2021版高考英語一輪復習 Module 4 Which English?學案 外研版選修8

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1、Module 4 Which English?三言兩語1.American English is easier to remember while British English is just kept its original words without few changes.2I can enlarge my vocabulary as well as learning more about the culture and customs of Englishspeaking countries by reading works in English.3There is no deny

2、ing that English is of great importance, which can not only help us communicate with foreigners, but also offer an opportunity to learn from them.1.聽和說對于一門語言學習非常重要,通過此種方式你一定會取得很大進步。Speaking and listening are of_great_importance for a language learning, by which you are_sure_to_make_great_progress.2希

3、望每個學生都投入更多的精力學習英語,力爭把英語學好。It_is_hoped_that every student should concentrate_more_energy_on the study of English and learn it well.單詞拼寫應用 核心單詞1matter v重要,要緊;有關系2count v很重要;很有價值3link n聯(lián)系4debate n討論;辯論5furthermore adv.此外,而且6convey v傳達,傳遞7select v挑選,選擇8withdraw_v收回;撤銷(說過的話)9reject_v拒絕接受10potential adj.潛

4、在的;可能的11overcome v征服;戰(zhàn)勝12oppose v反對語境運用用所給詞的適當形式填空。1(2019浙江卷)One thing to remember is that its the process not the end product that matters(matter)2(2016浙江卷)The dos and donts conveyed(convey) through gossip will never show up in any student handbook.3(2015湖南卷)In selecting(select) a dictionary, check

5、 the features it offers besides vocabulary definitions.4Relying on their own efforts, they overcame(overcome) all the difficulties and finished the task ahead of time.5Her brother was_rejected(reject) by the army last week because of his bad eyesight.拓展單詞1instant adj.立即的,即刻的instantly adv.立即,馬上2recog

6、nise v認出;承認recognition n認出;承認recognisable adj.能辨認的,能認出的3complain v抱怨;不滿complaint n抱怨4acquire v得到,獲得acquisition n獲得(物)5convince v確信,信服convinced adj.確信的,信服的convincing adj.令人信服的6associate v聯(lián)系;使發(fā)生聯(lián)系associated adj.有聯(lián)系的association n聯(lián)系7significance n意義;含義significant adj. 有意義的8resist v. 反抗;抵抗resistant adj.反

7、抗的resistance n反抗;抵抗9approve v贊同;批準approval n贊許;贊成10curious adj. 好奇的curiously adv.好奇地curiosity n好奇心語境運用用所給詞的適當形式填空。1In western countries, the number “thirteen” is usually associated with bad luck, but actually there isnt any association between them.(associate)2Thanks to your approval,_if you didnt a

8、pprove of my plan, I would be fired by the employer.(approve)3Its a convincing speech and Im convinced that many people will benefit from it.(convince)4The boy is curiously watching what the old man is doing in the garden.He is always curious about the world outside and shows great curiosity about w

9、hat is going on in nature.(curious)5Most students think it significant to join the English corner, though a few havent realized the significance of it.(significance)閱讀單詞1unique adj.獨一無二的;獨特的2ancestor n祖先,前輩3media n新聞媒體,傳媒4splendid adj.極好的;優(yōu)秀的5straightforward adj.簡單的,易懂的6ambiguous adj.歧義的;含糊的7dilemma

10、 n進退兩難的境地;困難的抉擇8explicit adj.清楚明白的;易于理解的9relevant adj.有關的;切題的10absurd adj.荒謬的,荒唐的11concept n概念;觀念12thus adv.因此;因而13clarify v弄明白;澄清14tendency n趨向;傾向15vague adj.不明確的;含糊的16clumsy adj.笨拙的17.abuse v辱罵;惡語18offence n得罪;使傷感情19betray v對不忠20prejudice n偏見;歧視21conflict n抵觸;沖突22superior adj.更好的;更強的 23classify v將

11、分類24initially adv.起初1(2019江蘇卷)It would not matter if these misjudgments were just a matter of peoples opinions.事情2(2018全國卷)In a 2014 study, Elizabeth Dunn, associate professor of psychology at UBC, invited people on their way into a coffee shop.副的短語多維應用高頻短語1.be_relevant_to 與有關的2get_down_to_sth. 開始做某

12、事 3tell_.apart 區(qū)分開 4as_long_as 只要 5or_rather 更確切地說,倒不如說6be_meant_for 意欲,有目的語境運用選用左欄短語的適當形式填空。Its certain for twins, life really does imitate art.My twin brother, Kirk, and I grew up being constantly mistaken for each other.Classmates, friends, teachers, even relatives couldnt tell us apart.Or_rather

