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電大本科《社會保障學》期末復習資料考試小抄 (I).doc

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電大本科《社會保障學》期末復習資料考試小抄 (I).doc

電大社會保障學期末復習資料考試小抄一、單項選擇題1、( B )是一種特殊的社會保障。P5A、社會救助B、社會優(yōu)撫C、社會福利 D、社會保險2、通常被稱為“最后的安全網(wǎng)”,也是最低的社會保障,是人類社會最悠久的一種保障形式的是(A)。P5或218A、社會救助B、社會保障 C、社會福利 D、社會保險3、(C)是最高層次的社會保障制度。A、社會救助B、社會保障 C、社會福利 D、社會保險4、“從搖籃到墳墓”是形容(B)的社會保障模式。P8A、社會保險型模式B、福利國家型模式C、強制性儲蓄型模式D、國家保險型模式5、我國實行的是(D)社會保障基金的籌集模式。P45A、社會統(tǒng)籌模式B、個人帳戶模式 C、現(xiàn)收現(xiàn)付制 D、A和B6、(D)被譽為西方“福利國家櫥窗”。P76A、美國B、英國C、德國D、瑞典7、(B)是建立現(xiàn)代意義上的社會養(yǎng)老保險制度的第一個國家。P76A、美國B、德國C、新加坡D、智利8、中國享受基本養(yǎng)老保險金的條件之一是參加保險繳費期限要滿(C)年。P80A、5年B、10年C、15年D、20年9、中國養(yǎng)老保險制度中的“老人”是指(A)。P89A、1997年前退休人員B、1997年后退休的人員C、1997年后參保的人員D、1997年前參加工作,1997年后才退休的人員10、企業(yè)年金計劃是企業(yè)舉辦的一項(B)P97A醫(yī)療保險計劃 B養(yǎng)老保險計劃C工傷保險計劃 D失業(yè)保險計劃11、1883年(C)政府頒布的疾病保險法標志著醫(yī)療保險強制性社會保障制度的確立。P102A、美國B、英國C、德國D、中國12、我國城鎮(zhèn)職工基本醫(yī)療保險籌集中,個人繳費費率為本人工資收入的(B)。P124A、1% B、2% C、3% D、4%13、我國城鎮(zhèn)職工基本醫(yī)療保險水平的封頂線控制在當?shù)芈毠つ昶骄べY的(C)倍左右。P126A、2 B、3 C、4 D、514、我國法定勞動年齡范圍是(C)。P131A、16-50 B、18-50 C、16-60 D、16-6715、在我國完全由政府承辦,沒有商業(yè)保險公司參加的保險是(D)。P131A、養(yǎng)老保險 B、醫(yī)療保險 C、生育保險 D、失業(yè)保險16、世界上第一個強制性失業(yè)保險制度是(B)政府建立的。P136A、美國B、英國C、德國D、中國17、在中國失業(yè)保險雇員的繳費率是(A)。P137A、1% B、2% C、3% D、4%18、我國經(jīng)歷了(C)次失業(yè)高峰。P140A、3 B、4 C、5 D、619、1884年(C)頒布了世界上第一部工傷保險法。P160A、美國B、英國C、德國D、中國20、以下哪項屬于可認定為工傷的?(B)P170A、醉酒死亡B、患職業(yè)病C、自殘或自殺D、因犯罪傷亡的21、我國2002年(C)首次將工傷康復納入到工傷保險范圍。P189A、北京 B、上海 C、廣州 D、天津22、我國產(chǎn)假標準目前為(C)天。P198A、30 B、60 C、90 D、12023、1993年6月1日,(B)市正式實施最低生活保障制度,標志我國最低生活保障制度正式建立。P237A、北京 B、上海 C、廣州 D、天津24、(C)是國家專門為傷亡的軍人、人民警察和國家機關工作人員提供撫恤的社會保障制度。P284A、社會福利 B、社會救助 C、社會優(yōu)撫 D、工傷保險25、對于貧困的農(nóng)村居民而言,(A)是最后一條保障線。P329A、農(nóng)村最低生活保障制度 B、農(nóng)村“五?!敝贫?C、農(nóng)村救災救濟制度 D、農(nóng)村臨時性救助制度26、目前中國中西部地區(qū)農(nóng)村的最低生活保障標準每年為(C)。P330A、300 B、600 C、600-80 D、1000-200027、農(nóng)村臨時性救助制度的標準一般不超過2000元,每年每戶一般不超過(B)次。P336A、1 B、2 C、3 D、428、在中國新型農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險制度中,地方政府對參保人繳費給予補貼標準不低于每人每年(A)元標準。P338A、30 B、60 C、80 D、10029、前蘇聯(lián)以及我國在“文革”之前的勞動保險是采?。―)管理模式。P366A、政府和公法機構(gòu)共同管理模式 B、政府與私人企業(yè)共同管理模式 C、政府直接管理模式 D、政府和工會共同管理模式30、在我國社會救助、社會福利和社會優(yōu)撫的業(yè)務管理由(C)部門承擔。P387A、社會保險經(jīng)辦機構(gòu) B、財政部 C、民政行政部門 D、衛(wèi)生部二、多項選擇題1、社會保障相關主體主要包括:(ABCD)P3A、政府 B、保險經(jīng)辦機構(gòu) C、用人單位 D、參保人2、社會保障的核心內(nèi)容有(ABCD)三大部分。P4A、社會救助 B、社會優(yōu)撫 C、社會福利 D、社會保險3、社會保障基金的全部內(nèi)容包括(ABC)。P37A、籌集 B、支付 C、管理 D、模式4、社會保障基金籌集的原則包括(ABD)。P41A、適度原則B、公平原則C、最大化原則D、依法籌集原則5、我國目前企業(yè)職工社會保障基金的投資方式主要是(AD)。P61A、國債B、股票C、基金D、銀行存款7、中國醫(yī)療保險制度中的“兩定點”是指(AD)。P107A、定點醫(yī)院 B、定點賠付 C、藥品目錄 D、定點藥店8、中國醫(yī)療保險制度中的“三目錄”是指(ABC)。P107A、藥品目錄B、診療目錄C、醫(yī)療服務設施范圍和支付標準目錄D、醫(yī)院目錄9、我國現(xiàn)行的醫(yī)療保險制度包括(BC)。P117A、國家醫(yī)療保險B、城鎮(zhèn)醫(yī)療保險C、農(nóng)村合作醫(yī)療保險D、單位醫(yī)療保險10、以下哪些是“合格失業(yè)者”所必須具備的條件。