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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科文學(xué)英語賞析2026-2027期末試題及答案(試卷號:1062) purl 1 Litcmry Ftind*mcntai 3。pointsScctiiMi 1. Match the world with their wrilen (10 polnUhWorksU Ht/Zf /ti Wh2 ElfphaftU2. / Have a Preawi3. LorW 0/ 而.4. Etxt/iiwSt TAf PearlWriter*A. John SteinbeckH. Ralxrr 1 FrostG Otcer WildeD. William GoldinKE. Ernctr

2、 HemingwayF. jAmc JoyceG Arthur MUIcrH. Martin Luther KingSection 2. Decide whether (he following staUraenli urc Trot (T) or Fate (F) (10 poi0t).6. Hamirt K one o( Shakespeare# wclkknown irgdic. the other three beingMacbeth and Ktng Lfar.7. ScrooKc i a character evented by Charku Dickcnn in hn novel

3、 (nrat fexpfr8 Anhur MillerS play 77k CrunHe n 麗心 砒 expeaing 血 hypnensy of ih cruelty and gretid of the colon*! system fn Africa10. W!t Whitman is famous American poc,.Section 3,CliMie the correct enswcrA to complete lhe tollowitiK sentence* (10 poInU) cn hr cwtublhhed by deMcribing thr phee where t

4、he Action tnkc piner or the MtnMion *t the start of th story.A. CltmaxBt Point of viewC* riaBhbackIX Setting12. IL Acontrolled wny.15 fourtrcn line lyric puein which rhymm tn highlyK coupleFX haikuA. onnctC ballad1& Which figure of speech is used in the following lines?A. SitnilrC. PunWNA the beM oi

5、 (irncs. h wo the worst of limtM* ii waa the of wisdom* it was the age 討 foohqhrw”B. PurAlIvliisinH.IX PcroniGc4Honwax awnrried ihc Nobrl Prue for LitrrAiurr tn 2005.H John SteinbeckC. Jnmea JoyceA Hnrold PmicrLt Alfred rcnny&on15. In hii essay *(H scudien*, Bacon warng agaimit over rdinnee on booki

6、ah study thuntA. Somtf lx)nk arc fa be tasted, others to be Kwnllowcd. nnd omc few 10 be chewed and diRsird二K - To Mnd 2 mmh time in Mudic i、doth4 2 ug thi ni too much for ornament. m AffactBtioni to make judgmeni wholly by their ruleA. in the humor of a uchol (“Hmurie mnktf rncn wisei imwIa wiuy( t

7、he muthcrnWw aubtiki naturni philosophy deep mural grave logir und rhetoric able tu contend -ninn* conference a rejidy mnni mid writing anI). M Reading maketh a fullcxiict inniuPart |1 Reading Compfrhcnsion 50 pointsRead the extracts and chooM? the best answer to each question.Text 1Lady Bracknelli

8、(fitting dawn) You can lake seat. Mr. Worthing.(/ooA.v in her packet fnr nulbook and pencil.)J nek Worthing: Thank you* Lady Bracknell 1 prefer standing.Lady Bracknell (pencil and nnteboak in handt I feel bound to tell you thnt you are not down on my list of eligible young men. although 1 have the 5

9、ame list the dear Duchess of Bolton has. We work together in fact. However. 1 am quite ready to enter your namet should your manners be wha n really affectionate mother requires. Do you smoke?Jack Worthing: WclL yes. 1 must admit 1 smoke.Ludy Bracknell: 1 am glad to hear it A man should always have

10、an occupation of some kind There are far too many idle men in London m it H How old are you?Jack worthing t Twenty-nine.Lady Bracknelli A very good age to be married at. 1 have been of opinion that a rnnn who desires to get married should know either everything or nothing. Which do you know?Jack wor

11、thing (.after sornt hesitation) i 1 know nothing Lady Bracknell.Lady Bracknell: i am pleased to henr it. I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance* Ignorance in like a delicate exotic fruit i touch it .nd the bloom in 印rw The whole theory of modern education if radically unsou

12、nd. Fortunntely in England* at any rate,education produces no effect whtttsocvcr. If it did. it would prove a serious danger to the upper cIasbcji. and probably lead to nets of violence in Grosvenor Square. What is your income?Jack Worthing: Between seven and eight thousand a ymr.Udy Bracknell (mak

