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1、人教新目標(biāo)英語八年級上冊Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.Section A1a-2c主備人: 審核人:八年級備課組【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】 掌握以下知識點1. 記憶本課時單詞及其短語2. 熟練運用句型-What are you going to be?-Im going to be 談?wù)搶硪庀?,運用句型-How are you going?-Im going to .談?wù)搶崿F(xiàn)方式。【學(xué)習(xí)重點】. 動詞一般將來時的使用【前測】自學(xué)與小組討論自主學(xué)習(xí) 翻譯下列單詞及短語。1. cook n ; cook v 做一頓飯 2. doctor n 看醫(yī)生 3.

2、engineer n 兩位工程師 4. violin n violinist n 拉小提琴 5. drive v driver n 開一輛小轎車 6. pilot n 7. piano n pianist n 彈鋼琴 8. science n scientist n 9. be sure about 10. grow up make sure 11. computer programmer actor n 12. teacher n teach v _ 13. basketball player 14. 學(xué)習(xí)計算機(jī)科學(xué) _ _ _ 15. 每天練習(xí)籃球_ _ _ _16. 努力學(xué)習(xí)數(shù)學(xué)_ _

3、_ _17. 學(xué)習(xí)(上)表演課程_ _ _【課堂1+1】:小組討論和小組展示1+1Task1. 探究學(xué)習(xí) 學(xué)習(xí)談?wù)搶硪庀蚣皩崿F(xiàn)方式1、記憶并練習(xí)下列對話:-What are you going to be when you grow up?-Im going to be a basketball player.-How are you going to do that?-Im going to practice basketball every day.“be going to+動詞原形表示計劃、打算要做或即將發(fā)生的事, be動詞有人稱和數(shù)的變化。用be 動詞填空:Eg: I going t

4、o study computer science.My father going to study English.They going to go to Chengdu.Task2. Using “ be going to “ to make a conversation. And practice with your partner and act it out.(用be going to 句型編對話,并和你的搭檔練習(xí),最后表演給大家看)Eg: A: what do you want to be when you grow up?B: I want to be a basketball p

5、layer.A: How are you going to do that?B: I m going to practice basketball every day. Task3. 系統(tǒng)總結(jié)1、 詢問長大后干什么的句型及其答語A:_? B: _2、 詢問如何奮斗的句型及其答語A: _? B: _. 練習(xí):(一)、補(bǔ)全句子:1、When I grow up, I want to be an e _.2、My uncle is a computer p_, he is good at computer.3、Computer s_ is Jakes favorite subject.4、Marys

6、 father is a p_. He flies in the sky(天空) every day.(二)、用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:1、Mary _(go) fishing with her mother next week.2、I _(meet) a famous actor last Sunday.3、Im going to _(take)some acting lessons in ShangHai.4、Tom started _(ride)a bike when he was six years old.5、My brother _(take)these photos two da

7、ys ago.(三)、單項選擇( )1、What is Nancy going to be when she_?Maybe she is going to be a math teacher.A. grow B. grows C. grow up D. grows up( )2、How are you going to be a computer programmer?Im going to _.A. take piano lessons B. keep fit C. eat healthy food D. study computer science(四)、翻譯句子:1、長大后你想做什么?

8、_2、你打算怎么實現(xiàn)你的理想?_3、我打算拜訪我西安的朋友。_4、小明擅長計算機(jī),他想成為一名電腦程序設(shè)計員。_5、我長大了要做一名工程師。_Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.Section A2d-3c主備人: 審核人:八年級備課組【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】: 掌握以下知識點:1. 本課時的單詞及短語2. 句型A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I am going to be a reporter.A: How are you going to do that?B: Im going to stu

9、dy math really hard.A: where are you going to work?B: Im going to move to Shanghai.A: when are you going to start?B: Im going to start when I finish high school and college. 3. 熟練運用本課詞匯和句型談?wù)搶淼挠媱澱雇緦W(xué)習(xí)重點】學(xué)習(xí)運用(一般將來時)描繪自己的人生理想和表達(dá)奮斗的想法【前測】自學(xué)與小組討論1+1自主學(xué)習(xí) 通過自學(xué)能掌握本課重點單詞和短語學(xué)院 _ 大學(xué)_ 論文_決定 _ 郵寄;發(fā)送_ _ 藥;醫(yī)學(xué)_ 倫敦

10、_ 教育_確保;查明_ make sure + to do sth 確保作某事Make sure to close the door when you leave. 確信;對有把握_be good at want to be keep on doing sth: 一直做某事 of course want me to be a teacher:try your bestmove to_ finish high school _ write articles_ study education_take singing lessons study education study math study

11、 math study science take acting lessons send them to magazines and newspapers send sb sth = send sth to sb eg: My father sent me a book on my birthday.= My father sent . give sb sth = give sth to sb eg: Please give me a hamburger. = Please give .【課堂1+1】:小組討論和小組展示1+11. 2d 快速閱讀短文,劃出新單詞、新詞組。2. 2d 組內(nèi)合作,

