和新產(chǎn)品開發(fā)能力,它已成為衡量一個國家制造業(yè)水平高低的重要標(biāo)志。因此,模具是國家重點鼓勵與支持發(fā)展的技術(shù)和產(chǎn)品,現(xiàn)代模具是多學(xué)科知識集聚的高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)的一部分,是國民經(jīng)濟的裝備產(chǎn)業(yè),其技術(shù)、資金與勞動相對密集。提高模具標(biāo)準化水平和模具標(biāo)準件的使用率。模具標(biāo)準件是模具基礎(chǔ),其大量應(yīng)用可縮短模具設(shè)計制造周期,同時也顯著提高模具的制造精度和使用性能,大大地提高模具質(zhì)量。 3)我國塑料模具工業(yè)和技術(shù)今后的主要發(fā)展方向:模具技術(shù)的發(fā)展趨勢主要是:CAD、CAM、CAE的廣泛應(yīng)用及其軟件的不斷先進和CADCAMCAE技術(shù)的進一步集成化、一體化、智能化;PDM(產(chǎn)品數(shù)據(jù)管理)、CAPP(計算機輔助工藝設(shè)計管理)、KBE(基于知識工程)、ERP(企業(yè)資源管理)、MIS(模具制造管理信息系統(tǒng))及Internet平臺等信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的不斷發(fā)展和應(yīng)用;高速、高精加工技術(shù)的發(fā)展與應(yīng)用;超精加工、復(fù)合加工、先進表面加工和處理技術(shù)的發(fā)展與應(yīng)用;快速成型與快速制模(RPRT)技術(shù)的發(fā)展與應(yīng)用;熱流道技術(shù)、精密測量及高速掃描技術(shù)、逆向工程及并行工程的發(fā)展與應(yīng)用。 三、總結(jié) : 隨著塑料工業(yè)的發(fā)展,近年來,我國各行業(yè)對模具工業(yè)的發(fā)展十分重視,在重點支持技術(shù)改造的產(chǎn)業(yè)、產(chǎn)品中,把模具制造列為機械工業(yè)技術(shù)改造序列的第一為,它確定了模具工業(yè)在國民經(jīng)濟中的重要地位,也提高了振興模具工業(yè)的重要任務(wù),即要盡快提高我國模具工業(yè)的整體技術(shù)水平并迎頭趕上發(fā)達國家的模具技術(shù)水平。但是最常用的設(shè)計步驟如下:(1)塑件成型工藝分析(2)分型面及澆注系統(tǒng)的確定(3)塑料模具設(shè)計的方案論證(4)主要零部件的設(shè)計計算(5)繪制裝配圖的基本規(guī)范(6)繪制零件圖的基本規(guī)范(7)設(shè)計計算的說明書的編寫 四、畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)所用的主要技術(shù)與方法:1.基本設(shè)計思路塑件注塑成型工藝分析:做出零件的三維造型,對塑件進行結(jié)構(gòu)工藝性分析,分析塑件塑料的成型工藝性及確定注塑成型工藝參數(shù)。注射機型號的選擇:初選注射機并確定注射成型的工藝參數(shù),注射機相關(guān)計算的校核和成型設(shè)備。模具結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計方案論證:分型面的選擇、澆注系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計方案選擇、成型部分及其零件設(shè)計、排溢系統(tǒng)設(shè)計、脫模機構(gòu)的設(shè)計、冷卻系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計,模體與支撐連接零件的結(jié)構(gòu)。遙控器面蓋模具相關(guān)結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計的計算,主要包括澆注系統(tǒng)的計算、成型零件的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計和計算、脫模方面的計算以及冷卻系統(tǒng)的相關(guān)設(shè)計計算,模架的確定和標(biāo)準件的選用和成型設(shè)備的校核計算。2.擬采用的途徑(研究手段)主要采用模具CAD/CAM/CAE等軟件來進行模具的設(shè)計,在模具設(shè)計過程中要綜合考慮到模具制造工藝以及注塑成型工藝,主要包括:(1)根據(jù)遙控面蓋技術(shù)要求進行相關(guān)的計算、分型面的設(shè)計、確定型腔和型芯、模具結(jié)構(gòu)的詳細設(shè)計、塑料充填過程分析等幾個方面。(2)利用PRO/E或者UG確定分型面,生成上下模腔和模芯,進行側(cè)抽芯機構(gòu)的設(shè)計,再進行流道、澆口以及冷卻水管的布置。 五、主要參考文獻與資料獲得情況:1 武良臣,呂寶占 互換性與技術(shù)測量 北京郵電出版社 20092 莫亞林,侯守明工程圖學(xué)中國電力出版社20073彭建生,模具設(shè)計與加工速查手冊機械工業(yè)出版社20054 塑料模設(shè)計手冊編寫組塑料模設(shè)計手冊第二版北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,19945 彭建生,秦曉剛模具技術(shù)問答機械工業(yè)出版社20006 鄂大辛 ,成型工藝與模具設(shè)計北京理工大學(xué)出版社20077 馬金駿,塑料模具設(shè)計北京:中國科學(xué)出版社,1985 六、畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)進度安排(按周說明) 1第1-4周 確定畢業(yè)設(shè)計題目 2. 第5-7周 查閱研究相關(guān)資料 3. 第8周 完成開題報告交指導(dǎo)教師檢查 4. 第9-14周 開始編寫畢業(yè)論文并完成初稿交指導(dǎo)老師審查 5. 第15周 確定畢業(yè)論文終稿。 七、指導(dǎo)教師審批意見: 指導(dǎo)教師: (簽名)年 月 日 5 河南理工大學(xué)萬方科技學(xué)院本科畢業(yè)論文外文資料與中文文翻譯外文資料:The Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing and its application in molding manufacturingAbstract: By discussing the rapid prototyping technology the craft principle, characteristic of the processes, formation and the general situation of the develop of fast prototype and its application in molding, point out the technique can form a kind of a process system of extensive application and novel, and its foreground is vast.Key Words: rapid prototyping