easy to cut because of their low hardness, but this advantage is sometimes countered in certain applications by their low melting point and high ductility, which cause aluminum chips to adhere to thecuttingedgesoftools,leadingtotoolfailure1.Manydifferent parametersofcuttingtoolshavebeenimproved,suchasgeometry, surface coating 2, and finishing. For example, diamond-like carbon (DLC) coated tools with extremely low friction are being applied in the dry or near dry cutting of aluminum alloys 3, but a floodedcuttingfluidisrequiredinpracticalusetoavoidadherence of aluminum chips to DLC-coated tools 4. Further, tool breakage occurs frequently in cutting processes such as deep hole drilling, milling, and tapping, in which it is difficult to directly supply cutting fluid to the cutting point. 2.1. Cutting tools with micro-textured surfaces Fig. 1 shows both a schematic illustration and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Hitachi High-Technologies Corp., S- 3400NX) image of a cutting tool with a micro-textured segmented DLC coating 7. Wepreparedthetoolbasedon8.First,DLCfilmwasuniformly coated on the rake face of a cemented carbide tool (Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp., SEKN42M) by the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. Next, a tungsten mesh wirewas set above the coatedtool faceto serve as a maskto create a grid. A second layer of DLC was then coated by the CVD method, resulting in a DLC film with segment size 150mmC2150mm and cutting conditions. Emulsion type cutting fluid (NEOS Co., Ltd., Finecut CFS-100) was supplied at a flow rate of 12.6 L/min. A CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 59 (2010) 597600 composi advan s read lase Contents lists available at ScienceDirect CIRP Annals - Manufacturing .e In this study, we evaluated the anti-adhesive effect of the micro-textured surface and developed techniques to improve the engineering approach, namely, a functionalization of tool surfaces by textures 5,6. We developed a micro-textured cutting tool to determine the role of the textured tool rake face in retaining cutting fluid 7, revealing that the surface significantly improved lubricity as indicated by the evaluation of the shear angle, the cutting forces, and the coefficient of friction of the tool rake face. The toolchip adhesion has not yet been investigated. 2.2. Cutting experiment procedures CuttingexperimentswereconductedonaluminumalloyA5052 using a verticalmachining center(Yamazaki Mazak Corp.,AJV-18). The experimental setup is illustrated in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the geometry of the cutting tool with a single insert. The center of the cutter was set on the center line of the workpiece. Table 1 lists the To solve the problems described above, we adopted a surface 0.8mm deep grid grooves spaced at 80mm. Improving anti-adhesive properties of cutti nano-/micro-textures T. Enomoto*, T. Sugihara Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Submitted by T. Matsuo (1), Osaka, Japan. 1. Introduction Aluminum alloys provide several advantages, including a high strength to mass ratio and high corrosion resistance. Hence, the demand for aluminum alloys has rapidly increased, especially in the transport industry. Compared to steel, aluminum alloys are ARTICLE INFO Keywords: Cutting tool Surface Texture ABSTRACT Demand for aluminum alloy demand is due to such key However, aluminum chip breakage. To address this problem formed using femtosecond the textured surface significant interface. journal homepage: http:/ees effect using more refined surface textures. On the basis of our findings, we developed a cutting tool with a nano-/micro-textured * Corresponding author. 0007-8506/$ see front matter C223 2010 CIRP. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2010.03.130 ng tool surfaces by 2-1 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan surface to improve the desired anti-adhesive effect. We also evaluated the corresponding cutting performance. 