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2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 告別講義

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2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 告別講義

2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 告別講義如何用英語告別    1. 暗示告別的常用套語:    Ive got to be going now. 我現(xiàn)在得走了。    I must be going now. 我現(xiàn)在必須走了。    Im afraid I must be going now. 恐怕我現(xiàn)在得走了。    Its getting late. Im sorry I must be going now. 不早了,很抱歉,我得走了。    Id better be going now. 我最好現(xiàn)在走了。    I think its time for me to leave now. 我想我該走了。    Im afraid I must be off. 恐怕我得走了。    Its about time I was going. 我該走了。    Oh, its already six. I must be leaving now. 哦,已經六點了,我得走了。    Well, I think Id better be leaving now. 哦,我想我現(xiàn)在該走了。    2. 對暗示告別的回答:    Cant you stay any a little longer? 不再呆會兒嗎?    Must you really be going? 真的要走了嗎?    Do you really want to go? 真的要走了嗎?    I wont keep you, then. Bye! 那我就不留你了,再見。    In that case I wont keep you. 那我就不留你了。    So soon? Cant you stay a little longer? 這么快就走?不再呆會兒嗎?    Must you? Its still early. 一定要走了嗎? 還早呢!   3. 告別時的客套話:    Drop in again when youre free. 有空請再來。    Please drop in whenever you have time. 有空請再來。    Have a good day. 祝你度過愉快的一天。    Have a nice weekend. 祝你周末愉快。    Dont forget to give me a ring. 別忘了給我來電話。    I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你一路順風。    I hope youll have a pleasant trip. 祝你旅途愉快。    4. 告別時請人轉達問候的客套話:    Please give my best regards to your family. 請向你們全家問好。    Best wishes to your parents. 請向你父母問好。    Remember me to your mother. 向你媽媽問好。    Mention me to Jim. 向吉姆問好。    Say hello to your wife for me. 請代我向你妻子問好。 Thanks for dropping in. 謝謝你來看我。 5. 表示“再見”的客套話:    Goodbye. 再見!    Good night. 晚安;再見。    See you (then)。 再見。    See you later. 再見。    See you soon. 再見。    See you around. 再見。    See you tomorrow. 明天見。    So long. 再見。    Bye. 再見。    Bye-bye. 再見。    Bye for now. 再見。    Cheerio. 再見。    Cheers. 再見。    Take care. Bye. 多保重,再見。    Take it easy. 慢走。    Take your time. 慢走。    交際指南    1. 在與客人道別時,由于各國的風俗習慣不同,有不少告別的話也有所不同。比如我們中國人常說“慢走”,在英語中絕不能直譯為 Walk slowly, Go slowly.等,要表示類似的意思,可用 Take it easy!, Take your time! 等。    2. 中國有句俗話,叫“殺雞不如遠送客”,其意是說用豐盛的飯菜來招待客人固然重要,但與之相比,“遠送客”顯得更重要所以我們中國人在送客時,往往是送了一程又一程,告別的話說了一遍又一遍。 我們的這種習俗在英美人看來是不可思議的,他們送客往往是送到門口即止。當然若是客人對當地的路不熟悉或有其他特殊原因,則是另外一回事了。附送:2022年小升初英語知識點專項復習 專題六 交際用語 打電話講義電話 打電話 我是丹尼斯·史密斯。 This is Dennis Smith. *打電話時常用This is.代替My name is.。 This is Dennis Smith speaking. 喂,是約翰嗎? Hello, John? *常用于熟人之間。 喂, 請問是丹尼斯·史密斯先生嗎? Is this Mr. Dennis Smith? 請問是財務科嗎? Is this the finance department? 請問是吉姆·貝克醫(yī)生的辦公室嗎? Is this Dr. Jim Baker's office? 我能借用一下您的電話嗎? Do you mind if I use your phone? *這句話直譯是“如果我用一下您的電話,您介意嗎?”。如果同意,回答是No(不介意)。 Do you mind if I use your phone? (我能借用一下您的電話嗎?) No, please go ahead. (可以,請用吧。) 我想找佐藤先生。 May I speak to Mr. Sato? May I speak with Mr. Sato? I'd like to speak to Mr. Sato, please. Is Mr. Sato there, please? Mr. Sato, please. *這是最簡單的說法。并不失禮,工作和日常生活中都可以用。 Let me talk to Mr. Sato, please. *這樣說有點太直,除了對熟人以外一般不用。 馬克在嗎? Is Mark there? *孩子們之間、朋友之間和比較熟悉的人之間比較隨便的說法,工作中最好不用。 