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總體設計要做到:適用性 布局合理、使用方便、易于維修和維護,滿足需要,實行機械化、自動化和使用監(jiān)視管理系統(tǒng)。經濟性 造價低、工期短、維修費用少,效率高、節(jié)約能源,合理利用土地和資源。
畢 業(yè) 論 文 ﹙設 計﹚ 開 題 報 告
題目 小型自動化倉庫總體設計
題 目
物流是經濟發(fā)展的命脈,像人體的血液一樣,時刻支撐著人體的各種循環(huán),維持著生命。在物流學說的研究領域中,工業(yè)企業(yè)物流一直是被關注的焦點,這不僅由于物流組織的好壞直接決定著企業(yè)生產過程是否能夠順利進行,決定著企業(yè)產品的價值和使用價值是否能夠順利實現(xiàn),而且企業(yè)的物流費用己成為生產成本和流通成本的重要組成部分。在這種情況下,企業(yè)將主要力量花在降低生產成本上是“不得要領”的,明智而有效的方法是改善物流。因此,以降低物流成本、減少資金占用、縮短生產周期為主要目標的物流合理化(Rationalization)被稱為企業(yè)的“第三利潤源泉”、“最重要的競爭領域”,它被放到企業(yè)發(fā)展的戰(zhàn)略高度來加以研究和實施。而自動化倉庫作為物流系統(tǒng)的一個樞紐和核心,是物流系統(tǒng)實現(xiàn)物流合理化的關鍵所在,在國民經濟中有著舉足輕重的地位。通常,一種產品要從原材料做成成品,再把成品作為商品,送到消費者手中,需經過兩個基本物流環(huán)節(jié): 前者是物流生產過程(如:加工流水線,自動生產線),后者是把商品送到消費者手中的物流流通過程。基于上述兩個基本物流環(huán)節(jié),目前立體倉庫系統(tǒng)主要有兩大應用領域: 其一是各種自動化生產線中的在線立體倉庫系統(tǒng)(如CIMS中的在線立體倉庫系統(tǒng));其二是各種物資配送中心(如超市配貨中心等)。
進入90年代后,堆垛機在使用范圍和性能上有了很大的發(fā)展,還出現(xiàn)了第四代智能型立體倉庫系統(tǒng),該類倉庫系統(tǒng)不僅實現(xiàn)了對出、人庫任務和倉庫信息的全自動處理,而且還可根據(jù)生產計劃報表分析、制定出所需材料與勞動力,并依據(jù)物資的現(xiàn)有庫存量提出外購建議,當某些物資庫存量不能滿足生產需要時,系統(tǒng)還可根據(jù)現(xiàn)有在庫物資適當修改生產計劃,并上報工廠相關部門,諸如此類人工智能已逐步融入了立體倉庫系統(tǒng)中;此外,隨著電子數(shù)據(jù)交換技術的日臻完善。目前,自動化倉庫系統(tǒng)逐步向第五代“3I" (Intelligent, Integrated, Information)倉庫系統(tǒng)過渡。
4 未來的發(fā)展趨勢
自動化所先后參加了第二汽車制造廠立體庫、上海虹橋機場國際貨運立體庫、天水長城開關廠FMS板材立體庫、上海寶鋼總廠備件立體庫、國家863計劃中CIMS實驗工程立體庫、濟南第一機床廠中央立體庫、株洲南方航空動力機械有限公司物流系統(tǒng)、儀征化纖股份公司滌綸長絲立體庫、廣東震德塑料機械廠有限公司零部件自動化立體庫等四十余座自動化倉庫的建設, 這些自動化倉庫都達到了當時的國內最高水平, 有的達到了國際先進水平。
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Pergamon Computers ind. Engng Vol. 33, Nos 3-4, pp. 677-680, 1997 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0360-8352/97 $17.00 + 0.00 PII: S0360-8352(97)00220-9 An Operation Analysis of Movable Rack Type ASIRS by Use of System Simulator Norio YAMAGUCHI*, Kazuhiro SHIMODA Dept. of Information Systems Engineering, Kyushu Tokai University Kumamoto, JAPAN Abstract We perform the operation analyses of movable rack type AS/RS which is built in among manufacturing resources. Processing time and processing cost to handle each pallet are investigated. We employ the system simulator approach for the analyses. It is clarified that, if the operation conditions such as the speed of the stacker crane and/or rack are properly adjusted, the processing time of each pallet is not so increased in comparison with that in the fixed rack type case. Further, under our assumed conditions concerning the investment, we found that the cost performance of the movable rack type AS/RS accompanied with medium speed stacker crane is comparable with that of the fixed rack type AS/RS equipped with high speed stacker crane. 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd Keywords : AS/RS, System simulator, Movable rack 1. Introduction Considering the recent surroundings of production activities that the product needs of the end user change in a short time and span wide range in kinds, quick findings of the demand and prompt supply are becoming more and more important to every manufacturers. That is, the manufacturer is forced to supply various kinds of products in a short lead time to satisfy users demand. In order to construct the robust manufacturing system which can stand for the above mentioned tough requisitions, designs of manufacturing systems are investigated from various viewpoints 1 . Among them, the optimal operation of material handling facilities is the important factor to be considered to realize the smooth flow of the materials through the system 2,3,4. And, as one solution for the efficient use of various resources in the system, automatic storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) is sometimes built in among resources 5. The functions of this AS/RS are (1) To store and retrieve the common tools used by many resources. (2) To store and retrieve the WIP materials temporally. All the materials are forked with pallet in this AS/RS Here, to build in this type of AS/RS in a restricted space of the factory, we have to take into account both of high density in terms of capacity and swift handling of pallets. 