technology; molding manufacturing; development of product Rapid prototyping technology is a new type of multidisciplinary integrated manufacturing technology. After the 1980s, following the application of computer-aided design, product shape and design capabilities have greatly improved, however, product design has completed, production, a system must be designed to convey the concept of samples, rapid feedback to product design, product design and assess the feasibility, and feasibility studies. The increasingly fierce competition in the market today, the time is effective. To enhance the competitiveness of products, from product development to volume production of the whole process are urgently required to reduce costs and increase speed. Rapid prototype technology appearance provides an effective solution to this problem which much attention at home and abroad.1. The basic principle of Rapid Prototyping Technology The RP is the generic name of the principle creation product prototype that uses the long-lost layering, its principle is: Produce CAD model Stratified separated according to the plan geometry information which is dispersed to pile up the original material generating entity models. This technology integrates of computer technology, laser processing technology, new material technology, relying on CAD software in the creation of 3D computer models entities, and is divided into a series of plane geometry information to control the scanning laser beam direction and speed, using sinter, pooling or chemical reaction means exhaustive selective processing of raw materials, thus rapid accumulation manufacture products entities models.2. The characteristics of Rapid Prototyping Technology Rapid Prototyping Technology breaks the traditional way to produce spare parts of “roughcast slice to pare to processfinished”, Needless cutlery created the first production of spare parts, is an unprecedented lamina reducing processing methods. Comparing to tradition, the fast prototype processes the following advantage:(1) Produce the spare parts of the curved face and more complicated appearance quickly, such as shoulder within spare parts and hollow and parts of etc.s, consumedly lowered the development cost of the new product and development period.(2) Is a non-contact processing, machine tool cutting processing is necessary cutlery and jig without cutlery wear and cutting force.(3) Without vibration, noise and slice to pare the waste.(4) Can carry out the nighttime over full-automatic production.(5) Process with high efficiency, produces the article entity model and molding tools quickly.The form follows the comparison of the method for the Rapid Prototyping Technology and tradition.Comparison the itemProcessing technologyThe tool machine slices to pare to processRP(Light shape method)processThe method of processDo away with the surplus material processFold the layer processThe object of processSolidLiquid portrait, powderToolThe tool of slice to pareLight beamMinimum processing unitsDots diameter is about 1msTriangles of 200ms longProduction of spare partsThe least processes come together the body of the unitThe least processes come together the body of the unitThe RP and traditions slice to pare the method