2020高考英語 語言點最后沖刺解析題8

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2020高考英語 語言點最后沖刺解析題8_第1頁
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1、2020;2020高考英語語言點最后沖刺解析題8【451】 Only when _ the painting _ decide whether the painting is worth buying.【譯文】 只有當他看到這幅畫,他才能決定是否值得買它。 A. he sees, he can B. does he see, can he C. he sees, can he D. sees he, he can【答案及簡析】 C。 only引導的狀語在句首,主句要部分倒裝?!?52】 _ the two oceans the Pacific is _.【譯文】 在這兩個大洋中,太平洋是最大的

2、一個。 A. In; the larger B. For, larger C. Of; larger D. Of; the larger【答案及簡析】 D。 在比較級中有具體的數(shù)目時要用介詞of?!?53】 The teacher asked us to put weekends _ good use.【譯文】 老師要求我們充分利用周末。 A. with B. in C. for D. to【答案及簡析】 D。 固定搭配,put sth. into good use充分利用。【454】 There is _ word in the dictionary.【譯文】 在詞典中沒有這樣一個詞。 A.

3、 no such B. not a such C. no such a D. not such【答案及簡析】 A。 no, such都是形容詞作定語?!?55】 Tony is coming with _ boys.【譯文】 Tony打算和其他兩個男孩一道來。 A. little two other B. two little other C. two other little D. little other two【答案及簡析】 C。 多個形容詞的排列順序問題。參見本站項關于法部分?!?56】 The library needs _, but it will have to wait unt

4、il Sunday.【譯文】 圖書館需要打掃了,但得要等到星期天。 A. cleaning B. be cleaned C. clean D. being cleaned【答案及簡析】 A。 need實意動詞,表示需要時一般用動名詞的主動形式表示被動意思?!?57】 the patients progress was encouraging as he could _ get out of bed without help.【譯文】 病人的好轉是令人鼓舞的,他幾乎能夠不要任何幫助就能下床了。 A. nearly B. only C. hardly D. badly【答案及簡析】 A。 副詞用法

5、?!?58】 Soon John came to a house _ must be Kates .【譯文】 很快約翰就來到他認為是Kate的家。 A. where he thought B. which he thought C. he thought it D. where he thought which【答案及簡析】 B。 he thought是插入語。【459】 I hadnt expected James to apologize but I had hoped _ me.【譯文】 我沒有期望James向我道歉,但我希望他會給我打電話。 A. him calling B. that

6、 he would call C. him to call D. that he call【答案及簡析】 B。 用expect, hope,wish等詞的過去完成時態(tài)表示原打算做什么?!?60】 -How do you find your visitor to the museum ? -I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was _ than I expected.【譯文】 -參觀博物館你覺得如何?-很好的,甚至比我期望的還要有趣。 A. far more interesting B. even more interesting C. so more interestin

7、g D. a lot much interesting【答案及簡析】 B。 even修飾比較級,表示強調(diào),譯為甚至?!?61】 How pleased the Emperor was _ what the cheats said.【譯文】 聽到騙子說的話皇帝好高興! A. hearing B. heard C. hear D. is hear【答案及簡析】 A。 現(xiàn)在分詞表示時間。【462】 The next day she _ her father what _ when the man came again.【譯文】 第二天她告訴她的父親那人第二次來時發(fā)生了什么事。 A. told; ha

8、ppened B. was telling; had happened C. had; told D. told; had happened【答案及簡析】 D。 時態(tài)問題?!?63】 If my lawyer _ here last Saturday, he _ me from going.【譯文】 如果我的律師上周六來在這兒的話,他就會阻止我去的。 A. had been; would have prevented B. had been; would prevent C. were; would prevent D. were; would have prevented【答案及簡析】 A。

9、 此句是一個表示與過時事實相反的虛擬語氣?!?64】 If the south had won the war, what is now the United States _ divided into several countries.【譯文】 如果南方贏得了戰(zhàn)爭,現(xiàn)在的美國一定被分成幾個國家了。 A. will be B. might have been C. should be D. must have been【答案及簡析】 D。 此句是一個表示與過時事實相反的虛擬語氣?!?65】 He stood against the wall with his right hand _.【譯文

10、】 他舉著右手靠著墻站著。 A. Raised B. raising C. risen D. rise【答案及簡析】 A。 復合結構表示伴隨?!?66】 A fish needs water and without water it will die. _.【譯文】 魚沒有水不能活。人類也是這樣。 A. so does a man B. so will a man C. so it is with a man D. so is it with a man【答案及簡析】 C。 考查句型。詳見前面練習題?!?67】 The blind man _ the elephants trunk. It _

