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word新概念英語第二冊語法總結(jié)一、冠詞The Article知識要點:冠詞是一種虛詞,放在名詞的前面,幫助說明名詞的含義。冠詞分不定冠詞The Indefinite Article和定冠詞The definite Article兩種。a (an) 是不定冠詞,a用在輔音之前:如a book, a man; an用在元音之前,如:an old man, an hour, an interesting book等。the是定冠詞。一、不定冠詞的用法1、指人或事物的某一種類泛指。這是不定冠詞a (an)的根本用法。如:She is a girl. I am a teacher. Please pass me an apple.2、指某人或某物,但不具體說明何人或何物。如:He borrowed a story-book from the library.A Wang is looking for you. 一位姓王的同志正在找你。3、表示數(shù)量,有“一的意思,但數(shù)的概念沒有one強烈。如:I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes.4、用于某些固定詞組中。如:a bit, a few, a little, a lot of, a piece of, a cup of, a glass of, a pile of, a pair of, have a good time, for a while, for a long time等。5、用在抽象名詞前,表具體的介紹a + 抽象名詞,起具體化的作用。如:This little girl is a joy to her parents. 這女孩對她父母來說是一個樂趣。It is a pleasure to talk with you. 跟您交談?wù)媸且患淇斓氖虑?。It is an honour to me to attend the meeting. 參加這個會,對我來說是一種榮譽。二、定冠詞的用法:1、特指某些人或某些事物。這是定冠詞the的根本用法。如:Beijing is the capital of China.The pen on the desk is mine.2、指談話雙方都知道的人或事物。如:Where is the teacher?Open the window, please.3、指上文提過的人或事物第二次出現(xiàn)。如:There was a chair by the window. On the chair sat a young woman with a baby in her arms.The baby was thin.4、用在世界上獨一無二的事物前。如:the earth, the moon, the sun.5、用在序數(shù)詞和形容詞最高級前。副詞最高級前的定冠詞可省略如:He is always the first to e to school.Bob is the tallest in his class.6、用在某些專有名詞前由普通名詞構(gòu)成的專用名詞。如:the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Science Museum, the Childrens Palace, the Party等。7、用在一些習(xí)慣用語中。如:on the day, in the morning (afternoon, evening), the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the next year, by the way等。8、用在江河湖海、山脈前。如:the Yellow River, the Pacific Ocean, the Alps, the Himalayas9、用在報刊、雜志前。如:the Peoples Daily, the Evening Paper, the Times 泰晤士報。10、表示某一家人要加定冠詞。如:The Browns are at home to receive visitors today. 布朗一家今天要接待客人。11、用在形容詞前,表某一類人。如:the poor, the wounded, the living, the dead, the rich, the sick等。12、定冠詞可以表示一事物內(nèi)部的某處。如:The driver always sits in the front of the bus(car).三、零冠詞即不用冠詞:1、專用名詞和不可數(shù)名詞前。如:China, America, Grade One, Class Two, milk, oil, water, paper, science等。2、名詞前已有作定語用的this, that, my, your, some, any等代詞。如:Go down this street.3、復(fù)數(shù)名詞表示一類人或事物時。如:We are students. I like reading stories.4、節(jié)日、日期、月份、季節(jié)前。如:Teachers Day, Childrens Day, National Day, in summer, in July等。、在稱呼語或表示頭銜的名詞前,尤其作表語、賓補時。如:Whats the matter, Granny? We elected him monitor.6、在某些習(xí)慣用語中的名詞前。如:at noon, at night, at first, at last, at most, at least, by bus(train, air, sea), in bed, in time, in front of, go to school, go to bed, go to college, on foot, at table, in ink, in pencil等。7、在三餐飯和球類運動前。如:She goes to school after breakfast every morning.We are going to play football.We usually have lunch at school.8、科目前不加。如:We learn Chinese, maths, English and some other subjects.