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英語寫作基礎(chǔ)第一章英語寫作常識與規(guī)范第一節(jié)標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號1 頓號“、” 英語沒有頓號,一般用逗號取代。漢語中用頓號表示一句話中間并列的詞和詞組之間的停頓。如:This kind of machine is widely used in India, Russia, the U.S.A. and China. (這種機(jī)器在印度、俄羅斯、美國、中國廣泛應(yīng)用。)2 書名號 漢語書名號為,表示書籍、報(bào)刊等名稱。英語中不用書名號,而是用斜體字表示,以區(qū)別于印刷體;但打字或書寫時(shí),因沒有斜體字,便在書名或刊名下劃一橫線。例如:I often read the newspaper-New York Times.(我經(jīng)常閱讀紐約時(shí)報(bào)這份報(bào)紙。)3 句號 英語的句號是是實(shí)心的小圓點(diǎn),即 “.”, 常用于陳述句和祈使句之后。而漢語的句號是空心圓圈,即“。”。4 冒號 英語中的冒號一般只用來對主句進(jìn)行說明、引申、解釋等等,漢語中除有上述相似用法外,更多用于直接引語的說明及一般函件的開頭語。例如:The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.(一年分為四季:春、夏、秋、冬。)5. 逗號 “,” 在英語中,引起直接引語的說明以及一般函件開頭的稱呼語等一類用語后都用逗號,而不象漢語那樣用冒號。(但美國用冒號)。逗號是英文寫作中最常用的標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號。對中國學(xué)生而言,也是最容易出錯(cuò)的地方。因?yàn)橐灾袊藢懽鞯乃季S,只要一句話意思沒完,便要用逗號,而對于英文寫作,只要句子結(jié)構(gòu)完整便要用句號。例如:逗號誤用:I set out for the biggest bookstore in town, at the school gate I saw a girl of my class, she was going there, too, we decided to go together, we walked, the bookstore was not far away.正確的句子:I set out for the biggest bookstore in town. At the school gate I saw a girl of my class. She was going there, too. We decided to go together. We walked. The bookstore was not far away.(我開始去城里最大的書店。 在學(xué)校門口我看見了班里的一個(gè)女孩, 她也要去那兒, 我們決定一起去, 我們走著,書店就在不遠(yuǎn)處。 )6. 分號 表示短暫而明確的停頓,主要用法有兩種。一是連接兩個(gè)內(nèi)容相關(guān)但語法邏輯上完整的獨(dú)立分句,分句之間不用連詞。分號就相當(dāng)于逗號與連接詞的組合。如:The project was finally completed; we were very pleased.(我們很高興我們終于完成了計(jì)劃。) 相當(dāng)于The project was finally completed. We were very pleased. 或The project was finally completed,and we were very pleased.7. 省略號 英語的省略是三個(gè)實(shí)心的小圓點(diǎn),位于一行的中間。英語etc不能和省略號連用而漢語則可以。如: 正確的句子:There is a pen, two apples, three oranges ect in the box. 標(biāo)點(diǎn)誤用: There is a pen, two apples, three orangesetc. in the box.8. 引號 “” 引號用來表示文中的直接引語,英語中單引號和雙引號都可用,漢語一般只用雙引號,但引號中如再加引號可用單引號?!癐 heard stop thief, stop thief being shouted, ” he said.第二節(jié) 文章的總體布局在寫作時(shí),無論是手寫還是使用打字機(jī)或電腦,都應(yīng)注意文章的總體布局,如題目的寫法、行文的間隔、字體字號的選擇等等。題目應(yīng)放在第一行的中間,第一個(gè)單詞的首字母和每一個(gè)名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞等的首字母都要大寫。題目中的功能詞如冠詞、介詞、并列連詞、不定式小品詞除了作為第一個(gè)單詞首字母要大寫外,其他情景下一般要小寫。但among,between,about等雙音節(jié)、多音節(jié)介詞也可首字母大寫。題目中若有冒號、破折號,其后面單詞的首字母應(yīng)大寫。題目的結(jié)尾除了可使用問號或感嘆號外,不可使用其他標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號。如:My First Visit to the Summer PalaceDickens and David Copperfield What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today?