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1、新視野大學英語讀寫教程第三冊Unit10【課文翻譯及課后答案】1945年12月5日下午兩點,天氣非常適合飛行,五架海軍飛機從佛羅里達州東南部的一個 海軍飛行基地起飛,在大西洋上空作一次例行飛行訓練。不到兩小時,飛行指揮官用無線電報告說,他已”完全迷失了方向”。接著是一片寂靜。一架救援飛機被派出去搜尋失蹤的飛機,但同樣,它也消失得無影無蹤。盡管美國海軍發(fā)動了有史以來范圍最大的一次搜尋,動用了 300多架飛機和幾十艘戰(zhàn)艦,依然一無所獲,甚至沒發(fā)現(xiàn)一點油跡漂在水上。這僅是眾多有關(guān)”百慕大三角”的恐怖故事之一?!卑倌酱笕恰笔谴笪餮蟮囊惶幧衩氐貛?,大 致范圍從百慕大朝西南沿佛羅里達海岸再至波多黎各。由

2、于這里的天氣異常,水手當中傳說它是”大西洋中的墓地”。在過去的30年中,該三角已吞噬了近 1,000名水手和飛機駕駛員的生命。當年克里斯托弗哥倫布進入這片大西洋的水域時,注意到”白色的海水”泛起一道道奇特的光。這些神奇的光帶如今仍然可見,而且明亮得連在繞地球軌道飛行的美國飛船里都可以看到。這個三角地帶通過三本暢銷書、一部電視片和一個特別展覽引起了公眾極大的興趣。 這些研究之作都未能令人信服地解答百慕大三角之謎,但其中不乏有趣的理論。有些科學家和通俗作家居然猜測此三角地帶是外星人為他們的”動物園"捕捉人類標本之地。不論真相如何,飛機和船只仍常常消失在這個三角地帶。1947年7月3日,一

3、架美國空軍飛機消失在百慕大附近 100英里的地方,事先沒有任何遇難警示。隨后立即展開了范圍寬達100,000平方英里的海面搜索,但沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)一片失蹤飛機的殘骸。1948年1月30日,一架英國飛機消失在該三角地帶上空,機上有31名乘客和機組人員。一年后,失蹤飛機的姊妹機也消失了。72架搜索飛機加上幾十艘船,都沒能找到失蹤飛機的任何蹤影。被這神秘三角吞噬的最大的船只之一,是一艘500英尺的運煤船,它于 1918年3月4日消失。調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)沒有惡劣天氣的跡象,沒有求救信號,沒有船只殘骸,也沒有船上309人的蹤跡。更怪的是,無數(shù)”鬼船"被人發(fā)現(xiàn)漂浮在三角區(qū)域內(nèi),船上卻杳無人跡。1881年一個詭異的

4、日子里,貨輪"艾倫奧斯丁 "號發(fā)現(xiàn)了一艘小帆船,帆在風中無望地飄動。船長通過望遠鏡看見甲板上沒有人。船上載滿了木材,但沒有人類生命的跡象。"艾倫奧斯丁 "號的船長組織了一組新的船員去開船??墒牵瑑商煲院?,一場暴風雨使兩艘船一時間失散了。當船長再次登上那艘船時,他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的船員都失蹤了。他又派去了一組船員,之后這船又在大霧中迷失了方向。 這一次,除了船員,連船也不見了蹤影。而美國海軍官方并不承認此三角區(qū)為危險地帶, 都應歸咎于該地區(qū)獨特的環(huán)境特征 ”。他們相信”(三角地帶的)大多數(shù)失蹤事件,這其中包括墨西哥灣的湍急海流,尚未探測的大西洋海溝,以及該神秘區(qū)域




8、法坐得舒服些時,駕駛員帕特里克漢密爾頓少校上了飛機,開始給飛機電腦編程。然后,我的耳中傳來他通過麥克風發(fā)出的指令:"如果你準備好了,我們就出發(fā)。 ”引擎轟鳴著發(fā)動起來,強大的渦輪機發(fā)出的聲音可以把死人吵醒。我們要飛入空中做實戰(zhàn)演習。我期待著我的生命之旅,而且理由很充分:F-16是個造價2,000萬美元的硬家伙,馬力大到能以兩倍的音速飛行。在急轉(zhuǎn)彎和俯沖后拉升時,它能達到超重9倍,也就是重力的9倍,讓一個體重200磅的男 子重達近1噸。飛機沿著水泥地面呼嘯著,猛地把我壓向椅背。幾秒鐘后,我們的速度就達到了每小時145英里。飛機像離膛的子彈射入空中,很快我們升到了2,000英尺的高空,并

