高中英語 一生必讀的英語經(jīng)典美文 第39篇 珍惜每一刻素材

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高中英語 一生必讀的英語經(jīng)典美文 第39篇 珍惜每一刻素材_第1頁
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《高中英語 一生必讀的英語經(jīng)典美文 第39篇 珍惜每一刻素材》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《高中英語 一生必讀的英語經(jīng)典美文 第39篇 珍惜每一刻素材(2頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、新概念一生必讀的英語經(jīng)典美文第39篇:珍惜每一刻(雙語)39. Cherish every moment珍惜每一刻My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sisters bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. This, he said, is not a slip(紙片). This is lingerie(女士內(nèi)衣). He discarded the tissue and handed me the slip. It was exquisite(精致的); silk, han

2、dmade and trimmed with a cobweb (蜘蛛網(wǎng),蛛絲)of lace(花邊). The price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached. Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion. Well, I guess this is the occasion. He

3、took the slip from me and put it on the bed with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician(殯葬員). His hands lingered on the soft material for a moment, then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me. Dont ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day youre alive is a special occasion

4、. 我的妹夫打開我妹妹書桌最底下的抽屜,拿出一個裹著紙片的小包?!斑@個,”他說,“不是一張紙片,而是一件女士內(nèi)衣,”“他弄掉紙片,把它遞給我。這是件精致的女士內(nèi)衣,它是用手工縫制的絲制品,齊整的鑲著蛛網(wǎng)似的花邊。衣服上甚至還釘著數(shù)額驚人的價格標簽。”“這是我和簡第一次去紐約的時候買的,至少是八九年以前了,她從來沒有穿過,她一直在等一個特殊的場合。我想,現(xiàn)在該是時候了。”“他從我手上拿過內(nèi)衣,把它和其他一些衣服一起擺到床上,我們要把它們帶到殯儀館。他的手在那柔軟的面料上摩擦了一會兒,然后砰的關上抽屜,轉過來對我說?!扒f別珍藏什么東西去等一個合適的機會,你活著的每一天都是一個機會。”I reme

5、mbered those words through the funeral and the days that followed when I helped him and my niece attend to all the sad chores (瑣事)that follow an unexpected death. I thought about them on the plane returning to California from the Midwestern town where my sisters family lives. I thought about all the

6、 things that she hadnt seen or heard or done. I thought about the things that she had done without realizing that they were special.我牢記著這些話,幫著他和我的侄女處理這起因以外事故喪生后的葬禮和各種悲傷瑣事。在我從妹妹居住的這個中西部地區(qū)小鎮(zhèn)飛往加利福尼亞的飛機上,,還在回想著這些話語。我想著那些她從來沒有見過、聽過、或者做過的事情,我想著那些她經(jīng)理過卻沒有意識到其獨特性的事情。Im still thinking about his words, and the

7、yve changed my life. Im reading more and dusting less. Im sitting on the deck and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. Im spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings. Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experience to savor(

8、使有風味,盡情享受), not endure. Im trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.現(xiàn)在我仍然還在思索他的話,他們甚至改變了我的一生。我閱讀更多的東西,少了很多迷惑。我坐在草地上欣賞風景,不再去擔心花園的雜草。我花更多的時間陪伴家人和朋友,不再一味的去參加無聊的會議。不論何時,生活應該是一種享受的過程,而不是忍受。我開始認識并珍視現(xiàn)在的每一時刻。Im not saving anything. we use our good china and crystal for every special event-such

9、 as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, the first camellia (茶花)blossom. I wear my good blazer (顏色鮮明的運動夾克)to the market if I feel like it. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out(交付,支付)$28.49 for one small bag of groceries without wincing(畏縮). Im not saving my good perfume for spec

10、ial parties; clerks in hardware stores and tellers in banks have noses that function as well as my party-going friends. 我不再珍藏任何東西,我用上好的瓷器和水晶器,慶賀每一件事-比如減掉了一磅體重,打通了堵塞的下水道,開放了第一朵茶花。只要我喜歡,我會穿上我漂亮的夾克衫去逛超市。我的邏輯是:如果我看上去夠有錢,我會毫不猶豫地花28.49美元去買一小帶雜貨。我不會珍藏我的名貴香水去等待一個特殊的晚會,商店職員和銀行出納員的鼻子跟我舞友的鼻子有著同樣的功能。Someday and

11、 one of these days are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If its worth seeing , hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. Im not sure what my sister would have done, had she known that she wouldnt be here for the tomorrow we all take for granted. I think she would have called family m

12、embers and a few close friends. She might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think she would have gone out for a Chinese dinner, her favorite food. Im guessing-Ill never know. “總有一天”和“某一天”對我已失去了意義。如果某件事值得去看,去聽、去做、我會立刻去實行。我不知道,如果我妹妹知道她不再擁有我們都認為

13、理所當然會到來的明天時,她會怎么做。我想她會給家人和一些親密的朋友打電話。她會打電話給以前的一些朋友,為曾經(jīng)發(fā)生過的爭論道歉或彌補關系。我想她會出去,到一見中餐廳,吃她最喜愛的食物。我只是采寫-永遠都不會知道了。Its those little things left undone that would make me angry ,if I knew that my hours were limited. Angry because I put off seeing good friends whom I was going to get in touch with”someday.” An

14、gry because I hadnt written certain letters that I intended to write-one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didnt tell my husband and daughter often enough how much I truly love them.如果時間緊迫,而我還有一些事情沒有做完,我會憤怒不已。我會為不得不把準備去拜訪的朋友推延到“某一天”而惱火,為曾設想著“總會有一天”會寫下來的詞句,而沒有寫下來而生氣,為沒有盡可能多的告訴我的丈夫和女兒我是多么愛他們而后悔和遺憾

15、。Im trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives.我盡最大的努力避免推遲,延誤,或保留那些能給我們的生活增添歡樂和色彩的東西。 And every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special. Every day, every minute, every breath truly is . a gift from God.每天早上,我睜開眼睛,告訴自己這是特殊的一天。每一天,每一分鐘,每一次呼吸.都是上帝對我們的恩賜。

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