12、展開討論。3. 2d Role-play the conversation.4. 大聲閱讀3a的內(nèi)容并完成搭配。6. 3b Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conversation. 【后驗】一、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. My cousin is going to be a pilot when he _ (grow) up.2. Uncle Wang is a race car _ (drive). He loves his jobs very much.3. Do you want _ (be) a pilot?4. If you want t

13、o be an actor, you have to take _ (act) lesson.5. Chen Han is going _ (move) to shanghai when he finishes his studies.二、單選1、You need to take notes at the meeting, so make sure _ a pen and some paper with you.A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. not bring2、-How are you going to become a write?-Im goin

14、g to keep on _stories.A. writing B. write C. to write D. to writing3、-There is a new movie Let Bullets Fly. Lets watch it.-That _ a good movie.A. sounds B. sounds like C. looks D. looks like4. I want to be an engineer. So I am going _ than before.A. work hard B. to work hard C. work harder D. to wor

15、k harder5、Nelly is going to be a teacher. She is going to _.A. take acting lessons B. study computer science C. study education D. practice basketball6、-_ are you going to work?-Im not sure yet. Maybe Beijing or Shanghai.A. When B. Why C. How D. Where7、There _ an art exhibition this Sunday.A. have B

16、. is going to be C. is going to have D. is going to hold8、Is there _ in todays newspaper?A. everything new B. new nothing C. anything new D. new somethingUnit 6 Im going to study computer science.Section B1a-1e主備人: 審核人:八年級備課組【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】1、本課時的單詞及短語2、Im going to I want to 【學(xué)習(xí)重點】各種愿望的表達(dá)【前測】自學(xué)與小組討論1+1Resolut

17、ion n make a resolution Team n school team Foreign adj foreign friends foreigner n 學(xué)會彈奏鋼琴_ 組建足球隊_取得好成績_ 吃更健康的食_進(jìn)行大量鍛煉_根據(jù)用be going to 寫出英語句子,標(biāo)點符號已給出。1. Peter, make a new year resolution _ _.2. Lingling, learn to pla y the piano _ ?3. Tom, get good grades_ .4. Henry, get lots of exercise, to keep fit_

18、 _.【課堂1+1】:小組討論和小組展示1+1Task1 合作學(xué)習(xí) 學(xué)習(xí)1b對話,談?wù)撟约簩淼囊庀?、 個人迅速朗讀對話,并理解意思2、兩人一組練習(xí)對話,組內(nèi)展示3、用1a中的短語,模仿1b編對話,并在組內(nèi)交流A:What are you going to do next year?B:Well Im going to take guitar lessons. I really love music.A:Sounds interesting . Im going to learn a foreign language.B:Are you? Great! But foreign languag

19、es are not for me.4、重點詞組Sounds interesting 聽起來有趣, sound為系動詞后面跟形容詞。又如:聽起來無聊_ another 另一個,又一個。another language another hamburger be not for sb 不適合某人This skirt is not for me. 【后驗】一、用單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. Next year, Im going to learn _(play) the guitar.2. I want _(write) for international magazines when I am olde

20、r.3. She is going to eat _(healthy) food than before.4. Beijing a pilot sounds _(interest).5. Whats the _(mean) of this word?二、單選( ) 1. Lots of students are interested in soccer, so we are going to _a soccer team this term(學(xué)期).A. grow B. have C. do D. make( ) 2. This piece of music _ beautiful.A. fe

21、els B. looks C. do D. make( ) 3.Tony wants to be a writer, so he needs to get _.A. much writing practice B. many writing practices C. practicing writing D. much writing practices( ) 4. There _ a sports meeting in our school next Friday.A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D.is( ) 5. My

22、 family _ go camping next week.A. are going to B. is going to C. was going to D. were going to三、句型轉(zhuǎn)換2、She is going to write articles this weekend .(對劃線部分提問)_3、The students are going to the party tonight .(改為否定句)_4、Im going to get good grades.(改為一般疑問句)_5、I want to get a lot of exercise.(改為一般疑問句)_四、)漢

23、譯英1、你將怎樣實現(xiàn)這一理想?_2、我打算學(xué)習(xí)彈奏一種樂器。_3、我的新年計劃是取得好成績。_4、我將努力學(xué)習(xí),每天做作業(yè)。_5、我想成為一名教師,我要取得好成績。Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.Section B2a-2e主備人: 審核人:八年級備課組【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】 掌握新單詞 able, question, discuss, promise, improve, physical, themselves,hobby, weekly, meaning句型Im going to I want to 【學(xué)習(xí)重點】各種愿望的表達(dá)【前測】自學(xué)與小組討論

24、1+1詞匯測試:able adj be able to question v meaning n meaningless adj discuss v discussion n have a discussion promise n promise v beginning n at the beginning of improve v write down physical adj themselves pron have to do with self-improvement n take up hobby n weekly adj/ adv schoolwork n agree v agre

25、e with own adj/ pron personal adj relationship n 【課堂1+1】 小組討論和小組展示1+1Task 1 提問上節(jié)的要點Task 2 預(yù)習(xí)情況檢查,交流解決預(yù)習(xí)中存在的問題(師生互問探討):Task 3 小組合作,討論2a中的2個問題1. Did you make any resolutions last year?2. Were you able to keep them? Why or why not?Task 4 read and learn 2b Task 5 find these phrases in the passage. Then

