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2、書館了。精裝的圖書那思想永駐的象征,那從一個時代向下一時代傳留的智慧可能會添加到我們即將滅絕的物種名單上去。Unit 2 The foreign students at New York University come from more than 130 countries. Fifty percent are from Asia, especially South Korea, Japan and China. Foreign students are studying in all fourteen schools within the university. These include

3、 arts and sciences, law, business and education .Seventy-five percent of the foreign students are in graduate school. About twenty-five percent are in four-year programs that lead to a bachelors degree.The cost of attending New York University is different in each of its schools. For example, one ye

4、ar of study at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service costs about $19,000. Some other schools within NYU cost more. Some cost less. The housing cost is about $9,000 a year.Bachelors degree students at NYU can borrow money from financial institutions to help pay for their studies. Foreign stude

5、nts in graduate school at NYU can get teaching or research jobs at the university. They can also get loans from financial institutions.Unit3.十五年前,計算機專家們擴展了因特網(wǎng)系統(tǒng)。這個擴展后的系統(tǒng)被叫做萬維網(wǎng)。萬維網(wǎng)使計算機用戶通過比以往的因特網(wǎng)系統(tǒng)快得多的速度來尋找并交換書面材料和圖片。對大多數(shù)能夠使用計算機的人來說,因特網(wǎng)和萬維網(wǎng)已經(jīng)成為快速交換信息的工具。因特網(wǎng)上有許多很有價值的信息。作為一種研究工具,沒有什么能比得上因特網(wǎng)。通過因特網(wǎng)幾乎可以找到

6、任何種類的信息。網(wǎng)上有專門刊登鬼怪故事,詩歌或者兒童故事的電子雜志。在這個電子世界里有供你玩游戲的地方,也有討論政治、科學(xué),歷史,農(nóng)耕或者任何你感興趣的話題的地方。你可以瀏覽或者搜集哈勃太空望遠鏡拍攝到的精美的彩色圖片。你可以聽音樂或者看錄像。你可以看到音樂家表演他們的最新的歌曲。你甚至可以加入一個小組,通過墊子手段和他們聚會并討論他們最喜愛的搖滾樂隊。Unit4Movie experts say Walt Disney was responsible for the development of the art of animation. Disneys artists tried to p

7、ut life into every drawing . That meant they had to feel all the emotions of the cartoon creatures: happiness, sadness, anger , fear. The artists looked at themselves in a mirror and expressed each emotion: a smile, tears, a red face, wide-opened eyes. Then they drew that look on the face of each ca

8、rtoon creature. Disneys art of animation reached its highest point in 1940 with the movie Pinocchio. The story is about a wooden toy that comes to life as a little boy. Disneys artists drew two-a-half-million pictures to make Pinocchio. The artists drew flat pictures. Yet they created a look of spac

9、e and solid objects. Pinocchio was an imaginary world, yet it looked very real.Unit5. 20世紀(jì),美國夢遇到了挑戰(zhàn)。大蕭條使得二三十年代的生活到處都很艱難,對那些直接受到影響的人們來說,現(xiàn)實與美國夢幾乎正好相反。種族間的不安定依然存在,在國內(nèi)的一些地方,種族暴力時有發(fā)生。自從二戰(zhàn)結(jié)束以后,年輕的美國家庭開始追求相對舒適和穩(wěn)定的生活,他們選擇居住在大城市周邊的市郊住宅區(qū)。因此50年代是一個相對保守的年代,當(dāng)時,“完美家庭”是很多人心中的美國夢的一部分,或者就是美國夢的結(jié)果本身。但這種保守的生活方式很快就被新一代人

10、所鄙棄,60年代的年輕人用嬉皮士的價值觀取代了包括美國夢在內(nèi)的傳統(tǒng)價值觀。雖說對于美國夢的追求在那些年中有所減弱,但美國夢從來就沒有徹底消亡過。Unit6.Summer means internships for thousands of American college students. They work in the kinds of jobs they might want to have some day. Experts say at least one-third of all American college students complete an internship b

11、efore they graduate. Some students work for large companies. Some work for small organizations. Some work for the United States government. Many interns do not earn money at their summer jobs. Some college students get an internship to gain experience in the kind of job they want to get after gradua

12、tion. Others do not yet know what kind of permanent job they want. So they may get internships in several different companies or organizations. In this way, they can find out what kind of job they like best. Why are internships so popular? Students can learn about different kinds of jobs. They can d

13、o interesting work. They can learn skills and gain valuable experience. And they can meet important people. Students often describe internships as a chance that happens once in a lifetime.Unit7迷信是當(dāng)今英國文化中的一部分。盡管迷信活動在100年前更為活躍,但現(xiàn)在仍有不少相信迷信的人,有老人也有年輕人。所有的迷信都有其根源,所謂無火不起煙。是誰第一個認為在屋里打傘會帶來厄運?是誰第一個走在梯子下而遭遇不幸