comparison sheet3. The develop of RPRapid prototyping technology concept that the concept RP (Rapid Prototyping Technology) could be back to 1979. the profess of Zhong Chuan Weixiong in produce and technique institute of Japanese University of Tokyo invent the method of fold the layer model, the Xiao Yu Xiunan put forward the light shape method again in 1980, after the conceive put forward, it was continued to study in 1984 by Wan Gu Yanger, and carried on to produce manufacture on a trial basis in 1987. 1988, the United States rapidly prototype 3D Systems Corporation was the first to introduce practical devices-laser three-dimensional shapes that SLA (Stereo Lightgraphy Apparatus), and annual sales growth rate 30%40% increase in the world market. In recent years, with increasing performance scanning-a mirror, and the development of materials science and computer technology, rapid prototyping technology matures, and in 1994 to promote universal access to the formal stage. In accordance with the patterns and materials used in the different types of rapid prototyping technology currently has the following four types.3.1 Solidification resin materials using laser light shapes law The light shape equipment is excellent with a product of the 3D Systems company of the United States, and the formation of a monopoly. Figure 1 shows the operating principles. Issued by the laser light, the optical system to compile into a small beam, the beam in the computer controlled, selective scanning resin surface, using an ultraviolet resin Frozen mechanisms, a layer of solidification resin, each layer of solidification, precision workstations in a distance with the new layer of surface geometric information to the laser scanner for scanning reading, solidification of the new layer of resin and firmly stick to the previous layer has solidification resin, so repeatedly until the production of spare parts entities generated a model. The laser stereoscopic shape manufacturing accuracy can reach the 0.1 mms, mainly used to provide the sample and the experiment models for the product. In addition, the SOLIFORM of the Japanese system machine developed can manufacture to inject to model the molding tool and vacuum molding tools directly.Figure 1 Stereoscopic light shape technique principle diagram3.2The paper folds the layer shape method The paper folds the LOM that the layer shape method develops with the Helisys company currently applicant most widely. The devices used for roller paper from the paper heating roller cylinders connectivity, and then using the laser to cut paper, the question heating roller cylinders automatically leave, the paper will be ready by laser level requirements into shape, as shown in figure 2. Figure 2 Principle diagram of the paper folds the layer shape The LOM can manufacture some large spare parts and the thick wall kind pieces of the hard creation with lights shape method and create cost is cheap (about for the light shape method of 1/2), the speed is high (about manufacture time for the wood mold of below 1/5), and can simply analytic the design conceive outline and function.3.3 meltdown shape methods The meltdown shape method is most extensive used with the product FDM which is developed