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1、U3_main Get Started Text Study Supplementary Resources Get Started_ main Get Started Get Started 1. A General Introduction 2. Focus In Get Started_1.1 Get Started Get Started_1.1 Get Started Ancient Rome, once the largest empire in the world, was originated from some villages located on the Apennine

2、 Peninsula along the Mediterranean Sea in the 10th century BC. In 509 BC, Augustus built a republic country of Rome. During the 4th century BC, Rome unified Italy by military conquest, and after years of wars, it conquered Carthage, Greece, Macedon, etc. and built up a vast Roman Empire with a terri

3、tory stretching across three continents. During this period, Rome succeedingly experienced the rule of Sulla Felix, the first Triumvirate, and the second Triumvirate. In 27 BC, Octavian called himself “Augustus” and held together in his own grasp all the military, administrative, judicial and religi

4、ous powers, becoming the Emperor of Roman Empire. In the two Get Started_1.2 Get Started centuries after Augustus came to power, the Roman Empire reached its culmination in economy, culture, military force and trade. However, beginning from the 5th century or so, the Roman Empire embarked on a path

5、of decline. Economic problems, social problems and frequent wars finally split the Roman Empire into two parts: Eastern and Western Parts. In 476, Western Roman Empire came to an end. Romans succeeded in putting into effect the ideas of rulership borrowed from ancient Greece. The Greek democracy pro

6、vided the preliminary basis for the later form of Western government which would appear more open and less autocratic. The society has a clearly defined social status. Get Started_1.3 Get Started Romans also borrowed many other cultural ideas from ancient Greece, including daily customs, laws and ar

7、chitectural designs as well as literary styles and creative methods which greatly added to the taste and charm of daily life before the Greek and Roman cultures came around as classical culture as it was termed by later eras. However, it still attributed greatly to the Western culture in mythology,

8、religion, literature, history, philosophy, architecture and art. Get Started_2.1 Get Started To get a brief view of the history and development of ancient Rome To get to know the Roman social structure and economic conditions To be familiar with major characteristics and contributions of Roman cultu

9、re in mythology, religion, philosophy, history, literature and arts Text Study _main Text Study Text Study I. The Historical Development of Ancient Rome II. The Roman Social and Economic Conditions III. Roman Cultural Achievements Text Study _I_1.1 Text Study Main Ideas Main Ideas The History of Anc

10、ient Rome Origin: small village in central Italy During 700 BC800 BC, Seven Hill Ally took shape and cities and tribes came into being. Development: In 509 BC, Augustus built up Roman Republic. After three Punic wars, in the 4th century BC, a vast unified Roman Empire was established with territory

11、stretching across three continents. Text Study _I_1.2 Text Study Main Ideas Main Ideas Three powerful rulers: L.Sulla Felix, the 1st Triumvirate, the 2nd Triumvirate In 27 BC, Octavian called himself Augustus and built up a centralized Rome. Decline: In 33 AD, Roman Empire was divided into two parts

12、. End: In 476, West Rome was defeated by German troops and came to an end. Text Study _I_2.1 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Interpretation of Cultural Terms Lucius Tarquinius Superbus 盧修斯 塔克文 蘇佩 布 (? 496 BC): Superbus was the 7th emperor of the Roman Kingdom Etruscan, ruling from 535 BC

13、 to the Roman revolt in 509 BC which led to the establishment of the Roman Republic. Text Study _I_2.2 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Interpretation of Cultural Terms Romulus and Remus 羅穆盧斯和瑞摩斯 : Romulus (771 BC717 BC) and Remus (771 BC753 BC) were the twin brothers, who were said to be

14、 the founders of Rome. In Roman mythology, their parents were Mars and Rhea Silvia, the daughter of Latin King. The twins were ordered to be drowned by the new king who dethroned the Latin King. However, they were saved and raised by a she-wolf. When they grew up, the twins built their own city, but

15、 Remus was killed Text Study _I_2.3 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Interpretation of Cultural Terms by his brother who became the first king of Rome. Nowadays, Romulus is regarded as a mythological figure, whose name is the origin of Rome. Text Study _I_2.4 Text Study Interpretation of

16、Cultural Terms Interpretation of Cultural Terms Punic Wars布匿戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng) : A series of wars between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC. The main cause is the conflict of interests between the Carthaginian Empire and the Roman Republic. There are three largest wars: First Punic War (264 BC 241 BC), Second

17、 Punic War (218 BC201 BC), Third Punic War (149 BC146 BC). Eventually, after more than a hundred years, Rome conquered the Carthaginian Empire and became the most powerful state in the classical world. Text Study _I_2.5 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Interpretation of Cultural Terms Tri

18、umvirate 三頭統(tǒng)治 : A political group of three powerful persons in Rome. The First Triumvirate was an informal governing alliance composed of Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Pompey in the mid-1st century BC. The Second Triumvirate was a formal one consisting of Octavian, Mark Antony an

