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1、國際人力資源管理課程簡介課程編號12HRM386課程名稱國際人力資源管理課程性質(zhì)選修學時72學 分4.5學時分配授課:72實驗:上機:實踐:實踐(周):考核方式閉卷考試,平時成績占50% ,期末成績占50%開課學院國際教育學院更新時間適用專業(yè)財務管理(中澳合作)先修課程組織與管理課程內(nèi)容:本課程從跨國公司的角度去看待人力資源管理方面的行為。國際人力資源和國內(nèi)人力資源管理最大的區(qū)別是在國際環(huán)境中存在某些因素或變量會影響人力資源行為被應用的方式。本課程內(nèi)容主要包括國際人力資源管理導論、跨國人員配備、外派人員的招聘和選拔、跨國薪酬、跨國培訓和開發(fā)、國際勞工關(guān)系、績效管理以及國際人力資源管理的趨勢。通

2、過本門課程的學習,學生能夠理解跨國人員配備對維持國際業(yè)務的重要性,能夠發(fā)現(xiàn)和分析影響外派人員招聘和選拔的關(guān)鍵問題,能夠解釋組織從國內(nèi)薪酬管理發(fā)展到國際薪酬管理時所遇到的復雜性,能夠討論國際勞資關(guān)系中的一些問題及跨國公司相關(guān)政策和行為,能夠列舉出多國背景中在設(shè)計有效績效管理系統(tǒng)時跨國經(jīng)營所需要考慮的一些問題。最后能夠發(fā)現(xiàn)和評估可能會影響國際人力資源管理的趨勢和挑戰(zhàn)。Brief IntroductionCode12HRM386TitleInternational Dimensions of Human ResourceCourse natureOptionalSemester Hours72 Cr

3、edits 4.5Semester HourStructureLecture: 72 Experiment:Computer Lab:Practice:Practice (Week):AssessmentClosed book examination, usually results accounted for 50%, the final gradeaccounted for 50%.Offered byInternational Education CollegeDateforFinancial Management (Sino-Australian cooperation)Prerequ

4、isiteOrganizations and ManagementCourse Description:This subject looks at aspects of human resource management in multinational organizations.The most important difference between IHRM and domestic HRM is in the variables or factorsthat shape the way that practices are applied in the international s

5、etting. The main contentsincluding: introducing international human resource management, staffing international operations,recruiting and selecting staff for international assignments, international compensation,international training and development, international industrial relations, performancem

6、anagement, IHRM trends. By this subject, students are able to explain the role of staffinginternational operations for sustaining international business, able to identify and analyze keyissues affecting recruitment and selection for international assignments, able to explain thecomplexities that ari

7、se when organizations move from compensation at the domestic level tocompensation in an international context, able to discuss the key issues in international industrialrelations and the policies and practices of multinationals, able to list the dimensions tointernational business operations that ne

8、ed to be considered when designing an effectiveperformance management system in the multi-national context, finally able to identify andappraise trends and future challenges that are likely to have an impact on international humanresource management.國際人力資源管理課程教學大綱課程編號12HRM386課程名稱國際人力資源管理課程性質(zhì)選修學 時72學

9、 分4.5學時分配授課:72實驗:上機:實踐:實踐(周):考核方式閉卷考試,平時成績占50% ,期末成績占50%開課學院國際教育學院更新時間適用專業(yè)財務管理(中澳合作)先修課程組織與管理一、教學內(nèi)容Topic 1 Introducing international human resource management1.1 Define key IHRM terms1.2 Review expatriate management evolution1.3 Outline differences between domestic and international HRM1.4 Discover

10、the increasing complexity and potential challenges of current IHRMTopic 2 Staffing international operations2.1 The reasons for using international assignments2.2 Various types of international assignments2.3 The role of the corporate HR function in MNEsTopic 3 Recruiting and selecting staff for inte

11、rnational assignments3.1 The myth of the global manager3.2 The debate surrounding expatriate failure3.3 Factors moderating intent to stay in or leave the international assignment3.4 Selection criteria for international assignmentsTopic 4 International compensation4.1 Detail the key components of an