in American Stratasys,(the Fused Deposition Modeling), when it is working, the plastics material with hot extrusion sprayed directly by sprinkler head controlled by computer combine to layer to create an entity model from bottom to top according to several information of level. The biggest characteristics in FDM technical is a quick(general the model need several hours and can immediately model) and free from pollution, to get the extensive application in prototype, develop and cast wax mole and so on.3.4 hot and fictile shape methodsThe hot and fictile shape method burns the knot with the selectivity laser of the DTM company development namely the SLS (the Selective Laser Sintering) application is the most. That method is a way manufacture kind piece that burns with the CO2 laser machine controls by the calculator, carry on scanning on the material powder according to several information for faces of several pieces with horizontal each layer of the body, the powder is scanning by laser and solidify together. Then, spread up a new powder of layer, then scan to burn the knot with the laser, thus again and again, keep to go to make the kind piece which needed. As figure 3 shows.Figure 3 The principle chart of selectivity laser sinteringThe SLS technique shape speed is fast(general ware, need one or two days to complete), the shape accuracy is high(the minimum thickness of each layer powder is about 0.07 mms, the laser dynamic state accuracy can reach the 0.09 mms, and have the automatic laser repair function), the prototype strength is high(gather its bent strength of the carbonic acid fat and can amount to the 34.5MPa,the nylon can reach 55MPa), therefore, can carry on functions experiment and assemble the emulation with the prototype, to obtain the best curved face to match with the observation the condition. Develop and applied aspect technically in RP, the United States and Japans are the best. In Huazhong University develops two kinds of model system machine HRP and RPSs which is research to manufacture in 1994 successful quickly, have already entered the commodity market currently, be applied in the professions extensively, such as automobile, toy, aviation aerospace, shipbuilding and the soldier work etc.4. The application of the RP in molding manufacture4.1 Making the mold foundry fastPut the spare part CAD model converse to fast method, produce metal spare parts quickly according to each layer shape of face to for ceramic mold and then accord to fast method. In addition, can carry out the original mold that the fast prototype technique manufactures a conduct and actions founder molding tool, spare parts of fast cast, its process is: Design the spare parts CAD 3D the calculation hydrodynamics analysis(CFD)the LOM model manufacturingcast the metals spare parts.4.2 fast molding tool manufacturing The traditional molding tool manufacturing method period is long, the cost is high, a set of simple plastics molding tool is worth above 100,000 dollars. Any error of design reflects the molding tool make the loss that cant be retrieved. Fast prototype technique can a heart and bodies of the accurate manufacture molding tool, also can used for injecting process to produce manufacture plastics