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Read and match the conversation with the places.。in a business meeting。on a boat。1. Work in pairs. Read the sentences and guess what’s happening。Unit 2。


1、Module 1,Reading and listening,Read and match the conversation with the places.,at a summer school; during a job interview; in a business meeting; on a boat,A: Wonderful, arent they? B: ErIm sorry? A: The cliffs. B: Oh, yes, they are. A: Been here before? B: Pardon?,Activity 1,Dialogue 1,(on a boat),A: Soyou wrote in your application form that youre interested in mountains. B: Yes. A: Have you ever climbed a mountain? B: No. A: Have you ever read any books about mountain-climbing? B: No.,。

2、Module 4,Vocabulary and listening,Teaching aims and demands:,To finish the exercises in SB according to what they hear.,Module Four Music,2. To enable the students to recognize and understand some new words and expressions in a dialogue or a section.,3. To be able to catch the useful information from their discussion.,Introduction: In the listening, two people Christine and Duncan are talking about these two songs ( Summertime, Ive Got Plenty of Nothing), which are taken from the opera(歌?。ヽ。

3、.單詞識(shí)記 1_ nsameness of sound between words or syllables, especially the endings of lines of verse 2_ nsomeone who is walking past a place by chance,rhyme passerby,3_ nthe period of time between two events, activities etc. 4_ vto control an activity or process, especially by rules 5_ na period of time used for a particular activity, especially by a group of people 6_ adj.acting,done or given willingly 7_ vto become smaller, 。

4、Unit 4,Body language,Speaking and listening,angry,sad,happy,frightened,guess,Look at the pictures of the story and arrange them by numbers in the correct order to tell the story.,correct order:_ _ _ _ _ _,2,Listening,1,3,4,6,5,Lin Pu has just got his drivers _. He has a car too, but he isnt too happy with it. It is an old car that he bought from his _ , who smiled happily when Lin Pu paid him. He is driving for the _time in the city, and is very _. Taxis。

5、,Module 3 Book 7,vocabulary and Listening,collar cry drag even let go rough scream thief(pl. thieves),Do you know?,Pre-Listening: 1. Work in pairs. Read the sentences and guess whats happening?,A young woman suddenly screamed, “Oh, my dear brother!” and threw her arms round his neck. “Dont!” cried Oliver, struggling. “Let go of me!” The man hit Oliver again and seized him by the collar. “You little thief!” he cried.,d) “Thats right!” cried a man who was watching from a window. e) It。

6、Unit 2,Listening,Working the land,Pre-listening on Page14,valley competitor determined pour carrots cucumbers,河谷,山谷,競(jìng)爭(zhēng)者,有決心的;堅(jiān)決的,倒;澆,胡蘿卜,黃瓜,pumpkins attack spread like wildfire sigh solid,南瓜,攻擊, 襲擊,像野火般蔓延, 迅速傳開,嘆息,堅(jiān)實(shí)的,Listening,Carrots, cucumbers, pumpkins,Carrots, cucumbers, pumpkins,chemical,natural,1,water,water,empty inside,solid and healthy inside,Why do you think the results from the two farmers are so different? Because Mr. Smith used natural 。

7、Unit 2 the United Kingdom,Warming up & listening,What is the full name of the UK?,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.(大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國(guó)),How much do you know about the U。

8、Moudle 6,VOCABULARY AND LISTENING,Animals in Danger,Match the description with the photos.,Broadheaded Snake,Checkerspot Butterfly,Bald Eagle,1,2,3,4,Red Wolf,Guess the meaning of the words and put t。

9、Moudle 5,LISTENING,The Great Sports Personality,Look at the pictures and name the sports.,boxing,running (athletics),football (soccer),Listen to Part 1 of the conversation and check what people liste。

10、Module1 Readingandlistening Smalltalk Readandmatchtheconversationwiththeplaces atasummerschool duringajobinterview inabusinessmeeting onaboat A Wonderful aren tthey B Er I msorry A Thecliffs B Oh yes 。

11、Module1 VOCABULARYANDLISTENING BritishandAmericanEnglish Listeningtothe1stpartListenandcompletethepassage Hello andwelcometotoday seditionofIntheair Asyouknow everyweekonthisprogrammewediscussanaspect。

12、Module4 VOCABULARYANDLISTENING Carnival Whichthingsdoyoueatatafestival beans cabbage peas chicken onion flour garlic pork sausages eggs TwotypesofmeatAfoodthatconsistsofatubeofskincontainingmeatmixedw。

13、Module4 Vocabularyandlistening Music Teachingaimsanddemands TofinishtheexercisesinSBaccordingtowhattheyhear ModuleFourMusic 2 Toenablethestudentstorecognizeandunderstandsomenewwordsandexpressionsinadi。

14、Unit5 Action Grammar Adverbialclausesofconcessionwithalthoughandthough 讓步狀語(yǔ)從句 1 AlthoughAngelawasnotprepared sheseemedrelaxedanddidreallywell 2 Thoughthequestionsweregettingmoreandmoredifficult Angela。

15、 Our daily life in the morning in the afternoon in the eveningWammingup: Leading in: Bill GatesHes an American computer 。

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