(ABCD)P137A、非自愿失業(yè)B、有就業(yè)愿意C、及時辦理了失業(yè)登記手續(xù)D、工作后失業(yè)11、失業(yè)補救的辦法有(ABCD)。A、實施職業(yè)輪換B、轉(zhuǎn)業(yè)培訓C、開辟家政服務就業(yè)領域D、建立和完善就業(yè)信息網(wǎng)絡12、下列屬于工傷的是(AB)。P157A、因工傷亡B、職業(yè)病C、自然生病D、非機動車交通事故受傷13、工傷待遇包括(ABCD)。P171A、工傷醫(yī)療待遇B、工傷停工期內(nèi)工資福利待遇C、因工致殘待遇D、因工死亡待遇14、生育保險待遇內(nèi)容包括(ABCD)。P202A、產(chǎn)假津貼B、醫(yī)療費用C、生育補助D、生育休假15、社會救助標準的計算方法包括(ABCD)。P230A、市場菜籃子法B、恩格爾系數(shù)法C、馬丁法D、收入比例法16、家計調(diào)查的內(nèi)容包括(BCD)。P234A、人口B、收入C、財產(chǎn)D、工作17、中國專項的社會救助制度包括(ABC)。P243-248A、醫(yī)療救助B、住房救助C、教育救助D、工傷救助18、按社會福利的對象,社會福利類型可劃分為(ABD)。P256A、老年人福利B、殘疾人福利C、全民性社會福利D、婦女兒童福利19、社會優(yōu)撫是一項綜合性的社會保障制度,具體包括(ABD)。P285A、優(yōu)待 B、撫恤 C、全民性社會福利 D、安置20、中國農(nóng)村的扶貧開發(fā)是指對農(nóng)村有一定生產(chǎn)能力的貧困人口,給予(ABCD)等方面的扶持。P342A、思想 B、政策 C、資金 D、信息21、農(nóng)村社會救助制度主要包括:(ABC)。P352A、農(nóng)村最低生活保障制度 B、農(nóng)村五保供養(yǎng)制度 C、農(nóng)村臨時救助制度 D、農(nóng)村社會保險制度三、判斷題1、社會保障基金的內(nèi)容無非是“收、支、管”,即社會保障基金的籌集、支付和管理。()P42、新中國成立后建立了“社會保險型”的社會保障體制。()P93、在社會保障概念中,平等的一定是公平的,公平也一定是平等的。()P224、平等與效率是處在一個連續(xù)統(tǒng)一體的兩端,公平是權(quán)衡的取舍點。()P265、部分積累制是指當年提取當年支付,一般不留結(jié)余,以支定收。()P456、完全積累制是以遠期縱向平衡為原則,實質(zhì)是個體一生中的代內(nèi)收入再分配制度。()P467、養(yǎng)老保險制度模式往往是國家社會保險制度模式的代表。()P748、企業(yè)年金是養(yǎng)老金的第二支柱,被稱為“企業(yè)補充養(yǎng)老保險”。()P979、第三方付費制度是工傷保險所獨有的特點。()P9910、醫(yī)療保險中的待遇水平由三方面體現(xiàn),即起付線、封頂線和報銷比例。()P11511、1986年頒布的國營企業(yè)職工待業(yè)保險暫行規(guī)定,是新中國成立后建立的第一個正式的失業(yè)保險制度。()P14712、中國治理第四次失業(yè)高峰采取的辦法是啟動了“中國下崗職工再就業(yè)工程”。()P14213、失業(yè)預防、失業(yè)保險和失業(yè)補救構(gòu)成了就業(yè)保險制度。()P15514、在我國工傷保險基金籌集中,用人單位繳費是最主要的基金來源。()P16515、在上下班途中受到非機動車事故傷害的應認定為工傷。()P16816、工傷預防、工傷補償和工傷康復是工傷保險的三大支柱。()P18017、2003年頒布的工傷保險條例是中國第一部專門的工傷保險行政法規(guī)。()P18318、生育責任的承擔者只是女性,不包括男性。()P19419、我國生育保險工資替代率為100%,高于國際標準。()P19820、恩格爾系數(shù)的值越低,說明民眾的生活水平越低,反之則說明越高。()P23121、家計調(diào)查等同于貧困調(diào)查。()P23322、中國現(xiàn)行的社會救助制度包括最低生活保障制度和專項社會救助。()P237-243或25123、通常貧困被劃分為絕對貧困和相對貧困。()P21924、廣義的社會福利概念只是面向貧困者或者特殊社會群體的福利安排。()P25525、中國自20世紀90年代以后從原有的福利教育制度進入到了一個混合型多元教育體系階段。()P28026、中國農(nóng)村的“五?!敝贫仁侵浮氨3?、保住、保燒、保教、保葬”。()P32027、新型農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險制度的保障對象為:年滿16歲(不含在校學生)、未參加城鎮(zhèn)職工基本養(yǎng)老保險的農(nóng)村居民。()P33728、新型農(nóng)村合作醫(yī)療制度的保障對象是部分農(nóng)村居民。()P34029、在我國社會保險業(yè)務管理是由社會保險的經(jīng)辦機構(gòu)承擔的,屬營利性質(zhì)的事業(yè)單位。()P37430、我國當前的社會保障管理體制,是在國務院集中統(tǒng)一領導下,采取條塊結(jié)合、以塊為主的分級管理體制。()P387四、簡答題1、社會保障的定義及核心內(nèi)容?答:社會保障是國家通過征稅、收費、接受捐贈等手段籌集資金,以社會保險、社會救助、社會福利和社會優(yōu)撫等方式,防范風險并為喪失勞動能力和暫時無收入者提供基本生活、為貧困者提供最低生活、為軍人提供特殊關照、為全體國民增進生活福利的一種社會制度。其核心內(nèi)容包括:(1)社會保險;(2)社會救助;(3)社會福利;(4)社會優(yōu)撫。2、社會保障的三種體制和四種模式是什么?答;三種體制是:(1)社會民主主義福利體制;(2)自由主義福利體制;(3)合作主義福利體制。四種模式是:(1)福利國家型;(2)社會保險型;(3)國家保險型;(4)個人儲蓄型;3、養(yǎng)老保險的定義和特點?答:養(yǎng)老保險是政府主辦,通過國家立法保障退休老人基本生活的一種社會保險制度。其特點有:(1)養(yǎng)老保險承諾與兌現(xiàn)之間的時間最長。(2)養(yǎng)老保險是實際享受人數(shù)最多的險種之一。(3)養(yǎng)老保險費用的收和支出龐大。