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2021-2022年四年級英語上冊 Unit3教案 人教PEP(標準版)

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2021-2022年四年級英語上冊 Unit3教案 人教PEP(標準版)

2021-2022年四年級英語上冊 Unit3教案 人教PEP(標準版)單元內容分析:本單元學習的主題是向他人介紹自己的好朋友,對好友的性格和外貌特征進行描述,情景圖通過展示學生們介紹好友的情景呈現(xiàn)本單元要學習的核心詞匯和句型。單元教學建議: 1、利用主情景圖導入話題,幫助了解主要內容。2、學習核心句型:Whats his name ? His name is Zhang peng.Hes tall and strong。3、理解glasses和shoes的末尾es和s的發(fā)音。4、認真觀察圖片,聽錄音,學習Lets sing。單元教學目標:1、能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞:strong、friendly、quiet、hair、shoe、glasses。2、能夠聽、說、認讀句型:Whats his name? His name is.,who is he? 3、能夠在情景中運用句型:Whats his/her name? Who is he/she?并能夠回答。4、能夠在有意義的語境中描述話題詞匯。5、能夠掌握oe的發(fā)音規(guī)則,能夠讀出符合oe的發(fā)音規(guī)則的單詞。單元課時安排:共6課時。第一課時 Main scene A Lets play第二課時 A Lets learnA Lets spell第三課時 B Lets talk B Lets play 第四課時 B Lets learn B Say and draw第五課時 B Read and writeB Lets sing 第六課時 C Story time第一課時教學目標:1、能聽懂、會說What's his name? His name is. Hes.2、能聽、說、認讀I have a new friend. A Chinese friend? What's his name? His name is. 教學重難點:1、詞匯:Chinese, friendly 2、Chinese, his的尾音教學準備:1、幾張班里同學的照片。2、John和他媽媽的圖片。3、教材相配套的教學錄音帶。教學過程:(一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)1問答練習:Who's your best friend? 2做“猜人”的游戲。讓一個學生描述班里某一個同學的模樣,其他同學來猜這個人是誰。盡量多做幾組,練習句型Who's he/she? He/She is .(二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation)1新課導入。教師先自我介紹My name's .,然后提問一名男生What's your name?該名學生回答問題后,教師對大家說:His name is He is教師問學生:What's his name? 啟發(fā)學生回答:His name is.教師繼續(xù)指其他男生,讓學生回答:What's his name? 教師再指另一個男生,讓一個學生問What's your name?另一個學生回答 His name is.(多做幾組)2教師指著一個女生說:She's Her name is 然后問學生:What's her name?讓學生試著回答:Her name is教師再指幾個女生問:What's her name? 讓學生兩人一組做What's her name? Her name is的問答練習。3教師出示課文人物圖片,讓學生做問答:What's his/her name? His/Her name is、。4出示班里某個學生的照片,教師說:Look, I have some pictures.Look at this picture, who can tell me his /her name? 5句型His/Her name is、。6教師依次出示一些學生的照片,讓學生看著照片運用所學知識對這個學生進行描述。例如:His name is Peter. He has short black hair and big eyes. He's tall and strong. 7教師出示John的圖片問:What' s his name? 學生回答John.教師再出示他媽媽的圖片,說:She is John's mother. John is talking about his Chinese friend to his mother. 解釋Chinese. 教師:We are all Chinese, because we are all from China.(這時教師可以指一指教室里的國旗,幫助學生理解) 教讀單詞Chinese。8讓學生就對話內容回答問題。Does John have a Chinese friend? What's his friend's name? Is he tall and strong? 9、聽錄音,跟讀對話。10、讓學生表演課文對話。(三)趣味操練(Practice)1做“猜人”游戲。與Let's play部分相結合。讓一個學生來描述自己的朋友,其他同學要根據(jù)描述猜出這個人是誰。如:My friend is a boy. He's thin. He has short hair. He likes math. Who's he? 2聽音猜人。教師讓猜迷的人到前面來,背對全班,然后讓一位學生站起來用英語跟他說一句話。猜的學生要根據(jù)說話人的聲音判斷性別A boy? A girl?其他學生判斷Yes或No。如果回答對了,全班同學再問:What's his/her name? 猜的學生要繼續(xù)回答出說話人的姓名。全班同學用Yes.或No來判斷對錯。猜的學生規(guī)定有5次機會,如果回答5次還猜不出來,就算輸了。(四)Homework: 回家介紹你的朋友給你的爸爸媽媽。第二課時教學目標:1. 能聽懂會說本課對話:I have a good friend.He's tall and strong.Who is he?His name is. 2. 牢記新詞組和單詞:tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet 教學重難點:1、能在活動中互助合作、體驗合作愉快的精神,發(fā)展合作精神,培養(yǎng)學生的創(chuàng)造力與想象力。2、能運用所學的語言知識在創(chuàng)設的情境中進行熟練的交際。3、引導學生積極與他人合作,共同完成學習任務,并在成功中體會英語學習中的樂趣。教學準備:詞卡和圖片教學過程:一、Warming up(熱身活動)1Greetings. 教師面帶微笑,走下講臺與學生握手問候。