9、在繼續(xù)爬升。F-16可以垂直向上飛,能旋轉(zhuǎn)、俯沖、轉(zhuǎn)彎、爬升、翻滾,能像鷹一樣優(yōu)雅地翻筋斗。 可是,攜帶著演習炸彈和 8,000磅汽油,這架主要用鋁合金制造的飛機重達15噸左右??刂七@架精密的機器和它所攜帶的眾多武器,就像玩一個備有幾十個按鈕、價值百萬的電子游戲。"這些控制裝置非常靈敏,”漢密爾頓少校說,"它們幾乎就是駕駛員身體的延伸?!辈坏轿宸昼?,我們就升到了 35,000英尺的高度。由于速度幾近音速,我們把引擎的轟鳴聲甩在了后面,幾乎沒有速度或飛行的感覺,也察覺不到飛機沖破聲障時發(fā)出的隆隆聲。飛行之旅激動人心而又平和安詳,窗外的景色非常美麗:頭上是一片藍色的天海,身下鋪

10、著雪白的云毯。坐在透明的機艙內(nèi),我們覺得溫暖而舒適,然而外面卻是一個截然不同的世界。大氣溫度為零下30攝氏度,空氣稀薄得無法呼吸。在我們的身后,拖著一道道白色的尾巴,那是我們的排氣口放出的熱氣與低于零度的大氣相遇而形成的。我們的目標區(qū)在向北 250英里處。有幾分鐘,我們將直線飛行,所以漢密爾頓少校把控制裝置交給我。"可別做異想天開的事,"他警告說。天哪!我想起了所有那些愿意用一個月的薪水來換取我現(xiàn)在的位置的駕駛員。我把飛機向右拐,但用力過大,變成了急轉(zhuǎn)彎。于是我做了糾正,握緊操縱桿轉(zhuǎn)向左邊。這就是我做的所謂異想天開的事。水平直線駕駛F-16非常簡單。在戰(zhàn)爭中駕駛并控制好那些

11、復雜的武器系統(tǒng)則需要更加地專心。駕駛員必須能控制一整套設(shè)備,包括機燈、儀表盤、手柄、數(shù)字顯示器和其他電子設(shè)備。 我通過麥克風發(fā)表了自己的看法:”駕駛這架飛機,你得是個工程師或者是名計算機科學家。"那當然有用,”漢密爾頓少校說。但他又補充道:”可你無須知道各部件是怎樣組裝的,只要知道系統(tǒng)怎樣操作就行了。 就算是只猴子,也能開這架飛機?!蓖蝗?,我們聽到指揮官說發(fā)現(xiàn) ”敵"機。我們開始行動,從 35,000英尺的空中迅速向下俯沖。我做好了準備,知道我們將會拉動G服。當重力儀表顯示6.2時,我就再也不能把腳從地板上抬起來了。毫無疑問,重力服現(xiàn)在重達100英磅。血液從我的頭部直往腳底

12、沖,我的視線開始模糊。我的G服現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)充滿了氣,緊緊地壓住我的雙腿,逼迫血液流回身體的上半部。飛機不停地旋轉(zhuǎn)、拐彎、翻滾、爬升和俯沖,不停地把我從一邊甩到另一邊。我不知道怎么做了。事實上,我是在堅持著。在我們執(zhí)行任務的過程中,并沒有飛機真正被擊落。但是和錄像機相連的攝像機已經(jīng)將行動記錄到了錄像帶上。擊中或脫靶由電腦確定,我們將在飛行后的討論會上觀看并評價這一過程。盡管少校開玩笑說,駕駛 F-16是件多么容易的事,然而事實是,駕駛這架飛機的飛行員必 須是專家才行。而且為了承受高度超重力運動所產(chǎn)生的力,他的身體狀況也必須是一流的。在漢密爾頓少校把我們的飛機輕巧地降下時,我非常慶幸飛機的飛行員是他,

