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Human Cloning:A Scientiet27a Story 全新版大學(xué)英語 第三冊UNIT 8課文翻譯

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Human Cloning:A Scientiet27a Story 全新版大學(xué)英語 第三冊UNIT 8課文翻譯

【精品文檔】如有侵權(quán),請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除,僅供學(xué)習與交流Human Cloning:A Scientiet27a Story 全新版大學(xué)英語 第三冊UNIT 8課文翻譯.精品文檔.Human Cloning: A Scientist's StoryDr. Samuel Wood via interview I was extremely close with my mother all my life. She was a brilliant educator, writer and wonderful woman. Sadly, she developed complications related to diabetes. When she lost her eyesight and most of her ability to walk, it was absolutely horrifying for me. She passed away from a fall seven or eight years ago. At her funeral, I swore that one day I'd do something about conditions like hers.克隆人:一位科學(xué)家的故事塞繆爾·伍德博士采訪錄我一生與母親無比親密。她是一位卓越的教育家、作家,是一位了不起的女士。不幸的是,她患上了糖尿病引起的并發(fā)癥。當她喪失視力和大部分行走能力時,我驚恐萬狀。七、八年前,她摔了一跤便離開人世。在她的葬禮上,我發(fā)誓有朝一日要為她那樣的疾病做點什么。 2. Years passed and I read about the work the South Koreans had done with stem cells. In 2004 and 2005 Hwang Woo-Suk fraudulently reported that he had succeeded in creating human embryonic stem cells by cloning. 時間一年年過去,我讀到了韓國人在干細胞研究方面所做的工作。在2004年和2005年間,黃禹錫謊稱他已通過克隆技術(shù)成功地培養(yǎng)出人類胚胎干細胞。3. Back then it wasn't known it was a fraud, so it was very exciting to think that a long list of diseases could be treated. 當時人們并不知道那是造假,所以想到一長串疾病有望得到醫(yī)治,人們興奮不已。4. I founded the stem cell research company Stemagen with another gentleman whose father had died of ALS. We went out for drinks one night and we started talking about our parents. We wanted to do something that would be a legacy for them. 我與另一位先生共同創(chuàng)建了斯塔摩根干細胞研究公司。那位先生的父親死于肌萎縮性(脊髓)側(cè)索硬化。一天晚上,我們外出小酌,談?wù)撈鹞覀兊母改?。我們想做點什么,以此作為他們身后留下的遺產(chǎn)。5. For Better Or Worse?是福是禍?6. The moment we decided to start Stemagen, I read all there was to read about the various cloning efforts in the past. The cloned sheep Dolly in 1997 was very interesting, but at that stage people were not focusing on the stem cell aspect of cloning; they were focusing on the reproductive possibilities of cloning. 一決定創(chuàng)建斯塔摩根干細胞研究公司,我就閱讀了有關(guān)以往各種克隆實驗的所有資料。1997年的克隆羊多利引起了人們極大的興趣。但在那個時候,人們關(guān)注的不是克隆技術(shù)的干細胞層面,而是其無性繁殖的可能性問題。7. Human reproductive cloning is just simply wrong ethically from a medical standpoint and a scientific standpoint, even ignoring any religious issues associated with it. The reason is that the majority of reproductive clones in other species are actually abnormal, with very high miscarriage rates, very high stillbirth rates, fetal anomalies, death soon after birth, et cetera. 從醫(yī)學(xué)和科學(xué)的角度來看,克隆人在倫理道德上就是錯誤的,即便不去理會與其相關(guān)的宗教問題。其原因在于其他物種的無性繁殖個體事實上大多數(shù)都是畸形的,流產(chǎn)率很高,死產(chǎn)率很高,胎兒畸形,出生不久便夭折,等等。8. It would just be absolutely wrong to take a human being and put them through what may well involve significant suffering for really no good end. Even though people could take the techniques that we've developed and attempt to do it (or perhaps even be successful doing it), we hope that they would not.讓人經(jīng)受極有可能遭到巨大痛苦的事,卻又得不到什么好的結(jié)果,那是絕對錯誤的。即使有人能夠利用我們研發(fā)的技術(shù),并且試圖付諸實踐(也許還能成功),我們還是希望他們不要那樣做。9. On the other hand, therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of risk to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in real human beings who are going through some awful things. 