真對不起,這么晚了還給您打電話。 I'm sorry for calling you this late. *若在早晨的話把late換成early。 我希望我沒打擾您。 I hope I'm not disturbing you. *disturb“打擾(休息和工作)”。 I hope I'm not keeping you. 但愿沒吵醒您。 I hope I didn't wake you up. I hope I didn't wake you up. (但愿沒吵醒您。) No, you didn't. (沒有,你沒吵醒我。) 我有急事要找巴爾先生。 It is urgent I talk to Mr. Barr now. I need to get in contact with Mr. Barr right away. *get in contact with.“和取得聯(lián)系”。 I need to talk to Mr. Barr immediately. 有關明天開會的事給您打電話。 I'm calling about tomorrow's meeting. 我給您回電話。 I'm returning your call. I'm calling you back. 接電話 喂! Hello. *英語中接電話的人先說“Hello”。 Hello. (喂!) Oh, hello. Is Mark there? (喂,馬克在嗎?) 對,我就是。 Speaking. *對方要找的剛好是自己,就以這句“我就是”回答。 This is he. *女性用“This is she”。 This is Mr. Sato speaking. (對,我是佐藤。) This is. *有點兒生硬的感覺。 是我呀。 It's me. *常用于像夫妻間關系非常親密的場合。 ABC商務學院。您有什么事? ABC Business College, may I help you? *公司等工作場所接電話時的一般對答方式。個人家庭接電話時只需說“Hello”。 Thank you for calling ABC Business College. Can I help you? 您是哪位? Who's calling, please? Who's speaking, please? Who is this, please? May I ask who's calling? Who should I say is calling? 您想找哪位接電話? Who in particular would you like to talk to? *in particular“特別”、“尤其”。 他一直在等您的電話。 He's been expecting your call. * He's是He has的省略形式。Expect“抱有希望地等待”。 您要找哪個鈴木? Which Suzuki do you want to talk to? 這兒有三位姓鈴木的。 There are three Suzukis here. 您能過會兒再打嗎? Would you mind calling back later? Could you call back later? 請轉103。 Extension 103, please. *extension“延長”,在這里表示“分機電話”。 May I have extension 103? Could I have extension number 103? Please connect me with extension 103. Would you transfer this call to extension 103? 我給您接103分機。 I'll connect you to extension 103. I'm transferring your call to extension 103. 請稍等一下。 Hold on, please. *hold on“等待”。 May I speak to Mr. Smith? (請找史密斯先生。) Hold on, please. (請稍等。) One moment, please. Just a moment, please. Hold the line, please. Just a second, please. 我讓他接電話。 I'll put him on. * put.on“讓接電話”。 I'll connect you. (把電話轉接給你。) *connect“連接”。 我把電話給您接過去。 I'll transfer your call. I'll put you through. 我把電話轉給負責人。 I'll get your party for you. *party 不是“聚會”而是指接電話的對象。 Let me transfer this call for you. I'm transferring your call to the person in charge. 我把您的電話接到營業(yè)部去。 I'm transferring your call to the sales department. 是貝克打來的,請接1號線。 Mr. Peck is on line one. Mr. Peck for you. He's on line one. Pick up line one. It's Mr. Peck. ABC公司米蘭先生的電話。 You have a call from Mr. Miller of ABC. There's a call from Mr. Miller of ABC. Mr. Miller of ABC is on the line. 您要找的人來接電話了。 Your party is on the line. *通過電話交換臺的接線員時,接線員接通電話后常用的表達方式。 Your party is on the line. (您要找的人來接電話了。) Thank you. (謝謝。) 無法接電話時 她正在接電話。 Her line is busy now. *busy表示“正在打電話”,而不是“忙”。 Sorry, her line is busy now. (對不起,她正在打電話。) Alright. I'll try again later. (好的。那我過一會兒再打。) She's on another line now. Ms. Kane is talking to someone else now. (凱恩先生正在打電話。) I'm afraid she's on the other line now. 對不起,她現(xiàn)在脫不開身。 I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment. *tied up “忙得不能接電話”。 對不起,她正在接待客人。 I'm sorry, she has pany at this time. *pany 除了“公司”以外,還表示“朋友”、“來客”。 