13、而不是只猴子。他的確給了我一次生命之旅。輕松打的旅行專家斯泰西拉威爾阿巴伯內(nèi)爾說,只要觀光客懂得規(guī)矩,在世界任何地方坐出租車旅行都很安全。在某些城市里,有人走近你,并主動提出載你一程,這是很常見的。通常,他們是想賺些外快的當?shù)厝?,而不是?jīng)過安全訓練、受過背景考察、持有運營執(zhí)照的出租車駕駛員。"這些人可能非常咄咄逼人,”有位旅行者警告說,而你也需要咄咄逼人才行。像在南美這樣的地方,通常你會被一圈人圍住,他說:"我高昂著頭,徑直走向我看中的出租車,然后問,這是誰的車? ”避免碰上非法出租車的一個辦法,就是熟悉觀光地表示有照出租車的標志,并了解不同的車子以及/或者不同的牌照顏色所

14、代表的含義。比如,在墨西哥城辨認出租車有一個三級體系。橙白相間的是最舒適的四門轎車,還帶有計程器。綠白相間的就低一個檔次,但也有計程器。黃白相間的更低一級,沒有計程器,因此一定要在開車前商定好價錢。一旦你找好了出租車,啟程費、路程費和其他費用問題就隨之而來。 在有些國家,所有出租車都裝有計程器,政府控制著價格,所以不會有多少問題。 但在另一些地區(qū),你會發(fā)現(xiàn)盡管車上裝有計程器,司機卻不愿意使用。遇上這樣的情況,如果你知道有計程器,最好的辦法就是堅持要求使用。雖然計程器不會總是顯示正確的車費,(有時司機不誠實,會改裝計程器讓它們跑得更快,)但你也別指望司機的報價會更便宜。因此,如果你找的司機堅持說

15、他或她的計程器不能用,那就另找一輛出租車??墒?,遇上的確沒有計程器的國家該怎么辦呢?有兩種方法可供選用。一是在上車前商量好價錢。在俄羅斯,這是惟一使用的辦法。”你叫來一輛出租車,車來了后別急著上車,” 一位有經(jīng)驗的游客說,"司機會俯身靠在乘客一端的窗口,你告訴他你要到哪里去,然后商量價錢?!钡硪粋€人在他的拉丁美洲之行中卻采用了不同的方法。他那"從不問價”的策略是這樣操作的:"在機場時,我向三四個人打聽到我的目的地要花多少錢,"他解釋說,"我從不問司機要多少錢,只照別人告訴我的少付一些。如果不夠,司機會告訴你?!避囐M真要是比你以為的多,你就得考

16、慮該做何選擇了。當然,差價懸殊可能使你和司機爭論起來。但是,有位旅客強調(diào)說,考慮到兌換率,這一差價就沒有幾個錢了。她說:"選擇一下是否要和司機吵架,為25或50美分吵架值不值得呢? ”在很多情況下,你認為有假的價格其實是合法的額外費用。例如,在法國叫車,計程器會從出租車的所在地開始計算,等它到達時,計程器上已標示10美元了。在澳大利亞和新加坡,電話叫車要收取額外費用。在倫敦和新加坡還有種午夜后收費,這就是為什么新加坡的出租車在晚上11: 30后就消失,直到半夜后才又出現(xiàn)的原因。還有些城市要求支付行李附加費。大致了解一個城市乘坐出租車的習慣也可以使你的旅程更加愉快。比如,德國人,特別是


18、全的國家旅游,那就堅持用賓館的出租車。而在其他地方,你可以和街上的司機做一筆好交易。如果你打算和某一個司機相處好長一段時間,事先要計劃好,以保證當天順利。 例如,在亞洲國家,要請人把你的目的地和方向用亞洲文字寫下來。Basic Liste ning Practice1. ScriptW: Let me recommend my brother to you. He ' s really done well in the stock market over the last few years.M: The real questi on is this: How have you din

19、e by tak ing his advice?Q: What does the man mean?2. ScriptM: Many in vestors jump on IPOs, hop ing to get rich by getti ng into a stock early before it goesup.W: But isn ' t that a bit like buying a book without reading it? I mean, what if it doesn' t go up?Q: What is the woman ' s opin

