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英文原文英文原文THE 6 LAYERS STEREO GARAGE DESIGN BASED ON OMRON PLCZhuoran Zhang Department of Electrical & Engineering Wuhan Polytechnic UniversityWuhan, China E-mail: Harry Zhe Mao, Hailing Wan Department of Electrical & Engineering Wuhan PolytechnicUniversity Wuhan, China E-mail:maozhe998 Abstractwith the development of the modern society, the number of the vehicles in thesecities has been increasing with an exponential speed; especially the private cars, putting a greatpressure on urban transportation and parking slot. This article is mainly concerned about the entirestructure, running procedure and electrical system design including hardware and program designideas for lifting-traversing stereo garage, which will not only shorten the developing period butalso orient parking to centralization and automation direction; Owning some reference value.Keywords- Stereo Garage, Omron PLC, DesignInsufficient parking slots is resulted from the development of the cities, economy andtransportation of the cities, the traditional garages are always making the use of the nature vacancy,in a community, the ratio between parking slots and residents is approximately 1:1, one parkingslot for a family at least, in order to solve the contradiction that the parking slots using preciouscommercial land, the stereo mechanical garages with the advantage of the average parking slottakes of less area have been gradually in front of us. Compared with the traditional undergroundparking garage, the stereo garages have more advantages. First of all, the stereo garages can savemore area. The traditional ways must be amassed driving path for vehicles, averagely, a car willtake up 40m2 If we take multi-layers garage (6 layers) in to consideration, it is possible for 13 carsto park in the area of 50m2, which will save lots of land resources and land constructionexpenditure. Meanwhile, the stereo garage could guarantee the safety of the people and their cars.If there is anybody in the garage or the cars are not fully stopped, the system controlled byelectrical equipment will not run either. It means that, in the scale of the management, themechanical garage could separate the people and vehicles, which makes it more systematically.Especially for underground garages, install this kind of garage will save a large area ofillumination system, so it is also emerge conservation and environment protection. .THE CLASSIFICATION AND IMPLEMENTBACKDROP OF THE STEREOGARAGEA.THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE STEREO GARAGEAccording to the present development of the stereo garage, the stereo garage is includinglifting-traversing, roadway stacking, vertical lifting, vertical circulating, circle level circulation;The concept of the stereo garage is all from automatic logistic material transmitting system.3Thepurpose of the stereo garage is to solve the parking problem in developed cities, that is make useof limited area to park more vehicles so as to save land resources of the cities and manage thestatic transportation of the urban. This article gives out a way to design lifting-traversing stereogarage based on Omron PLC CP1H, which could extend to solve relevant projects.B. A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO LIFTING-TRAVERSING STEREO GARAGE.The modularization concept is imported in lifting-traversing stereo garage. It can be designedinto two to five layers or half underground type, the number of the slot is from tens to hundreds.This kind of garage is suitable for both above ground and underground, the characteristics couldbe generalized as less occupation of land, simple structure, flexible configuration, lower cost inconstruction, decoration and fire protection and short period of construction; Safe and convenientfor saving and taking cars; Smoothly operation, lower noise during running.4It is alsoappropriate for commercial, bureau and residential use. The safety equipment mainly isphotoelectrical sensors, limiting displacement protector and emergency switch.C. THE ENTIRE FRAME OF THE SYSTEMAs the fig. l representing, besides the central controller PLC, the stereo garage system couldbe divided into three sections: I. Mechanical System; It includes column, beam, carrying board,vehicle frame, hooks and etc. II. Electrical System; this section is the core of this article, whichcontrols the whole system to operate. III. Touching Panel; it is the port from which operators andthe system exchanging messages, operators could not only operate the system, but also in thesituation of the malfunction, it could let operator enter the manual or debugging mode.Figure 1. The structure of the systemFigure 2. Touch Screen (Auto running and Manual) THE MAIN HARDWARE OF THE SYSTEMWe mainly use the Omron PLC CPH1, on considering the control requirement and the cost,we adopting CP1HX40DR-A PLC, the programming ways are ladder diagram or ST instructionlist. The instruction length is 1 to 7 steps per instruction, each I/O relays has 1600 ports, USB 1.1for communication.The display part, we import screen of WEINVIEW MT6056i series, the screen material isTFT, 5.6 inches, and the