【專項訓(xùn)練】:1、 We cant live withoutair.AanB×CtheDsome2、Have you seenpen? I left it here this morning.Is itblack one? I think I saw it somewhere.Aa; theBthe; theCthe; aDa; a3、Ive been waiting for him forhour andhalf.A× ×Bthe; aCa; theDan; a4、Whatfine weather we have today!AaB×CsomeDan5、Have you ever seenas tall as this one?Aa treeBsuch treeCan treeDtree6、Children usually go toschool atage of six.A× theBa; anCthe; ×Dthe; the7、Himalayas ishighest mountain inworld.A× the;×BThe; the; theCA; a; aD×××8、They each have_book. Li Huas is aboutwriter. Wang Lins is on science.Aa; a; ×Bthe; × theC× the; ×Da; the; a9、Physics isscience of matter and energy.AThe; ×B× ×C× theDA; a10、sun rises ineast and sets inwest.AA; an; aBThe;××CThe; the; theDA; the; a11、Many people agree that_knowledge of English is a must ininternational trade today.Aa;×Bthe; anCthe; theD× the12、_Mr Jones called while you were out (neither of us knows this man). He was in bad ×aBA;×CThe; theDA; a13、They were atdinner then. It wasdelicous one.Aa; theB××C×aDa; a14、what kind of car do you want to buy?A×BtheCaDan15、Alice is fond of playingpiano while Henry is interested in listening tomusic.A× theB××Cthe; ×Dthe; the16、Beyondstars, the astronaut saw nothing butspace.Athe; ×B× theC××Dthe; the17、Alexander Graham Bell inventedtelephone in 1876.A×BaCtheDone18、Wheres Jack?I think hes still inbed, but he might just be inbathroom.A××Bthe; theCthe; ×D× the19、Many people are still inhabit of writing silly things inpublic places.Athe; theB××Cthe; ×D× the20、Id likeinformation about the management of your hotel, please.Well, you could haveword with the manager. He might be helpful.Asome; aBan; someCsome; someDan; a【答案】:1、B air是不可數(shù)名詞。2、D 此題為97年高考題。根據(jù)句意,第一空是泛指,第一次出現(xiàn);第二空仍是泛指,且表數(shù)量“。3、D 元音前用an。4、B weather是不可數(shù)名詞。5、A 此題為85年高考題。泛指。6、A go to school是固定短語。7、B 山脈、形容詞最高級與世界上的唯一的名詞前加定冠詞。8、A 第一、二空泛指,第三空,science是不可數(shù)名詞。9、C 第一空,科目前不加冠詞;第二空特指,有定語。10、C11、A 第一空,a + 不可數(shù)名詞表具體的介紹;第二空,trade不可數(shù)。12、D 第一空是指有一位瓊斯先生在您不在的時候來訪。括號里說明,我們倆都不認識這個人,因此不是特指。第二空是固定短語,情緒不好。13、C 第一空at dinner正在吃飯,固定短語。14、A 泛指15、C 此題是89年高考題:樂器前加定冠詞;music是不可數(shù)名詞。16、A 此題是90年高考題:stars前應(yīng)加定冠詞;space不可數(shù)。17、C 此題是91年高考題:發(fā)明應(yīng)是特指。18、D 此題是92年高考題。in bed是固定短語,不加冠詞。19、C 此題是93年高考題。第一空后有定語,固是特指。第二空, public places,公共場所,泛指。20、A 此題是95年高考題。information是不可數(shù)名詞;have a word with sb.是固定短語。二、名詞Nouns知識要點:一、名詞的種類:1、專有名詞:1China, Japan, Beijing, London, Tom, Jack不加冠詞2the Great Wall, the Yellow River, the Peoples Republic of China, the United States等。由普通名詞構(gòu)成的專有名詞,要加定冠詞。2、普通名詞1不可數(shù)名詞注意:不可數(shù)名詞前一般不加冠詞,尤不加不定冠詞:假設(shè)加a(an)如此使之具體化了。如:have a wonderful time.不可數(shù)名詞作主語,謂語動詞用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。不可數(shù)名詞一般無復(fù)數(shù)形式。局部物質(zhì)名詞在表不同類別時,可用復(fù)數(shù)形式。如:fishes, newspapers, waters, snows| | |各種各樣的魚各種報紙河湖、海水積雪有些抽象名詞也常用復(fù)數(shù),變?yōu)榭蓴?shù)的具體的事物。如:times時代,works著作,difficulties困難在表數(shù)量時,常用“of詞組來表示。