1Introduction to Translation CourseI. Differences between Translation Exercise and Translation CourseTranslation Exercise Translation CourseConcepta. an ability of language, or a teaching device (listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating)b. a means to learn a FLAn independent course to study translation closely related to linguistics, semantics, stylistics, contrastive linguistics, etc.OriginAn old method originating from the Grammar Translation Method (Aristotle’s view of language: the clothing of thought)A new course appearing with the development of FL teaching and research, cultural studies, comparative literatureAimTo help students to acquire/enrich the knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, patterns and expressions of the TLa. to introduce some basic theories and concepts, methods;b. to explore some internal rules through practice;c. to help students to learn how do translation work(see Zhang Peiji《英漢翻譯教程》:326; Molei《中國翻譯教學(xué)研究》:113-4; 《中國翻譯詞典》:178; Zhang Meifang《中國英漢翻譯教材研究(1949—1998) 》)II. Course DescriptionThis two-term course provides an introduction to the basic theories, skills of translation. Major problems in or related to translation practice are identified and discussed with reference to different conceptual frameworks which have been proposed in (inter)national circle of translation studies. You attend lectures, read reference books and work in groups to explore/discuss various methods and skills of translation. You are encouraged to develop an awareness of different perspectives of translation in your own practice. As part of the compulsory course work, you are asked to appreciate some texts and their translations and to translate tens of passages of different varieties of writing between English and Chinese as well as taking the final examinations.III. Topics for Discussion 1. A Brief History of Translation2. The Nature of Translating3. Equivalence at word level 4. Equivalence above word level5. Grammatical equivalence6. Textual equivalence: thematic and information structure 7. Textual equivalence :cohesion8. Pragmatic equivalence21. A Brief History of TranslationBy “history” of translation, we mean the origin of translation, its development as well as the present situation. Do you know anything about the history of translation, e.g., translators, principles, successful translations, methods?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you want to know more about the history of translation? A detailed study of it would probably bring about your objections and refusals such as “Oh! My God! It is not the unpractical sermon I have been dreaming!”Hush! Be quiet. It is a regret that Francis Bacon hasn’t produced an essay entitled “Of History”. Anyway, let’s stay with God for a moment. Here you are only asked to read a short story from the genesis of the Holy Bible about the start of translation, since most undergraduates simply equate translation with translating practice.1.1 The origin of translation (Why do we need translation?)1.1.1 In the west1.1.1.1 The Tower of BabelA story from Old Testament about how the Lord/God/Jehovah “confused the language of all the earth.” The story goes like the following:a. Genesis begins with six days of creation and the Sabbath in which the following were created:Light (day and might); Firmament /sky (dome full of air);Seas and earth; Luminaries (sun and moon); Birds and fishes; Animals and manb. Adam and Eve (First sin and its punishment)One day, the Lord formed a man, Adam, from the dust of the ground, and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it. He also took one of Adam’s ribs, in his deep sleep and made it into a woman, Eve. Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Knowing this, the Lord drove them out of the garden to till the ground.c. Second sin and its punishmentLater, Eve gave birth to Cain, a tiller of the ground, and Abel, a keeper of sheep. The Lord had regard for (prefer) Abel and his offering. Cain was so angry that he killed Abel. The Lord 3punished him and he became a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.d. Adam’s descendants to Noah With more and more people came into the world, the wickedness of humankind was great in the earth as well. So the Lord said, “I will blot out from the earth the human beings I have created —people together with animals and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord.e. The great flood and Noah’s Ark Jehovah came to Noah and told him to build a ship. The vessel was to be four hundred and fifty feet wide and it was to have a depth of forty-three feet. Then Noah and his household, his three sons and their wives, made ready for the voyage. They went into the fields and into the mountains and gathered all the animals they could find that they might have beasts for food and for sacrifices when they should return to dry land. On the evening of the seventh day, Noah and his family went on board. Late that nigh, it began to rain. It rained for 40 nights and 40days. However, Jehovah had mercy, and the sun appeared again. After about 200 days, the Ark landed on top of Mount Ararat in the country, which is now called Armenia.f. The Tower of BabelNoah’s descendants formed many nations. And from these, the nations spread abroad on the earth after the flood.Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as they migrated from the east, they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.” The Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which mortals had built. And the Lord said, “Look, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down, and confuse their language there, so that they will not understand one another’ speech.” So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. Therefore it was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.Now the word “Babel” is usually used as an equivalent of translation. For instance:(1) The Journal of FIT: Babel(2) George Steiner: After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation(3) 馬祖毅: “洪荒造塔語言殊,從此人間要象胥。 ”(4) 呂?。骸犊缭轿幕系K:巴比塔的重建》 ;湖北教育出版社:巴別塔文叢(12 volumes)Read the following brief introduction to the history of translation and pick up your favorite points. The oldest translation founded: The Greek translation of the Old Testament made by 72 Jewish scholars from Alexandria (Tan Zaixi, 2000: 16) The Septuagint《七十人譯舊約》(285—249BC)1.1.2 In China1.1.2.1 《冊府元龜·外臣部·朝貢》:夏后即位,于夷來賓。少康即位三年,方夷來賓。 The oldest record of the interpretation of 《越人歌》:“……山有木兮,木有枝。心悅君兮,君不知。 ”1.2 A short history of translation in the west: 5 upsurges1.2.1 4 BC: Ancient Greek literary works, especially Homer’s epics, dramas by the three famous dramatists of tragedy (Aischules, Sophocles, Euripides), were introduced into Rome.1.2.2 4-6: Bible translation in many European countries.1.2.3 11-13: Translation center of Toledo in Spain; Greek classics became scholars’ focus again.1.2.4 14-16: Translation center of Toledo in Spain; Greek classics became scholars’ focus again.1.2.5 After World War Ⅱ: Because of the establishment of EEC (European Economic Community), translation has been greatly needed and developed.1.3 A Brief History of Translation in China: 5 periods1.3.1 The translation of the Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures: 4 stages1.3.1.1 Beginning: from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Western Jin Dynastya. Buddhism’s influence Through the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, the working people, who suffered from wars and the tyranny of the ruling class, were cheated to pin their hopes on religion. According to the doctrine they could go to the heaven with their tolerance of troubles and sufferings in this earthly lifeb. Translators三支:支婁迦讖、支亮、支謙 ( “天下博知,不出三支 ”)c. Views on translation: 支謙《法句經(jīng)序》and 文、質(zhì)之爭It is the origin of the dispute over the method of literal translation and that of free translation. 5Zhi Qian (文派 ) appreciated free translation, knowing that “名物不同,傳實不易。 ” But his criticism of 竺將炎 that “其辭不雅” was disagreed by those who advocated literal translation (質(zhì)派 ) quoting “美言不信,信言不美;書不盡言,言不盡意;佛言,依其義不用飾,取其義不以嚴(妝飾) 。其傳經(jīng)者,當(dāng)令易曉,勿失厥義,是則為善。 ”. He then had to change his view to “因循本旨,不加文蝕”.In this dispute, the latter won in terms of theory, yet the former won in the actual practice Development: from the Eastern Jin to the Sui Dynastya. Why developed?The ruling class advocated the translation.The peasants were not powerful enough to overthrow the ruling and exploiting classes, andhad to control their fury, desperation and pinned their hope on some almighty Buddha.Buddhism was much more widely spread by three great Buddhist monks 佛圖橙,釋道安 and 鳩摩羅什 (Kumara Jiva). b. Translators: 道安; 鳩摩羅什; 慧遠; 彥琮c. Views on translationDao’an: 五失本 、 三不易 Dao’an, a translation theorist insisted on the preference of literal translation to free translation. He was then appointed director of the bureau of Translation and authorized to decide on which style of translation to be adopted. Under his leadership the Sanskrit writings were translated verbatim and mechanically. The original remained literally unchanged in its version with merely an occasional alteration of word order.Kumara jivaHe stoutly maintained that Sanskrit writings should be translated in compliance with Chinese usage, and the redundant parts therein expurgated. It was not till the emergence of Xuanzang’s “New devices for translation” that the above-said dispute came to an end.Style: Kumara jiva attached great importance into the creation of the SL style, because he believed that “但改梵為秦,失其藻蔚,雖得大意,殊隔文體,有似嚼飯與人,非徒失味,乃令嘔穢也”.