在正文的布局上,段落應(yīng)清晰,各段的排列應(yīng)保持一致。每段開頭一般應(yīng)向右縮進(jìn)4至5個(gè)字母的間隔。但在電腦排版中,也可左右都對齊。但在這種情況下,段與段之間應(yīng)多空一行。無論采用哪種方式,都應(yīng)注意保持格式的一致。單詞與單詞之間應(yīng)留一個(gè)字母的間隔,每一完整句之間一般留一個(gè)或兩個(gè)字母的間隔。標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號應(yīng)書寫清楚,特別應(yīng)注意英文句點(diǎn)與中文句號之間的區(qū)別。課堂練習(xí)1指出下列句子中標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號用法上的錯(cuò)誤并加以改正。1) The job is difficult, however, we will try our best to finish it.2) The examination was over; and we were overjoyed.3) As I opened the door, he told me, that I was late.4) The universal symptom of the suicide impulse, is depression.5) Tom, Sarah and Mary, are going to join us on the first phase of this project.6) An employee, who expects rapid promotion, must quickly improve his or her worth.7) I had a heart-to-heart talk with Linda, and John.8) We painted the room, pink.9) Following the instruction the technician installed the machine within one hour.10) The process may be waiting for a signal, or the process input, may be delayed by network interrupts.2給下面的段落加標(biāo)點(diǎn),并改正大小寫。you should take clothes for hot and cold climates the desert even though its in africa gets very cold at night in addition dont forget the small essentials water purifying tablets a needle and cotton a pair of sunglasses and one or two good books I also took a penknife a sleeping bag and a stove第二章 遣詞造句第一節(jié) 詞的類型英語詞匯極多:牛津英語詞典收了四十多萬個(gè)詞。當(dāng)然并沒有人認(rèn)識或需要使用這么多詞。常人為了一般的目的只用其中很小的一部分。學(xué)習(xí)用英語寫作的中國學(xué)生應(yīng)先學(xué)會使用最有用也最常用的詞來表達(dá)自己的思想。有時(shí)初學(xué)者會誤用一些詞,這些詞往往并不全錯(cuò),只是不恰當(dāng)、不準(zhǔn)確、不地道、或不生動。因此,對初學(xué)者來講,對選詞的方法有基本的了解是有益的。常用的詞按文體來分有正式的(formal),一般的(general),口語的(colloquial)。這類詞主要用于正式文體,多數(shù)源于希臘和拉丁文,其特點(diǎn)是多音節(jié)詞較多。如下列單詞,前一個(gè)是一般詞匯,后者是正式詞匯。same-identical, speech-oration, learned-erudite, destroy-annihilate, stiff-rigid, try-endeavor, piece-fragment而下列詞匯前一個(gè)是口語化的詞匯,后者是一般詞匯aint-am not, damn-very, cool-very good另外,還應(yīng)注意一些詞的感情色彩,例如 country, nation, state, land的原義有相同之處,都相當(dāng)于中文的“國家”,但它們的涵義卻很不同。country指地區(qū)、其人口及政府,nation主要指人民,state主要指政府及政治組織,land比country的意思廣泛些,而且文雅些,并更有感情色彩。關(guān)于詞義中國學(xué)生特別要注意一點(diǎn):不應(yīng)把一個(gè)英語詞的中文譯法看作它的確切意思,如大家都知道send的意思是“送”,便會造出這樣的句子:He came to send me the letter.(應(yīng)為He brought me the letter.), 或I sent my friend to the station yesterday(應(yīng)為I went to the station with my friend to see him off. )再如family和home都可譯為”家”, 但他們的意思很不一樣:family指親屬,而home指住的地方.第二節(jié) 英語寫作常見錯(cuò)誤與分析除了措辭不當(dāng)外,在造句方面中國學(xué)生尤其是初學(xué)者也經(jīng)常犯一些錯(cuò)誤,如何寫出準(zhǔn)確得體的英文句子。