13、a note in htr book)i In land, or in investments?Jack Worthing i In investment, chiefly.Lady Brarknellt Tht is gisfactory. What betwwn the duties expected of one during ones lifetime* anti the duties exacted frorn one filter one、death, bind ha ccMed to be cither n profit or n pleasure. It gives one p

14、ovition* and prevents one from keeping it up. That、all lhat can be 函d about land.Jk Worthing: I hf country houe with some land, of course, mxhed 2 if. about fifteen hundred I behcvci but 1 donft depend on tht for my real income. In faw.心 for can make out. the posher a arc the only people who make an

15、ything out of It.期y Badmdlr A country house How many bedrooms? Well, that point ean be c,carcd 叩 afterwnrds. You have a town house. I hope? A girl with a 前mp、unspoiled nature, like Gwendolen, could hardly be expected to reside in the country.Questhmg 1619 (.12 points)16. The extract in taken from ,A

16、. The Birtliday Partyft TAr Im fiancee of Bring Earner%C An Ihsfleeter Calh17-,n thiB cxtract, 5 Bracknell is interviewing Jack Worthing on his $uiubllity “ n possibleA. investment ndviyR live-in damestic helperC husband for her daughter18. Which of the following statement h true of the extract?A La

17、dy Braekndl uses highly exaggerated language and 如心 from one topic to nnothcr abruptly.H ldy Bracknell believer h is impartant ro own land because it i g “fc and continuous source of income.C. Few of Lady Bracknellqutionn focus pn Jack Worthing income properly flnd family connections.19. Ldy Brackne

18、ll is portrnycd as.A. an open-minded career counselor B. a Anobhish wnmnnC. a shrewd human resource managerText 2Though I had now extinguished my candle and was laid down in bed# 1 could not 時etp for thinking of his look when he pm件cd in the avenue* and told how his destiny had rirn up before himt a

19、nd dared him ! be happy at Thomficld.,Why not?f ! asked myselL * Whnt alienates him from the house? Will he Icuve it Again aoonf Mrs Fairfax wtud he seldom stayed here longer than u fortnight at a timet and now he hus been resident eight weeks. If he does the chanRc will hr dolcfuL Suppose he should

20、lack Worthing: I hve a country houne with some land of coursev attached 2 it. nbout fifteen hundred ncrcs 1 behevea but 1 dont depend cm tht for my real income. In fault om for as I can make out the po chcrn are the only people who make anything out of it.Lady Bracknellf A country house| How many be

21、droomn? Wellf that point can b? cleared up afterwardse You have a town house* I hope? A girl with a simpkf unspoiled naturet like (Gwendolen could hardly be expected to reside in the country.Questions 1619 (12 points)16. The extract in tflkcn from .A. The Birt/itiay PartyR The 1 m fiartanee u f Brin

22、g EarnestC ldy Bracknell is interviewing Jack Worthing on hi,5ui!abthty ns npossibleA. investment Advisorlivsin domentic helperQ hunband for her daughter18. Which of the following statement in true of the cxtrnct?A. Lady Hracknvll unes highly exaggerntrd language and hnt!i from one topic to Another

23、abruptly.ldy Bracknell believes il is important to own land becaude tt is a ma(c nnd continuouM source of incomesC Few of Lady Brncknel! qiicstionM ficu5 on Jack Worthing S income* properly and family connections19. Lady Bracknell E portrayed g.Ae nn open-minded career counselor FL a MinhbtMh womanC

24、. a shrewd humun resource munuKcrText 2Though I had now extinguished my candle nnd was hid down in bed. 1 could not dexp far thinking of hin look when hr pnuned in the avenue and told how his destiny had risen up before him. and dared him to b Janr. EyrtK In Mrs FairUx1 bedroom.21. Where is thi pnrt

25、 of the story i?A.!n the narmtorS bcdnwE.Q In Mr Rochesters bedroom.K depressed and in fear22. The narrator is portrayed osA. proud and indignant hk bookTo rake us |and awaytNur my conrnrrn股馬)hkr n P只” Of prnntmn poetry.Thh trnvimie may the poorest twke Without uppres* of tollsHow Ixugal is the char

26、iotTht bears a human scuL (Emily Dickinson)Quctlkm, 2325 (9 point* )23, Which of thr following tummurixra the main idea of the pom? A No journey if cool or “ inexpennive an rcaiiinK . book. R RradinK *ook cun touch h perun可頃C Thr poor urr ko likely to travel than ihc rich.Which of the following l tr

27、ue of the poem?A rhe speaker 叩rc.m that by reading wc enrich the mind.B* The spenker it raseiniited with travdlins by hip.(、. The pslur cnjoy the compiiny of horsem25. Which ol the followinH doo the poem imply?A. There arc more booku than bom隊K h X bmt” to have vehicle for the body than for the mmd.