從另一方面來說,治療性的克隆技術(shù)不牽涉任何對人生命的威脅,還能真正為正在經(jīng)受痛苦的人們提供緩解痛苦的極大的可能性。10. I'm a pure scientist in some ways, and I know that many different studies or findings could be used for evil. Our job as scientists is to make the most of this technology and make it available to the greatest number of other scientists who can help us do good things with it. There's really no effective way for an individual scientist to stop someone else from using the knowledge for something they shouldn't.在某種程度上,我是一個純粹的科學(xué)家,可我知道種種研究或發(fā)現(xiàn)可能被用來做邪惡之事。作為科學(xué)家,我們的工作是充分利用這一技術(shù),并且使之被盡可能多的其他科學(xué)家掌握,幫助我們做好事。對于科學(xué)家個人而言,其實沒有什么行之有效的方法可以阻止他人將知識用在他們不該用的地方。11. We need to be honest about the techniques that we used. They need to be able to be replicated by other people, and so, we are providing a roadmap. I would hope that the legislation that's in place and the great public disapproval that would result from any attempt to clone a human would dissuade anyone from going down that path. 我們必須誠實地說明我們所使用的技術(shù)。這些技術(shù)必須能夠被他人復(fù)制,這樣,我們等于提供了一張路線圖。我希望適當?shù)姆ㄒ?guī)以及公眾對于試圖克隆人的極力反對能夠勸阻任何有此企圖的人走那條路。12. What is it they say? There is no technology that hasn't been used for some evil purpose at some point. Quite honestly I do think that someone will attempt human reproductive cloning. I do think it's inevitable, and it's virtually impossible to legislate that away. 他們是怎么說的?他們說沒有一項技術(shù)不曾在某個時候為了某種罪惡目的而被利用過。坦誠地說,我確實認為有人會試圖克隆人。我確實認為那是不可避免的事,而且實際上也不可能通過立法加以阻止。 13. Claim to Fame出名14. I am spoken of as the first man to "clone himself." There are different types of cloning. At the cellular level, yes, it's true I am the first man to clone himself. We thought a great deal about how to deal with the issue of whose cells we should use and whether we should let the world and the scientific community know who the first cellular clone was.我被說成是第一個“克隆自己”的人。有不同類型的克隆。在細胞層面上講,沒錯,我的確是第一個克隆自己的人。我們應(yīng)該使用誰的細胞,是否應(yīng)該讓世人及科學(xué)界知曉誰是第一個細胞克隆體,對于如何處理上述問題我們想得很多。15. In the end we decided that we wanted to put a human face on cloning.最終,我們決定要讓克隆體人性化。16. I didn't anticipate it would create the firestorm of controversy that it's created, but I'm still glad we went down that path. We received thousands of e-mails and phone calls from people who need help. 我沒料到這樣做竟會掀起如此軒然大波,但是對于我們走過的這條路,我仍感到高興。我們從需要幫助的人們那里收到了成千上萬的電子郵件和電話。17. I think by coming forward and putting a face to it we made it very real, and now people around the world know that cloning is here. I believe that very soon it will be used therapeutically, so I think our purpose was served. 我認為通過主動地讓克隆體人性化,我們使克隆技術(shù)變得十分真實?,F(xiàn)在全世界的人都知道克隆來了。我相信不久克隆技術(shù)將被用于治療疾病,所以我認為我們的目的達到了。18. Pure Science純科學(xué)19. What happens is an informed and consenting woman donates an egg and we remove her genetic material from the egg. Then we place a single skin cell inside that egg. 事情是這樣的:一位被告知實情并表示同意的女士捐出一個卵子。我們?nèi)〕雎炎又械幕虿牧?,然后把單個皮膚細胞置入這個卵子。20. What we're really interested in is creating disease-specific and person-specific stem cell lines. The procedure of taking cells from a person takes no more than a minute or two. You can take some skin cells from the arm, for example, and in one to two minutes, you can get the cells that you need to carry out this process.我們真正感興趣的是建立特定疾病及特定個體的干細胞系列。從某人身上取出細胞的程序不過一兩分鐘的工夫。比方說,你可以從手臂提取皮膚細胞,一兩分鐘后,便可得到實施這一過程所需的細胞。