如:a glass of milk, a cup of tea, two pieces of paper.2可數(shù)名詞:可數(shù)名詞除用復(fù)數(shù)形式表一類之外,一般都要加冠詞:A birdcaufly.The frog is a kind of hibernating animal. Vegetables sold at this shop are usually fresh.有復(fù)數(shù)形式:a規(guī)如此變化加“s或“es與初中同,略b不規(guī)如此變化child (children), foot (feet), tooth (teeth), man (men), woman (women), mouse (mice), goose (geese), Englishman (Englishmen),phenomenon(phenomena)注意:c單、復(fù)數(shù)同形:sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese, fish同一種魚。如,a sheep, two sheepd只用復(fù)數(shù)形式: thanks, trousers, goods, clothes, socks, shoes,e形復(fù)實單:physics, politics, maths, news, plastics塑料,means.f形單實復(fù):people (人民,人們),the police, cattle等g集合名詞如:family, public, group, class等。當作為整體時,為單數(shù);當作為整體中的各個成員時,為復(fù)數(shù)。如: My family is a big one. My family are music lovers.h復(fù)合名詞變復(fù)數(shù)時,(a)只把復(fù)合名詞中的主體各詞變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)形式。如:sister(s)-in-law嫂子,弟妹;step-son (s)繼子;editor (s) -in-chief總編輯。(b)如沒有主體名詞如此在最后一個詞的后面加“s。如:grown-up(s)成年人,go-between(s)中間人(cwoman, man作定語時,要與被修飾的名詞的數(shù)一致。如:a man servantmen servants, a woman doctorwomen doctors二、名詞的所有格:1、表有生命的東西人或動物的名詞所有格,一般在名詞后加“s。如:Mikes bag, Childrens Day, my brothers room, womens rights注意:1名詞復(fù)數(shù)的詞尾是-s或-es,它的所有格只在詞后加“s。如:Teachers Day, the workers rest-home工人療養(yǎng)院,the students reading-room2復(fù)合名詞的所有格,在后面的詞后加“s。如:her son-in-laws photo她女婿的照片;anybody elses book其他任何人的書3如果一樣?xùn)|西為兩人或兩人以上共有,如此在最后的一個名詞后面加“s;如果不是共有,如此每個詞后都要加“s。如:Jane and Helens room. 珍妮和海倫的房間共有. Bills and Toms radios. 比爾的收音機和湯姆的收音機不共有4表地點店鋪,某人的家等的名詞所有格后面,一般省去它所修飾的名詞。如:the tailors (裁縫鋪) the doctors (診所) Mr Browns (布朗先生的家)5有些表時間、距離、國家、城鎮(zhèn)的無生命的名詞,也可加“s表所有格。如:half an hours walk (半小時的路程) Chinas agriculture (中國的農(nóng)業(yè))2、表示無生命的東西的名詞一般與of構(gòu)成詞組,表示所有格。如:the cover of the book3、表示有生命的東西的名詞也可以用of,特別是名詞較長,有較多的定語時。如:the story of Dr Norman BethuneDo you know the name of the boy standing at the gate?4、“of詞組+所有格的用法:在表示所屬物的名詞前有冠詞、數(shù)詞、不定代詞或指示代詞如:a, two, some, a few, this, that, these, those等時,常用“of詞組+所有格的形式來表示所有關(guān)系。如:a friend of my fathers 我父親的一位朋友。some inventions of Edisons 愛迪生的一些發(fā)明those exercise-books of the students 學(xué)生們的那些練習(xí)本?!緦m椨?xùn)練】:1、There are only twelvein the hospital.Awoman doctorsBwomen doctorsCwomen doctorDwoman doctor2、Mr Smith has two, both of whom are teachers in a school.Abrothers-in-lawBbrother-in-lawsCbrothers-in-lawsDbrothers-in law3、How manydoes a cow have?Four.AstomachesBstomachCstomachsDstomachies4、Somevisited our school last Wednesday.AGermanBGermenCGermansDGermens5、Theof the building are covered with lots of.Aroofs; leavesBrooves; leafsCroof; leafDroofs; leafs6、When the farmer returned home he found threemissing.AsheepsBsheepesCsheepDsheepies7、That was a fiftyengine.Ahorse powerBhorses powerChorse powersDhorses powers8、My father often gives me.Amany adviceBmuch adviceCa lot of advicesDa few advice9、Mary broke awhile she