28、C Book* arc excellent wny to experience the world.Text 4Rcad lhe extrarl Md give brief amiwm tn lhe quevtionw 2629 that fo|mb Ph.iM- nou: 111 to raiding task will be relevant to the writing uuk In Port |Pper PllhUc waM an 0,d mnn wi,h whhe beard nml hugr none and hnndn. Long bc.m the time c,urin wh,

29、ch we will know him. he w*b doctor nnd drove . jaded white horse from hounc o hoUM,hr(n,gh ,hr g|rrrtl* ot Wigbuw Lntrr hr married girl who hd nionvy* She hM been M Urge fertile Mm when her father died. The girl ws quiet, mil. and dnrk. and io many Eg。皿 Memed very bcomifuL Everyone in Wiesbur wonder

30、ed why he mnrrini th。doctor. Within year after the marH* the died.I hr kngkl,、ol ih lixtur*B hnndo were cxtrnorchnArily large. Whrn the hnneix were rloMd they looked like cluMrrt of unpainted wooden bolls as hrgr as walnut* hatred n,uc,hcr by mzl 頑羸 He amoked a cub pi世 and nher hi death * ell dny jn

31、 hts m中ty olHcr close by window fhm wi coven-d with cobwehn. He never nprn.d the window. Oner on Me duy in Aurumi he tried but found h muck Lun nnd nfier that ht 山刊 all uliout itWinburg hod (orgonen rhe aid man, but in Doctor Reefy there were the x血 of sonitthing very fine. Alone in his musty office

32、 in the Heffner Block above the Pans Dry Good Company * s store. hr worked ceaselessly, building up something I hat 2 himmlf de5troyed. Little pyramids of tnith he erected and after erecting knocked them down again that he might have the truthi to erect other pyramidsDoctor Reefy was a tnli man who

33、had worn one suit of clothes for ten years, h was frnycd at lhe bIccvcs and little h。舊 had appeared at the knees and elbows. In the office he wore a|so a linen duster with huge pockets into which he continually stuffed scraps of pxpcL After some weeks the scraps of paper became little hard round bal

34、ls, and when the pockm were filled he dumped them out upon the floor. For ten gr he had but one friend, another od mnn rmmed John Spitniard who owned a tree nursery. Sometimes, in a playful mxxi. old Dpctor Reefy took from h惜 pockets s handful of the paper balls and them nt thenursery man.uThnt to c

35、onfound you, youblithering old McntirncntHlist he critdnhaking with laughter-Th Mory. It 心 delicious, like the ?w,md httlc appls that Rrow in the urchardF ol Winesburg. In the fall one walks in the orchards and the ground m hard with fras! underfoot The Apples hove been tnken from the mz by thr pick

36、g 1 hey have been put n barrrh .nd dipped to the dtio where they will be eaten in apartmenU that are filled with boo%, nwgiiw. (umiturci and people. On the trees an* only a few gnarled Wk that the pickers have rejected They look like the knuckle ol Doctor R hf One nibble at them and they Are ldiciiu

37、K Into b little round phee 砒 the side of the apple h” been gathered dl of m sweetness. One rum from tree to tree over the (rosted ground picking the Rnarletl. twisted rppleM nnd filling his pockm will them. Only thr (cw know theAweetnens of the rwiMedThe Kiri and Doctor Rcvly began their courtship o

38、n ft summer afternoon. He wm fartyJive then nnd already hr had begun the pmcticc of fiKing hi pockm with hc raps of gpu that became hnrd bnlh wrf were thrown away. : he habit had been fomul as he Mt tn 用 buggy behind the jaded white horse nnd went slowly along country eM On the pnperwcrc written tho