句子的質(zhì)量直接影響作者思想內(nèi)容的表達(dá),而一些最基本的句子層次的錯(cuò)誤往往會降低整篇文章的質(zhì)量。下面我們對一些在英語寫作中典型的病句實(shí)例逐一加以剖析一 不一致(Disagreements)所謂不一致不光指主謂不一致,它還包括了數(shù)的不一致,時(shí)態(tài)不一致及代詞不一致等例 When one have money, he can do what he want to.(人一旦有了錢,他就能想干什么就干什么)剖析:one是單數(shù)第三人稱,因而本句的have應(yīng)改為has ;同理,want應(yīng)改為wants.本句是典型的主謂不一致改為:Once one has money, he can do what he wants (to do)二 修飾語錯(cuò)位(Misplaced Modifiers)英語與漢語不同,同一個(gè)修飾語置于句子不同的位置,句子的含義可能引起變化對于這一點(diǎn)中國學(xué)生往往沒有引起足夠的重視,因而造成了不必要的誤解.例如:例1 I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the campus.剖析:better位置不當(dāng),應(yīng)置于句末三 句子不完整(Sentence Fragments)在口語中,交際雙方可借助手勢語氣上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解可是書面語就不同了,句子結(jié)構(gòu)不完整會令意思表達(dá)不清,這種情況常常發(fā)生在主句寫完以后,筆者又想加些補(bǔ)充說明時(shí)發(fā)生例There are many ways to know the society. For example by TV, radio, newspaper and so on.剖析:本句后半部分for example by TV, radio, newspaper and so on.”不是一個(gè)完整的句子,僅為一些不連貫的詞語,不能獨(dú)立成句改為:There are many ways to know society, for example, by TV, radio, and newspaper.四懸垂修飾語(Dangling Modifiers)所謂懸垂修飾語是指句首的短語與后面句子的邏輯關(guān)系混亂不清例如:At the age of ten, my grandfather died. 這句中at the age of ten只點(diǎn)出十歲時(shí),但沒有說明誰十歲時(shí)按一般推理不可能是my grandfather,如果我們把這個(gè)懸垂修飾語改明確一點(diǎn),全句就不那么費(fèi)解了改為:When I was ten, my grandfather died.例 To do well in college, good grades are essential.剖析:句中不定式短語“to do well in college”的邏輯主語不清楚改為:To do well in college, a student needs good grades.五 詞性誤用(Misuse of Parts of Speech)“詞性誤用”常表現(xiàn)為:介詞當(dāng)動詞用;形容詞當(dāng)副詞用;名詞當(dāng)動詞用等例 None can negative the importance of money.剖析:negative系形容詞,誤作動詞。改為:None can deny the importance of money.六 指代不清(Ambiguous Reference of Pronouns)指代不清主要講的是代詞與被指代的人或物關(guān)系不清,或者先后所用的代詞不一致。試看下面這一句:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her bridesmaid.(瑪麗和我姐姐很要好,因?yàn)樗鏊陌槟铩?讀完上面這一句話,讀者無法明確地判斷兩位姑娘中誰將結(jié)婚,誰將當(dāng)伴娘。如果我們把易于引起誤解的代詞的所指對象加以明確,意思就一目了然了。這個(gè)句子可改為:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid.例1. And we can also know the society by serving it yourself.剖析:句中人稱代詞we和反身代詞yourself指代不一致。改為:We can also know society by serving it ourselves.七不間斷句子(Run-on Sentences)什么叫run-on sentence?請看下面的例句。例 There are many ways we get to know the outside world.剖析:這個(gè)句子包含了兩層完整的意思:“There are many ways.”以及“We get to know the outside world.”。簡單地把它們連在一起就不妥當(dāng)了。改為:There are many ways for us to learn about the outside world.