2. Micro-textured cutting tool surfaces tes has rapidly increased, especially in the transport industry. This tages as a high strength to mass ratio and high corrosion resistance. ily adhere to the cutting edge of the tool used, often leading to tool , we have developed cutting tools with nano-/micro-textured surfaces r technology. Face-milling experiments on aluminum alloys showed that ly improves the lubricity and anti-adhesive properties at the toolchip C223 2010 CIRP. Technology dynamometer (Kistler Co., Ltd., 9257B) was set under the workpiece to measure three components of the cutting forces. After cutting for 900 m, the rake face of the cutting tool was observed to evaluate tool surface adhesion. The SEM image (Fig. 4) confirmed that chip adhesion occurred on the tool rake face and, more specifically, the grooves were buried by the adhesion near 800 nm, pulse width 150 fs, cyclic frequency 1 kHz, pulse energy 300mJ). As shown in Fig. 5, the nano-/micro-grooves form as sine- waves, which is thought to minimize the contact between the tool surface and chip. Before laser irradiation, the rake face of the cutting tool was polished with diamond slurry to a surface roughness of 40 nm (peak to valley). Fig. 3. Geometry of the cutting tool. T. Enomoto, T. Sugihara/CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 59 (2010) 597600598 the cutting edge. The theoretical toolchip contact length was calculated to be approximately 180mm, indicating that the segments were large enough (150mmC2150mm) at the tool chip contact. The grooves were so wide that chip material easily entered into the grooves and clogged them up. 3. Cutting tools with nano-/micro-textured surfaces Taking into account the above mentioned results, we designed new textures of cutting tool surfaces to serve two purposes: (1) to improve lubrication by retaining enough fluid and a stable fluid filmbetweentoolandchip;and(2)toreducefrictionbydecreasing the contact area between tool surface and chip. Then nano-/micro- grooves were newly introduced to the cutting tool surface to achieve these purposes. Laser-induced periodic surface structuring technology was usedtogeneratenano-/micro-grooves9,10ontherakefaceofthe cutting tools. Irradiation of linearly polarized femtosecond laser Fig. 1. Previously developed cutting tool with micro-textured surface (upper: schematic illustration; lower: SEM image) 7. pulsesonasurfaceinducesinterferencebetweentheincidentlaser pulses and surface scattered light or plasma waves from defects or particles on the surface. Precise regular grooves are self-organized by adjusting the laser energy at a low fluence that is slightly above theablationthreshold,withthespacingofregularstructureseither the same as or smaller than the laser wavelength. Applying this technology, regular nano-/micro-grooves 100 150 nm deep and 700 nm apart were produced on the rake face of the cutting tools using a titanium-sapphire-based laser system (Canon Machinery Inc., Model Surfbeat R; peak wavelength Fig. 2. Experimental setup of face-milling tests. Preliminary cutting experiments involving both a cutting tool with a polished surface and a cutting tool with grooves parallel to the cutting edge were conducted using the cutting conditions listed in Table 1. Chips adhered to the rake face of the textured cutting tool in a way similar to that of the polished tool (Fig. 6), showing that the anti-adhesive effect was not sufficiently promoted when only modifying the surface texture. Then, after creating the grooves, DLC film was coated by arc ion plating on the cutting tool surface to improve anti-adhesiveness. The coating decreased the groove depth by 10 nm or less. 4. Cutting tool performance 4.1. Evaluation of anti-adhesion Three types of cutting tools were evaluated: (1) the DLC-coated tool with grooves parallel to the cutting edge (parallel-groove tool); (2) the DLC-coated tool with grooves orthogonal to the cutting edge (orthogonal-groove tool); and (3) the conventional DLC-coated tool with a polished surface (polished tool). As shown inFig.7,cuttingperformancewas evaluatedusingSEM andenergy dispersiveX-rayspectrometry(EDX)analysisoftherakefaceofthe cutting tools after cutting for 1800 m. Fig. 8 shows a graph of the aluminumatomconcentrationonthe toolrake face, quantitatively measured in an EDX-Al image. From Figs. 6 and 7, we found that DLC coating decreased aluminum adhesion. Figs. 7 and 8 confirm that the tool surface with a nano-/micro-texture, particularly nano-/micro-grooves parallel to the main cutting edge, had an excellent anti-adhesive property. More specifically, the adhesion area is reduced to one- third or less of that experienced with the polished tool. Table 1 Cutting conditions. Workpiece A5052 W 75mmL 210mm Furukawa-Sky Aluminum Corp. Tool Cemented carbide Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp., SEKN42M Tool geometry Axial rake angle, u A 208 Radial rake angle, u R C038 True rake angle, a 12.48 Corner angle, g 458 Cutter diameter, D 80mm Cutting speed 380m/min Depth of cut 3mm Feed rate 0.12mm/rev. Cutting