20、ion?3. ScriptW: The Dow was down again today. It ' s hard to make money when high fuel prices are killing the stock market.M: There ' s still money to be made. If you bought oil futures three mon ths ago, you ' d be smili ng right now.Q: What can we lear n from the dialog?4. ScriptM: I c

21、an ' t wait to get back to my computer. Online share trading has totally changed the stock market and the lives of in vestors. Hook up to the Internet and be your own broker!W: In other words you can cut out the middle man now. For about $ 500, you can open an acco unt and begi n buying and sell

22、 ing shares from your own home, 24 hours a day.Q: Which of the followi ng is true if they want to trade shares on the In ternet?5. ScriptM: Hold onto your hat! We ' ll be rich. I ' m buying shares in a new company.M: You can ' t buy IPO shares uni ess you have a big active with a broker.

23、 The day of dot-com fortunes from IPOs are over.Q: Accord ing to the con versati on, what is the con diti on for buying IPO shares.1. D2. C3. A4. B5. CListe ning InTask 1: Tell me about the stock excha nge.ScriptGeorge: I' m supposed to give a presentation on the stock exchange, but I don' t

24、 yet know a thing about it. Could you give me some tips?Diana: The problem with you is that you ' ve skipped too many classes. Now, let me give you a few tips. First of all, you need to define the stock exchange. It ' s an organization of brokers and in vestme nt ban kers .In Europe it is of

25、te n called a bourse.George: Could you tell me more about it? Like, how does it work?Diana: It provides facilities for the trading of company stocks, mainly the location and the record-keep ing devices.George: Can I go and trade there?Diana: It depe nds. You have to be a member of the excha nge befo

26、re you can buy and sell shares there. They call it havi ng “ a seaf on the excha nge.George: Something they use the term “ stock market ” .Diana: Well, the tradi ng of stock on stock excha nges is called the stock market.George: How can a compa ny be listed on the stock excha nge?Diana: It has to me

27、et certa in requireme nts. To be listed on the New York Stock Excha nge last year, for example, a company had to have issued at least a million shares of stock worth $ 16 and had to have had more tha n$ 2.5 milli on net in come.George: Wow, that' s a huge sum! Small companies haven' t got a

28、chanee.Diana: Big compa nies have more in flue nee on the stock prices after all.George: I see what you mean.Stock excha ngea thi ngsome tipsdefi nein vestme nt ban kersEuropea memberstock marketrequireme ntsa millio n sharesnet in comeTask 2: Stockbroker helps Mr. Jun kie to shortScriptABC stock re

29、ached $ 155."$ 155” for a stock that should be valued at $ 100. Wow! “ That's it,f I said to myself. "It' s time I make a decision. I ' m going to short that stock. ” I thought to myself, “ This stock is overvalued. It can ' t remain at the present level for long. This mean

30、s money in the ban k. ”So I phoned my broker.“ I want to place a trade. I want to short 1,500 shares of ABC.“I' m sorry, Mr. Junkie, ” he said, " I can' t process that for you. Your account is cash account. You n eed a margin acco unt to short a stock. I can send you the applicati on fo

31、rm or you n earest finan cial in stituti on to fill out the forms. ”The minute I got of the phon e, I heard out the door because time is mon ey. I ran to the finan cial in stituti on to fill out the form and sent it to the broker by express mail service. Next morning I called him.“ Hello, it ' s

32、 Mr. Junkie. Did you get my application?“ Yes.”“Great, I would like to short ABC then. ”“One minute please I' m sorry, Mr. Junkie, but you now need a shorter ' s account.”“ What! You mean the margin acco un t is n ' t eno ugh?”“ No, you also need a shorter' s account. Any financial i

33、nstitution nearby has the forms. ” Off I ran aga in. I completed the form and had a taxi deliver to my broker. I n the after noon I called aga in.“ Hello, it ' s Mr. Junkie. I want to short 1,500 shares of ABC at $ 155.”A few moments later he answered,“ Mr. Junkie, I am sorry, but I don ' t

34、think that is possible. ”“ Why not? ”“Well, the last trade went through at $ 99. ”F1. The broker did not believe ABC stock could remain at $ 155 for long.T2. Mr. Jun kie wan ted to short 1,500 shares of ABC.T3. Mr. Jun kie could get a marg in acco unt through either a finan cial in stituti on or his