was washing up.Atea cupBa cup of teaCteas cupDcup tea10、Can you give us someabout the writer?AinformationsBinformationCpiece of informationsDpieces information11、I had a cup ofand two pieces ofthis morning.Ateas; breadBteas; breadsCtea; breadsDtea; bread12、As is known to us all, travels much faster than.Alights; soundsBlight; soundCsound; lightDsounds; lights13、She told him of all herand .Ahope; fearBhopes; fearChopes; fearsDhope; fears14、The risingdid a lot ofto the crops.Awater; harmBwater; harmsCwaters; harmDwaters; harms15、How far away is it from here to your school?Its about.Ahalf an hours driveBhalf hours drivesChalf an hour drivesDhalf an hour drive16、The shirt isnt mine. Its.AMrs SmithBMrs SmithCMrs SmithsDMrs Smiths17、Miss Johnson is a friend of.AMarys motherBMarys mothersCMary mothersDMarys mothers18、Last week I called at my.AauntBauntsCauntsDauntes19、The beach is athrow.AstoneBstonesCstonesDstones20、I can hardly imaginesailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.APeterBPeterCPetersDPeters【答案】:1、B2、A3、C stomach胃雖是“ch結(jié)尾,但其發(fā)音為k,所以加“s,不用加“es。4、C5、A roof, chief, gulf, belief等詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式,直接加“s。6、C7、A 名詞作定語一般不用復(fù)數(shù)。8、B9、A 根據(jù)句意,打破的應(yīng)是杯子,而不是茶;名詞作定語表類別不用加“s。10、B11、D12、B13、C14、C15、A16、D 根據(jù)上句,此處應(yīng)是史密斯太太的襯衫。17、D18、C19、D a stones throw是固定短語,意為“近在咫尺。20、B 此句中Peter作動名詞sailing的所有格,本應(yīng)用Peters,但因其在動詞后作賓語,所以可用賓格,因此B為正確答案。三、主謂一致Agreement知識要點:在英語的句子中,謂語動詞的形式應(yīng)與主語的人稱和數(shù)保持一致。如何判定,如此要看句子的意思。多數(shù)情況下,根據(jù)句子的主語形式就能判定,但有的如此要看整句的意思,與強調(diào)的內(nèi)容。下面我們就常用的、易混的幾種情況作一下解釋。1、以單數(shù)名詞或代詞、不定式、動名詞短語或從句作主語時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式。如:1The book is on the table.2To work hard is necessary.It is necessary to work hard.4How you get there is a problem.2、復(fù)數(shù)主語跟復(fù)數(shù)動詞。如:、在倒裝句中,動詞的數(shù)應(yīng)和它后面的主語的數(shù)一致。如以here,there開頭,be 動詞與后面第一個名詞一致。如:1There is a dog near the door.2Here es the bus.4On the wall were two famous paintings.5Here is Mr Brown and his children.4、and連接兩個或兩個以上的并列主語時,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)。如果主語后跟有with, together with, except, but, perhaps , like, including, as well as, no less than, more than, rather than等引起的短語,謂語動詞仍與短語前的主語的形式保持一致。如:1Jane, Mary and I are good friends.2He and my father work in the same factory.3His sister, no less than you, is wrong.4The father, rather than the brothers, is responsible for the accident.5He, like you and Xiao Liu is very diligent.6Every picture except these two has been sold.7Alice with her parents often goes to the park on Sundays.8Alice as well as her friends was invited to the concert.9Nobody but Mary and I was in the classroom at that time.5、并列主語如果指的是同一個人、同一事物或同一概念時,謂語動詞用單數(shù),and后面的名詞沒有冠詞。如:1The writer and worker is ing to our school tomorrow.這位工人作家明天要來我們學(xué)校。2Bread and butter is their daily food. 面包和黃油是他們每日的食品。