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1、國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大??凭C合英語(yǔ)(1) 2024-2025期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2158)I . Vocabulary and Structure nircctlomi Benrath each nf the fnllowinH vnlrnct there arc four cholcm rnurkcd A th C andl). Oiomc (hr one that bctt completes I he srntcncr Mark your ani*cr on the ANSWERSHEET. (20 points)Exu m pl ft The old cnuftlt ut lul in

2、finding u flat tn rentC. fintthfciD succeededThr itnUntf should,ed TA。/ltx)imark3. The service i ulow unci the !ixd i not very ., A. uppurcntKpresentC appetidngIXrcAluingL You nrc prohnblyme my niMrnA. confumng withK conluMed# withQ confuflinic toD confuMrdt to5. ShrS cuunhngceding thin fund to tont

3、inur hi research.A. InH-abaut:C on【). with6. No nKfmrnt reached in I he iliMUHhinri an neither tide would give way loAt other& anotherC any other【) the other7. Bring me a cup of coHce?A. lmll weB.hnll 1C will youDdan , t youH. Hr look* (ftmilinr. but Km not ,A. he i whoB.who 忙 himC. who t hrT)who he

4、 M9. tlwt they will Im (irtiircl n fmims many pruplr nrvrr rr do nut sell| Shunlionnl OlMlnuuriiDirectional ( hocmc A. H or C to complete each convrnuitlon. u*lng the wnlcncc% bdm*. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 pofntu)Eitirnph i ( Hi hw)k Joni Miivhrll in in town.WluH? Shr S one of thr

5、grrAtr*! (oik Mingrr* in lhe world!A. Who, thai? I1 vc never hen rd of hrnIk Sure# 1# tu in town.(L Yeg Kni wbid hef coming.Answe r A u rorrrrt bri Aunr rhe rnnvrmationrvnd M(h. look. Join Mitchrll in town.W/h,函? /vr ”5, Ma/d n/ LlWhat? Shef * one o( the urcnU9t folk lingers in the world!wI 1 Huvr y

6、ou K(it nny pln lur the king weekend?A. Wrllt Km thinking of inking the bun if itS not “ cxpcnnivr.B Not yet h drpriidi on thr wenthrr. 1 think.C !fll br luippy e tlrivc you if Pm Mround.Haw did you and your wife mrcl?A. I wm teaching Englinht and *hr wns one of my KudcnuK I was livng in Japan and n

7、 friend introduced mr to it.C. Wr donf i rcnlly hnvr much in common hut we along very well#13. How long hnvr you had a xovrrnnwnt jol“ dn*i know you liked foreign films15. ( ould you trll us hew tn get to the reMriunint? 一 _ _ _一 VA. It、Bern hrd (or bath of u?i. 1 *y I htlp you find something, or yo

8、u just looking?.A. Sorry. I didn1! hrnr nnything I was in noundH. Im flfmid it、。hn too heavy. I have to curry it with rnc on fhr plane,C. Ifni hoiking lur somethniH for my dughtert wmrthing pccial17. David you havenf t been youmcil hiriy. I mennt youf vc been losing your temper over nothing. A. RtHl

9、Iy? I have good rraxonn. I hftvcn ft been getting much leep either.H Pm sorry- I Mhouldn91 hnve blown up like that.C. Youd better not push yourwlf too hardt or you1 II get Bick.I土 Do you still hem Irom the people you knew in Buenos Aires?A. Ycsif wr really ought to gel together more oftetuR For almo

10、st two yearCL N(u I1 ve really lost touch with everyone there.19. Have you decided whm you rr doing (or your vaunt ion7A. The trnvcl ngent la supposed to call me bnck roday.It I know whm Id like to do. but il dc|)cnds on how much il costQ Thai doesnt sound like very good idea nt all*2(). Whos the wo

11、man whoS stftndtng behind Jack9A. lk you know how long JnrkF ging to be in town”H. Hr ih my unclrt Johns fnthrr.Which onr? I hr otir with the big hot?(D. Clove Fcs Thr poor driver was 29 tht the best way should be to call a bee-keeper. In a short time thr man omved. He found the unwelcome passenger

12、hidden near the wheels at the back of thr car.Very thankful to the driver for this 30 gift the beekrrprr took thr queen ond her thousands of followers home in a Urge box.21. A.dOUeideeQmakeD fry22. A.unfortunatecarelessCunpleasantII hopeleMR23. A.frontHbackCleftD right24. A.droveRforcedC.pushedD. co

13、nnnucd25. A.hidingB.turningGshaking11 rnisfng26. A.belowB.aheadCnearbyfl before27. A.hotelB.museumC.hospitalH school28, A.brokeELmovedQdroppedD. hurried29. A.advisedRrequiredC.orderedFl requested30. A.unfiimilitirH.unknownC.unexpected!) uncertainIV. RHiding ComprehensionDirections r Each nf the pass

14、ages below Is folkmcd Uy Mime quest ions. For each question there are four nnswcr mnrkcd A. B C andD. Read the passages carefully and choose the beU answer to Cftch of the questions. Mark your unswirr on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Question% 31 35 are baaed on the following paaage.One day tn 1918.