Whats your name? My name is Whats his name? His name is 2播放歌曲“My friends”二、 Presentation 1、 拿出Sarah的頭飾,介紹This is Sarah. Shes my friend. 強調女孩的時候要用shes繼續(xù)介紹Shes friendly and cute. (Teach the new words.) Chant: friendly friends , friendly friends, friends are friendly. 2、T :Ask one student: Do you have a friend? Who is he/she?學生跟讀。3、Ask and answer: (have a train) S1: Do you have a friend? S2: Who is she/he? S3:His/Her name is. (以開火車的形式既鞏固了練習了句型。) 4、教學單詞short, tall, thin, strong。出示有一高一矮的人物圖片:-Hes tall. Whats he like?- Hes short. 出示有一胖一瘦的人物圖片,-Hes thin and Hes short .5、教學單詞cute 和quite,結合表情和圖片幫助學生理解意義。He is cute./quite. 讓學生想想Who is cute./quite? is cute./quite.學生學習單詞cute./quite。觀察和理解單詞cute./quite,結合句型進行操練,并能表達出cute./quite的表情,最后結合句型Who is cute./quite? is cute./quite進行鞏固。6、Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 通過聽課文,要求學生完成一定的任務,I have a good friend.He's tall and strong.Who is he?His name is. 7、猜一猜:eg: S1:I have a friend.Shes/Hes (short, tall, thin, strong.) S2: Who is she/he? S3:His/Her name is. 8、 Lets chant。跟著錄音學唱歌曲,并掌握歌詞的意思。三、作業(yè):讓學生聽錄音,跟讀B部分Lets talk的內容和Lets chant的內容,邊讀邊做出相應的動作。第三課時教學目標:1、聽、說、讀、寫詞匯nose note CokeMr.Jones 2、在實際情境中靈活運用以上所學詞匯。3、培養(yǎng)學生良好的英語拼讀習慣。教學重難點:聽、說、讀、寫詞匯o的發(fā)音教學準備:點讀機教學過程:一、reparation 1.播放Lets do的錄音,學生邊聽邊說邊做此部分的活動2.播放Lets spell的錄音學生跟讀。3.學生以“開火車”等多種形式練習 nose note Coke Mr.Jone 4.讓學生在小組內互相檢查單詞的認讀nose note Coke Mr.Jone 5. 播放read and listen的錄音繼續(xù)鞏固四會單詞nose note Coke Mr.Jone 二、Lets write 1.教師范寫nose (看圖,說一說,拼一拼)生在英語練習本上仿寫三遍2.以同樣的方式讀寫note Coke Mr.Jone 教師要巡視指導學生單詞的書寫,也可請書寫的好的孩子上臺展示。三、作業(yè)抄寫書上的單詞。第四課時教學目標:1、能夠聽、說、認讀句型:Whats his name? His name is.,who is he? 2、能夠在情景中運用句型:Whats his/her name? Who is he/she?并能夠回答。教學重難點:1、句型:Whats her name? Her name isHe/She likes2、詞匯:some3、區(qū)別Whats her name?與Whats his name?4、區(qū)分Whos she? Whos he? he, his; she, her本身人稱代詞與物主代詞易搞混。教學準備:1、John和Chen Jie的面具。2、教學點讀機。教學過程:(一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)1 做接龍游戲。教師(指著一名男生)問一個學生Whats his name?然后讓這個回答問題的學生繼續(xù)向另一個學生問同樣的問題,直到教師命令停止為止。(注:如指的是女生則用Whats her name?來詢問)2Say something about your friend: I have a friend. He/She has He/She is He/She likes(二)呈現(xiàn)新課 (Presentation)1做“猜物”游戲。教師手拿一本書:I have a book. Guess! A maths book or A Chinese book?教師手拿一個蘋果:I have an apple. Guess! Red or green? 2教師提問學生:Have you got brothers or sisters?讓學生理解or的中文意思。3教師自己蒙上眼睛,隨便點一位學生,問全班“Boy or girl?” 學生答“A boy.”教師問:Whats his name? 做這個游戲時教師可有意識地點向男生。繼續(xù)游戲,指向女生問:Whos this girl? Whats her name?4教師出示Chen Jie 的面具(給學生看面具背面),問學生Boy or girl? 學生答出girl.教師再問:Whats her name?5教師出示John的面具(給學生看面具背面),問學生Boy or girl? 學生答出boy。教師再問:Whats his name?6教師:Chen Jie and John are talking about their friends.讓學生看書。7看完回答問題:Whos Chen Jies friend? Whos Johns friend?8聽錄音跟讀課文。9兩人一組表演課文。10讓學生自編新對話,向大家展示,教師給與評價。11聽錄音,讓學生跟讀chant。(三)趣味操練 (Practice)1聽音猜人。教師讓猜謎的人到前面來,背對全班,然后讓一位學生站起來用英語跟他說一句話。全班同學先一起問:Boy or girl? 猜的學生要根據(jù)說話人的聲音判斷性別。如果回答對了,全班同學再問:Whats his/her name? 猜的學生要繼續(xù)回答出說話人的姓名。全班同學用Yes或No來判斷對錯。猜的學生規(guī)定有5次機會,如果回答5次還猜不出來,就算輸了。2傳話游戲。每一縱排為一組,全班分成若干組。教師分別發(fā)給每一組最后一排的學生一張紙,上面寫一句話,在教師說“開始”后,最后一排的學生即用耳語說紙上的話告訴前面的學生,這位學生再把聽到的話告訴前面的學生這樣依次進行下去。最后一排的學生把所傳的話說給大家聽,看一看那組同學最后的答案與老師寫在紙上的句子相同或相近。