39、ughts* ends of thoughts* beginnings of thoughts.C)ne 時 one the mind of Doctor Reefy hnd made the thoughts Out nf many of them ne formed a truth thut arose gigAnttc in his mind. The truth clouded the world. It became terrible and then faded away and the little thoughts began 叩嘰1 h。tall dark girl came

40、 tu see Doctor Reefy because h he rmw suitors almost every evening. Except i wo they wrrr all ohke. Fhcy ifilked to her of passion and fhrre was n ntratned eager qwdity in their voices fcnd in their eyes when they looked at hen The two who were difierent wcrc much unlike each other. One of them, n s

41、lender young man wirn white hjiniU* the wn o, a jrwtler in Winesburg, talked continually of virginity. When he was with her he was ncver off 血,wbjed. The other, n black haired boy with lrgc ears. nothing &t oil but a|waXs managed to get her into the darkness, where he began to ki” her.For . time the

42、 tail dark girl thought she would marry the jeweler * s son. For hours he in silrncn listening as he talked to her end then she began to be aFraiu oi sometmng. Bcneaih his udk of virginity hc began to think there wma a lum greater than in alJ the others.tiniest it 心nwd to her tliat as hr talked he w

43、nn holding her body in his hands. She inwgimd him turning it dowly about in the white hmdsi and ttahng hi h. A( mght she dreamed that he had bitten into her body and that hu j.ws were dripping. She had the oreum lhr? “EE then she became m the way tn Paper Pili* in about 100 words.試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)Part

44、Literaf7 Fundamentals 30 pointsSection L Mutch the wrilen with their work* (2 points each)2.H4.F5. ASection 2. Decide wbetter the folluwlng statemcnti are True (T ) or Fahc (F) (2 points each)6. T7.F9. TIQ. TSection 3. Choose the correct answers to complete the followinx MMitenccs (2 points cnch)1LD

45、14. APart II RcadinK Comprehension 50 pointsTcxU 1330 poinU for quesUanM 1625 (3 point* each)16- B17. C!8. A19. B20. C22. B24. A25. CText 4 (20 points) Ideas most be correct Wording can be different PoinU should be tiven whvn hlou nrc similar or stand to reason. 5 points ciich for qucitionN 2629. Ev

46、ery 5 mhtakrs In grammAr e spelling or of any wlher kind will lead tn Uw rcdurtlon of onepoint26. (Points should be uiven when idcusi simihr to liny ONK of the following) The paper pilk Doctor Reefy kept in Wr pocket arr a kind of symbol for all the doctor1 a fecUnRik and love for his young wife* Th

47、e *papcrpillsH are a form of medicine curing rhe girL paper pilk arc the pieces of paper with the protagonist * a pnvate thoughts.27. She had been badly hurl by her experiences with the two younger men. She mg have feh safe and protected by the essential kindness and huminiky of this older man,28. A

48、ward 5 points for ANY TWO of the following He is isolated in his musty office Winesburg had forgotten the old man. He tends to a dying medical prnettee nlonc. He unburdenN his thoughts on scraps of pngr. He suffers from the tragedy of his young wife*s dcinh who oJercd him s cnance to open up* to sha

49、re himself with others.29. Any ideas similar to the following.The twisted apples are miftshApen but sweeter thn the most perfect oneji. They yveas a symbol of the Doctor in the story: his facial Bnd body features are ugly, but therr z sweelneA in his characters he in not hnchome or Myiim bur he is d

50、eeply nwcet mzde. This symbol plays An im|ortiint rule in giving the novel nn rxtendrd dimennion. In the novel ns the unwanted Htwmted applen nrc left on the tree to rotten o u Doctor Kcefy lef: to wnntc nwayt The writer show deep fiympAthy / rmpcb to people who arc *twiexcci plW in BodetytPort (Q Writlnx 20 Points30.可作畀分參號幃準(zhǔn)作文情分為2。分.分為內(nèi)容(M分為H分).泊布(滿分為10分幻書福分為2分)LRB 分.三部分分值和加即為作文的急分.各部分參考/分項卜如卜.那分評分鞏目分值內(nèi)容內(nèi)存充實幅晅肖.8分mir訥百1體.行文流的句子靖柳布變化、常用ifl法陸替無仙Ut.S分拼與及昧點符丹使川正i. KVfttA.M于其讀.2分

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