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1、第二學時第二學時Learning about LanguageLife in the future1First Impressions第一印象第一印象詞語鏈接詞語鏈接impression nC印象,感覺,印痕,印記,模仿impress vt.使留下印象,使欽佩impressive adj.給人印象深刻的make an impression on somebody 使某人留下印象make no impression on 對無影響/無效果be under the impression that.覺得,以為impress somebody with sth.給某人留下印象impress somet

2、hing on sb.使某人理解的重要性即學即練即學即練選用上述詞語完成句子。(1)Mary _(給人印象)of being shy.(2)Her performance_(給我留下了很深的印象)(3)What he said _(對那個男孩不起作用)(1)gives the impression(2)gave me a strong impression(3)made no impression on the boy2I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.我還是無法相信我是在接受去

3、年獲得的這個獎勵。思維拓展思維拓展觀察下列各句中take up的意思。(1)Are you going to take up the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing?堅持一周內(nèi)不爭吵,你打算接受挑戰(zhàn)嗎?(2)John has taken up pottery.約翰已經(jīng)開始喜歡陶藝。(3)She took up teaching post in 2000.2000年她開始從事教學工作。詞語鏈接詞語鏈接take for把錯認為take in吸入,包括;理解;參觀,欺騙take off脫下;起飛take on雇用,呈現(xiàn),接受take

4、 up with開始與親密交往take out帶(某人)出去,取出,除去take up on接受的邀請take over接管,接手,接任 take to喜歡上,對產(chǎn)生好感即學即練即學即練選用上述詞語完成句子。(1)I _ dogs when I was a boy.(2)Its funny that I always _ you _Mrs.White.(3)The tour _ six coastal cities.(4)_ your coat,its too hot today.(1)took to(2)take,for(3)took in(4)Take off(5)Our city _ a

5、 new look.(6)She _ a handkerchief from her pocket.(7)When did you _ Mary?Are you going to marry this winter?(8)They _ our company and I am out of work now.(5)takes/took on (6)took out(7)take up with (8)have taken over3I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.我得不斷提醒自己,我已到了公元3008

6、年。詞語鏈接詞語鏈接remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事 remind sb.of/about sth.使某人想起某事remind sb.that.提醒某人詞語辨析:remind/remember/recall remind 指“由于受到提醒或啟發(fā)而想起往事”。remember 指“過去的事情仍在記憶中,不必費勁就能想起”。recall 較 remember 正式,指“對自己或他人的過去進行有意義的回憶”。即remind指需要提醒才記起,remember是自然記起,recall是正式的回憶。即學即練即學即練.完成下列句子。(1)These things _(使她回想起了大學里

7、的日子)(2)I must _(提醒他記著打電話)tomorrow morning.(3)Please remind me _(明早有個重要會議)(1)reminded her of her college days(2)remind him to call(3)that there is an important meeting tomorrow morning.用remind,remember,recall填空。(1)I still _ the day when I saw you for the first time.(2)“How happy we were at that time,

8、”she _,“We didnt know a great disaster was on its way.”(3)His words _ me of the bitter experience.(1)remember(2)recalled(3)reminded詞語鏈接詞語鏈接4Worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.我很擔心這次旅行,所以頭幾天心里總是不踏實。worry n&v.擔心worried adj.焦慮的,煩惱的,擔憂的worrisome adj.使人煩惱的,焦慮的worry about/be

9、worried about擔心詞語辨析:worried/anxiousworried 擔心的,在句中作表語;anxious 焦慮的,急躁的,可作表語或定語,后面可加名詞。即學即練即學即練選用上述詞語完成句子。(1)She is really _ about her sick mother.(2)Im _ about her health.(3)I saw his _ face at the window.(4)Dont _ about me.Im getting on well with my classmates.(5)It is _ that they havent found their

10、 son yet.(1)worried(2)worried(3)anxious(4)worry (5)worrisome詞語鏈接詞語鏈接5.but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.看起來就好像從以前的時間段一直往回閃去。keep doing sth.不斷做,繼續(xù)做It kept snowing for a week.接連下了一星期雪。keep doing sth.繼續(xù)做某事(強調(diào)動作的持續(xù)性和客觀性)keep on doing sth.繼續(xù)做某事(強調(diào)動作的重復性或動作執(zhí)行者的決心)keep