resolution is 320 x234, with USB2.0 port supporting downloading. Thefrequency of the CPU is 400 MHz, 128RAM.D.THE SYSTEM STR UCTURE AND FUNCTIONSThe mechanical parts cooperating with electrical system are carrying board, hooks and chains.There are 6 slots on each layer besides 7 slots on the top layer, totally 37 slots, the purpose for oneslot empty on each layer is that making enough space for carrying board to move. The carryingboards of the first floor only design to traverse, also the top floor carrying boards are onlysupposed to lift. The other carrying boards among these floors are designed to life and traverse. Inthis way, this system could achieve the saving and taking from any slots among these 6 layers.In addition, this system has a touch screen system, which switches between auto run andmanual debugging mode. Under the auto run mode, it could select a certain slot to accomplishsaving and taking behavior, at the same time, monitoring the operation of the system. (Greenwords System Running in auto mode without malfunction). When failure occurs, the systemseized and on screen flashing yellow failure code with red backdrop, with the help of the failurecode, the professional operator could recognize and eliminate the failures promptly and accurately.On considering more authorities are given in manual debugging mode, to preclude unprofessionalpersons enter the mode by chance, before enter the mode, there is a cipher verification, in whichthe sequence could be set by ourselves. This would protect the system from potential dangers.Figure 2 is the graph of system auto running, manual and debugging. THE COMPOSURE OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMA. STRONG ELECTRICITY SYSTEMThe strong power system includes power supply, protection and driving mechanism, here iselectronic motors. Installing XJ3-D on the forepart of the power supply wire, which is used toprotect phase sequence of the three-phase voltage, so that guarantee the right rotation of themotors. Moreover, the motors on some layers use the same three-phase voltage.B.THE SET OF THE MOTORSThere are 6 traversing motors on the first layer, 6 traversing motors for 2 to 5 layers each, andso it is with lifting motors for 2 to 5 layers. The top layers have only 7 lifting motors. After settingthe motors, mark every motor. For example, the motor driving the third slot of the second layer,we mark it with 23, the relay before the motor are named KM23. Here series connect all themotors thermal protection, any motors problem will stop the system. In this way, it has noinfluence on the stability of the system, but lowers the cost. At the same time, make it easier tofind the problems. (What we need to do is press the thermal protection switch one by one).C .WEAK POWER SYSTEMThe weak power system is also the control system, which are mainly the PLC mode and its 5extended modules, also the sensors. As the figure below, on the right is the input part, DC 24V, onthe left, is the output section, AC 220V, to connect with contactors and drive them. These devicesfunctions have close relationships with the entire systems control requirements. On the above ofthe graph, the protection equipment are emergency switch, installed beside the touching panel,emergency only, trigger it, the system stops; Front and back photoelectrical sensors, which areused to detect people or unidentified objects breaking into the system, if this happens, the systemwould stop then response with photoelectrical failure, the goal is to protect the people and thevehicles. The phase sequence protection has been illustrated before; Over current protectionnormally activated under the motor stuck; All the margin switches series connected, cult the mainpower when any carrying board exceed the limiting position.Limit switches including up ones and down ones or left and right limit switches. In order toachieve the controlling requirements, the level limit switches are installed on the both side of theeach slot frame, while the vertical limit switches are installed on the chain which attached to themotor. It is necessary to point out that the first layer only installed down and left right limitswitches, the top layer only installed up switches these switches could sense the position of thecarrying boards, helping to finish the lifting and traversing control; Hook position sensors is to fixthe vehicles and sense the slot empty or not.The output points00 04 05 06 07 are to select different phase for each layer, so control themotors rotation ways.Figure 3. PLC Modules (Segment)There are other 4 extended modules, which only give more I/O ports to the system, similar tothis main part. OPERATION PROCEDUREA. TAKING PROCEDUREAs far as the first layer concerned, it is only designed to traverse, so as to make space toupper layers carrying boards to move downward. So do the other layers, which are designed totraverse. When traversing meet the requirements, lifting mechanism will run to put the carryingboard down, finishing the saving and taking procedure. During the procedure the photoelectricalsensors are open and will behave as fore part has explained. In figure 2A, is the taking condition,at