慧遠:文不害義,務(wù)存其本。以文應(yīng)質(zhì),則疑者眾,以質(zhì)應(yīng)文,則悅者寡。彥琮:《辯證論》on qualifications for translators Prosperity/climax: The Tang Dynastya. Why prosperous?The ruling class drew the translators over to their side and supported them.The translators: Different schools of Buddhism studies fawned on/flatted the ruling class so that their doctrines could be spread.6b. Translators: Xuzang’s “New devices for translation”(Four great translators of the Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures:羅什、真諦、玄奘、不空)c. Views on translationXuzang did not make any assertion whether he was for or against literal or free translation. Yet people labeled his translation as “new devices for translation,” which was essentially a flexible way of making good use of both literal translation and free translation. Besides, Xuanzang took a very serious and responsible attitude towards his translation. He worked hard all the time, setting a brilliant example for his contemporaries and coming generations.The experience of Xuanzang in translation of the Buddhist scriptures is worth summing up. For example, Xuanzang advocated transliteration for polysemous words as 薄伽,the original of which has six different senses (自生,熾盛,端嚴,名稱,吉祥,尊重), for things which did not exist in China, e.g. 閻浮樹 and for other terms which could not be rendered exactly.五不翻:秘密故,含多義故,無此故,順古故,生善故Moreover, he employed the following methods while translating the scriptures according to the sum-up made by P. Pradhan (柏樂天) ,an Indian scholar, and Zhang Jianmu, a Chinese scholar: 1. Addition, 2. Omission, 3. Transposition, 4. Division or combination, 5.Substitution, 6. Restoration of nouns for pronouns. Some of the six methods are related to accidence and some to syntax. Daoxuan, one of his contemporary theorists, spoke highly of his translation, saying:“All the present translations of Sanskrit scriptures are done by Xuanzang. It is he alone that determines the meaning of the original. And the words flow out of his mouth just as they come from under the pen of a master. His translation is accomplished the moment the clerks finish recording his words.”As pointed out by Luo Xinzhang, Xuanzang understood the Buddhist doctrine and had a good command of both Sanskrit and Chinese. He often used the method of literal translation, but he did not give up at all that of free translation when and where he thought it necessary. And Luo quoted from Liang Qichao: “Xuanzang made a perfect combination of literal translation and free translation. None ever did better than he in such work.”譯場 11 道工序:譯主、證義、證文、度語、筆受、綴文、參譯、刊定、潤文、梵唄、監(jiān)護大使1.3.1.4 Decline and why a. Some religious sect did not stick to religious disciplines.b. Few people could go to India for more scriptures because of frequent wars.c. Interests changed from translating scriptures to studying them.b. The ruling class did not support them as before. (about 15 translators, but not important) Influence of the translation of Buddhist scriptures (see Exercise: 4.1)1.3.2 Science and technology translation: The end of the Ming Dynasty to the 7beginning of the Qing Dynasty1.3.2.1 Backgrounda. With the colonialists’ invasions of the coastal areas of China such as those from Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, England, the missionaries of the Society of Jesus/the Christian missionaries went to China to convert people to Christianity.b. The Society was so conservative as to compete against the New Protestants for more followers/disciples after the Religious Reform by Martin Luther. It changed strategies, after being defeated, to expand itself in the east.c. The first church was built in Zhaoqing in Canton.d. They did their missionary work in the name of introducing sciences into China, which was accepted by some Chinese scientists. Translatorsa. Foreign: Matteo Riccis Nicolaus Longobardi Jean TerrenzD. de Pantoja Berdinard Verbiest Adan Schall von Bellb. Chinese: 徐光啟、李之藻、王徵1.3.2.3 Contributions(skopos, aim, purpose, intention, function and translation brief: 翻譯——會通——超勝)a. In astronomy and mathematicsb. In physics and mechanical engineeringc. In mining and metallurgy d. In military technologye. In physiology and medicinef. In Biologyg. In Geographyh. In linguistics and literaturei. In scholasticism and theology and religious literature: About Aristotle, Bible, etc.1.3.3 Western learning translation: The Opium War to the May Fourth Movement of 19191.3.3.1 Why learning from the westCurrent situation: Chinese society remained feudal for 3,000 years. After the Opium War of 1840, china gradually changed into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. From then on to the May Fourth Movement of 1919, Chinese struggled to seek truths from the experiences