3The writer and the worker are ing to our school tomorrow.那位作家和那位工人明天將來我們學(xué)校。6、and連接的并列單數(shù)名詞前如有each, every, no, many a修飾時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式。如:1Every boy and girl has been invited to the party.所有的孩子都被邀請參加這次聚會。2No teacher and no student is absent today.今天沒有教師和學(xué)生缺席。3Many a student is busy with their lessons.許許多多的學(xué)生都忙著復(fù)習(xí)他們的功課。7、each, either, one, another, the other, neither作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。如:1Each takes a cup of tea.2Either is correct.3Neither of them likes this picture.8、由every, some, any, no構(gòu)成的合成代詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。如:1Is everyone here?2Nothing is to be done. 沒有什么要干的事兒了。9、關(guān)系代詞who, that, which等在定語從句中作主語時,其謂語動詞的數(shù)應(yīng)與句中先行詞的數(shù)一致。如:1Those who want to go please sign their names here.2Anyone who is against this opinion may speak out.3He is one of the students who were praised at the meeting.10、表示時間、距離、價格、度量衡等的復(fù)數(shù)名詞或短語作為一個整體看待時,其謂語動詞常用單數(shù)形式。如:1Three years is not a long time.2Five hundred miles is a long distance.11、復(fù)數(shù)形式的專有名詞作為整體看待如人名、地點、國家、組織、書籍、報刊等,動詞用單數(shù)形式。如:1The United States is in North America.2The United Nations has passed a resolution(決議)。3“The Arabian Nights天方夜譚is an interesting book.12、有些集體名詞如family, team, group, class, audience聽眾,觀眾,government等作主語時,如看作是一個整體,謂語動詞如此用單數(shù)形式;如強調(diào)各個成員時,謂語動詞要用復(fù)數(shù)形式。如:1My family is going to have a long journey.我家要進展一次長途旅行。2My family are fond of music. 我家人都喜歡音樂。3The class has won the honour. 這班獲得了榮譽。4The class were jumping for joy. 全班同學(xué)都高興得跳了起來。13、all, more, most, some, any, none, half, the rest等作主語時,既可表示復(fù)數(shù)意義,也可表示單數(shù)意義,謂語動詞要根據(jù)實際情況而定。如:1All of the apple is rotten. 整個蘋果都爛了。2All of the apples are rotten. 所有的蘋果都爛了。3Most of the wood was used to make furniture (家具)。14、the + 形容詞或分詞作主語時,常指一類人,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式。如指的是抽象概念,謂語動詞如此用單數(shù)形式。如:1The young are usually very active. 年輕人通常是很活躍的。2The wounded are being taken good care of here now. 現(xiàn)在傷病員們在這里受到了很好照顧。15、or, eitheror, neithernor, whetheror, not onlybut (also)連接的是主語,謂語動詞與后一個主語一致。如:1Either you or I am going to the movies.2Not only you but also he is wrong.16、不可數(shù)名詞沒有復(fù)數(shù)形式,作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。如:1Water is a kind of matter.2The news at six oclock is true.17、集合名詞如:people, police ,cattle等作主語,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式。如:1The police are searching for him.2The cattle are grassing (吃草)。18、population當人口講時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式;當人們講時,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)。如:1The population of China is larger than that of Japan.2One third of the population here are workers.19、the number of + 名詞復(fù)數(shù),是表示“的數(shù)字,作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式;a (large / great) number of + 名詞復(fù)數(shù),表示許多,作主語時;謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式。