11、 after 在后面追趕keep away from不接近;避開keep back 留在后面,不上前;隱瞞keep from doing 避免做keep off不接近,擋住keep out(of)使在外keep up跟上;保持keep up with跟上;不落人之后即學即練即學即練選用上述詞語完成句子。(1)Children should _ the river.(2)The emperor ordered to build the wall _the enemy _ the country.(3)Dont fall behind.Try _ others.(1)be kept away fr

12、om(2)to keep,out of(3)to keep up with 6Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.由于缺乏新鮮空氣,我感到頭痛。詞語鏈接詞語鏈接hit v打擊;n.打擊,成功的事,有轟動效應(yīng)的事情hit back 反駁,反擊hit on/upon sth.突然想出思維拓展思維拓展觀察下列句中hit的意思。She hit him on the head with her tennis racket.她用網(wǎng)球拍打了他的頭。We hit upon the idea of writing to the mayor to ask for hi

13、s help.我們突然想到給市長寫信求助。詞語辨析:hit/beat/strikebeat指連續(xù)地打;hit側(cè)重指“擊中”,有時也指“打一下”;strike常指“猛地一擊”?!扒描尅币胹trike;“打鼓”要用beat;“敲門”要用knock;“鐘敲幾點”要用strike;比喻意思的“打擊”要用give(deal)a blow to sb.即學即練即學即練用hit,beat,strike 填空。(1)I could feel my heart _ faster and faster.(2)A bullet _ him and he fell off the horse.(3)Listen!T

14、he clock is _ twelve now.(4)The concert proved to be a great _.(1)beating(2)hit(3)striking(4)hit7I felt better in no time.我立刻感到舒服多了。in no timevery quickly 立刻;馬上We will be back in no time.我們馬上就會回來。詞語鏈接詞語鏈接it takes time to do sth.花時間做某事all the time 一直,始終at a time 依次,逐一,每次at all times 隨時,永遠at one time

15、從前at times 有時behind the times 過時的,落伍的for the time being 暫且,眼下from time to time 不時,偶爾,間或in good time 及時地,迅速地 no time to lose 刻不容緩on time 按時即學即練即學即練 選用上述詞語完成句子。(1)It takes _ to make friends at a new school.(2)Im living with my parents _.(3)_,he ate ten eggs _.(4)Tom is a diligent boy and has been stud

16、ying hard _.(5)You must finish your work _,otherwise you cant get any pay.(6)_,I would take a walk along the river after supper.(1)time(2)for the time being (3)At one time,at a time(4)all the time(5)on time (6)From time to time8Soon I was back on my feet again.我很快恢復了正常。back on ones feet:(困境后)恢復,完全復原

17、Sues back on her feet again after her operation.蘇手術(shù)后很快復原了。The new chairman hopes to get the company back on its feet within six months.新董事長希望在6個月內(nèi)使公司恢復元氣。9However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market.然而,當我們到達一個看起來像大市場的地方時,我看不見王平了。詞語鏈接詞語鏈接lose sight of 看不見,忘記,忽略at

18、(the)sight of 一看見at first sight 一見之下catch sight of 望見,看到in sight 在視線內(nèi)out of sight 看不見了set ones sight 設(shè)定目標,想達到take sight 瞄準within sight of 已能看到without sight 沒有視力即學即練即學即練選用上述詞語完成句子。(1)It was so dark that he _ the cat.(2)We mustnt _ the final aims of this project.(3)The child let out a cry of happiness

19、 _ the present.(4)He is a person _,so we should give him some help.(5)When I was walking in the park,I _ an old friend of mine.(1)lost sight of (2)lose sight of(3)at the sight of(4)without sight(5)caught sight of10Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.由于精疲力竭,我溜到床上,很快就進入夢鄉(xiāng)。fast asleep 酣睡He s

20、lept a fast asleep last night.他昨晚睡得很沉。11Have a class discussion and decide whether you think the writer has an optimistic or a pessimistic view of the future.全班同學討論一下,斷定作者對未來是持有樂觀還是悲觀的態(tài)度。詞語鏈接詞語鏈接optimistic adj.樂觀的,樂觀主義的pessimistic adj.悲觀的,悲觀主義的be/feel optimistic about sth.對樂觀be/feel optimistic that.