(4)養(yǎng)老保險制度模式往往是國家社會保險制度模式的代表。4、失業(yè)的類型有哪些?(1)摩擦性失業(yè)(2)結(jié)構(gòu)性失業(yè)(3)周期性失業(yè)(4)季節(jié)性失業(yè)(5)技術(shù)性失業(yè)5、工傷保險的一般原則?答:(1)補償不究過失原則,又稱無過失補償原則,指在勞動者負傷后,不管過失在雇主還是勞動者一方,工傷職工均可獲得收入補償以保障其基本生活。(2)勞動者個人不繳費原則,這是工傷保險區(qū)別于其他社會保險項目的顯著特點。(3)待遇優(yōu)厚原則,工傷保險雖然不要求個人繳費,但在待遇上卻要其他社會保險項目都要優(yōu)厚一些。(4)救治、補償、預防與康復相結(jié)合原則,工傷事故或者直接造成勞動者身體傷害,或者造成職業(yè)病,二者都離不開醫(yī)療救治。6、社會救助的作用和特征?答:社會求助的作用:(1)緩解貧困(2)促進分配,穩(wěn)定經(jīng)濟。(3)促進社會融合。社會救助的特征:(1)國家是責任主體。(2)享受社會救助是公民的權(quán)利。(3)受助者需要接受家計調(diào)查。(每條要做簡短解釋)7、什么是恩格爾系數(shù)法?它的優(yōu)缺點是什么?答:恩格爾系數(shù)是目前較為普遍地用于分析特定國家或地區(qū)民眾生活水平和貧困程度的指標之一。恩格爾系數(shù)值越大,說明該地區(qū)民眾總支出中,用于食品消費等基本生活支出的比重越高。恩格爾系數(shù)根據(jù)滿足生活需求最低營養(yǎng)攝取標準確定食品消費項目和數(shù)量,計算出飲食費用,用它除以計算期最低收入水平組的恩格爾系數(shù),即可得到貧困線。(1)優(yōu)點:方法簡便易行,可以用代表一般市民生活水平的恩格爾系統(tǒng)來求得社會救助受助者的消費水平。(2)缺點:要求恩格爾系數(shù)比較穩(wěn)定。由于受價格、地域等因素影響,我國恩格爾系統(tǒng)變化較大,易受主觀判斷影響,且反映的貧困過于絕對,另外對基本生活費的規(guī)定有局限性,過于偏頗。8、中國現(xiàn)行的社會福利制度包括哪些內(nèi)容?答:(1)老年人福利(2)殘疾人福利(3)兒童福利(4)住房福利(5)教育福利9、什么是社會優(yōu)撫?包括哪些項目?答:社會優(yōu)撫是國家專門為傷亡軍人、人民警察和國家機關工作人員提供撫恤,為軍人和人民警察及其家庭提供擾待,為退出現(xiàn)役的軍人予以生活安置和就業(yè)安排而建立的社會保障制度。社會優(yōu)撫是一項綜合性的社會保障制度,具體包括優(yōu)待、撫恤和安置三類項目。10、社會保障管理的含義和一般原則?答:社會保障管理是指社會保障責任機構(gòu)和人員通過規(guī)劃、組織、領導、人事和控制等活動經(jīng)濟有效地完成社會保障任務的過程。社會保障管理的一般原則:(1)服務至上原則。(2)公開、公正和效率原則。(3)屬地管理原則。(4)與相關系統(tǒng)協(xié)調(diào)一致原則。五、論述題1、試述當前我國社會保障管理存在的問題有哪些?(1)中央和地方社會保障財政責任不明確(2)統(tǒng)籌層次低,政策不統(tǒng)一,阻礙了勞動力跨地區(qū)流動,導致參保人社會保障權(quán)益受損。(3)社會保障管理體制不統(tǒng)一,部門利益明顯。(4)社會保障法律強制性不夠,政策透明度差。(5)社會保險經(jīng)辦機構(gòu)權(quán)責不到位,監(jiān)督不力。(6)社會保障管理行政色彩濃,社會化服務不夠。2、試論述絕對貧困和相對貧困的內(nèi)涵是什么?它們各有什么特點?(一)絕對貧困是只停留在物質(zhì)層面上的貧困,可以被理解為物質(zhì)上的匱乏,是指缺乏為維持身體健康而絕對必需的物品的狀態(tài)。絕對貧困的特征主要有:(1)絕對貧困是指必需品的缺乏而導致生存受到威脅,這些必需品通常是指維持生存的物質(zhì),如,食品、住房、衣服等。(2)絕對貧困在消費方面表現(xiàn)為,由于收入極低,難以滿足人類在衣依住行等方面的基本消費。(3)絕對貧困在發(fā)展方面表現(xiàn)為,由于生產(chǎn)資料的缺乏,難以維持簡單再生產(chǎn),更難以擴大再生產(chǎn),從而陷入“貧困循環(huán)”之中。(二)相對貧困是相比較而言的貧困。是建立在將窮人的生活水平與其他較為不貧困的社會成員的生活水平相比較的基礎上的,通常這包括對作為研究對象的社會的總體平均水平的測度。相對貧困的特征有:(1)相對貧困是一種主觀判斷,是由社會作出的,它實際上是社會上多數(shù)人對于較低生活水平的一定確認,如有的國家以全國人均收入的一定比例作為貧困標準,而有的國家則以中位收入水平的一定比例作為貧困標準。(2)相對貧困具有歷史動態(tài)性。隨著不同時期的社會生產(chǎn)力和生活方式的變化,貧困標準也有很大差別。(3)相對貧困具有長期性。相對貧困實質(zhì)是不平等,只要社會存在不平等,就存在相對貧困,在現(xiàn)實上,不平等是常態(tài),因而相對貧困也將普遍存在。3、試論述社會保障制度的意義?一、在思想文化方面(1)社會保障是各類公正公平思想的具體體現(xiàn),不同的社會保障制度模式反應的是不同的社會保障公正分配的思想,社會保障制度建設也豐富了各派社會公正理論。(2)社會保障的實踐加深人們對人權(quán)意識和同舟共濟思想的認識。社會保障的最初目的就是為了避免人道主義災難,是對人權(quán)的保障。同時,社會保障通過稅收和集資再分配,救助貧困、普惠福利、縮小貧富差距,是“我為人人、人人為我”的理想發(fā)揚光大。二、在政治方面(1)社會保障提升了政府的權(quán)力和責任.社會保障一般由政府主辦,事關民生,這就意味著政府的社會權(quán)利增大,同時人民對政府改善民生的期望也相應增大,政府的社會責任也相應增大,社會保障制度設計和執(zhí)行的水平成為政府執(zhí)政能力的重要體現(xiàn)。(2)社會保障政策成為各政黨爭取民意的手段。既然社會保障關系到人們的福利,社會保障政策就成為普通百姓最關心的國家政策之一,其任何變化都會引起民眾反響。三、在經(jīng)濟方面,社會保障既能成為經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的動力,也能成為經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的阻礙,關鍵是適度,符合國情,與經(jīng)濟發(fā)展水平相適應。