piece directly, for the purpose of detection and the mistake that rectify to appear. The center of national engineering in American Idaho and environments experiment adopt the fast concretion craft namely the technique of RSP carried out the fast and economy of the plastics molding manufacture. That method adopt fast prototype technique produce sample to be sample product sink to accumulate to make the mold. The craft process is steel or tool used for other alloys of the meltdown were pressed to go in to the mouth of spray meet high speed Sui air to form fog of liquid which diameter about 0.05mms, spay to maternal sample and sink to accumulate on it, make duplicate the surface structure shape of maternal sample, with the help of chemical to separate the steel mold which was sink to accumulated and maternal sample, then produce the mold needed.The material of maternal sample decided by the alloy material which was spray on it. For the spray stool steel, can chose ceramic materials, still have similar material as Aluminum Oxygen powder and provided as choice. That method manufacture accuracy is high (when spray to draw the tool steel, the minimum layer and can amount to the 0.038mms, manufacture accuracy can reach the 0.025mms0.05mms),time is short (common molding tool can be modeled in a week ) the price is low.(General is 1/21/10 of the traditional molding tool manufacture). 4.3 Fast cast moldingThe carbonic as the material, use the SLS to make a female type quickly, and in the maternal surface produce the shape of ceramics hull, use the aluminum or the tool steels to carry on the foundry in the hull after baking to burn, then get the inner part and the shape of the molding tool. That method manufacture period not over 4 weeks, the molding tool of the manufacturing can produce 250000 plastics wares. 5 ConclusionBased on the above, the RP is a further development and refinement technology which has been extensive and high-tech applications. It can be predicted that along with the wider using of CAD, the increasingly fierce market competition, rapid shaped mould manufacturing technology itself and the rapid improvement of technology packages, will be developed rapidly emerging technology enterprises to be a common technical means, and bring huge economic benefits to the enterprise, which should have aroused great attention.中文翻譯:快速原型技術(shù)及在模具制造中的應(yīng)用摘要:論述了快速原型技術(shù)的工藝原理、加工特點、形成與發(fā)展概況以及在模具制造中的應(yīng)用,指出該項技術(shù)可構(gòu)成一種應(yīng)用范圍十分廣泛、新穎的加工體系,市場前景廣闊。關(guān)鍵詞:快速原型技術(shù)模具制造產(chǎn)品開發(fā)快速原型技術(shù)是一種涉及多學(xué)科的新型綜合制造技術(shù)。80年代后,隨著計算機輔助設(shè)計的應(yīng)用,產(chǎn)品造型和設(shè)計能力得到極大提高,然而在產(chǎn)品設(shè)計完成后,批量生產(chǎn)前,必須制出樣品以表達設(shè)計構(gòu)想,快速獲取產(chǎn)品設(shè)計的反饋信息,并對產(chǎn)品設(shè)計的可行性作出評估、論證。在市場競爭日趨激烈的今天,時間就是效益。為了提高產(chǎn)品市場競爭力,從產(chǎn)品開發(fā)到批量投產(chǎn)的整個過程都迫切要求降低成本和提高速度??焖僭图夹g(shù)的出現(xiàn),為這一問題的解決提供了有效途徑,倍受國內(nèi)外重視。 1快速原型技術(shù)的基本原理 快速原型技術(shù)是用離散分層的原理制作產(chǎn)品原型的總稱,其原理為:產(chǎn)品三維CAD模型分層離散按離散后的平面幾何信息逐層加工堆積原材料生成實體模型。該技術(shù)集計算機技術(shù)、激光加工技術(shù)、新型材料技術(shù)于一體,依靠CAD軟件,在計算機中建立三維實體模型,并將其切分成一系列平面幾何信息,以此控制激光束的掃描方向和速度,采用粘結(jié)、熔結(jié)、聚合或化學(xué)反應(yīng)等手段逐層有選擇地加工原材料,從而快速堆積制作出產(chǎn)品實體模型。 2快速原型技術(shù)的加工特點 快速原型技術(shù)突破了“毛坯切削加工成品”的傳統(tǒng)的零件加工模式,開創(chuàng)了不用刀具制作零件的先河,是一種前所未有的薄層迭加的加工方法。