13、 only my parents could know who was who.As a result, we were often unfairly punished or rewarded.As a matter of fact, as_long_as they paid more attention to our actions carefully, they could tell the difference.7.let_sb.down 使某人失望 8communicate_with 與交流 9a_huge_number_of 大量的 10in_case 以免,萬一 11lie_in

14、在于12in_conclusion 總之語境運用選用左欄短語的適當形式填空。Our need to communicate_with each other has been a driving force in the development of technology.We now have instant messaging services such as QQ and WeChat.If you want to make more friends all over the country, QQ or WeChat wont let you down.A_huge_number_of_

15、people are using them to meet and chat with strangers nowadays.But you should be cautious in_case the strangers are cheaters.句式結構仿寫教材原句背誦句式仿寫應用1.whether.or. 不論還是In this sense everybodys use of languagewhether English, Chinese, or any otheris different.只要你盡最大努力了,贏不贏沒關系。So long as you try your best, i

16、t doesnt matter whether_you_win_or_lose.2.as many/muchn.as表示“與一樣多”You could say that there are as many varieties of English, or any other language for that matter, as there are speakers of it.這家工廠在2019年生產了兩倍于去年的機器。The factory produced twice_as_many_machines_in_2019_as the year before.3.主語beadj. to d

17、o sth.(不定式主動表示被動)。English has a huge number of colorful and splendid expressions which may be difficult to understand.首先,我建議你學習唐朝的歷史,這可能會比較容易理解。Firstly, I advise you to learn the history of the Tang Dynasty, which may_be_easier_to_understand.1debate n& v討論;辯論;爭論(1)debate with sb.about sth.和某人就某事辯論de

18、bate about/on/over 就進行辯論(2)have a debate with sb.about/on/over sth.與某人就某事爭論under debate 正在討論中beyond debate 無可爭辯debate on the education laws 就教育法進行辯論debate whether to raise the price of school meals 就是否提高學校用餐價格進行辯論have a debate about this topic 就這個話題展開了辯論基礎練習單句語法填空(2015湖南卷)We are having a debate abou

19、t this topic.Here are some letters from our readers.We must debate about the question with the rest of the members.Whether he deserves what has happened to him is still under debate.能力提升一句多譯他們就是否實施這個計劃進行了激烈的辯論。They debated_heatedly_about whether to carry out the plan.(debate v)They had_a_heated_deba

20、te_about whether to carry out the plan.(debate n)2convinced adj.確信的,信服的(1)be convinced of./that 確信,承認(2)convince v說服, 使相信convince sb.of sth.使某人相信/信服convince sb.to do sth.說服某人去做某事(3)convincing adj.有說服力的try to convince me to buy a cheaper car 努力說服我買一輛更便宜的車convince us that their product was worth promo

21、ting 讓我們相信他們的產品值得宣傳be convinced of the importance of honesty 相信誠實的重要性基礎練習單句語法填空Scientists are convinced of the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.Oscar convinced the manager to_look(look) in the record of advance ticket sales.Up to now nobody has come up with a convincing(conv

22、ince) explanation of why dinosaurs died out.能力提升句式升級普通表達:He was convinced that his sick son was asleep, and he turned off the light and went to bed.高級表達:Convinced_that_his_sick_son_was_asleep,_he turned off the light and went to bed.(形容詞短語作狀語)3oppose vt.反對;對抗;抗爭(1)oppose doing sth. 反對做某事oppose (sb./

23、sb.s ) doing sth.反對(某人)做某事(2)opposed adj.反對的;對抗的;敵對的be opposed to(doing) sth.反對(做)某事(3)opposite adj.相反的;對面的 adv.在對面 prep.在的對面 n對立面oppose building a temple on their farmland 反對在他們的農田上建一座廟宇be strongly opposed to doing shopping on Sunday 強烈反對星期天去買東西a truck coming in the opposite direction 一輛迎面開來的卡車基礎練習

24、單句語法填空(2019浙江卷)Weve gone to the opposite(oppose) extreme of a few decades ago when parents tended to be more strict.Many residents opposed the government building(build) a chemical factory near the school.Lilys mother remained strongly opposed(oppose) to the idea of Lilys going abroad for a further

25、study.能力提升句式升級普通表達:The government postponed the new proposal because a lot of people were opposed to it.高級表達:With_a_lot_of_people_opposed_to/opposing_it,_the government postponed the new proposal.(with復合結構)4let sb.down使某人失望let sth.down 放下某物;放低某物let.in/ into 允許進入let out 使出去;放出;泄露let go (of) 放開;釋放,松手l