6?7 In this respect, AS/RS which has movable rack is becoming popular. It is certain that we can attain high density in terms of capacity by introducing the movable rack. However, this may lead the increment of the processing time of each pallet because of the concurrent movement of rack and crane. So, we first compare, using system simulator, the processing time of each pallet between fixed and movable rack AS/RSs under various operation conditions. As the next step, we estimate the cost performance of both systems. 2. Modeling The layout of fixed rack type AS/RS we analyze for comparison is shown in Fig.1. In this figure, the bold line indicates the route of stacker crane and intersections 2,4 and 6 are in/out stations for the pallets. In this AS/RS, there are 6 racks, each of which contains 50 cells (10 columns, 5 rows) and hence, we can store 300 pallets. F I I I i I / IIIIiii= i/ I I I I I I I I I I I / llllll, Fig.1 Layout of Fixed Rack Type AS/RS We show in Fig.2 the layout of movable rack type AS/RS we analyze. In this figure, the rack moves along the arrow line and 8 racks, each containing 50 cells, are arranged. / 678 Proceedings of 1996 ICC&IC Fig.2 Layout of Movable Rack Type AS/RS Thus, this AS/RS can store 400 pallets. This means that the capacity increases 33% in comparison with fixed rack type case for the same space. It is noticed that, in this case, the additional route of stacker crane is attached in order that the crane access to the appointed cell is not hindered by the placement of rack. Specifications of AS/RSs are as follows. Cell size is 3 (W)*3 (D)*2 (H) (ft). Distance between I/O station and rack edge is 6 (ft). Crane speed along vertical line is 2 (sec/row). Pick and place time at the I/O station is N(10,2) (sec). Pick and place time at the cell is N(10,2) (sec). The crane works as follows depending on the function. STORE : move to the appointed I/O station - pick the requesting pallet - move horizontally to the place where appointed cell is located - go up to the cell - place the pallet to the cell - go down to the ground line - wait for the next job Experimental conditions are summarized as follows. (a) Job request occurs randomly and inter arrival time of the request follows exponential distribution. (b) Storage and retrieval jobs occur under equal frequency. (c) Cell is appointed randomly. (d) For the movable rack type case, neighboring racks move pair wise, if necessary. Simulation of 8 hours is performed, using system simulator SIMAN 6, for various values of mean inter arrival time of the request. The horizontal speed of the crane is also varied. Obtained results on the mean processing time (including both of storage and retrieval jobs) of a pallet are shown in Fig.3. In this figure, the upper half means the fixed rack type case and the lower one is the case of movable rack type, respectively. 3 lO 3 o RETR/EVE : move horizontally to the place where appointed cell is located - go up to the cell - pick the requesting pallet from the cell - go down to the ground line - move horizontally to the appointed I/(3 station - place the pallet to the station - wait for the next job Here, we employ the following principles for the crane allocation. The crane is allocated to the nearest requesting pallet disregarding its request time. For the pallets which are equally apart from the crane, the FIFO principle is applied. 3, Results and Discussion mean intq ov ne reques iecj 3 0-100 (seo) 300-400 (see) 100-200 (see) n 400-500 (sec) I I 200-300 (see) 500-600 (seo) Fig.3 Mean Processing Time of a Pallet Here, for the movable rack type case, the speed of the rack is taken as 5(sec/depth). We first notice, in this figure, that the mean processing time in the movable rack type case is always longer than that in the fixed rack type case. To make it clear, the area where the processing time is Proceedings of 1996 ICC&IC 679 comparable is shaded with the same pattern in this figure. Next, in both cases, it is noticed that, as the frequency of the request increases beyond the ability of the crane, the processing time increases drastically. From this figure, we may say that the proper combination of crane speed and inter ardval time of the request