35、 broker.T4. To short a stock, one n eeds both a margin acco unt and a shorter' s acco unt.F5. Mr. Jun kie asked a taxi driver the forms for a marg in acco unt to the broker.Task 3: Who am I if I own stocks?ScriptWhen a pers on buys stocks in a compa ny, that pers on becomes a shareholder in that

36、 compa ny. Stockholder is ano ther n ame for shareholder. A shareholder can also be called an in vestor of the compa ny. When that compa ny makes mon ey, which can also be called earned in come or profit, the value of the compa ny' s stock often in creases. That's because more people may bec

37、ome in terested in in vesti ng in the compa ny. Sometimes, shareholders receive a divide nd, which is part of the compa ny' s earned in comes, in the form of a cash payme nt.Some people try to make money by buying and selli ng stocks. Stock prices can move up and dow n. Shareholders may make mon

38、ey or lose money by selling stocks that they own, depending on whether the price has gone up or down since they bought their shares. A company ' s stock price may be affected by market or economic conditions. For example, let 's say that BCD Enterprises is a software compa ny that has in tro

39、duced a new video game into the market. If that game is a hit, sales of the video game could boost the company ' s earnings. Because of the potential for BCD En terprises to grow, its stock may be viewed as an attractive in vestme nt and its stock price may go up as more people buy its shares. O

40、n the other hand, let' s say the video game that BCD En terprises in troduced is a flop. Or, it could be a good time, but BCD in troduced it at a time whe n people are spending less on leisure products, and hardly anyone is buying the game. So it' s reported that BCD is losi ng money because

41、 of this new product. The n the stock price for BCD En terprises may go dow n if a nu mber of shareholders decide to sell their shares.1. What is the passage mainly concerned with?C) The in flue nee of shareholders ' buying and sell ing on a compa ny.2. Which of the followi ng is NOT the same as

42、 a shareholder?B) A pers on selli ng shares on behalf of others.3. What may affect a company ' s stock price?D) All of the above.4. According to the passage, which of the following is true if a company ' s product is good?A) The company ' s stock price may go up.5. Why does the speaker m

43、en ti on BCD En terprises?D) BCD is used as an example to illustrate the stock market prin ciplesSpeak ing OutMODEL 1The stock market is drive n by fear and greed.Chris: Nora!Nora: Hey Chris. Why the big grin? You look like the cat that swallowed the can ary.Chris: Even better. An un cle I hardly kn

44、ew passes away and left an in herita nee of$ 100,000. So now I ' m thinking of making some investments.Nora: Good idea, thouh it would be more fun if we spe nt it together. What sort of in vestme nt do you have in mind?Chris: The stock market is looking attractive. It ' s been a bear market

45、for several years now, and I think stock prices are pretty depressed.Nora: The decli ng market has in vestors depressed,too.Chris: But all things work in cycles. A bear market will even tually be followed by a bull market.Nora: That' s sure. I' ve been reading that investors are coming back

46、to the market, and that will drive up the value of stocks.Chris: I believe the market is pick ing up.Nora: But there ' s still a risk. Wars, weather problems all these impact in cestors'con fide nee.Chris: I know what you mean. The stock market is drive n by fear snd greed. When in vestorsar

47、e cin fide nt od making of a fortune, they buy that' s greed at work.Nora: But along comes someth ing to shake their con fide nee Chris: Like a rise in in terest rates, for example, and bin go, they become afraid that they might lose their shares, so they pull out of the market.Now Your TurnA: I

48、 ' ve saved a lot of money over the past years, and now I ' d like to in vest it for a profit.B: What sort of in vestme nt do you have in mind?A: The stock market is looking attractive. It ' s been a bear market for several years now, and I think stock prices are pretty depressed.B: The

49、falli ng market has discouraged many in vestors.A: But all things work in cycles. A bear market will even tually be followed by a bull market.B: That' s true. When the market does touch its bottom, it ' ll rebound.A: I hope the in vestors will soon come back to the market and drive it up.B:

50、But there ' re still risks. Wars, weather problems all these affect buyers'con fide nee.We' re not sure if the market has reached its bottom.A: The bear market has lasted over four years; I think it ' s time for it to pick up.B: It' s really hard to say. The Japanese stock market