26、et alone 更不用說let sb./sth.alone 不管/不干涉某人/物open the window and let in some fresh air 把窗子打開,讓新鮮空氣進來cant even walk, let alone run 連走都不會,更不用說跑了promise not to let out the secret 許諾不泄露秘密基礎練習單句語法填空Although the pressure increased day by day, students devoted themselves to their study not to let their parents

27、 down.Throwing their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate.能力提升詞匯升級普通表達:The professor wants to find an assistant who is worth depending on and wont disappoint him.高級表達:The

28、professor wants to find an assistant who is worth depending on and wont let_him_down.5(教材P44)In this sense everybodys use of languagewhether_English,_ Chinese,_or_any_otheris different.從這種意義上來說,每個人對語言的使用不管是英語、漢語還是任何其他語言都是不同的。句型公式句中whether.or. 意為“不論還是”引導讓步狀語從句。下列情況下只能用whether而不能用if:(1)置于句首引導主語從句;(2)用

29、在介詞之后引導賓語從句;(3)引導表語從句;(4)在名詞后引導同位語從句;(5)后跟不定式。金句推送(重慶卷)All people, whether they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.所有人,無論年老或年少、貧窮或富有,自從災害以來都一直努力幫助需要幫助的人們?;A練習單句語法填空/單句改錯Whether you like it or not, youll have to change your lifestyle.I

30、t doesnt matter whether you pay by cash or credit card in this store.If we are successful or not, we can be sure we did our best.IfWhether能力提升完成句子清潔工不得不整天在街上工作,無論是陽光暴曬還是天降大雪。Cleaners have to work all day on the street_whether_the_sun_shines_strongly_or _it_snows_heavily.多維訓練夯實基礎維度1用所給詞的正確形式填空1The lo

31、cal people opposed building(build) the new hotel because of the great cost.2Convinced(convince) of the accuracy of the data, they stuck to their opinion.3Having won the approval(approve) of most people, he was elected chairman of the nation.4There is no doubt that what matters(matter) is not the spe

32、ed, but the quality of the product.5You just dip the point of the pen in ink and press it here, then the pen is filled instantly(instant)維度2在空白處填入一個適當?shù)脑~1One of the questions under debate is whether education is a lifetime study.2As far as I know, Tom is a person to depend on.He will never let you do

33、wn.3It remains to be seen whether the news that a new library will be built in our town is true.4These two signatures are very similar.Can you tell them apart?5In conclusion, we should like to thank all those who have worked so hard to bring about this result.維度3查缺補漏(單句語法填空/單句改錯)1It is not how much

34、you read but what you read that counts(count)2As they entered the big city for the first time from a remote village, they were full of curiosity(curious) about many things.3The key to solving the unemployment problem lies in creating more job opportunities.4Since the plan has been made, lets get dow

35、n to carry it out.carrycarrying5We can do this directly as long as we will have certain types of information.去掉will維度4話題寫作1補全要點句(加黑體部分請利用本單元所學詞匯或句式)隨著國際貿易的發(fā)展,英語的應用越來越廣泛。With_the_development_of_international_trade,_English is used more and more widely.對于我們而言掌握英語很重要。It_counts_for_us_to_acquire a good

36、knowledge of English.如果我們不能用英語與外國人自由地交流,我們也許會失去許多機會。If we cant communicate_with_foreigners in English freely, we may lose a_huge_number_of_chances.我們都相信學好英語不容易。We are_all_convinced_that learning English well is not easy.學好英語的關鍵在于勤奮和信心。The key to learning English well lies_in hard work and confidence

37、.只要我們開始努力學習,沒有什么克服不了的事情。As_long_as_we_get_down_to studying hard, we can overcome anything.2升級平淡句(1)用“beof名詞(significance)”結構改寫句It_is_of_great_significance_for_us_to_acquire_a_good_knowledge_of_English.(2)用nothing作主句的主語改寫句As_long_as_we_get_down_to_studying_hard,_nothing_is_too_difficult_to_overcome.3

38、銜接成美文(注意利用適當?shù)倪^渡銜接詞匯:thus, or rather, in fact, furthermore, anyway)With the development of international trade, English is used more and more widely.Thus it is of great significance for us to acquire a good knowledge of English.Or rather if we cant communicate with foreigners in English freely, we may lose a huge number of chances.In fact we are all convinced that learning English well is not easy.Furthermore the key to learning English well lies in hard work and confidence.Anyway, as long as we get down to studying hard, nothing is too difficult to overcome.10

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