或:There are many ways through which we can become acquainted with the outside world八 措詞毛病(Troubles in Diction)Diction是指在特定的句子中如何適當(dāng)?shù)剡x用詞語的問題,囿于教學(xué)時(shí)間緊迫,教師平時(shí)在這方面花的時(shí)間往往極其有限,影響了學(xué)生在寫作中沒有養(yǎng)成良好的推敲,斟酌的習(xí)慣。他們往往隨心所欲,拿來就用。所以作文中用詞不當(dāng)?shù)腻e(cuò)誤比比皆是。學(xué)生所接觸的詞匯主要來自精讀和泛讀,他們所掌握的詞匯有口語、一般用語、正式用語,也有俚語、方言;有美國英語,也有英國英語。他們對同義詞或近義詞的細(xì)微區(qū)別不太了解,英語詞與近義漢字區(qū)別不清。例如:誤: He finally resolved the problem. 正:He finally solved the problem. resolve 的漢語意思是“使分解”、“解決”,resolve雖有解決之意,只是解決的不是問題,而是contradiction 或doubt, 解決問題應(yīng)用 "solve"。又如:The increasing use of chemical obstacles in agriculture also makes pollution.(農(nóng)業(yè)方面化學(xué)物質(zhì)使用的不斷增加也造成了污染。)剖析:顯然,考生把obstacles“障礙”,“障礙物”誤作substance“物質(zhì)”了。另外“the increasing use (不斷增加的使用)”應(yīng)改為“abusive use(濫用)”。改為:The abusive use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes/leads to pollution.而英語則有詞性的變化,學(xué)生辨別詞匯種類的能力不夠,同一漢語意思的動詞、名詞和形容詞分不清,造成詞匯錯(cuò)誤。例:誤:The students complaint that there are too much homework.正:The students complain that there is too much homework.誤:If you work hard, you will be sure to success.正:If you work hard, you will be sure to succeed. 九累贅(Redundancy)言以簡潔為貴。寫句子沒有一個(gè)多余的詞;寫段落沒有一個(gè)無必要的句子。能用單詞的不用詞組;能用詞組的不用從句或句子。如:In spite of the fact that he is lazy, I like him.本句的“the fact that he is lazy”系同謂語從句,我們按照上述“能用詞組的不用從句”可以改為:In spite of his laziness, I like him.例For the people who are diligent and kind, money is just thething to be used to buy the thing they need.剖析:整個(gè)句子可以大大簡化。改為:Diligent, caring people use money only to buy what they need.十不連貫(Incoherence)不連貫是指一個(gè)句子前言不對后語,或是結(jié)構(gòu)上不暢通。這也是初學(xué)者常犯的毛病。例The fresh water, it is the most important things of the earth.剖析:The fresh water 與逗號后的it 不連貫。It 與things 在數(shù)方面不一致。改為:Fresh water is the most important thing in the world.十一綜合性語言錯(cuò)誤(Comprehensive Misusage)所謂“綜合性語言錯(cuò)誤”,是指除了上述十種錯(cuò)誤以外,還有諸如時(shí)態(tài),語態(tài),標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號,大小寫等方面的錯(cuò)誤。例1Today, Money to everybody is very importance, ours eat, cloth, live,go etc.針對電大學(xué)生來說,他們在作文中常犯的語法錯(cuò)誤的類型有:名詞單復(fù)數(shù)變化錯(cuò)誤;時(shí)態(tài)不一致謂語或句型出錯(cuò),句子不完整;介詞、冠詞遺漏等。(1) 時(shí)態(tài)、人稱和數(shù)用錯(cuò)漢語動詞無時(shí)態(tài)、人稱和數(shù)的變化,而對英語動詞來說,這些都至關(guān)重要。例: 誤:They said they can complete the work in three months.正:They said they could complete the work in three months.誤:My father is a work and my mother is teachers.正:My father is a worker and my mother is a teacher. (2) be 動詞遺漏 在主系表結(jié)構(gòu)中,漢語中沒有動詞的句子是允許的,英語中每個(gè)完整的句子都必須有動詞來承擔(dān)謂語,如:“我累了?!边@個(gè)句子沒有動詞作謂語,而用形容詞,但英語形容詞不能作謂語,一定要寫成:Im tired.誤:He will sure to come and help me.