15、something very strange happened at an army camp hi Amenca They disposed of thr aniniaU* wantc matter by burning it. Phnt day a huge dust siornit nlong with the burning waste mauert rurned the 5un complrtely black. Two days later men began to compintn uf having very bad colcht. B noon told people not

16、 to cough or sneeze without covenng thrir mouths People were ol* encourtigcd 1a wah their hands often und pay Httcrniun tn ptrsonul cleanliness. In this way, they could reduce the ehnnee ol infecting Mumconr cl* or becoming infecred iheTnselv?s nuny h(irr nnd mule*H. they didnf i w.ini to kq io wg t

17、hey all lived very ln?r uirthcrI), ihry have record krrpinK33.an tint /心1。村八 whiih u/ /ir 小”偵,h TRUEA. Arnerirnn naldtrrti iiwrila weapon to kill thr rnrrnytH Afncncn soldirr* enjoynl hore nirinn nt the nrrny rnnip.( rhe (irrfnnnN were drlrnird by bo(l coldii in World Wnr | .I). Burl l hnd coldH Don

18、fi whore cupn and utentilt with others(: (over yaur mouth when coughing wnd uncrxiiiKel) Wmh yor hnndn nil (rr wrthat .A. nny clivrawr can br cured by nirrlicinrH. cvrryunr Mhould be careful nbout diKrnnr*C tloctofh nlinir nrc hrhl rrn|Kriilblr forI), fhr guvrrnmem cun hntidk any iliMeMnr(/MOhom 36*

19、 ID arc baxed on 血 following pcnwqr.Scsntnr Street ho bern ail led lthc longest street tn thr world- - Thnt i beaiune (he trlrviinn prngrnm enn niw be nrrn in *,mnny part5 of the wurld. Thr praKrnrn breome one parents praitir it highly. Mmy irn( hrrt iiful ihnt pr jblrtnw npprar when thr children wh

20、o have Irurnrd from Srjwimt? Sirrcf1 nrr Hi I hr nomr chz with thOMc who have hot wutchrd the progrnnuI hnvr nhown thru rhildrrn hnvr Irornrtl much Irnm wntehtng Sczmc Str retM I hr i hHdrrti who wntrh il hvr mi心 a wefk Irarri more than thojic who wntrh it iou In the United Stutr% ihr pnram tn uhown

21、 ai illflrrrnt hour* during ihr werk ih order to inrrcuRc I hr rmmbrr 、how? Matty rrn.Min* Iwvr licrtt w曲頑tL *uch film slurs aftrn appear on MSrafnr Strrrr. Hut the nioxt iTnprtAnf rcanoD (or thr Mneer*% of thr program mny bnnA thr Iongr5i Mrcct in ihr United SunsH. thr longest television prpgruin i

22、n the world(:. shuwn in many entinirio().wxh hc! ftKuhrly by *ix niillion children37. In ihc United Sniirt cxocily how many children watch Srwinir Streer regularly0A. 6 rnilUonB- No one know*C. 7 million.tX 6. 5 million-38 From Sciwinir Sfrer1M children get.,. more help than they in -Unroom*Ik leA h

23、rlfi thnn they do in cloroonisC. rnut h hrlp in llwir learninfiD. no help m I heir Irnrning39. M/iny teacher* find ittu tench the children who huvc watrhrd MS?MarneStreet*.A. difficultB. easierC. impowiiiblcIX unnccc9arylO The more the children watch the progrAtn uhitf the wird(t) |(l*cn in the brac

24、ket if any. Write your BOtwer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)IL Miiny scicntiUTM believe that the unceitora of thcAc? people migrntod to America from AmU nkiut 11.500 yearn ago.2. I hm meanM that it ii n Kood idea to try to IcArn the customs of thr plocc you are vifiitine nnd then brhnvr in n mmiln

25、r fnhionX . (20% e poinln for rut h llrin.)俱個(gè)小的餅系JI 4、定要求切聽(tīng)雄篝猿完金一相刑體用確m合Z 分事$符合句th無(wú)大近依雄8*得32分,不太襯合句怠.有明禎滑法佛俱拼I 分8不/曾可息,叩于無(wú)恢建懂孺0分.如他情況的情扣分H.件&料呼案隊(duì)為說(shuō)此人的祖咒址大灼11500仆的從W州任侍副鬢!M大陸的.42.這就意味君,到了不同的地方.要星fit學(xué)會(huì)當(dāng)?shù)氐娘L(fēng)信習(xí)fft .用仿當(dāng)?shù)厝说男袨槿?43 .你必頊了解你這行的行業(yè)柿準(zhǔn)以及你在公司工螢等繳上的位置.44. If there arc a number of utcnil thusr fflrthrxt from the plate are uppocd to beUffed first.45 It is impossible tn ctimnte the cxacI number of homrlcN peoplr beenusr ihrconditions! of homelessness vary.

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