您等會兒行嗎? Would you like to hold? *hold“拿”、“握住”,即“不掛電話等著”。 Would you like to hold? (您等會兒行嗎?) No, I'll call back later. Thanks. (不用了,過會兒我再打吧。謝謝。) Would you like to stay on the line? Can you hold the line, please? Would you like to hold on? Wanna hold? (能等會兒嗎?) *只用于朋友或熟人,工作中不能使用。Wanna.是Do you want to的省略形式。表示“你想嗎?” 他現(xiàn)在不在座位上。 He's away from his desk now. 他在公司,但現(xiàn)在不在座位上。 He's in but he's not at his desk right now. 對不起,他出去了。 I'm sorry, he's not in right now. Is John there, please? (請問約翰在嗎?) I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (對不起,他出去了。) He's not in. He's out now. He's not here now.(他現(xiàn)在不在這兒。) He's out of the office right now. 他什么時候能回來? When is he ing back? When do you expect him back? What time do you think he'll be back? 他大概10分鐘后回來。 He should be back in ten minutes. *in 指的不是“以內”,而是“之后”,所以是“10分鐘后”的意思。 他應該下個星期來上班。 He should be back in the office next week. 他休假到下個星期。 He's on vacation until next week. 他打電話來說病了。 He called in sick today. *call in sick 是習慣用語,“打電話請病假”。 他現(xiàn)在出差去了。 He's out of town now. 他現(xiàn)在吃午飯去了。 He's out to lunch now. *out to lunch 慣用語,“午休”。 他現(xiàn)在正在開會。 He's in a meeting right now. 他今天休息。 He's off today. *只用off就可以表示“休息”。 留言、接受留言 您能過會兒再打來嗎? Could you call back later? Would you call again later? Would you mind calling back later? 請10分鐘后再打。 Please call me back in ten minutes. *in表示“從現(xiàn)在到以后”、“以后”。如果要特別強調在“時間之內”的話,用within。表示在“某時間以后”,用after。 Would you call me back in ten minutes, if you don't mind? (你能10分鐘以后再打來嗎?) Would you call me back in ten minutes if possible? (你能不能10分鐘以后再打來?) 您要給他留言嗎? May I take a message? May I take a message? (您要給他留言嗎?) No, thank you. (不用了,謝謝。) Is there any message? Would you like to leave a message? Shall I take a message? Could I take a message? Do you have any message? May I take a message? 過會兒我再打。 I'll try again later. I'll call back later. I'll call again in an hour. (一個小時后我再打來。) 能留個口信嗎? Can I leave a message? Can I leave Mr. Smith a message? (能給史密斯先生留個口信嗎?) 我給你打電話了,可是占線。 I called but your line was busy. I called but your line was engaged. *英式英語。 請告訴他林恩·凱恩給他打過電話。 Would you tell him that Lynn Kane called? Please tell him to call Lynn Kane. (請讓他給林恩·凱恩打電話。) 請轉告他讓他給我回個電話。 Please tell him to call me. Please ask him to call me. Please have him call me back. (請讓他給我打電話。) 他怎么跟您聯(lián)系呢? How can he get a hold of you? How can he get in touch with you? How can he get in contact with you? 請告訴我您的電話號碼。 Your number, please? Your number, please? (請告訴我您的電話號碼。) My number is 1234-1234. (我的電話號碼是1234-1234。) What's your number? May I have your number? Could I have your number? 我的電話號碼是1234-1234。 My number is 1234-1234. 請6點以前打1234-1234跟我聯(lián)系。 You can reach me at 1234-1234 until six o'clock. *reach“電話聯(lián)系”。 我再確認一下電話號碼,1234-1234,對嗎? Let me repeat the number. That's 1234-1234. The number is 1234-1234. Right? (你的號碼是1234-1234,對嗎?) 好的,我轉告他您來電話了。 OK. I'll tell him that you called. I'll give him your message. (我將轉告您的口信。) 您的名字怎么拼? How do you spell your name? Could you spell your name, please? Would you please spell your name? Could you spell that? (您能拼一下您的名字嗎?) 您開會的時候史密斯先生給您來電話了。 