與傳統(tǒng)的切削加工方法相比,快速原型加工具有以下優(yōu)點: (1)可迅速制造出自由曲面和更為復(fù)雜形態(tài)的零件,如零件中的凹槽、凸肩和空心部分等,大大降低了新產(chǎn)品的開發(fā)成本和開發(fā)周期。 (2)屬非接觸加工,不需要機床切削加工所必需的刀具和夾具,無刀具磨損和切削力影響。 (3)無振動、噪聲和切削廢料。 (4)可實現(xiàn)夜間完全自動化生產(chǎn)。 (5)加工效率高,能快速制作出產(chǎn)品實體模型及模具。下表為快速原型技術(shù)與傳統(tǒng)切削方法的比較。快速原型技術(shù)與傳統(tǒng)切削方法比較表3快速原型技術(shù)的發(fā)展 快速原型技術(shù)概念即RP(Rapid Prototyping Technology)概念的提出可追朔到1979年,日本東京大學(xué)生產(chǎn)技術(shù)研究所的中川威雄教授發(fā)明了疊層模型造型法,1980年小玉秀男又提出了光造型法,該設(shè)想提出后,由丸谷洋二于1984年繼續(xù)研究,并于1987年進行產(chǎn)品試制。1988年,美國3D Systems公司率先推出快速原型實用裝置激光立體造型即SLA(Stereo Lightgraphy Apparatus),并以年銷售增長率為30%40%的增幅在世界市場出售。近年來,隨著掃描振鏡性能的提高,以及材料科學(xué)和計算機技術(shù)的發(fā)展,快速原型技術(shù)已日趨成熟,并于1994年正式進入推廣普及階段。 按照所用材料的形態(tài)與種類不同,快速原型技術(shù)目前有以下四種類型。 3.1利用激光固化樹脂材料的光造型法 光造型裝置一直以美國3D Systems公司的SLA型產(chǎn)品獨占鰲頭,并形成壟斷市場。其工作原理如圖1所示。由激光器發(fā)出的紫外光,經(jīng)光學(xué)系統(tǒng)匯集成一支細光束,該光束在計算機控制下,有選擇的掃描液激光器掃描鏡升降裝置容器光敏樹脂體光敏樹脂表面,利用光敏樹脂遇紫外光凝固的機理,一層一層固化光敏樹脂,每固化一層后,工作臺下降一精確距離,并按新一層表面幾何信息使激光掃描器對液面進行掃描,使新一層樹脂固化并緊緊粘在前一層已固化的樹脂上,如此反復(fù),直至制作生成一零件實體模型。激光立體造型制造精度目前可達0.1mm,主要用作為產(chǎn)品提供樣品和實驗?zāi)P汀4送?,日本帝人制機開發(fā)的SOLIFORM可直接制作注射成型模具和真空注塑模具 圖1立體光造型技術(shù)原理圖3.2紙張疊層造型法 紙張疊層造型法目前以Helisys公司開發(fā)的LOM裝置應(yīng)用最廣。該裝置采用專用滾筒紙,由加熱輥筒使紙張加熱聯(lián)接,然后用激光將紙切斷,待加熱輥筒自動離開后,再由激光將紙張裁切成層面要求形狀,如圖2所示。 圖2紙張疊層造型原理圖LOM可制作一些光造型法難以制作的大型零件和厚壁樣件,且制作成本低廉(約為光造型法的1/2)、速度高(約為木模制作時間的1/5以下),并可簡便地分析設(shè)計構(gòu)思和功能。 3.3熔融造型法 熔融造型法以美國Stratasys公司開發(fā)的產(chǎn)品FDM(Fused Deposition Modelling)應(yīng)用最為廣泛。工作時,直接由計算機控制噴頭擠出熱塑材料并按照層面幾何信息逐層由下而上制作出實體模型。FDM技術(shù)的最大特點是速度快(一般模型僅需幾小時即可成型)、無污染,在原型開發(fā)和精鑄蠟?zāi)5确矫娴玫綇V泛應(yīng)用。 3.4熱可塑造型法 熱可塑造型法以DTM公司開發(fā)的選擇性激光燒結(jié)即SLS(Selective Laser Sintering)應(yīng)用較多。該方法是用CO2激光熔融燒結(jié)樹脂粉末的方式制作樣件。工作時,由CO2激光器發(fā)出的光束在計算機控制下,根據(jù)幾何形體各層橫截面的幾何信息對材料粉末進行掃描,激光掃描處粉末熔化并凝固在一起。然后,鋪上一層新粉末,再用激光掃描燒結(jié),如此反復(fù),直至制成所需樣件。如圖3所示。圖3選擇性激光燒結(jié)原理圖SLS技術(shù)造型速度快(一般制品,僅需1天2天即可完成)、造型精度高(每層粉末最小厚度約0.07mm,激光動態(tài)精度可達0.09mm,并具有自動激光補償功能)、原型強度高(聚碳酸脂其彎曲強度可達34.5MPa,尼龍可達55MPa),因此,可用原型進行功能試驗和裝配模擬,以獲取最佳曲面和觀察配合狀況。 在快速原型技術(shù)的開發(fā)應(yīng)用方面,美國和日本走在前列。近年來,我國快速原型技術(shù)的發(fā)展已十分迅速。華中理工大學(xué)在1994年開發(fā)研制成功兩種快速成型系統(tǒng)樣機HRP和RPS,目前已進入商品市場,廣泛應(yīng)用于汽車、玩具、航空航天、造船、軍工等行業(yè)。 4快速原型技術(shù)在模具制造中的應(yīng)用 4.1快速制模鑄造將需鑄零件的CAD模型轉(zhuǎn)換為快速模殼制造,按模殼每層截面的幾何形狀生成陶瓷模殼然后按快速熔模鑄造方法即可快速制造金屬零件。此外,可將快速原型技術(shù)制作生成的樣件作為鑄造模具的原模,實現(xiàn)零件的快速鑄造,其過程為:零件CAD三維設(shè)計計算流體動力學(xué)分析(CFD)LOM模型制造熔模鑄造金屬零件。 4.2快速模具制造 傳統(tǒng)的模具制造方法周期長、成本高,一套簡單的塑料注塑模具其價值也在10萬元以上。設(shè)計上的任何失誤反映到模具上都會造成不可挽回的損失??焖僭图夹g(shù)可精確制作模具的型心和型腔,也可直接用于注射過程制作塑料樣件,以便發(fā)現(xiàn)和糾正出現(xiàn)的錯誤。 美國愛達荷國家工程與環(huán)境試驗中心采用快速凝固工藝即RSP技術(shù)實現(xiàn)了注塑模具的快速經(jīng)濟制造。該方法采用快速原型技術(shù)制作的樣件作為母體樣板,通過噴涂到母體樣板的金屬或合金熔滴的沉積制造模具。其工藝過程為:熔融的工具鋼或其它合金被壓入噴嘴,與高速流動的隋性氣體相遇而形成直徑約0.05mm的霧狀熔滴,噴向并沉積到母體樣板上,復(fù)制出母樣的表面結(jié)構(gòu)形狀,借助脫模劑使沉積形成的鋼制模具與母樣分離,即可制出所需模具。 母樣使用的材料取決于噴涂其上的合金材料。對于噴涂工具鋼來說,可選用陶瓷材料,類似材料還有鋁氧粉和氧化鋯可供選擇。該方法制作精度高(噴涂工具鋼時最小表面涂層可達0.038mm,制造精度可達0.025mm0.05mm)、時間短(普通模具一周之內(nèi)即可成型)、造價低(一般為傳統(tǒng)模具制造費用的1/21/10)。 4.3快速鑄造模具 以聚碳酸脂為材料,用SLS快速制出母型,并在母體表面制出陶瓷殼型,焙燒后用鋁或工具鋼在殼內(nèi)進行鑄造,即得到模具的型心和型腔。該方法制作周期不超過4周,制造的模具可生產(chǎn)250000個塑料制品。 5結(jié)論 綜上所述,RP是一種正在進一步發(fā)展和完善且已獲得了廣泛應(yīng)用的高技術(shù)??梢灶A(yù)見,隨著CAD的廣泛應(yīng)用、市場競爭日趨激烈、快速造型技術(shù)本身和快速模具制造成套技術(shù)的完善,快速成形技術(shù)將發(fā)展為一種能被企業(yè)普遍采用的技術(shù)手段,并將給企業(yè)帶來巨大的經(jīng)濟效益,這應(yīng)引起各方面的高度重視。19