this time Loading will flash until the taking procedure finishes.When we enter 51, the system will distinguish whether the operation is a taking or a savingaccording to the hook of the 51 slot. Then prints the message responded to the state of the hook onthe screen, the operator could confirm the operation or cancel it. On confirming, the 51 carryingboard will wait for its downward boards to finish the traversing move then moving down. Inaddition, a timer is added to this control module in order to preclude level limit switchesmalfunction, resulting into the traversing move time up. If the time for traversing move exceedsthe set time, the system will warn the operator traversing move time up which displays on thescreen, the operator could check out the failure. The up limit switches are used to sense whetherthe carrying boards are stopped at their routine slots, which the level switches cant finish. Maybeone carrying board stuck between two layers. Only do all the upper layers carrying boards stop attheir routine slots, the selected carrying boards lifting move is activated. A timer is also set intothe lifting control, with the same function as traversing timer. The elevator carries the vehicledown to the ground, release the hook, now the photoelectrical signal shut down, and waiting forthe owners to take their vehicle. On driving away the vehicle and operators confirming thephotoelectrical signal resumes, the carrying board back to its slot from the down way.Figure 4. The flowchart of the taking and saving procedureB. SAVING PROCEDUREThe saving process is based on taking procedure, so they are familiar; the only difference isthe hook move. SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING AND PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENTA.SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT AND ITS LANGUAGEIn this system, we choose Omron CX-ONE 3.0 to program the PLC. The language forprogramming is classic ladder diagram. On considering the stereo garages are installed in differentcondition and requirement of different users, the scale of the stereo garages should be flexible, forexample different layers or slots. In order to meet the different scales requirements, the program ismodularized, only need to change the I/O ports, the logical relations in the ladder diagram arefixed. In this way, it is not only with highly compatibility but also shortens the period to developrelevant designs and make it easier to debugging and repair.B.MODULARIZED PROGRAMConditional jumps are widely used in the programming; the entire program consists ofdifferent modules, on certain conditions, the program jumps.As illustrated before, there are only two movements for a carrying board, lifting or traversing,beside the boards of first and top layers. The condition for the fifth could traverse is all the upperlayers slots up limiting switches closed. Then Traverse OK is activated, and then the programwill make analysis of the operation until meet set conditions, the program jumps. For the liftingmovements are always with the downward movements, so program the downward standards, thesystem will run. The entire program is programmed with this method, above the passage, is only atraversing OK and vertical move OK module. Similarly, modules of a fixed slot, for example slot21. 21 Traversing Move, 21 Vertical Move; for whole system, Emergency Stop andProtection, Button Select, System Monitor and Debugging modules, which cooperate witheach other to accomplish the control and monitor.Figure 5. Monitoring and Display module (Segment)Fig. 5 is the segment program of the monitoring module, all the motors protection seriesconnected, so are the phase sequence protection and margin switches. Any of them change; PLCwill transfer messages to the screen, which displays. Meanwhile, cults off the main KM, thesystem stops.A BRIEF SUMMARYThis paper introduces lift shifting type six floors of three-dimensional garage design methodbased on Omron CP1HX40DR-A controller, completing the requirements of three-dimensionalgarage for city vehicle management toward the direction of automation and centralization. Thisdesign can be used to restore occupied pavement, reduce preempting, and ensure safety, inaddition that it could reduce traffic congestion time, reducing the injury. On this basis, theproblem has been thoroughly eliminated, including various vehicles disorderly stopping andparting in disorder, and the appearance of parking places with dirty, disorderly and poor, thusprotecting vehicles away from lost, being damaged and stolen. Finally, the road is giving back tothe vehicles and pedestrians, the lawn to the green space, the environment of the neat civilizationlife to the modern metropolis.Thedevelopmentcyclehasbeengreatlyshortened,basedonthedesignaboutthree-dimensional garage design of PLC controller. This is also a kind of inevitable of theelectrification, digital and automation advancement. The thoughts and methods of this design canbe applied to other scale garage and relevant problems of design.REFERENCES1 1 Huo Gang. Application and programmer of the CP1HPLC. 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