第五課時教學目標:1、聽、說、認讀短語long hair short hair a green bag blue glasses brown shoes 2、聽、說、認讀句子My friend has blue glasses.Its Wu Yifan.His glasses are blue.教學重難點:1、聽、說、認讀短語 long hair、 short hair、 a green bag、 blue glasses、brown shoes 。 2、glasses的發(fā)音;短語的靈活組合。教學準備:1、五位同學的圖片2、錄音機及相應磁帶教學過程:一、warming-up/review 1、sing a song Colour song(review colours) 2、復習三年級下冊第三單元的表示形狀的反義詞。3、free talk Talk about your friends.Hes.Shes. 二、Presentation 1、借助前面的free talk 教師:I have a good friend.Shes tall.She has long hair.But I have short hair.(指著自己的頭發(fā))從而引出long hair、short hair小組間練習。2、Look!This is Amy .Shes our friend .呈現(xiàn)Amy的圖片。教師指著Amy的鞋子,領讀shoes.What colour is it ?Its brown.引出brown shoes. 呈現(xiàn)不同顏色的鞋子,讓學生試著顏色單詞和shoes 的組合。小組內互相說說彼此的鞋子。3、Look!This is Wu Yifan. .Hes our friend ,too.呈現(xiàn)Wu Yifan的圖片。教師指著Wu Yifan的眼鏡,教讀glasses.強調es的發(fā)音。His glasses are blue.強調blue glasses. 4、指著班里某位同學的bag,a green bag.小組內說說彼此的書包顏色。 5、打開課本28頁,讓學生跟讀短語。三、Practice 教師利用本部分內容,簡單描述一個人的外貌,小組內討論畫出大體輪廓。四、Homework 用英語描述自己的一位朋友給家長聽。第六課時教學目標:1、能聽說讀寫本課時第二部分Look,choose and write中的四會單詞。2、能聽、說、認讀本課時的重點句型:Whats his/her name? He/She is、He/She has并能在情境中進行運用。3、能運用所學的詞匯、句子簡單描述一位熟悉的朋友或同學。教學重難點:1、能運用所學詞匯、句子簡單描述一位熟悉的朋友或同學。2、理解Whats his/her name?和Who is he/she?的區(qū)別及聯(lián)系,以及本節(jié)課單詞的聽說讀寫。教學準備:1、Sarah頭像。2、教學圖片。3、點讀機。教學過程:課前:播放Lets sing中的歌曲Friends(一)熱身復習(Warm-up/Revision)1聽音猜人。教師讓猜謎的人到前面來,背對全班,然后讓一位學生站起來用英語跟他說一句話。全班同學先一起問:Boy or girl? 猜的學生要根據(jù)說話人的聲音判斷性別。如果回答對了,全班同學再問:Whats his/her name? 猜的學生要繼續(xù)回答出說話人的姓名。全班同學用Yes或No來判斷對錯。猜的學生規(guī)定有3次機會,如果回答3次還猜不出來,就算輸了。2.Chant:I sayI say以師生講反義詞的形式復習所學詞匯。3.做“猜人”游戲。教師手中反拿一張照片:I have a good friend. He is in our class. He is tall and strong. He has glasses.Who is he?然后學生拿著同學或朋友的照片上臺描述,其他同學猜,也可以以小組比賽的方式(二)呈現(xiàn)新課(Presentation)1、教師出示Sarah 的面具(給學生看面具背面),問學生Boy or girl? 學生答出girl.教師再問:Whats her name? 并讓學生試著描述。2、教師出示Sarahs friends:Kate,James,Ben,Ann的畫像,讓學生們以小組為單位,自選一位人物進行練習。3、匯報展示:小組同學描述人物,其他小組猜出是哪位人物形象。4、聽錄音做連線。5、再次聽錄音跟讀課文。6、以展示圖片的方式引出單詞tall,thin,bag,long hair并著重對這幾個單詞的書寫進行指導和練習。(三)、Lets check 教師播放錄音學生完成練習。附送:2021-2022年四年級英語上冊 Unit3教案 人教版PEP一、 教學內容 1、本單元要求會聽,說,認讀的單詞和短語有:A: thin strong quiet friend friends has name he music science sports painting she right B: long hair short hair puter game 2、本單元要求會聽,說的單詞和詞組: Chinese like his photo her hes=he is shes=she is youre=you are 3、本單元要求學生會聽、說、讀、寫的單詞和詞組:teacher student boy girl friend4、幫助學生在掌握單詞的基礎上造出句子,編出對話,學以致用。5、培養(yǎng)學生用英語交流的能力,為學生的進一步學習奠定基礎。二、教學目標與要求1、 能聽懂、會說每一課會話。2、 掌握本單元出現(xiàn)的生詞,詞組和字母。3、 會唱本單元的歌曲。三、教學重點和難點1、對于較長的單詞的掌握。如classroom, classmate, puter對于第一次出現(xiàn)的詞組和短句的掌握。如have a look, good job 2、 于禮貌用語 “Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握與應用。3、 描述教室中所有物件,并能據(jù)此編出對話。四、教學時間本單元共6課時,每周3課時,2周完成。