19、d Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. Text Study _I_2.5 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Interpretation of Cultural Terms Text Study _I_2.6 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Interpretation of Cultural Terms Octavian屋大維 : Octavian( Augustus) ( 63 BC 14 AD) was adopted by Julius Caesar in 44

20、 BC. He was the first emperor in Roman Empire from 27 BC to 14 AD. In 40 BC, he was called Augustus by the Senate, who had power to rule Romes religious, civil and military affairs. He made great achievements in his ruling time: the long peace after civil war, the sound currency, the highway system,

21、 constructions of bridges and buildings, Text Study _I_2.7 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Interpretation of Cultural Terms the growth of literature. The Roman Empire subdued Spain, Gaul, etc. and annexed Egypt and most of Europe. He was viewed as a god in the hearts of the Romans as a r

22、esult. B. Byzantium C. Pax Romana D. Seven Hill Ally Text Study _I_3.1 Text Study Comprehension Exercises A. Roman Republic (1) Ancient Roman culture is the culture from the formation of _ to the end of the Roman Empire, which had lasted about 1200 years throughout. Comprehension Exercises Multiple

23、choice. A. Octavian and Caesar B. Caesar and Remus D. Romulus and Octavian Text Study _I_3.2 Text Study Comprehension Exercises C. Romulus and Remus (2) _ were the twins, the founders of Rome in the history. Comprehension Exercises Multiple choice. A. Caesar C. Remus D. Pompey Text Study _I_3.3 Text

24、 Study Comprehension Exercises B. Octavian (3) _was the first emperor in Roman Empire from 27 BC to 14 AD. Comprehension Exercises Multiple choice. A. Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Sulla B. Pompey, Crassus, Cleopatra D. Octavian, Brutus, Marius Text Study _I_3.4 Text Study Comprehension Exercises C. P

25、ompey, Crassus, Julius Caesar (4) The First Triumvirate consisted of _. Comprehension Exercises Multiple choice. A. Greek B. Sicily C. Spain Text Study _I_3.5 Text Study Comprehension Exercises D. Carthage (5) Punic wars are a series of wars between Rome and _. Comprehension Exercises Multiple choic

26、e. Text Study _I_4.1 Text Study Think and Discuss Please give a brief introduction to the development of ancient Rome. Analyze the reasons that attributed the conversion of Roman Republic to Roman Empire. Reasons: a. Roman rulership inherited largely from ancient Greece. Under the Republic, senators

27、 were elected by the people to run the government. b. Territory expanse caused rich landowners and merchants to be able to buy up most of the country land, which led to instability of Roman military. Think and Discuss Text Study _I_4.2 Text Study Think and Discuss Think and Discuss c. Fights among p

28、owerful rulers, such as the fight in the first Triumvirate, and in the second Triumvirate, gave chance to get the supreme power to only one person instead of the people. Text Study _II_1.1 Text Study Main Ideas Roman society was divided into a number of social classes. There was a distinction made b

29、etween citizens and non- citizens, patricians and plebeians, and patrons and clients. These social divisions determined rights and privileges in the Roman Republic. Main Ideas Text Study _II_1.2 Text Study Main Ideas Main Ideas Distinctions Field Aspect Characters social class upper class senatorial

30、 class: Based on politics. Inherited nobles, consuls. equestrian class: Based on economy. Primarily involved in the types of business prohibited to senators. lower class plebs: All other free-born Roman citizens. Women could not vote or hold political office. Text Study _II_1.2 Text Study Main Ideas

31、 Main Ideas Field Aspect Characters lower class freed people: Slaves who had bought their freedom. Lots of restrictions on their rights. slaves: Property of their owners by law, without freedom and legal rights in the society. They were forced to perform physical labor or other manual labor, or play

32、 gladiatorial games in the public arenas as entertainment for the Romans. Text Study _II_1.2 Text Study Main Ideas Main Ideas Field Aspect Characters construc -tions city great economic development, better constructions. The system for water supply was at an advanced level of engineering. countrysid

33、e poverty stricken family life male- dominated absolute obedience by women and other junior family members to their fathers, husbands, brothers and even sons Text Study _II_1.2 Text Study Main Ideas Main Ideas Field Aspect Characters family life names The Roman males had three names: forename, middl

34、e name, and last or family name. Women were only given one name: feminine name for the clan or for the family. Text Study _II_1.3 Text Study Main Ideas Main Ideas Social entertainment a. attending banquets b. watching games (famous for public wrestling and fights between men and wild animals, or cha

35、riot-racing) c. joining in a get-together with families d. playing musical instruments e. reading, or engaging in carefree conversation Roman laws: famous for Justinian Law and the Law of Twelve Tables Text Study _IV_1.1 Main Ideas Text Study Main Ideas Text Study _IV_1.1 Main Ideas Text Study Main

36、Ideas Text Study _II_1.4 Text Study Main Ideas Main Ideas Text Study _IV_1.1 Main Ideas Text Study Main Ideas Text Study _IV_1.1 Main Ideas Text Study Main Ideas Text Study _II_2.1 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Law of the Twelve Tables 十二銅表 法 : The law of the Twelve Tables was the olde

