Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 35:814 820 DOI 10.1007/s00170-006-0758-1 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Effects of punch load for elliptical deep drawing product of automotive parts Dong Hwan Park (2) 62 mm in the second process; and (3) 74 mm in the third process. The blank holding pressure was applied to 2 N/mm2. The lubricant for the operation of deep drawing used was a soluble oil lubrication for plastic working. Figure 2 presents the die geometry of the non-axisymmetric elliptical deep drawing process used in this test. 2.3 Scribed circle test The plane deformation resulting from the formation of a sheet metal workpiece can be measured by using an array of small diameter (10 mm) circles, printed on the blank surface in the critical strain regions. Figure 3 shows scribed circle marks of a non-axisymmetric blank. The circles deform into various shapes during forming, the major and minor axes indicate the direction of the major and minor Direction Young s module (Gpa) Yield strength (Mpa) Tensile strength (Mpa) Elongation (%) principal strains. Likewise, the measured dimensions are used to determine the major and minor principal strain magnitudes. This circular grid technique of measuring strains can be used to diagnose the causes of necking and 0 45 90 Average 50.9 54.5 58.5 54.6 182 200 205 195.7 426 433 412 423.7 48.4 41.4 48.2 46 fracture in industrial practice and to investigate whether these defects were caused by variations in the properties of the material, wear of the tools, changes in lubrication, or incorrect press settings. 816 Table 2 The experimental conditions for punch and die Profile radii Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 35:814 820 First process Rd1 (mm) Second process Rd2 (mm) Third process Rd3 (mm) Remark (mm) Blank type 11.2 11.2 11.2 Rp=6.4 (A, B, C) 16 16 11.2 16 16 11.2 16 11.2 16 11.2 16 In non-axisymmetric elliptical deep drawing, three modes of forming regimes are found: draw, stretch, and plane strain. The draw mode for non-axisymmetric elliptical deep drawing could be defined when the major and minor strains are positive. The stretch mode could be defined when the major strain is positive and minor strain is negative, and plane strain mode could be defined when the major strain is positive and minor strain is zero. Figures 4, Fig. 2 Die geometry of elliptical deep drawing Fig. 3 Scribed circle marks of non-axisymmetric blank 5, and 6 present the major and minor strain distribution by scribed circle test after the first drawing according to the punch and die radii. From the result of the scribed circle test, the three deformation modes of the major and minor strains for non-axisymmetric elliptical deep drawing are shown in Fig. 7. The wall and flange of deformation zones are mainly applied to the draw mode, the punch head is applied to the plane strain mode, and the corner is applied to the stretch mode. 3 Blank shape design Generally, the trial-and-error method based on the experi- ences of skilled toolmakers, which increases the amount of time and costs, has been tried for developing the blank shape. Therefore, in this study, in order to design the blank shape which is equivalent to the surface area of the final product, Fig. 4 Major and minor strain distribution after the first drawing (Rp= 6.4 mm, Rd=6.4 mm) Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 35:814 820 Fig. 5 Major and minor strain distribution after the first drawing (Rp= 6.4 mm, Rd=11.2 mm) we calculated the surface area of the final product by means of three-dimensional modeling 4 6. We used three kinds of blanks, which have an equivalent surface area to the final product. Figure 8 shows the geometry of shapes. The outline of the type A blank is larger than the type B and C blanks. The short side length of the type B blank is smaller than the type C blank. On the other hand, the long side length of the type B blank is a little larger than the type C blank. The process of the applied product in the experiment consists of seven stages of the deep drawing process and three stages of trimming, restriking etc. So, the total number of multi-deep drawing stages is 10. In this study, the ex- periment to measure punch load was performed from the first process to the third process. Figure 9 shows the prod- uct shape of each type blank according to process. Fig. 6 Major and minor strain distribution after the first drawing (Rp= 6.4 mm, Rd=16 mm) 817 Fig. 7 Three deformation modes of major and minor strains 4 Result and discussions Figure 10 shows the comparison of the punch load along the blank types in the first process. The punch profile radius (Rp) was fixed at 6.4 mm, the die profile radius (Rd1) of the first process was selected under two conditions, 11.2 and 16 mm. As a non-axisymmetric blank draws in the die cavity, the initial punch load increased rapidly causing inflow resis- tance of the long and short sides and then the maximum punch load is measured as 55% of the punch stroke. After the maximum punch load, the load was reduced and then forming was completed until the bottom dead center (BDC) of the punch stroke. Work hardening of the steel sheet occurred due to the increase of the amount of deformation as the punch arrives at the BDC of punch stroke. The punch stroke is finished at top dead center (TDC). The punch load of the type A blank measured relatively large in comparison with the type B and C blanks, and the punch loads of the type B and C blanks were similar. The area of the type A blank is on the whole large in comparison with the type B and C blanks. In other words, Fig. 8 Geometry of blank shapes Pu nc h loa d ( ton ) Pu nch lo ad (to n) 818 14 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 