11、 like a snake.【譯文】 瞎子摸摸大象的鼻子。摸起來像一條蛇。 A. felt ; was feeling B. felt ; felt C. was feeling; felt D. was feeling; was feeling【答案及簡析】 C。 feel連系動詞,摸起來,后面跟形容詞;不用進行時態(tài)?!?68】 Children in China today have nothing _.【譯文】 今天的中國孩子沒有什么值得擔憂的。 A. to worry B. worried C. to worry about D. worrying about【答案及簡析】 C。 考查

12、句型:sb. have something to do.在該句型中不定式作定語,只能是及物動詞,并與被修飾名詞有動賓關系。【469】 If you _ the medicine you _ better now.【譯文】 如果你吃了這藥,現(xiàn)在就會感覺好多了。 A. took ; would feel B. had taken; felt C. had taken; would feel D. took; would have felt【答案及簡析】 C。 考查錯綜復雜條件狀語從句中的虛擬語氣。從句與主句的時態(tài)各顧各的?!?70】 The meeting _ tomorrow afternoon

13、 is about _ rid of pollution.【譯文】 明天下午舉行的會議是關于制止污染的問題。 A. held, to get B. to be held; getting C. to hold; to get D. being held; getting【答案及簡析】 B。 不定式表示將來;get rid of阻止;除掉。【471】 The little boy found his toy you _ under the bed.【譯文】 小孩找到了你藏在床下的玩具。 A. hide B. hiding C. to hide D. hid【答案及簡析】 D。 考查定語從句。先行

14、詞his toy在從句中充當hid的賓語?!?72】 The factory is five kilometers _ from his house.【譯文】 工廠離他家五公里左右。 A. so far B. or so C. far D. way【答案及簡析】 B。 or so固定搭配,“左右”?!?73】 You know that widely reading helps _ your knowledge so I cant help _ the housework every day.【譯文】 你知道,廣泛地閱讀有助于增加知識,所以不能夠幫你每天做家務了。 A. an large, d

15、oing B. to rich, to do C. add, to D. add to, doing【答案及簡析】 B。 help后面的不定式可帶可??;cant help to do sth是不能幫助做;cant help doing sth.是忍不住做?!?74】 He gave me the phone number in order _ contact him when we are in need of help.【譯文】 他給我他的電話號碼以便我們需要他的幫助時好聯(lián)系他。 A. to B. of me to C. for me to D. that I【答案及簡析】 C。 不定時表示

16、目的?!?75】 The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.【譯文】 丟失的孩子最后看見他時,他在河邊玩耍。 A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play【答案及簡析】 A。 現(xiàn)在分詞作主與補足語,表示進行?!?76】 The servant did _ she could _ the revolutionary.【譯文】 仆人做了她該做的事來幫助革命。 A. what, help B. that, to help C. what, to help D. all help【答案及簡析】 C。

17、 do what one can to do sth.是一個句型?!?77】 Though _, many laws of nature exist.【譯文】 盡管沒被發(fā)現(xiàn),許多自然規(guī)律還是存在的。 A. not having been discovered B. having not been discovered C. not having discovered D. having not discovered【答案及簡析】 A。 當從句的主語與主句的主語一致,可以用分詞短語化簡?!?78】 The car _ at the present speed until it reaches t

18、he foot of the mountain at about ten oclock tonight.【譯文】 按目前速度前進,大約今天10點就可以到達山腳下。 A. would go B. went C. will be going D. goes【答案及簡析】 A。 情態(tài)動詞用法。would表示對將來的推測?!?79】 She was more headstrong than _.【譯文】 她比我們其他人都意志堅強。 A. the rest of us B. us the rest C. the other of us D. us the other【答案及簡析】 A。 比較級,她屬一方

19、,其他人一方?!?80】 In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.【譯文】 在漆黑的街道,她沒有一個人求助。 A. to whom B. who C. from whom D. that【答案及簡析】 A。 turn to固定短語,求助于?!?81】 -I have never heard it _ before. And you ? -The same as you.【譯文】 -我以前從沒有聽說過談論此事,你呢?-和你一樣。 A. talking about B. talked C.

20、talked of D. being talked【答案及簡析】 C。 過去分詞短語做賓補?!?82】 Its _ warm today, lets go swimming. No, I dont _ to do. Its _ cold today.【譯文】 今天很暖和,我們?nèi)ビ斡景?!不,我不想去,今天還有點冷。 A. rather, hope, fairly B. fairly, want, rather C. rather, think, fairly D. fairly, like, fairly【答案及簡析】 A。 副詞比較。請參見前面練習題的解釋?!?83】 The teacher

21、tells his students to read the novel over and over again until they _ it.【譯文】 老師要求他的學生一遍又一遍地讀小說直到讀懂為止。 A. understand B. understood C. have understood D. have been understood【答案及簡析】 A。 until 引導的是狀語從句?!?84】 No sooner _ they rushed out into the street.【譯文】 一聽到這個消息他們就跑到街上去了。 A. did they hear the news th