37、st oral law made by ten magistrates called decimvir, which was inscribed on the bronze and wooden tablets in 450 BC. The original tables were destroyed in 390 BC. They are a series of articles about various private rights and the strict penalties. The code is the basis of Roman laws, existing for al

38、most 1000 years. Interpretation of Cultural Terms Text Study _II_2.2 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Circus Maximus 馬克西穆斯競(jìng)技場(chǎng) : An ancient Roman chariot-racing stadium and mass entertainment venue located in Rome, Italy. Situated in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, it w

39、as the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire. It measured 621m (2,037ft) in length and 118m (387ft) in width, and could accommodate about 150,000 spectators. In its fully developed form, it became the model for circuses throughout the Roman Empire. The site is now a public p

40、ark. Interpretation of Cultural Terms Text Study _II_2.3 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms The Colosseum (or the Coliseum) 羅馬圓 形斗獸場(chǎng) : An elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire. It is considered one of the greatest works

41、of Roman architecture and Roman engineering. Interpretation of Cultural Terms Text Study _II_2.4 Text Study Interpretation of Cultural Terms Interpretation of Cultural Terms Toga 托加長(zhǎng)袍 : A distinctive garment of ancient Rome, a cloth of perhaps 6m (20ft) in length which was wrapped around the body an

42、d was generally worn over a tunic. The toga was made of wool, and the tunic under it was often made of linen. After the 2nd century BC, the toga was a garment worn exclusively by men, and only Roman citizens were allowed to wear the toga. Text Study _II_3.1 Text Study Comprehension Exercises True of

43、 false question. (1) In ancient Rome, freed slaves could become Roman citizen without any restrictions on their legal rights. (2) All free-born citizens could get married in Roman society. (3) All Romans got their daily needs from war ravages and looting in other defeated countries or areas. (4) In

44、Roman society, women had more chances to do some social activities than those in the East. (5) The Romans usually entertained at the risk of slaves lives. Comprehension Exercises F F F T T _ _ _ _ _ The major role the Roman women played was the child bearer. a. In politics, they have no right to vot

45、e or hold political office. b. In families, they had to be absolutely obedient to their fathers, husbands, brothers and even sons. c. In name assignations, women were usually given only one name, either the feminine name for the clan or the feminine name for the family. d. In education, some of the

46、Roman women could go to public primary school, and they have more chances to do some social activities. Text Study _II_4.1 Text Study Think and Discuss Please illustrate the social status of women in Roman society. Think and Discuss Text Study _III_1.1 Main Ideas Text Study The Romans conquered the

47、Greek by their tremendous force, while on the other hand were beaten by Greek abundant culture. Roman culture was deeply influenced by Greek culture from myth, religion, philosophy to literature, architecture and art. Main Ideas Text Study _III_1.2 Main Ideas Text Study Myth and Religion Compared wi

48、th the other religious believers, the ancient Romans were never steady or firm enough in keeping a consistent and universal deity as the basis for their national religion. They completely adopted the Olympian pantheon of gods and then modified them in their own way. The average Roman had freedom to

49、choose his or her god to believe in. From 4th century, Christian became Roman national religion. Main Ideas Text Study _III_1.2 Main Ideas Text Study Main Ideas Text Study _III_1.2 Main Ideas Text Study Main Ideas God and he wrote a record of his own accomplishments, known Supplementary Resources Su

50、pplementary Resources_I_2.2 Passage 2 Passage 2 Supplementary Resources Supplementary Resources_I_2.3 Passage 2 known as the Res Gestae Divi Augusti, which was well preserved. Upon his death in AD 14, Augustus was declared a god by the Senate to be worshipped by the Romans. His names Augustus and Ca

51、esar were adopted by every subsequent emperor, and the month of Sextilis(拉丁語(yǔ) 羅馬歷法的第六月 ) was renamed “Augustus”(now August) in honour of him. He was succeeded by his adopted son (also stepson and former son-in- law), Tiberius. Passage 2 Supplementary Resources Supplementary Resources_I_2.4 Passage 2

52、Question: What impression do you have on Augustus after reading this introduction passage about him? Passage 2 Supplementary Resources_ II Supplementary Resources Norman Davies. 1997. Europe: A History. Pimplico. Paul Harvey(ed.). 1984. The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature. Oxford University Press. Robert Audi (general editor). 1999. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. Cambridge University Press. Hugh Honour and John Fleming. 1982. A world History of Art. Macmillan Reference Books. 楊俊明 、 蘭奇光 , 2004, 古羅馬文化知識(shí)圖本 , 廣州: 廣東人民出版社 。 張隆溪 , 1987, 二十世紀(jì)西方文化述評(píng) , 三聯(lián)書(shū)店 。 結(jié)束語(yǔ) 若有不當(dāng)之處,請(qǐng)指正,謝謝!

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