51、 has had a bear run of about ten years.A: Really?B: And when NASDAQ fell from 5,000 points to 3,000 points, some people believe it was a golde n opport unity to en ter the market. Then the market plun ged.A: So the stock market is really risky. I may lose mon ey.B: And maybe even your shirts.A: Well

52、, perhaps I ' d better put my money on the bank.The stock has to be laun ched.Hele n: You know, this has bee n a privately owned compa ny since we first ope ned last year and, to be honest with you, I ' m inclined in keeping in that way.Bill:But the market is cha nging rapidly, and we n eed

53、to think long term and take proactive measure; otherwise, we ' ll find ourselves behind the competition.Helen: That' s a good point; perhaps I should be more open minded about this.Bill:Don' t you think you ' re a little short of funds at the moment?Helen: That' s true.Bill:You s

54、imply can ' t afford to upgrade your facilities without considerable outside investment. The bank won't lend you the mon ey.Helen: I haven ' t tried it.Bill:Even if it did, the interest rate for that much capital would be more we could afford. I' m convin ced, the on ly way to gen er

55、ate the funds we n eed is to go public.Hele n: What should I do the n?Bill:A con sulta nt will be coming in n ext week to explain the registratio n procedure for an IPO.Helen: That' s great because I want to have a thorough understanding of what this entails before any decisi ons are made.Bill:T

56、he importa nt point is that you have to dem on strate you ' re finan cially qualified to be listed on the stock market.Now Your TurnA: Mr. Smith, though your compa ny has grow n fast few years, the market is cha nging the rapidly.So you need to think the long term and take proactive measures; ot

57、herwise, you ' ll find it behind the competiti on.B: You' re quite right, but can you be more specific about what we must do?A: Don ' t you think your compa ny is a bit short of funds to expa nd product ion at the mome nt.B: That' s right.A: You simply can ' t afford to upgrade y

58、our facilities without large external investments.B: Perhaps I have to borrow money from the bank.A: It won ' t lend you so much money.B: I haven ' t tried it.A: Even if you got a loan, the interest rate for large sum would be more than you can afford. I ' m convin ced, the only way to g

59、ather funds you n eed is to go to public.B: What should I do the n?A: Let me explain the requireme nts for an IPO.B: I' m all ears. I want to have a thorough understanding of what this entails before I make further decisi ons.A: The importa nt point is that you have to dem on strate that you are

60、 finan cially qualified to be laun ched on the stock market. You must show you have a capital of 50 milli on yua n.B: Our compa ny does have that amount of mon ey. Are there other requireme nts?A: You have to prove that the company has been making a profit in the past three years. It ' s also es

61、se ntial that there are no false finan cial reports.B: Ok, no problem. I ' ll try to go through the Registration procedure to get our company listed.MODEL 3 Nothi ng is certa in n the stock marketSusa n: Hey, Chris, have you read the paper today?Chris: No. why? What ' s up?Susa n: The store

62、market has dropped aga in.Chris: Oh, no! Not aga in! How many points did it lose this time?Susa n: One hun dred.Chris: Let' s seethat' s a drop of three percent. Well, there goes the money I was going to use to buy a new car.Susa n: Before you get upset, I think you should look at the stock

63、list ings for today.Chris: What for?Susa n: Well, some stocks actually gain ed, especially telecom stocks.Chris: Let me see that paper. You' re right! My stock went up five percent overnight! That ' s great! Susa n: For now, any way. It may plunge tomorrow.Chris: you ' re right. I '

64、m going to call my broker cash in my stocks. I ' m not taking any more cha nges with my savi ngs.Susan: You' re wisher than most people I know. Sometimes it ' s better to play it safe.Now Your TurnA: Hey, Jack, I hear you become a milli on aire by in vesti ng in the stock market. But I a

65、lways lose money in the market. Can you give me a few tips?B: First of all, let ' s look at the stock listing in today ' s newspaper.A: Wow, the stock market dropped aga in.B: What stock did you buy?A: BCD.B: How many points did it lose this time?A: More tha n a hun dred.B: Let' s see That' s a drop of nearly five percent.A: Oh, there goes a lot of my money. I ' m thinking about pulling out of the market.B: Before you get upset, I ' d like to give you some advice.A: What' s that?B: Well, the market is cyclica

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