should be considered. Next, for the movable rack type, we show in Fig.4 how the processing time is affected during the simulation run by the rack speed. Here, the mean inter arrival time of the request is taken as 45 (sec). =I t rack speed = 7 (see/depth) !:f ,= rack speed = 9 (sec/depff) rack speed = 11 epth) i=0 o coo o (o eo xm iota iota ,ooao simulation time (sec) Fig.4 Processing Time of Each Pallet It is noticed that, even for the same inter arrival time, the deviation of the processing time changes depending on the rack speed. This suggests that, if we select the appropriate speed of the rack considering the frequency of the request, we can hold the small processing time in spite of the additional wasting time generated by the rack movement. costs are to be depreciated over ten years. As to the running cost, we assume the following conditions. Wages for the operator are I (10 4 yen/day) regardless of the rack type. Electd power cost is 0.55 (104 yen/day) for fixed rack type and 0.60 (104 yen/day) for movable rack type, respectively. From above conditions, we can calculate the processing cost of a pallet. We show in Fig.5 the cost performance of the system in terms of the crane speed. 13 o 3 12.6 12 11.6 105 . xed rack type / . a. . 5 7 g crane speed (it/see) Fig.5 Processing Cost of a Pallet It is certain that, so far as we focus only on the cost performance, the fixed rack type is superior for wide range of crane speed. Here, we notice that the processing cost in the movable rack type at crane speed of 7 (ft/sec) is comparable with that in the fixed rack type case at crane speed of 11 (ft/sec). And we remember that the capacity of movable rack AS/RS is33% larger than that of the fixed rack AS/RS. Here we meet the trade off problem. That is, we have to consider (a) processing time, (b) cost performance and (c) capacity of AS/RS altogether. Considering the obtained results total wise, we may say that the movable rack type AS/RS accompanied with medium speed stacker crane is preferable to the fixed rack type AS/RS equipped with high speed stacker crane. From now, we discuss on the effect of the capital investment. Assuming that the initial cost becomes more expensive as the speed of the crane increases, we express the initial cost F(v) as FI(v) = 1200 + 100v (104 yen), (1) 4. Conclusions We performed, using system simulator, the operation analyses of AS/RS. System performances are compared between fixed rack type case and movable rack type case. Conclusions are summarized as follows. where v is the horizontal speed of the crane (ft/sec). Next, additional cost F2 to make the rack movable is set up as 500 (104 yen) regardless of the rack speed. These initial For the movable rack type AS/RS, if we choose the crane speed and rack speed appropriately considering the frequency of the request, the 680 Proceedings of 1996 ICC&IC processing time is not increased so much in spite of the concurrent movement of rack and crane. In terms of the capacity and cost performance, it is better to employ a movable rack type AS/RS with medium speed stacker crane rather than a fixed rack type ASIRS equipped with high speed stacker crane. References 1. Noble, J.S. and Tanchoco, J.MA., 1993, Design Justification of Manufacturing Systems-A Review, The Int. J. of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 5:5-25 2. ed. by Hollier, R.H., 1985, Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Automation in Warehousing, and references therein 3. Ashayeri, J., Gelders, L. and Wassenhove, L.V., 1985, A Microcomputer-based Optimization Model for the Design of Automated Warehouses, Int. J. of Production Research, 23:4:825-839 4. Takakuwa, S., 1989, Module Modeling and Economic Optimization for Large-scale AS/RS, Proc. of the 1989 Winter Simulation Conference, 795-801 5. LIM, J.M. and Hwang, H., 1994, The Machine Layout Problem in a Flexible Manufacturing System with built-in Automated Storage/Retrieval System, Proc. of APORS94, 366-373 6. Pegden, C.D., Shannon, R.E. and Sadowski, R.P., 1990, Introduction to Simulation Usinq SIMAN, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York