四、在社會方面,社會保障總體上社會更加穩(wěn)定,另外,社會保障制度降低了家庭的保障功能,養(yǎng)兒防老的必要性下降,對出生率和家庭解體起了推波助瀾的作用。請您務必刪除一下內(nèi)容,O(_)O萬分謝謝!2015年中央電大期末復習考試小抄大全,電大期末考試必備小抄,電大考試必過小抄Indonesia has emerged as a top vacation destination for Chinese this summer, along with Thailands Phuket island and the Maldives archipelago. Encouraged by growth in Chinese travelers to Indonesia, the government in Jakarta has recently relaxed its visa policy. Since June 10, Chinese tourists can enter Indonesia through nine appointed locations, including the Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, the Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali and the Kuala Namu International Airport in Medan, by just getting their passports stamped on arrival. Officially, it is called the "free-visa" scheme. The new policy also means Chinese tourists can save $35 on visa fees, which will likely make trips to Indonesia more alluring. While such an arrangement allows Chinese visitors to stay up to 30 days for the purpose of traveling, those seeking extensions will need to get paid visas from that countrys missions inBeijing,Shanghai,GuangzhouorHong Kong, according to an official at the Indonesia embassy in Beijing. Santo Darmosumarto, head of the embassys information, social and cultural section, says the new policy is aimed at strengthening people-to-people contacts between the two countries. Dai Yu, marketing director of Ctrip, a major Chinese online travel agency, says: "Weve seen a nearly 50 percent growth over the previous month in the number of Chinese tourists to Bali since the policy was announced." During his trip to China in March, Indonesian President Joko Widodo proposed that his country and China aim to increase two-way visits to a maximum of 10 million people in the next few years. The Indonesian government has set their sights on greeting 2 million Chinese tourists by the end of this year, according to the official. "The Indonesian government hopes that Indonesian nationals would also be given preferential treatment while visiting China," says Darmosumarto. In 2013, the number of Chinese tourists who visited Indonesia stood around 807,000. Last year, it increased to 959,000, he adds. Bali remains the most popular site among Chinese tourists. In February, more than 92,200 Chinese tourists made trips to Bali, ranking first among overseas visitors, the Bali Times reported. Last year, the island witnessed more than 586,000 arrivals from China, an increase of 51 percent over 2013. "Bali isnt just for sightseeing, but also for weddings, honeymoons, golf and many outdoor activities," says Fan Wenqing, a marketing executive at Garuda, Indonesias national airliner. Garuda offers