21. This process enables us to study the causes of specific diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease, ALS or Parkinson's Disease, and then research a variety of treatments for these diseases. If the stem cell lines are created for any given individual and are later transplanted back into the individual, they will not be rejected by the individual.這一過程有助于我們探究諸如早老性癡呆病、肌萎縮性(脊髓)側(cè)索硬化或者帕金森氏病之類特定疾病的起因,并著手研究治療這些疾病的種種方法。如果干細胞系列是針對某一特定個體而培育的,然后又被移植回那個個體,它們就不會遭排異。22. Sweet Success甜蜜的成功23. I always thought that when our research was successful I would just be pleased that we had accomplished this when others had not. In reality, it is transcendent when you look through the microscope, you see what you may have looked like a long time ago, at least in part. 我一直這么想,當我們的研究獲得成功時,我會為我們?nèi)〉昧藙e人還未取得的成果而欣喜。事實上,這一研究成果真是妙不可言透過顯微鏡,你至少部分地看到自己很久以前大概是什么模樣。24. When I looked down and saw that cloned blastocyst, it brought tears to my eyes. I had done this for my mother, and I realized, had she only been able to live a few years longer, maybe we could have used this technology to help her. It was emotional to see that potential, which she never had a chance to experience. 當我低下頭看到克隆出的胚泡時,不由得淚水盈眶。我是為母親而做這一研究的。我想,母親只要能多活幾年,我們或許就可以利用這一技術(shù)挽救她??吹酱嬖谀菢右环N可能,一種母親沒有機會親身享用的可能,不禁令人感慨萬千。25. There's a big misconception out there that we decided to destroy these embryos for some reason. There was so much skepticism about this process because of the scientific fraud from the past that it was critical that there be no doubt that they were clones.我們出于某種原因決定毀掉這些克隆胚胎,對此外界有很大誤解。由于以往的科學(xué)造假行為,人們對于我們的研究過程抱有諸多懷疑,所以確保它們確系克隆胚胎是至關(guān)重要的。26. In the process of analysis, the embryos were destroyed by necessity. In other words, to get the genetic material from inside the cells to analyze it, you have to destroy the cell. We would have loved to have been able to avoid destroying them. 在分析的過程中,我們必須毀掉那些胚胎。換句話說,從細胞里提取遺傳物質(zhì)進行分析,你只得毀壞細胞。我們多么希望能夠避免毀掉它們啊。27. Now we're working full-time on creating stem cell lines, and people are watching with great interest. 目前我們正夜以繼日地培育干細胞系列,人們也饒有興趣地關(guān)注著這項工作的進展。28. The Pope And The President教皇和總統(tǒng)29. There are a variety of opponents to our work.我們的工作遭到各方人士的反對。30. We were condemned by the Vatican and mentioned in a negative light in President Bush's State of the Union address. In a sense it's an honor because it shows that we're doing something significant. It's not every day that you get condemned by the Vatican and President Bush in the same week. 羅馬教廷譴責我們,布什總統(tǒng)的國情咨文對我們也頗有微詞。在某種意義上,這是一種榮耀,因為這表明我們正做著有重大意義的事情。一周之內(nèi)同時遭到羅馬教廷和布什總統(tǒng)的譴責,這樣的事可不是天天發(fā)生的。31. There's usually no dialogue between the researchers in the embryonic stem cell field and those who oppose it. 胚胎干細胞領(lǐng)域的研究人員和持反對意見的人士之間往往沒有對話。32. It doesn't make sense to me that it's such an emotional and contentious topic. Logically, this is not life. I agree it's a potential life, but the vast majority of embryos never become life. The majority generate, don't implant and die. A fetus is a life. That argument makes sense to me, but it doesn't make sense to me to look at an embryo in a lab and give it all the rights of a human life. 這個話題如此惹人激動,并引起偌大的爭議,依我看來實在大可不必。從邏輯上講,胚胎并不是生命。我承認胚胎有可能成為生命,但是,大多數(shù)胚胎永遠不會成為生命。多數(shù)胚胎生成后,并不用于移植,隨即消亡。胎兒具有生命。依我之見,那個觀點才合乎情理。但是,看著實驗室里的胚胎,賦予它人命的一切權(quán)利,在我看來則有失偏頗。


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