length 180mC25, 10 passes Cutting fluid Emulsion type NEOS Co., Ltd., Finecut CFS-100 Supply rate 12.6L/min The influence of the nano-/micro-groove direction on increas- ing anti-adhesion may be described as follows. In the case of the orthogonal-groove tool, chips flowingover the rake face of the tool are always in contact with the face, increasing chip adhesion and causing the breakdown of cutting fluid film on the toolchip interface. In the case of the parallel-groove tool, chips come in contact intermittently with the rake face of the tool, avoiding chip adhesion and supplying cutting fluid from the valleys of the grooves to the toolchip interface. The tool surface was observed using an optical microscope (Keyence Corp., VF-7500) every 180 m of the total cutting distance toevaluatechangesinadhesionascuttingprogressed.Fig.9shows changes in the aluminum adhesion area, calculated by image analysis of the microphotograph. Adhesion areas increased only slightly in the newly developed tools. In particular, the parallel- groove tool grew approximately one-eighth the area as compared to the polished tool. Measurement of the sectional profile of the tool rake face in the orthogonal direction to the cutting edge were carried out after cutting for 1800 m to evaluate build-up on the edge. As shown in Finally, a high-magnification SEM observation was performed to determine adhesion to the tool surface in detail (Fig. 11). From this figure, we confirmed that nano-/micro-grooves were not Fig. 4. Cutting tool with micro-textured surface after cutting for 900 m. Fig.7. Rake face of cutting tool after cutting (left: SEM image; right: EDX-Al image). Fig. 8. Concentration of aluminum atom on the rake face of cutting tool. T. Enomoto, T. Sugihara/CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 59 (2010) 597600 599 Fig. 10, a build-up edge of 0.5mm high was generated on the rake faceofthepolishedtool,whereasitwasnegligibleontherakefaces of the developed tools. Fig. 5. Newly developed cutting tool with nano-/micro-textured surface. Fig. 6. SEM images of rake face of non-coated cutting tools after cutting for 900 m. buried by adhesion after cutting for 1800 m. 4.2. Evaluation of tool surface lubricity The cutting shear angle and cutting force were evaluated to determine their impact on cutting performance. It is well known thattheshearangleincreasesasfrictionontherakefacedecreases. Shear angle f was calculated after approximating three-dimen- sional cutting to two-dimensional cutting. The following equation Fig. 9. Changes in adhesion area on rake face with cutting distance. T. Enomoto, T. Sugihara/CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 59 (2010) 597600600 Fig. 10. Sectional profile of rake face of cutting tool after cutting. is valid for two-dimensional cutting 11: f tan C01 r c cosa 1C0r c sina C20C21 ; r c h h c (1) wherer c isthecuttingratio,histheunderformed-chipthickness,h c is the chip thickness, and a is the true rake angle. h was calculated geometrically, and h c was measured using a micrometer at 2 mm intervals. The shear angle obtained by the developed tool with nano-/ micro-texture was larger than that of the polished tool, achieving good tool surface lubricity, as shown in Fig. 12. The coefficient of friction on the cutting tool rake face was calculated using the measured cutting forces. The results shown in Fig. 13 indicate that the nano-/micro-textures significantly improve tool surface lubricity. Moreover, we confirmed that the Fig. 11. Rake face of the developed tool with nano-/micro-grooves parallel to edge after cutting for 1800 m. Fig. 12. Changes in shear angle in cutter rotation. lower friction coefficients remained constant throughout the cutting experiments. 5. Conclusion Cutting tools with nano-/micro-textured surfaces were devel- oped to improve anti-adhesive properties in aluminum alloy cutting. In particular, we developed a cutting tool having a rake face with nano-/micro-grooves 100150 nm deep and 700 nm apart. The nano-/micro-textured and DLC-coated surface signifi- cantly improved the anti-adhesive properties and lubricity of the cutting tool surface. Of the tools developed, the one with nano-/ micro-grooves parallel to the main cutting edge had the most improved anti-adhesive properties. Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 21560123, 2009) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. References 1 Byrne G, Dornfeld D, Denkena B (2003) Advancing Cutting Technology. 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