Mr. Smith called you during the meeting. 我讓他給您回電話好了。 I'll have him call you back. I'll tell him to call you back. I'll ask him to call you back. 是不是讓他給您回電話呀? Shall I have him call you back? Shall I have him call you when he gets back? (他回來后,讓他給您回電話嗎?) Would you like him to call you back? Want him to call you back? *是Do you want him to call you back? 的口語縮略形式,比較隨便的說法。 掛斷電話 謝謝您打來電話。 Thanks for calling. *在接到對方電話時,最后用該句結束電話以示禮貌。 So, I'll see you tomorrow. (那,明天見。) Thanks for calling. (謝謝您打來電話。) Thank you for your call. Well, I have to get going. (那,我得掛電話了。) Thank you for your call. (謝謝您來電話。) 請隨時來電話。 Please call again anytime. 我得掛電話了。 I'd better get off the phone. *get off the phone 是“掛上電話”的固定說法。 我得掛電話了。 I have to go now. I have to get going. 我該掛電話了。 I guess I'd better get going. *guess“想”,get going“掛上電話?!?能跟您通上話,我非常高興,再見。 Nice talking to you. Bye. 請掛電話吧。 Please hang up the phone. *“掛斷電話”用hang up,而不能用cut。 Please put down the receiver. Would you please get off the phone? (您能掛上電話嗎?) 電話斷了。 I was cut off. I was disconnected. 我還沒說完呢,她就把電話掛上了。 She hung up on me. *hung 是hang的過去式。 She hung up before I finished. 電話不通。 The phone went dead. 謝謝你給我回電話。 Thank you for returning my call. Thank you for calling me back. 打錯電話 您好像打錯電話了。 I'm afraid you have the wrong number. *wrong“錯的”、“不對的”,wrong number“錯的電話號碼”。 I'm afraid you have the wrong number. (您可能打錯電話了。) Oh, sorry for troubling you. (哦,對不起,打擾您了。) I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number. 您撥的電話號碼是多少? What number are you calling? What number are you trying to reach? 您找哪位呀? Who would you like to talk to? Who do you want to talk to? Who are you calling? Who are you trying to reach? 這兒沒有您說的這個人。 There's no one here by that name. There's nobody here by that name. 我們公司沒有叫鮑勃·霍普的。 There's no Bob Hope in this office. There's nobody named Bob Hope here. (這兒沒有叫鮑勃·霍普的。) 對不起,我好像打錯了。 I'm sorry. I must have misdialed. *用于自己打錯電話時。 I'm afraid I have the wrong number. 電話留言 我是加里·米爾斯,請盡快跟我聯(lián)絡。 This is Gary Mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible. 我是ABC公司的加里·米爾斯,請回來后給我回電話。我的電話號碼是1234-1234。 This is Gary Mills of ABC. Please call me when you get home. My number is 1234-1234. 這是電話錄音。 This is a recording. *錄音帶中的固定說法。 打電話遇到困難時 您能說慢一點兒嗎? Please speak a little more slowly. Would you slow down, please? 我聽不清楚。 I can't hear you very well. Are you free tomorrow? (明天有空嗎?) I can't hear you very well. (我聽不清楚。) I can barely hear you. (我一點兒都聽不見。) I'm having trouble hearing you. (我聽不太清楚。) 電話線好像有毛病。 We have a bad connection. This is a really bad line. 您能再大點兒聲嗎? Could you speak up, please? Please speak a little louder. Would you speak up a little, please? 串線了。 The lines are crossed. *line 是指telephone line "電話線",cross "交叉"、"干擾"。 The lines must be crossed. (肯定是串線了。) 對不起,讓您久等了。 I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. (對不起,讓您久等了。) That's okay. (沒關系。) I'm sorry for the delay. (對不起,我來晚了。) Sorry to have kept you waiting. (抱歉,讓您久等了。) 謝謝您等我。 Thank you for waiting. 你給我的電話號碼是錯的。 You gave me the wrong number. The number you gave me was wrong.  


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