22、an B. had they heard the news than C. did they hear the news when D. had they heard the news when【答案及簡析】 B。 no sooner than結構。no sooner引導的部分要用完成時態(tài),而且要部分倒裝?!?85】 If my brother is allowed to go out, _.【譯文】 如果允許哥哥出去,那我也要出去。 A. so should I B. so am I C. so I should D. so I am【答案及簡析】 B。 由于兩個句子的主語不是同一個人,因此

23、要倒裝。【486】 To all of you _ the praise for the success.【譯文】 成功的表揚應該屬于你們大家。 A. belongs to B. belong to C. belongs D. belong【答案及簡析】 C。 倒裝句:the praise for the success belongs to all of you.【487】 So loudly _ that every one of the class could hear him.【譯文】 他說話那樣大聲,班上每個人都聽得見。 A. did he speak B. did he spoke

24、 C. spoke he D. he spoke【答案及簡析】 A。 sothat引導的從句在句首,主句要部分倒裝?!?88】 You didnt let me drive. If we _ in turn, you _ so tired.【譯文】 你不讓我駕車。如果你讓我們輪流開車的話,你也不會那么疲勞。 A. has left; comes B. drove; wouldnt have got C. were driving; wouldnt get D. had driven; wouldnt have got【答案及簡析】 D。 與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣?!?89】 _ student

25、s in class 4 took park in that spring outing.【譯文】 4班的全部48個學生參加了春游。 A. 48 all B. 48 whole C. All 48 D. The whole 48【答案及簡析】 C。 一般說來,whole 不能和具體的數(shù)目連用?!?90】 More than one hundred got saved from the fire _ helicopter.【譯文】 直升飛機從大火中救出了一百多人。 A. in B. with C. by D. from【答案及簡析】 C。 表示方式用介詞by?!?91】 Do you know

26、our town at all? No, this is the first time I _ here.【譯文】 你了解我們城市么?不,我這是第一次到這兒來。 A. was B. have been C. came D. are coming【答案及簡析】 B。 this is the first time that在這個句型中,從句要用完成時態(tài)?!?92】 Im pleased _ should be done has already been done.【譯文】 我很高興,該做的都已經(jīng)做好了。 A. with what B. that that C. by that D. that wh

27、at【答案及簡析】 D。 be pleased that句型中又有一個帶主語從句的復合句。【493】 _ the day on, the weather got worse.【譯文】 隨著時間的推移,氣候變得越來越糟。 A. With B. Since C. Which D. As【答案及簡析】 A。 with +名詞 + 副詞構成的復合結構,表示伴隨?!?94】 The people are _ young workers between the age of twenty and thirty.【譯文】 這些大部分都是20到30歲的年輕工人。 A. nearly B. almost C.

28、mostly D. most【答案及簡析】 C。 mostly副詞,大部分。【495】 I _ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.【譯文】 給我使分鐘的時間考慮是否拒絕這個幫助。 A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given【答案及簡析】 B。 考查動詞give的用法。give sb. sth ,該句中還差個賓語,故用被動形式。【496】 If city noises _ from increasing, people _ shout to be heard even

29、 at the dinner table 20 years from now.【譯文】 如果城市噪音不制止,二十年后人們不得不在餐桌上吃飯就得大聲喊叫才能聽得見。 A. are not kept; will have to B. are not kept; have to C. do not kept; will have to D. do not kept; have to【答案及簡析】 A。 考查keepfrom doing sth.結構的被動形式?!?97】 _ the two oceans the Pacific is _ .【譯文】 在這兩個大海中,太平洋是最大的一個。 A. In;

30、 the large B. For; larger C. Of; larger D. Of, the larger【答案及簡析】 D。 在兩個當中的比較級,要用介詞of。【498】 He _ prison two years ago and now he _.【譯文】 兩年前他悲觀進監(jiān)獄,現(xiàn)在被釋放了。 A. was put in; was set free B. was shut into, is set free C. put into, has been set freely D. was put into; has been set free【答案及簡析】 D。 put sb. int

31、o prison;set sb. free都是固定搭配?!?99】 Only at that time _ that he had made a lot of mistakes in his homework.【譯文】 知道那個時候他才意識到他的家庭作業(yè)中出了很多錯誤。 A. He realized B. did he realize C. he did realized D. realized he【答案及簡析】 B。 only引導的狀語在句首,主句要部分倒裝?!?00】 At no point south of the Han River _ more than a mile.【譯文】 敵軍在漢河南岸前進了一英里多。 A. the enemy didnt advance B. the enemy advanced C. did the enemy advance D. didnt【答案及簡析】 C 表示地點的狀語在句首,主句要部分倒裝。

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