正:He will be sure to come and help me.(3) 句子不完整 有的考生因?yàn)閷渥咏Y(jié)構(gòu)認(rèn)識模糊,所以出現(xiàn)只寫半句的現(xiàn)象,這也是造成失分的原因之一。誤:Because the kids thought their wages were too low.正:Because the kids thought their wages were too low, they demanded a high pay.誤:While waiting for the bus.正:While waiting for the bus, he talked with the little girl.(4) 介詞、冠詞遺漏還有一些考生因?yàn)闆]有熟練掌握介詞或者冠詞的用法,也會出現(xiàn)明顯的錯(cuò)誤,造成丟分現(xiàn)象。誤:Because his mistake several people died.正:Because of his mistake several people died.誤:I have never seen such beautiful picture. 正:I have never seen such a beautiful picture.課堂練習(xí):1選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~匯1)He was born into a revolutionary _. (home, family)2)Would you like to stop by my _ (family, home) and have a cup a of tea?3)During the fighting a few soldiers were _ (injured, wounded).4)In the accident his right leg was _ (injured, wounded).5)Later he _ (found, found out) that the real cause of the fire was negligence on the part of the man on duty.6) n arriving in the ancient city he _ (found, found out) that it was very quiet and beautiful.7) o you know the _ (cause, reason) why he has resigned?8) The main _ (cause, reason) of the stoppage was the insufficient supply of raw material.9) Empress Dowager Cixi was _ (famous, notorious) for her cruelty.10)The enemy troops were driven back when they _ (attempted, tried) to cross the border.2改正下列句子中的錯(cuò)誤1) Much more money is offered in Hong Kong, you can enjoy a more comfortable life there than in some other cities.2) Because the operator was careless. The new computer was damaged.3) One should sift the flour before they make the pie.4) A group of we manages will fly to the convention next Saturday.5).I looked at the tree I had felled with my hands in my pockets.6)The hostess served toast to her guest that was badly burned.7)The dealer sold the Mercedes to the town banker with leather seats.8)She laughed as John raged with delight.9)He returned the bike to a neighbor that was broken.10)To get up early, the clock was set at six.第三章 文章的總體結(jié)構(gòu)及框架第一節(jié)英漢表達(dá)的差異中國人與西方人看問題的方法的確在許多方面存在著差異,而且這種差異的的確確在束縛著中國學(xué)生,成為他們英文寫作中的攔路虎,使他們不能暢所欲言,不能準(zhǔn)確而簡潔地表達(dá)思想。首先,讓我們關(guān)注一下英美人與中國人思維方式的不同。英美人的思維方式是直線式的,他們在遣詞造句謀篇上遵循著從一般(general)到具體(specific),從概括(summarize)到舉例(exemplify),從整體(whole)到個(gè)體(respective)的原則。請看短文:Soccer is a difficult sport(1)A player must be able to run steadily without rest(2)Sometimes a player must hit the ball with his or her head(3)Players must be willing to bang into and be banged into by others(4) They must put up with aching feet and sore muscles 上面的這則短文中,主題句(main idea sentence)也就是文章的中心是第一句,(1)(2)(3)(4)句是用來說明主題句的。 