35:814 820 Type A 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 BDC Type B Type C TDC 0 23 46 69 92 Stroke (mm) (a) Punch load-stroke curve of each blank type (R d1=11.2) Fig. 9 Product shapes of each type blank 14 12 Type A Type B the contact surface area of the blank holder of the type A blank is larger than that of the type B and C blanks. Therefore, it is considered that the largest value of the 10 8 Type C punch load is measured at the type A blank where the high blank holding force is needed due to the large contact surface area of the blank holder. Table 3 shows the 6 4 TDC maximum punch load of the blank shapes along the die 2 BDC profile radii in the first process. The maximum punch load when Rd1=16 mm is smaller than when it is Rd1=11.2 mm. 0 0 23 46 69 92 Figure 11 shows the comparison of the punch load along the blank types in the second process. The punch profile radius (Rp) was fixed at 6.4 mm, the die profile radius (Rd1) of the first process was fixed at 16 mm, and the die profile radius (Rd2) of the second process was selected under two conditions, 11.2 and 16 mm. The maximum punch load was measured at 80% of the punch stroke when the type A, B blanks were used, and was measured at 60% of the punch stroke when the type C blank was used as shown in Fig. 6. As we compared with the punch load along each process, the punch load of the second process was smaller than the first process and the results of experiments showed that the punch load of the three types of blanks was similar. The punch load is small while the blank draws from the first to the second process due to the reduced drawing length. Figure 12 shows the comparison of the punch load along the blank types in the third process. The punch profile radius (Rp) was fixed at 6.4 mm, we compared the two conditions: the one die profile radii (Rd) of the first, second and third process was fixed at 16 mm; the other die profile Stroke (mm) (b) Punch load-stroke curve of each blank type (R d1=16) Fig. 10 Comparison of the punch load along the blank types in the first drawing (Rp=6.4 mm) punch stroke made progress when Rd=11.2 mm as shown in Fig. 12a. Figure 12b shows the similar punch load without a large difference about the three types, after BDC of the punch stroke. We attributed some difference of the punch load to friction between the punch and the steel sheet as shown in Figs. 10, 11 and 12. If the maximum punch load is larger than the fracture force (PF) to shear the steel sheet when forming a non-axisymmetric elliptical product, then Table 3 The maximum punch load of blank shapes along the die profile radii in the first process (Rp=6.4) (unit: tons) radii (Rd1) of the first, second and third process was fixed at 11.2 mm. The punch load of the type A blank was relatively large in comparison with the type B and C blanks, while the Die profile radii Rd1=11.2 Rd1=16 Type A 13.1 11.2 Type B 10.9 9.8 Type C 11.4 9.9 Pu nch lo ad (to n) Pu nch lo ad (to n) Pu nc h lo ad (to n) Pu nch lo ad (to n) Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 35:814 820 819 10 8 Type A Type B Type C blank, a good product that has no discontinuous section could make from the type C blank. Therefore, we expect that the type C blank will be applied in the industrial field in the near future. 6 4 5 Conclusions 2 BDC TDC In this study, we carried out experiments on the deep- drawing product with steel sheets for drawability for an 0 0 31 62 93 124 elliptical product. Therefore, the conclusion of these Stroke (mm) (a) Punch load-stroke curve of each blank type (R d1=16, R d2=11.2) experiments clarified the influence of the profile radii of the punch and die and the blank shape on the punch load distribution for non-axisymmetric elliptical deep drawing products. The results are summarized as follows. 10 8 6 Type A Type B Type C 1. From the result of scribed circle test, the wall and flange of deformation zones are mainly applied to the draw mode, the punch head is applied to the plane strain mode, and the corner is applied to the stretch mode 10 Type A Type B 4 8 Type C 2 BDC TDC 6 0 0 31 62 93 124 4 Stroke (mm) (b) Punch load-stroke curve of each blank type (Rd1=16, R d2=16) 2 0 BDC TDC Fig. 11 Comparison of the punch load along the blank types in the 0 37 74 111 148 second drawing (Rp=6.4 mm) the fracture occurred at that time. Theoretically PF is calculated as follows. PF Ltsb 210 1:6 43:29 Stroke (mm) (a) Punch load-stroke curve of each blank type (R d1=11.2, R d2=11.2, R d3=11.2) 10 The fracture force (PF) was calculated using the drawing length (L) of the blanks. It is 14.5 tons. Therefore, the maximum punch load measured in the experiments, 13.1 tons, was performed without the fracture of the non- axisymmetric elliptical product. Because the type A blank is larger than the type B and C 8 6 4 Type A Type B Type C blanks, the blank holding force increased. Therefore, the 2 BDC TDC punch load of the type A blank shows a large value in every process due to an increase of the blank holding force. In 0 contrast to the type A blank, because the punch load of the 0 37 74 111 148 type B and C blanks is smaller than that of the type A blank, the blank holding force is reduced. Therefore, the punch load of the type B and C blanks shows a small value for every process due to the reduced blank holding force. Although the punch load is similar to that in the type B Stroke (mm) (b) Punch load-stroke curve of each blank type (R d1=16, R d2=16, R d2=16) Fig. 12 Comparison of the punch load along the blank types in the third process (Rp=6.4 mm) 820 2. We could see that the maximum punch load was reduced gradually as the process progressed 3. 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