three nonstop flights between Beijing and Bali, and four each week between Beijing and Jakarta. There are daily flights from Guangzhou, inGuangdongprovince, and Shanghai to Jakarta as well. It takes from six to eight hours on a nonstop flight to reach Indonesia from China. Indonesia is home to more than 17,000 islands. Tourists can tour Yogyakarta to see Prambanam and Borobudur, two historical and religious sites, and explore the local handicraft markets. The base of a volcano, Bandung, which is also known as the "Paris of Java", is ideal for adventure-seekers. Many ecotourism destinations, such as Toba Lake in Sumatra, Tanjung Puting National Park in Kalimantan and Bunaken in Manado, are places the embassy official recommends for tourists. Indonesia boasts world-class surfing facilities along the shores of Sumatra down to Nusa Tenggara Islands. Recently, Lombok, a sister island east of Bali has gotten so much attention from Chinese travelers that some travel agencies are offering twin packages for Bali and Lombok. The best time to visit Bali is from May to October, when it doesntrainmuch and the weather is cool. At press time, a weeklong package from Shanghai or Guangzhou to Bali was a little more than 3,000 yuan ($480) on Ctrips website. Chinese tourists have taken a shine to rafting in Ubud, sightseeing in Tanah Lot, and surfing and diving in Nusa Lembongan, says Dai. Civet coffee, essential oil and woodcarvings are among the most popular products for Chinese tourists in Indonesia, she says. Indonesian food is also something that visitors shouldnt miss. Local cuisines feature many spices, including peppers and cloves, and coconut pulp. Fried rice, "dirty duck" and roast suckling pig are recommended. Childrens illustration books first appeared in the 1600s in Europe. Their passage to China, however, took much longer, roughly 300 years. In China, childrens illustration books have a history of just 100 years and their development can be divided into four stages. From early 1900s to mid 1900s, a large number of books and magazines with illustrations appeared with the fast development of the modern publishing industry. The illustrationarts at that time were a mixed genre of Chinese traditionalpaintings and the westernstyle, and most of the stories originate from the fundamental changes that China experienced after the collapse of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the warlord struggles and the war against the Japanese invasion. The second stage was from mid 1900s to late 1970s, when the "cultural revolution" (1966-76) ended. The fast development of some special publishing houses for children gave birth to a large number of illustration-story books, which made a good use of folk art