Lesson 131.Teaching AimsLet the students master the words and phrases: friends thin strong quiet Long hair short hair 2.Teaching Aids a tape recorder.3.Important pointsMy friend is strong. He has short hair4.Teaching steps 1) GreetingsSay “hello” to each other, and talk something about the date and weather.2)RevisionRead the words and phrases learned in the last lesson.1) New contentlong nose/neck, long hair, short hair, I have long hair/nose.He has short hair/neck.Show two boys. One of them is thin, and the other is fat. The two words thin and fat are present. C. The teacher show a people and introduce him to them. Ask a student e to the front, and the teacher introduce him or her.Master the new words and listen to the tape.PracticeWho is your best friend? Say sth about your best friends.She has long hair, big eyes and ears.She has a small nose and a big mouth. She is cute. Who is she? Shes my friend. My friend is strong. She has long hair.PlayThe teacher tell one word or sentence to each one word is the first in a row and let him to tell the 2nd one and then the 3rd one Let the last student to say what he has heard.6. Teaching notesLesson141. Teaching Aidsa tape- recorder photos of my friends 2.Teaching AimsLet them master the dialogueAct a short dialogue in groups 3. Important pointsWhats his name?He likes math.Look, this is his photo.He has short black hair and big eyes.4.Teachings Steps1) GreetingsSay "Hello" to everyone, and then sing the song “ Books and pencils” with the students clapping hands together.2) Revision. Two students one asks and the other answers.Who is your best friend? She has long hair, big eyes and ears. Who is he? Hes my friend. My friend is strong. He has short hair.3) New content A. The teacher hand a picture of a boy and asks the students some questions: Whats his name? A student answers”He is strong. He is tall. He has short black hair and big eyes.Then play a guessing game: “He / She has Whats his / her name?”B. Learn the dialogueThe students look at the board and listen to the tape. Read after the tape.Then practice the difficult sentences:Whats his name?Look, this is his photo.He has short black hair and big eyes.He likes math.C. Group workDivide the students into several small groups and let them practice the whole dialogue. And then act out the dialogue.5. Homework Recite the new words. Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.6. NotesLesson 151.Teaching AimsLet the students master the words and letters: Ss Tt Uu Vv teacher studentLet the students listen and read these words :under vest violin vanstudent tiger spoon snake teacher umbrella 2.Teaching Aids a tape recorder cards pictures3.Important points 4-skill letter and words: Ss Tt Uu Vv 4.Teaching steps 1) Greetings and songAfter the greetings sing a song with the students.2) RevisionReview these words:snake student tiger teacher umbrella under vest violin Let some one recite the dialogue and make some groups to show the dialogue.3)New contentA: New words: Spoon vanB: Ask a student read the words and let others read after him.Read and spell the words. Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the sentences.5. Homework Master the new letters and words , then write them.Ss Tt Uu Vv teacher student boy girl6.NotesLesson 161.Teaching AimsA: Let the students master the words and phrase : Music science sports painting puter gameB: Let the students listen and read these drill:My friend likes 2.Teaching Aids a tape recorder cards pictures3.Difficult words and emphasis 4-skill letter and words:A: the drill: My friend likes B: the words: Music science sports painting4.Teaching steps 1) OrganizationA. GreetingsB: Songs: How many books do you have? 2) Revision Review the new words that theyve learned yesterday.3)PresentationA: learn the new words: Music science sportsB: Ask a student to e to the front to read all the words, and the others after him or her.4)PracticeA: Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the sentences: My friend likes sports / music / B: Read and spell the words.5)Lets doListen to the music. Do sports. Paint.Make friends. Play puter games.5. Class work A: Listen and read the new words and drill. B: Recite “Lets do”.1. NotesLesson 171. Teaching AimsA: Listen and say the dialogueB: Act a short dialogue 2. Teaching Aidsa tape- recorder photos of my friends3. Difficulty and keysBoy or girl? She is quiet. She likes music. He is strong. He likes sports.4.Steps1) OrganizationSay "Hello" to everyone, and then sing the song “ Books and pencils” with the students clapping hands together.2) Revision. A: Review the following words:Music science sports painting puter gameMy friend likes B: Guessing game: She has a small nose and a big mouth. She likes music. Whos she?3) Learn the dialogueOpen the books and let the students try to guess the meaning of the whole dialogue. Listen to the tape and imitate. Then practice the difficult sentences:I have a friend. Boy or girl? She is quiet. She likes music. Whats her name?He is strong. He likes sports. Who is he?4) Group workDivide the students into many small groups and let them practice the whole dialogue. 5) Act out the dialogue.5. Homework Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.2. NotesLesson 181.Teaching AimsA: Let the students master the words and letters: Boy friend girl Ww Xx Yy ZzB: Let the students read these words: Window watermelon walkman taxi box six yellow yo-yo yacht zebra zoo zipperWhen they see the objects, they can recognize and read them and do the action about them.2.Teaching Aids a tape recorder.3.Difficult words and emphasis:A: 4-skill letters and words: Boy friend girl Ww Xx Yy ZzB: New words: Yacht zipper watermelon zebra 4.Teaching steps 1) OrganizationA: GreetingsB: Chant: Friends are like you and me 2) RevisionWords: snake student tiger teacher umbrella under vest violin TV USA Spoon van Music science sportsPhrase: my friend your friend big window New walk-man my taxi small box Yellow yo-yo big zoo 3)PresentationA: read and write the letter: Ww Xx Yy ZzB: recite and write the letters : Aa -ZzC: learn the new words: Yacht zipper watermelon zebraD: Practice these words:Window watermelon Walkman taxi box six yellow yo-yo yacht zebra zoo zipper boy friend girl4) Listen to the tape, imitate and read.5) Game The teacher asks a student e to the front of the class, and tell him/her a word, then asks other students guess the word.5. Homework 1. recite and write the letters from Aa to Zz.2. Spell and write the four-skill words : Boy friend girl teacher student6. Notes


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