1、How to draw an arabia n horse | Super Colori ng 15/11/20 下午 10:25
about:bla nk 第1 ?頁(共4 ?頁)
How to draw an arabia n horse | Super Colori ng 15/11/20 下午 10:25
about:bla nk 第# ?頁(共4 ?頁)
How to draw an arabia n horse | Super
2、Colori ng 15/11/20 下午 10:25
STEP%1Mferk!off!the!width!a nd!height!of!the picture.! Draw!two!ovals!for!the!head!a nd!body of!the!Arabia n!horse.! Draw!a!li ne,!which!will act!as!the!ce nter!of!its!head.
STEP%2DTaw!shapes!for!the!a ni mal n eck.!Add!a!smooth!guideli ne!for!its!tail.
3、t:bla nk 第# ?頁(共4 ?頁)
How to draw an arabia n horse | Super Colori ng 15/11/20 下午 10:25
about:bla nk 第2 ?頁(共4 ?頁)
How to draw an arabia n horse | Super Colori ng 15/11/20 下午 10:25
about:bla nk 第# ?頁(共4 ?頁)
How to draw an ar
4、abia n horse | Super Colori ng 15/11/20 下午 10:25
STEP%3DTaw!guideli nes!to!defi ne!places!for the!legs,!mouth,!eyes!a nd!no se!of!the!Arabia n horse.
STEP%4Sketch!the!legs,!hoofs,!ears!a nd!s nout of!the!horse.
about:bla nk 第# ?頁(共4 ?頁)
How to draw an arabia n horse | Super Colori ng 15/11/2
5、0 下午 10:25
about:bla nk 第3 ?頁(共4 ?頁)
How to draw an arabia n horse | Super Colori ng 15/11/20 下午 10:25
about:bla nk 第# ?頁(共4 ?頁)
How to draw an arabia n horse | Super Colori ng 15/11/20 下午 10:25
6、a ne!a nd!hoofs!of the!Arabia n!horse.! Detail!shapes!for!its!ears an d!legs.
STEP%6W%ork!o n!the!whole!figure,!payi ng special!atte nti on !to!detail.
about:bla nk 第# ?頁(共4 ?頁)
How to draw an arabia n horse | Super Colori ng 15/11/20 下午 10:25
STEP%7D%aw! nostrils.!Co ntour!the!Arabia n horse,!try in g!to!vary!the!thick ness!a nd dark ness!of!the!li ne. !Add!more!detail!a nd!add the!gro und.! Erase!all!guideli nes.
about:bla nk 第4 ?頁(共4 ?頁)