of the west countries. They waged the Movement of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Sino-French War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Revolution of 1911, the May 4th Movement, the Northern Expedition, the War of the Agrarian Revolution and the War of Resistance Against Japan.Before the May 4th Movement, the struggle on China’s cultural front was one between the new culture of the bourgeoisie and the old culture of the feudal class. The struggles between the 8modern school system and the imperial examination system, between the new learning and the old learning, and between Western learning and Chinese learning, were all of this nature. The so-called modern schools or new learning or Western learning of that time concentrated mainly (we say mainly, because in part pernicious vestiges of Chinese feudalism still remained) on the natural sciences and bourgeois social and political theories, which were needed by the representatives of the bourgeoisie. At the time, the ideology of the new learning played a revolutionary role in fighting the Chinese feudal ideology, and it served the bourgeois-democratic revolution of the old period. (Mao Zedong, On New Democracy, 1965: 371) Translators and translation associationsa. 林則徐b. Before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894—1895: Westernization MovementGuideline: Borrow western learning to serve Chinese traditional learning同文館和江南制造總局翻譯館李善蘭:《幾何原本》后九卷, 《代數(shù)學(xué)》 , 《重學(xué)》傅蘭雅:Advocated science and technology translation梁啟超;辜鴻銘c. After the Sino-Japanese War: The Reform MovementAdvocate western learning馬建忠:《擬設(shè)翻譯書院議》 ,善譯嚴復(fù):Xin, Da, YaHis contribution to Chinese translation cause both in theory and in practice is memorable and imperishable. Yan Fu tried to seek truth from the Occident so that china might be saved through social reform. But he tried in vain. The ruling class of the Qing dynasty did not place him in a weighty office. He was deprived of the chance to display his talent in the political sphere. Anyhow, he left behind a series of versions of famous works. With reference to the theory or translation, the three criteria of translation propounded by Yan Fu are worth our noticing. He asserted in the preface to his version of Evolution and Other Essays: “There exist three phases of difficulties confronting the translation task: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.”林紓:Free translationLin Qinnan was nescient of foreign language and “translated” more than180 pieces of literary works through recording and rewording the oral rendition by his cooperators. He was a staunch advocate of free translation. There can be found man additions and omissions in his versions, which, however, curiously acquainted Chinese people with the way of life, social manners and cultural traditions in European countries. But ironically his faithful rendering of Joan Haste was much criticized. More translators of literature: 周桂笙;蘇曼殊;徐念慈;曾樸;陳獨秀;伍光建;王國維;馬君武1.3.4 Chinese translation of Marxist works and English translation of Selected Works of 9Mao Zedong (1949—1966); literary translation(1919—1966 )[A] Translators of literary translation (1919-1949)魯迅:Rather to be faithful (in though) than smooth (in language)[B] Translation of Marxist and Mo Zedong’s works Translation of Manifesto of the Communist Party (陳望道)Translation of Mo Zedong’s works(中國翻譯詞典:474-6)[C] Translators of literary translation (1949—1966)卞之琳;曹未風(fēng);王佐良;袁可嘉;董秋斯;張友松;周煦良;查良錚;蕭乾;屠岸;萬紫;雨寧;曹庸;李良民;楊必;傅東華;張谷若;黃雨石;施閑榮1.3.5 Translation of Western academic works and literature1.3.5.1 Background: Reform and opening policy1.3.5.2 Translators1.3.5.3 ContributionsConclusion: This is merely a bird’s-eye view of the history of the translation. A historical survey will be conductive to the grip and understanding of the functions, the principles and practice of translation.Now please write down the points worthy of your attention and further study:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________102. The Nature of Translating“What is truth; said jesting Pilate; and would not stay for an answer. Certainly there be, that delight in giddinese; and count it a bondage, to a belief; affecting free-will in thinking, as well as in acting. And though the sects of philosophers of that kind be gone, yet there remain certain discoursing wits, which are of the same veins, though there be not so much blood in them, as was in those of the ancients. But it is not only the difficulty, and labor, which men take in finding out of truth; nor again, that when it is found, it imposes upon- 1.請仔細閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預(yù)覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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- Peiji 英漢翻譯 教程 _326