而在漢語中,我們習(xí)慣于先分后總,先說原因后說結(jié)果,即所謂的“前因后果”,如果要表達(dá)相同的意思,我們通常這樣說: 足球運(yùn)動員必須能不停地奔跑,有時(shí)得用頭頂球,撞別人或被別人撞,必須忍受雙腳和肌肉的疼痛,所以說,足球運(yùn)動是一項(xiàng)難度大的運(yùn)動。再比如寫下面一則便條,因你母親突然生病,周末你不能和湯姆去跳舞了,你找了舞跳得很好的時(shí)黛來代替你,并表示抱歉。 此英語便條為: July 6,2002 Dear Tom, I am sorry to inform you that I wont be able to go to dance with you this weekend My mother is suddenly taken illIn order not to disappoint you,I have asked Shi Dai to take my placeShe is a better dancer,I thinkMy regrets Joe 從便條中可以看出,英語表達(dá)先“果”I wont be able to go to dance with you this weekend后“因”my mother is suddenly taken ill,即所謂的“先果后因”。 一般來說,在單個(gè)句子中,英語句子也是先中心,也就是將主要思想、結(jié)果放在句首,放在主句里表達(dá);而漢語正相反,一般為后中心,主要的觀點(diǎn)、信息往往放在句末。如: He had to stay at home yesterday because he was ill因?yàn)樗×?,昨天他不得不呆在家里?Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life生活中既然有悲劇,文學(xué)作品就可以寫悲劇。 所以說,大學(xué)生用英文寫作時(shí),就要按照英美人的思維模式進(jìn)行思考,也就是說要學(xué)會用英語進(jìn)行思維,避免寫出中國式的英語。 二、接下來,讓我們看一下英漢句子結(jié)構(gòu)的特點(diǎn)。英語屬印歐語系,漢語屬漢藏語系,兩種語言相距甚遠(yuǎn),英語結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,漢語結(jié)構(gòu)松散。語言學(xué)家以“竹節(jié)句法”來比喻英語句子,即英語句子是由斷不可缺的各種連接詞銜接而成,宛如節(jié)節(jié)相連的竹子;而漢語句子則被比喻為“流水句法”,所謂的流水指少用乃至不用連接詞仍行文流暢。所以說,英語重形和,漢語重意和。英語句子中如果少了連接詞如or,but,if,so,because,when,although , in order that,so that,所要表達(dá)的意思就支離破碎了,而漢語如沒連接詞,只從句子本身的意思就可以把概念或關(guān)系表達(dá)清楚。如: Conquer the desires,or they will conquer you你如不能戰(zhàn)勝欲念,欲念將要戰(zhàn)勝你。 An English man who could not speak Chinese was once traveling in China一個(gè)英國人,不會說中國話,有一次在中國旅行。 三、就是因?yàn)橛⒄Z中各種連接詞與替代詞的廣泛使用,使得英語中出現(xiàn)“多枝共干”式的長句,復(fù)合句;漢語則常用短句,簡單句。請看下面一個(gè)英語長句以及其漢意。 It was on a Sunday evening,when he was lying in the orchard listening to a blackbird and composing a love poem,that he heard thegate swing to,and saw the girl coming running among the trees,with the redcheeked, stolid Joe in swift pursuit一個(gè)星期日的傍晚,他正躺在果園里,一面在聽畫眉鳥的啁啾,一面在寫一首愛情詩,忽然聽得大門砰地關(guān)上,接著看見那姑娘從樹叢里奔出來,后面飛跟著那呆頭呆腦的紅臉的喬。 這是個(gè)英語強(qiáng)調(diào)句,其重心是:he heard the gate swing to and saw the girl coming running among the trees,而when he was lying in the orchard listening to a blackbird and com posing a love poem是一個(gè)時(shí)間狀語從句,這兩個(gè)句子通過it wasthat這個(gè)強(qiáng)調(diào)句型巧妙地合為一個(gè)復(fù)合長句,整個(gè)句子簡單明了,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,若用漢語表達(dá)則須分成好幾個(gè)短句。