12、international compensation program.4.2 Outline the two main approaches to international compensation and the advantages anddisadvantages of each approach.4.3 Examine the special problem areas of taxation, valid international living cost data and theproblem of managing TCN compensation.4.4 Examine re

13、cent developments and global compensation issues.Topic 5 International training and development5.1 The role of training in supporting expatriate adjustment and on-assignment performance.5.2 Components of effective pre-departure training programs5.3 The developmental aspect of international assignmen

14、ts.5.4 Training and developing international management teams.5.5 Trends in international training and development.Topic 6 International industrial relations6.1 Discuss the key issues in international industrial relations and the policies and practices ofmultinationals6.2 Examine the potential const

15、raints that trade unions may have on multinationals6.3 Discuss recent trends and issues in the global workforce context6.4 Discuss the formation of regional economic zones such as the European Union and the impactof opponents to globalizationTopic 7 Performance management7.1 Performance management a

16、s part of a MNEs control system7.2 Factors associated with expatriate performance,7.3 Performance management of expatriates and non-expatriatesTopic 8 IHRM trends: complexity, challenges and choices in the future8.1 International business ethics and HRM8.2 Mode of operation and IHRM8.3 Ownership iss

17、ues relating to IHRM requirements of organizations other than the largemultinationals8.4 Safety and security issues二、教學基本要求Topic 1 Introducing international human resource managementThe first topic in this subject introduces the scope and nature of IHRM 一 what is it? How is itdifferent do domestic H

18、RM? How do we apply a strategic view of IHRM? There are several keypieces of knowledge that you will need to learn in order to understand later topics in the subject.IHRM has quite a lot of jargon or specific terminology that it uses. It can be difficult to keep upwith all of the terms. That is why,

19、 from the beginning, you should learn the key terms andconcepts so that you can use these later to understand other topics, and to answer exam questions.Teaching focus: The nature and scope of IHRMTeaching difficult points: How do we understand IHRM activities in an international context?Topic 2 Sta

20、ffing international operationsIn the first topic we set the scene for this subject by examining the meaning and scope ofIHRM. In this second topic we begin our look at specific aspects of HRM in the internationalcontext. Staffing is the logical starting point: what approach do multinationals take to

21、 staffing theiroperations? How are international assignments developed? How do we measure the return oninvestment of international assignments? How should the HRM function be organized in amultinational organization? These are the key questions that we will be looking at in this topic.It is importan

22、t to remember that sending staff overseas on international assignments is costly,and there are significant risks of failure. This is why organizations need to look very carefully atthe need, the process and the return from using different approaches to staffing their operations.You will find that th

23、ere are several more new terms in this topic. It may be worthwhile makingyour own glossary of terms and learning them throughout the session.Teaching focus: Approaches to staffingTeaching difficult points: HR implications of international staffing approaches; Return oninvestment of international ass

24、ignmentsTopic 3 Recruiting and selecting staff for international assignmentsThis topic examines issues surrounding the approach to acquiring staff for internationalassignments. This would include selecting existing staff in an organization to undertakeinternational assignments.So far in this subject

25、 we have looked at the definition and scope of IHRM and issuesassociated with staffing organizations that operate in multiple countries. You have seen that thereare many new terms used in this field of HRM, as well as some new theoretical concepts, and,most important, some added complexities that co

26、me with taking an international approach toHRM. This topic looks into another HRM aspect of multinational organizations 一 the way thatthey choose people to undertake international assignments. As we saw in the past topic, staffingdecisions will be influenced by host country regulation, and the philo

27、sophy of the home countryorganization, i.e., geocentric, polycentric, and so on.Perhaps you are interested in this area because this is something that you aspire to. Howprepared will you be to be considered? This topic will give you some helpful insights into what ittakes to be selected to pursue an

28、 international assignment in a multinational organization.Teaching focus: Selection of candidates for international assignmentsTeaching difficult points: Understanding the meaning of expatriate and Discussing the reasonsfor expatriate failureTopic 4 International compensationGlobalization has increa

