高中英語 一生必讀的英語經(jīng)典美文 第37篇 一生的收獲素材

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高中英語 一生必讀的英語經(jīng)典美文 第37篇 一生的收獲素材_第1頁
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1、新概念一生必讀的英語經(jīng)典美文第37篇:一生的收獲(雙語)37 Catch of a lifetime 一生的收獲 He was 11 and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his familys cabin.他11歲那年,只要一有機會,就會到他家小屋的碼頭上釣魚。On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening. Then he tied on a small silver lure an

2、d practiced casting. When his peapole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. His father watched with admiration as the boy skillfully worked the fish alongside the dock.鱸魚季節(jié)開放的前一天晚上,他和父親早早開始垂釣。他系上魚餌,練習如何拋線。當魚桿向下彎的時候,他知道線的另一端一定釣到了一條大魚。父親看著他技巧純熟地在碼頭邊沿和魚周旋,眼神充滿贊賞。Finally, he lifted

3、the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but is was a bass.最后他將筋疲力盡的魚提出水面。這是他所見過的最大的一條,還是一條鱸魚。The father lit a match and looked at his watch. It was 10 P.M.-two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy.父親檫著一根火柴,看了看表。十點了-離開禁還有兩個小時。他看了看魚

4、,又看了看男孩。Youll have to put it back, son. he said.“你得把它放回去,孩子?!备赣H說道。Dad! cried the boy.“爸爸!”男孩叫道。There will be other fish, said his father.“還有其他的魚嘛。”父親說道。Not as big as this one, cried the boy.“但沒這么大?!蹦泻⒔械馈e looked around the lake. No others were anywhere around in the moonlight. He looked again at hi

5、s father. Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could tell by the clarity of his fathers voice that the decision was not negotiable. He slowly worked the hook out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into the black water. The boy sus

6、pected that he would never again see such a great fish.男孩環(huán)視了一遍湖。月光下附近沒有其他人。他又看了看他父親。從父親不可動搖的語氣中,他知道這個決定沒有商量余地,即使沒有人看到他們,更無從得知他們何時釣到了魚。他慢慢地將魚鉤從大鱸魚的唇上取下,然后蹲下將魚放回水中。男孩想,他可能再也看不到這么大的魚了。That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is a successful architect in New York City. He takes his own son and daughters fi

7、shing from the same dock.那是34年前的事了?,F(xiàn)在,男孩是紐約的一個成功的建筑師,他帶著自己的兒女仍然在同一個碼頭上釣魚。And he was right. He has never again caught such a magnificent fish as the one he landed that night long ago. But he does see that same fish-again and again-every time he comes up against a question of ethics.他猜得沒錯。自那次以后,他再也沒有釣

8、上過那么大的魚了。但每次他面臨道德難題而舉棋不定的時候,他的眼前再三浮現(xiàn)出那條魚。For, as his father taught him, ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult. Do we do right when no one is looking? Do we refuse to cut corners to get the design in on time? Or refuse to trade stocks based

9、on information that we know we arent supposed to have?他父親曾告訴他,道德即是簡單的對和錯的問題,但要付諸行動卻很難。在沒人瞧見的時候,我們是否仍遵循道德準則?為了將圖紙按時完成,我們是不是也會走捷徑?或者在明知道不可以的情況下,仍將公司股份賣掉?We would if we were taught to put the fish back when we were young. For we would have learned the truth. The decision to do right lives fresh and fra

10、grant in our memory.在我們還小的時候,如果有人教導我們把魚放回去,我們會這樣做,因為我們還在學習真理。正確的決定在我們的記憶里變得深刻而清晰。It is a story we will proudly tell our friends and grandchildren. Not about how we had a chance to beat the system and took it, but about how we did the right thing and were forever strengthened.這個故事我們可以驕傲地講給朋友和子孫們聽,不是關于如何攻擊和戰(zhàn)勝某種體制,而是如何做正確的決定,從而變得無比堅強。

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