26、remember how to use them(在文章中找出下列短語,并記住他們的用法)make promise 許諾,下決心 tidy my room打掃我的房間 get back from school 從學(xué)校回來 improve our lives 改善我們的生活 write down 記下,寫下 physical health 身體健康have to do with self-improvement 與自我提高有關(guān) take up a hobby開始某項業(yè)余愛好learn to play the piano 學(xué)習(xí)彈鋼琴 make a weekly plan做一個周計劃have one

27、 thing in common 有一個共同之處Have nothing in common 沒有共同之處have something in common 有一些共同之處 too difficult to keep太難了還不能保持for this reason 因為這個原因 The best resolution is to have no resolutions! 最好的決心就是沒有決心no+復(fù)數(shù)名詞=not any + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞There are no books on the desk.= There are books on the desk.no + 單數(shù)名詞= not a/an +

28、 單數(shù)名詞I have no pens.= I have pens.no+ 不可數(shù)名詞= not any +不可數(shù)名詞There is no water .= There is water. Task 6 scanning the passage then finish3a and 3d(細(xì)讀這篇文章,然后完成3a和3b)【后驗】一、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. I dont know what _(do) next.2. This is my _(person)opinion. I hope you can think it over.3. Listening to music can ma

29、ke us _(feel) happy.4. John is going to work_(hard) than before.5.My first resolution is about _(improve) my physical health.二、單項選擇1. Im going to study in a better middle school. I want to _A. eat more vegetables B. get good grades C. keep fit D. take acting lessons.2. Does Jim want _the first one t

30、o get to the top of the mountain?A. to B. to be C. being D. be3. Its six oclock nowIts time_A. get up B. got up C. to get up D. getting up4. I love music very much, so Im going to learn how to _ an musical instrument .A. keep B. hold C. play D. build5. _ are you going to study English? I study Engli

31、sh by reading more.A. How B. When C. Where D. What三、完成句子1. Im going to _. (學(xué)習(xí)一門外語)2. I want _(組建球隊)3. Some girls are going to _. (多鍛煉保持健康)4. She wants to find a job _. (作為一名外語教師)5. The students _yesterday. (作出新年計劃)Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.Section B3a-Self Check主備人: 審核人:八年級備課組【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】

32、掌握新單詞 agree, agree with, own, personal, relationship句型Im going to I want to 【學(xué)習(xí)重點】各種愿望的表達(dá)【前測】自學(xué)與小組討論1+1詞匯測試:Own adj/pron personal adj Relationship n resolution n Make a resolution make you a better person Make your life easier Make sb do sth Eg: My father makes me do the housework. Make sb/sth + adj

33、 Eg: Songs make me happy. Take up a new hobby Listen to music 寫出下列短語開車去上班 多鍛煉_ 上大學(xué)_ 學(xué)習(xí)計算機(jī)科學(xué)_ _學(xué)習(xí)表演課程_ _ 取得好成績_ 吃更健康的食品_ 進(jìn)行大量鍛煉_ 聽起來像_ 完成高中學(xué)業(yè)_ _【課堂1+1】:小組討論和小組展示1+11. 3a Complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box.2. 3b Write your resolutions under the following head

34、ings.3. 3a Use your notes to write three more paragraphs about your resolutions. In each paragraph, write what you are going to do and why.4. Imagine you work for your city. Think of a plan to make it cleaner and greener.5. finish self check and check the answer.一、單選1. Jack is going to _ a pilot whe

35、n he grows up.A. do B. have C. be D. play2. I am _ volleyball tomorrow.A. practice B. going practice C. going to practice D. go to practice3. He is going to buy a new computer when he _ more money.A. has B. have C. will have D. is going to have4. It _ like the singing of birds.A. listens B. listens

36、to C. hears D. sounds5. Miss White is going _ for her summer vacation.A. new somewhere B. somewhere quietC. quiet somewhere D. some quiet where6. There are _ sixty students in our class.A. on B. more C. over D. past7. I spent _in finishing my homework yesterday.A. one or two hours B. a hour and two

37、C. one and a half hours D. one and two hour8. There _ a sports meeting in our school tomorrow.A. is B. is going to be C. be D. are9.This music sounds_.A. good B. a good plan C. like good D. likes a good plan10. Where _ Peter_ next week?A. does; go B. are; going C. is; going D. did; go11. My cousin i

38、s going to take piano lessons_.A. two days ago B. next week C. every day D. last week二、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子1. 鮑勃長大后打算成為一名飛行員。Bob is going to be _ _ when he _ _.2. 史密斯一家打算下個月搬到法國去。The Smiths are going to _ _ France next month.3. 昨天我們班的學(xué)生制訂了新年的決心。Yesterday the students in our class _ their New Years _.4. 第一個決心和自我改進(jìn)和提高有關(guān)。The first resolution_ _ _ _ my own personal improvement.10 / 10

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