14、?是誰把馬蹄鐵倒掛?是誰打碎了鏡子?是誰灑了鹽?是誰第一個把13號星期五看成最倒霉的日子?16、17世紀(jì)時,人們的生活中充滿了碰運氣的成分,每天的生活中心都在于揣測未來的禍福。宗教、疾病、火災(zāi)也許稱得上是米線的三大最基本得要素。盡管今天我們看事物的角度已經(jīng)不同,但是迷信作為一種傳統(tǒng)仍然流傳在我們中間。Unit8Millions of people around the world depend on the National Geographic Society for information. Each year, thousands of visitors tour the society

15、s Explorers Hall in central Washington, D.C. Exhibits and modern technology in this museum help them learn about the Earth and its environment.The National Geographic Society produces maps, books, and magazines that are popular among the world. It produces films and television shows. It makes comput

16、er programs and videos for schools. The societys Committee for Research and Exploration gives money to scientists working in subjects from archaeology to zoology.The National Geographic Society supports the teaching of geography the study of the Earth. It helps train teachers in geography. It offers

17、 computer users the latest information about the activities of researchers and explorers on its Internet website.Unit9當(dāng)人們提到女權(quán)運動時,通常有兩種反應(yīng):一種認為,女權(quán)運動者不過是一群日子過得不順心的女人;另一種則認為,女權(quán)運動純粹是白人女性的事,與黑人女性無關(guān)。事實上,黑人女性所受到的剝削遠比白人女性要深。所以的黑人女性有必要團結(jié)起來,共同奮斗去爭取應(yīng)得的權(quán)利,諸如自主權(quán)、同工同酬權(quán)、自由墮胎權(quán)和孩子入托權(quán)。我們應(yīng)當(dāng)看到,黑人女性爭取解放的要求是全人類爭取自由權(quán)利的一部分。

18、黑種男人錯誤的以為,白人資本家把一些職位和技術(shù)工作交給黑人女性,是為了羞辱他們。現(xiàn)實情況是,人人就業(yè)無法實現(xiàn),而黑人女性正式低報酬和失業(yè)現(xiàn)象的最大受害者。Unit10Most full-time students at American universities must have health insurance. This is because health costs in the United States are high. Colleges are not able to pay the costs if students suffer serious accidents or s

19、ickness.Many American colleges have health centers where doctors and nurses treat students medical problems. This service may be included in the cost of attending college. Health insurance is usually needed for extra services.Students may already be protected under their parents health insurance pol

20、icies. If not, many colleges offer their own insurance plans.Students also can buy independent insurance policies from insurance companies. The details of such policies differ, depending on where the student lives. Usually, these policies pay for doctor visits, treatment of injuries and hospital cos

21、ts.All in all, people in the Unites States are responsible for their own medical costs. These can be extremely high in cases of serious illness or accidents. The purpose of health insurance is to make sure that these costs will be paid for.Unit11我母親早已不在人世,但她仍時時浮現(xiàn)在我心中,有時早晨天還未亮就把我喚醒。“我最最不能容忍的,就是半途而廢的人

22、?!蔽乙簧粩嗦牭剿f這句話。此時此刻,我躺在床上,在黑暗中慢慢醒來,想重回夢鄉(xiāng)而不愿直面嶄新的一天,我感覺到了她正怒氣沖沖地與我體內(nèi)那個沒有出息的懶漢奮力斗爭。我默默地抗議道:我已經(jīng)不是孩子了。我已經(jīng)小有成就,我有資格睡會兒懶覺。“羅素,你一點進取心也沒有,和二流子簡直沒什么兩樣。”從我還是個穿著短褲的孩提時代起,她就一直用這些話激勵我前進:“你要混出個人樣來!”“不要半途而廢!”“要有點志氣,孩子?!盪nit12Study a Balance of the Four Key Skills Most students want to communicate better in English

23、. If this is one of your goals, it is important to study a balance of the four major skills. Listening, Speaking , reading and Writing are the main skills you need to communicate in any language. Being very good at only one of these skills will not help you much to communicate. For example, you need

24、 to be able to read well before you can write well. You also need to be in two groups : Input(listening and reading ) and output (speaking and writing).First you have input. Next you have output. First you listen to someone ask you a question. Second you give them your answer. First you read a lette

25、r from someone. After that you write back to them. However, input and output dont necessarily go in a specific order. Sometimes you speak first and then you listen. During communication, the person you are communicating with uses one of the opposite skills .Therefore, in order to understand each other , everyone must be skillful in all four areas.

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