1The number of the students in our school is increasing year after year.2A number of students have gone for an outing.20、means, politics, physics, plastics等作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。【專項訓(xùn)練】1、Nothing but carsin the shop.Ais soldBare soldCwere soldDare going to sell2、No one except Jack and Tomthe answer.AknowBknowsCis knowingDare known3、Seventy percent of the students in our schoolfrom the countryside.AisBareCesDare ing4、of the moneyused up.AThree-five, areBThree-fifths, have beenCThree-fifths, has beenDThird-fifths, is5、The number of the people whocarsincreasing.Aowns, areBowns, isCown, isDown, are6、One of Marxs workswritten in English in the 1860s.AwasBwereCwould beDare7、The sheets for your bedwashing.AneedsBare needingCwantDare wanting8、On each side of the streeta lot of trees.AstandsBgrowCis standingDare grown9、Some personcalling for you at the gate.Aare BisCis beingDwill be10、All that can be eateneaten up.Aare beingBhas beenChad beenDhave been11、Toms teacher and friendMr. Smith.AareBisCare beingDhas12、Your new clothes fit you, but mineme.Adoesnt fitBdont fitCdoesnt fit forDdont fit for13、Neither he nor Ifor the plan.AamBareCisDwere14、Many a studentthat mistake before.Ahas madeBhave madeChas been madeDhad made15、Peter, perhaps John,playing with the little dog.AisBareCwereDseems16、Laying eggsthe ant queens full-time job.AisBareChasDhave17、Between the two buildingsa monument.AstandBstandsCstandingDis standing18、I, whoyour good friend, will share your joys and sorrow.AamBisCareDwas19、The United Nationsin 1945.Awere foundBwere foundedCwas foundedDwas found20、were also invited to the party.AMr SmithBThe SmithCThe SmithsDSmiths21、The glass worksin 1959.Awere set upBwas set upCwere put upDwere built22、Three hours with your girl friendto be a short time.AseemBseemsCis seemingDhas seemed23、It was reported that sixincluding a boy.Awas killedBwere killedCwas killingDhad killed24、The policea prisoner.Ais searching forBare searching forCis searchingDare searched for25、Deerfaster than dogs.ArunBrunsCare runningDwill run26、The woundedgood care of here now.Ais takenBare being takenCare takingDis taking27、The whole classgreatly moved at his words.AwasBwereChadDis28、Over 80 percent of the population of Chinapeasants.AwasBisCareDwill be29、Therea knife and fork on the table.Aseems to beBseem to beCis seeming to beDare30、Those whosinging may join us.Aare likingBlikesCenjoyDis fond of31、His familymusic lovers.Aall areBare allCisDare being32、A professor and a writerpresent at the meeting.AwasBisCwereDhad been33、The pair of shoesworn out.AwasBwereChave beenDhad been34、The students in our school eachan English dictionary.AhaveBhasChadDare having35、More than one answerto the question.Ahave been givenBhas been givenCwere givenDhad given36、areBisCwereDwas37、Our familya