techniques, such as wood board carving, frescoes, and ink and wash painting, etc. Many of the popular stories are from Chinese history and wars after 1900s. The third stage is from early 1980s to late 1990s, a golden period for the development of childrens illustration books. The reform and opening-up brought in new concepts and ideas from the West to China, a country that had been closed to the West for nearly three decades. Fast development of economy, society and culture provided the writers and painters with a lot of inspiration to create new literature works and draw illustrations. China also imported large amounts of childrens illustration books from the West and Japan. Many young parents in China have a strong nostalgia about childrens illustration books they read in the 1980s and 1990s. This is also the last era in Chinas artistic innovation before the advent of the Internet period. The fourth stage is featured with the spread of the Internet and the other computerized means of art innovation. The hand-drawn childrens illustration books are gradually replaced by cartoons drawn and copied by software and machines, and shown on tablets, computers, television and smart phones, instead of books. Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden is natures haven, with no less than 4,000 rare birds and animals representing 200 species. With tropical forest covering over 90 percent of its area, the garden offers beautiful views of a wide range of tropical plants, flowers and fruit trees. The scenic spot about 25 kilometers from the center of Haikou offers a drive-thru safari tour where you can get up close with elephants, lions and bears. The "Safari on Foot" area features walking trails where visitors can see the rest of the animals, including hippos and monkeys, and feed them for a small fee. Visitors also can see what happens when you breed a lion and a tiger. Two unique attractions are rare hybrids: a liger, the offspring of a mallion and a female tiger and a tigon, which is created by a female lion and a male tiger. As ateaching center of the National Popular Science Education program, the park also serves as a second classroom for students to learn about wildlife and plants. Since it was established in 1995, it has received more than one million student visitors. At a crucial moment when pessimism has brought the Greek crisis to such a head that the country is closer to a default on its debt repayments than ever, Li offered a spark of enthusiasm to restart the stalled talks by calling on Greece and its creditors to reach a last-minute deal that will allow Greece to remain in the eurozone. Given the escalation of the countrys crisis over the weekend sent a shock wave through the global stock markets on