29、sed awareness of and concern for creating internationally equitablecompensation systems in many companies. The complex nature of international compensationdictates that it receives special attention from organization operating in a multi-nationalenvironment. It is crucial that organizations understa

30、nd the kind of employees employed byinternational firms, the elements that comprise an international compensation system, and thespecial problems associated with returning citizens on overseas assignments to their homecorporation.International compensation is about more than just expatriate pay. Com

31、pensation today is seenas: a mechanism to develop and reinforce a global corporate culture; a primary source of corporatecontrol, and part of the corporate governance framework. This HR aspect has seen increasingcomplexity, many challenges and greater choice in customizing compensation to individual

32、s9needs and performance goals.Teaching focus: understanding objectives of international compensation and the key componentsof an international compensation packageTeaching difficult points: contrast the going rate9 with balance sheet approaches tocompensation.Topic 5 International training and devel

33、opmentThere are two main aspects to training and development in IHRM: first, training as preparationfor undertaking an international assignment, and second, the role of international assignments asvehicles for the training and development of staff. The focus in this topic is mainly on thetraditional

34、 expatriate assignment.Teaching focus: approaches to pre-departure training; international assignments for managementdevelopment and organizational development.Teaching difficult points: emerging issues that are influencing the way international training anddevelopment programs are designed and deli

35、vered.Topic 6 International industrial relationsThis topic examines industrial relations conducted across national boundaries, for example,where a multinational organization has operations in several countries. Here, it is important for theorganization to understand the similarities and differences

36、in the policies, systems and processesinvolved in each country, and are able to work within these constraints. We will be looking at thistopic from two perspectives 一 employers and unions.Teaching focus: difficulties involved in comparing industrial relations systems; the factors thatshape the way m

37、ultinationals organize their industrial relations activities.Teaching difficult points: the role that trade unions play in international industrial relations,including their responses to the challenges of globalization.Topic 7 Performance managementThe final aspect of IHRM that we will study is perf

38、ormance management. You will be familiarwith the purpose and basic methods of performance management from your earlier studies. Here,we are looking at this topic in the international context. To what extent are the standard methodsstill applicable? How do we manage the performance of employees in a

39、subsidiary? For example,should a team based approach that is used in the United States be applied without change to asubsidiary in China? These are complex questions and there has been considerable researchdevoted to this topic in recent years.Performance management is an important part of an organi

40、zations control system. In thistopic performance management is defined as a process that enables the multinational to evaluateand continuously improve individual, subsidiary unit, and corporate performance, against clearlydefined, pre-set goals and targets. You can see that performance management is

41、 a multi-levelconstruct, and that it is a continuous process.Teaching focus: the key steps in the performance management processTeaching difflcult points: the constraints that face multinationals in developing performancemanagement systems; the challenges involved in applying performance management

42、systems tohost country employees.Topic 8 IHRM trends: complexity, challenges and choices in the futureIn this final topic we look at a selection of emerging issues in IHRM. Each of these issueswarrants more detailed study, but in this subject, we will be considering these issues in a broadsense. The

43、 issues we will study are: International business ethics and HRM notably, the waybribery is handled; Challenges for the HR function of the multinational firm; the emerging role ofNGOs; The challenges of safety, security and counterterrorism.Teaching focus: International business ethics and HRM 一 not

44、ably, the way bribery is handled;Challenges for the HR function of the multinational firmTeaching difficult points: The emerging role of NGOs; The challenges of safety, security andcounterterrorism.三、章節(jié)學時分配早次總課時課堂講授實驗上機實踐備注Topic 166Topic 21010Topic 31010Topic 41010Topic 51010Topic 61010Topic 71010Topic 866總計7272四、教材與主要參考資料教材:1J Dowling, P.J., Festing, M., Engle, A.D. Sr. (2008) International Human ResourceManagement (5thed.). South Melbourne: Cengage主要中文參考資料:1趙曙明等.跨國公司人力資源管理M.北京:中國人民大學出版社,2001執(zhí)筆:審核:批準:

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