happy one.AisBareCwasDwere38、Most of the mistakesbecause of carelessness.Awere madeBare madeChas been madeDwere making39、Most of his timein reading novels.Aare spentBis spentCwere spentDwas spending40、The rest of the novelvery interesting.AwereBareCisDseem41、I know that allgetting on well with her.AwasBisCareDwere42、When and where this took placestill unknown.AareBwereCisDhas43、Not only the workers but also the machinenot there.AareBwereCisDhas44、Very fewhis address in the town.AknowsBknowCare knowingDhas known45、Ten thousand dollarsa large sum of money.AareBisCwereDseem46、Twenty milesa long way to cover.AwereBareCisDseem to be47、Nine plus threetwelve.AmakesBmakeCis makingDare making48、There are two roads and eitherto the station.AleadsBleadCare leadingDis leading49、My father, together with some of his old friends,there already.Ahave beenBhas beenChad beenDwill be50、My family as well as Iglad to see you.AamBareCisDwas【答案】:1、A 因有連詞but,所以謂語形式跟Nothing一致,用第三人稱單數(shù)。見講解4。2、B 同上3、B 見講解2。4、C 見講解16。5、C 定語從句看被修飾的先行詞:the number of作主語用單數(shù)形式。見講解9,19。6、A 見講解1。7、C 見講解2。8、B 倒裝句,要看后面的主語。見講解3。9、B some person指“某人是第三人稱單數(shù)。見講解13。10、B 主語“all指的是“food,所以代不可數(shù)名詞,是第三人稱單數(shù)。見講解13。11、B Toms teacher and friend,因friend前沒有冠詞,所以實際指的是同一個人。見講解5。12、B 根據(jù)前一分句的意思,第二分句中的mine指的是“my new clothes,因此主語是復(fù)數(shù)。13、A neithernor連接主語,動詞與后面的主語保持一致。見講解15。14、A 見講解6。15、A 見講解4。16、A 見講解1,動名詞作主語。17、B 倒裝,見講解3。18、A 見講解9。19、C 見講解11。20、C 因謂語動詞是復(fù)數(shù),所主語應(yīng)是復(fù),The Smiths是指史密斯一家人。21、B works在此句中是指工廠,所以是單數(shù)。22、B 見講解10。23、B six在這兒指的是人,因此用復(fù)數(shù)形式。24、B 見講解17。25、A deer, sheep是單、復(fù)數(shù)同形,根據(jù)后面的dogs,前面的deer應(yīng)是復(fù)數(shù)單數(shù)前應(yīng)有a。26、B 見講解14。27、B 見講解12,因人才能受感動,所以the whole class是指全班的成員。28、C 見講解18。29、A 見講解5。刀、叉是一副而論,所以看作單數(shù)。30、C 見講解9。31、B 見講解12。32、C 見講解4,注意與第11題比擬。33、A 因此句主語是pair,所以用單數(shù)。34、A 因此句主語是the students,所以用復(fù)數(shù)。如果each作主語,謂語動詞如此用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。如:Each of the students / Each student has an English dictionary.35、B 此句中的主語是one answer,所以謂語動詞應(yīng)與它保持一致。36、B 根據(jù)句意,這個男孩是學(xué)校中唯一來自農(nóng)村的學(xué)生,自然后面的定語從句的主語是單數(shù),所以謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式,又因主從句時態(tài)保持一致,故B是唯一正確答案。37、A 見講解12。38、A 見講解2。39、B 見講解16。40、C 這部小說的剩余局部,還沒超出“一,用單數(shù)。41、C 見講解13,不定代詞all在此句中代“與她相處的人,所以是復(fù)數(shù)。42、C 見講解1,when and where this took place是一個從句。43、C 見講解15。44、B few在此代人,是復(fù)數(shù)。45、B 見講解10。46、C 同上。47、A 同上。48、A 見講解7。49、B 見講解4。50、B 同上。四、虛擬語氣虛擬語氣分三種情況來掌握:1、虛擬條件句。2、名詞性虛擬語氣。3、虛擬語氣的其他用語。一、虛擬條件句:條件狀語從句是非真實情況,在這種情況下要用虛擬語氣。1、條件從句與現(xiàn)在事實不一致,其句型為:If 主語過去時,主語shouldcould, would, 或might動詞原形,如:If I were you, I would study hard.If it rained, I would not be here now.2、條件從句與過去事實不一致,句型為:If 主語had過去分詞,主語shouldcould, would, 或mighthave過去分詞,如:If the doctor had e last night, the boy would have saved.If I had not studied hard, I would ha


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