21、對樂觀be/feel pessimistic about sth.對悲觀即學即練即學即練翻譯下列句子。(1)我們對我們成功的機會很樂觀。_.(2)我對我們能否達成協(xié)議不樂觀。_(1)Were optimistic about our chances of success.(2)Im not optimistic that well reach an agreement.12Be prepared to join in a class discussion.一定準備好參加班級討論。詞語辨析:join in/take part in/joinjoin in與take part in 都可以作“參加

22、某項活動”講。join in指參加小型的活動;join sb.in sth.指加入到某人的活動中;take part in 指參加大型的活動。join指加入某個組織,并成為其中的一員。即學即練即學即練用join in,join,take part in填空。(1)Hi,Jack!Would you _ us _ the discussion?(2)Were playing football.Would you like to _?(3)May I _ your conversation?(4)He doesnt usually _ any of the class activities.(5)

23、He _ the army two years ago.(1)join,in (2)join in(3)join in(4)take part in(5)joined13長難句結(jié)構(gòu)分析(1)My friend and guide(主語),Wang Ping(同位語),was(系動詞)very understanding(表語)and gave(謂語)me(間接賓語)some green tablets(直接賓語)which helped a lot(定語從句)(本句中的Wang Ping是前面My friend and guide的同位語)我的朋友兼向?qū)跗椒浅@斫馕?,他給了我一些綠色的藥片,

24、對我很有好處。(2)I(主語)lost sight of(謂語)Wang Ping(賓語)when we reached(時間狀語從句)what looked like a large market(狀語從句中reach的賓語從句)because of too many carriages flying by in all directions(狀語)當我們到達一個像是很大市場的地方,我看不見王平了,因為有許多車往不同的方向飛快行駛。模仿造句,并分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)。(1)我三歲大的妹妹麗麗很聰明,并且會背很多詩,這讓媽媽很自豪。(2)離開他家時我非常生氣,因為他說的話。即學即練即學即練(1)Lily

25、(主語),my threeyearold sister(Lily的同位語),is(系動詞)very clever(表語)and can recite(is的并列謂語)many poems(賓語),which makes my mother very proud(定語從句)(2)I(主語)felt(系動詞)very angry(表語)when I left his house(狀語從句)because of what he said(狀語)一、根據(jù)括號中的解釋,用課文中短語的適當形式完成句子。1The villagers went up into the mountain_(look for)t

26、he missing boy.2From all the evidence we can see that this case_(have some connection with)the previous one.3If you can come and_(help sb.with)the housework,I will appreciate it.4She waved until she_(cant see)the leaving ship.5Your handbag _(look like)mine.1searching for/in search of 2.is linked to3

27、assist/aid me with 4.lost sight of 5is similar to6.We_(be short in)help these days so everyone has to work overtime.7He decided to quit the job because it_(take,occupy)much of his spare time.8The car being traced_(go faster)and got out of sight.9Mum and Dad spoke_(in a low voice)in order not to wake

28、 my baby brother.10Would you please_(turn off)all the lights for me?6.are lacking in 7took up/had taken up8.sped up 9in whispers10.switch off二、詞語活用1用與sight相關(guān)的詞語完成下列小段落。On their way to the bus station,Li Ying and Zhang Hua felt very sad.They still remembered the party well.The moment Li Ying(1)_ Zhan

29、g Hua,she decided he was the man she wanted to marry and Zhang Hua felt the same.Clearly,they fell in love(2)_.But Li Yings father expected her to marry a rich man.Li Ying had to go home to advise her father to give up the idea.The bus was(3)_Then she got on the bus,uncertain about whether her fathe

30、r would accept Zhang Hua.Zhang Hua watched the bus until it was(4)_,feeling rather helpless and hopeless.(1)caught sight of (2)at first sight(3)in/within sight (4)out of sight2利用take in,take out,take off,take.for granted,take away,take on等詞組,自編一個小段落。My friend Henry took on a man who appeared to be p

31、oor.One day the man took off his watch,saying he wanted to sell it for some money as his wife was seriously ill.Henry took it for granted that he should help the man,so he took out more than 20,000 yuan and gave the money to the man.The man took away the money,never to appear again.Then Henry knew h

32、e was taken in.三、動詞專練用所給動詞的適當形式填空。1It has kept _(rain)for the whole day and they were_(keep)busy _(pump)water out of the pond.2_(worry)about the time available,I made a list of the places I wanted to see.3His company _(call)“Future Tours”transported me into the future in a time capsule.1raining,kept

33、,pumping 2.Worried3called4We all felt _(relax)as the work _(complete)5You can enter the basement by _(press)the button.6Mr.White was _(disappoint)because of his sons _(fail)in the examination again.7He was out of breath as he came _(run)all the way.4.relaxed,was completed 5.pressing6disappointed,failure 7.running祝您

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