Monday, there are ample reasons to worry about the uncertainties surrounding the events in Greece and the effect a default would have on Europe, relations between China and the EU, global financial stability and the nascent global economic recovery. Greece has announced that it will hold a referendum on a bailout plan proposed last week by the countrys creditors. In response, Greeces eurozone partners have refused to extend the countrys bailout program and the European Central Bank capped its emergency support for the countrys banks. A real danger now looms of Greece exiting the euro, which might derail the global economic recovery and damage the long-term viability of the euro as a currency. However, such a tragedy is neither certain nor unavoidable. The EU should shoulder its responsibility to prevent the Greek crisis from overshadowing the fragile global recovery. As a major customer and supplier of the 28-nation EU, and a responsible long-term holder of Eurobonds, Chinas confidence in and commitment to a strong eurozone offers EU leaders the necessary support to look at the Greek crisis from a broader and longer perspective. When Li said that China will not only consider a China-EU investment platform to back European Commission President Jean-Claude Junckers plan to revive the European economy, but also buy more bonds issued by the European Investment Bank, EU leaders should be clear that China wants to see the EU maintain its integrity and a forward trajectory. Such a confidence-building effort is particularly valuable, especially from such a large country as China which already has a huge stake and seeks to further expand it in a strong eurozone. It will be a tragedy to allow inaction over the Greek crisis to stand in the way of growth-boosting Sino-EU cooperation. Like a shining pearl, West Lake is the symbol of Hangzhou city. From ancient times, many poems have praised the amazing scenery of the lake. At the very beginning, the West Lake was a part of the Qiantang River. In the year 822, Bai Juyi, a famous poet and an officer of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), suggested to build a stronger causeway to store water so that the lake was doubled in size. And during the Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279), many temples and pagodas were built due to a Buddhist revival, and the look of West Lake was formed at that time.The West Lake is quite big and features different classic views from different locations. Technically, there are ten scenes which were marked by Emperor Qianlong with four-character inscriptions 200 years ago, such as the Melting Snow on the Broken Bridge and Sunset Glow over Leifeng Pagoda.


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