再如: The president said at a conference dominated by questions on yesterdays election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat,which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in the House在一次記者招待會上,問題集中于昨天的選舉結(jié)果,總統(tǒng)就此發(fā)了言。他說他不能理解為什么共和黨遭到了這樣大的失敗。這種情況最終會使共和黨失去在眾議院長期享有的優(yōu)勢。 這個(gè)英語長句是由一個(gè)帶有分詞短語的主句,兩個(gè)賓語從句和一個(gè)非限制性定語從句組成,整個(gè)句子的主干簡單明了:The president saidthat,若用漢語來表達(dá),須把此長句拆開分成三個(gè)單句來分別敘述。 四、英語的另一個(gè)顯著特點(diǎn)是被動句多。英語重物稱,常常選擇不能施行動作或無生命的詞語作主語,由于這些“無靈”物稱充當(dāng)主語,使得被動句大興其道。在英語被動句里,不必強(qiáng)調(diào)動作的施行者,就將其置于句尾由by連接;不必、不愿或不便言明動作的施行者,就干脆將其省略。相對而言,漢語習(xí)慣于人稱化的表達(dá),主語常常是能施行動作或 有生命的物體,所以漢語中主動句多。請看例句: It has been known for a long time that there is a first relationship between the heart and the liver長期以來,大家知道心臟與肝臟的關(guān)系是最主要的。 The famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire大火幾乎使這家有名的旅館全部毀滅。 They were given a hearty welcome他們受到熱烈歡迎。 五、英語的又一顯著特點(diǎn)是其豐富的時(shí)態(tài)。不同的語言具有不同的時(shí)態(tài),有的語言甚至很少或沒有時(shí)態(tài),漢語基本上就是借助詞匯來表示各種時(shí)間和動作的,漢語動詞除了只有“著”、“了”、“過”的若干說法與英語的進(jìn)行時(shí)、完成時(shí)或過去時(shí)相對外,別無其他與英語相對應(yīng)的時(shí)體形式;而英語不僅有時(shí)態(tài),而且種類繁多(共有16種時(shí)態(tài)),區(qū)分細(xì)微,習(xí)慣性強(qiáng)。英語就是通過這些固定的語法手段將動作的進(jìn)行過程與狀況描繪得更準(zhǔn)確更精細(xì),有時(shí)甚至能表達(dá)說話人的感情色彩。如: Youre always asking me such questions!你老是問我這樣的問題?。ㄓ矛F(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)表示厭煩) I am now living in a very pleasant flat我現(xiàn)在住在一間非常舒適的公寓里。(用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)表示滿意) 所以,傳遞同樣的意思,英語只要選用合適的時(shí)態(tài)就可以了,漢語則必須使用詞匯手段。又如: It has been noted that those who live,or have lived,in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do人們已經(jīng)注意到大凡受到死亡威脅的人或是死里逃生的人對于他們所干的任何事總是興趣盎然。 六、從詞匯方面講,英漢兩種語言也有很大差異。就詞組而言,英語中的詞組或短語可謂林林總總,豐富多彩,有名詞短語、動詞短語、形容詞短語、介詞短語、分詞短語、不定式短語與獨(dú)立結(jié)構(gòu)等,它們的語法功能不一而足,可作主語、謂語、賓語、定語、狀語與表語等。如: Marriage may be compared to a cage:the birds outside despair to get in and those within despair to get out婚姻好比鳥籠,外面的鳥兒想進(jìn)進(jìn)不去,里面的鳥兒想出出不來。(不定式短語to get in,to get out作狀語) I am utterly in the dark about the matter我對這件事完全不知道。(介詞詞組in the dark作表語) Christmas is coming up圣誕節(jié)就要到了。(動詞短語come up作謂語) 相比之下,漢語更偏重以單音節(jié)或多音節(jié)的單詞為其基本的句法成分,而且其短語用法十分有限。 語言的形成與發(fā)展深受本國、本土、歷史、地理、風(fēng)土人情等各方面的影響,英語、漢語也不例外。英語中某些詞的含義并不完全與漢語對等,比如lover這個(gè)詞,大多數(shù)中國人認(rèn)為是“愛人”(丈夫或妻子),其實(shí)在西方lover指的是情夫或情婦;再比如First Lady,在英美等國指的是總統(tǒng)夫人或州長夫人,而在中國常會被誤解,認(rèn)為是“原配夫人”,說不定還會有“二奶”、“三姨太”之類;又如intellectual這個(gè)詞,在英美等國其范圍較小,只包括大學(xué)教授等有較高學(xué)術(shù)地位的人,不包括普通的大學(xué)生,而多數(shù)中國人認(rèn)為intellectual就是“知識分子”,而且漢語中的知識分子所指范圍很廣,大學(xué)教師、中學(xué)教師、大學(xué)生、醫(yī)生、工程師、翻譯人員以及一切受過大學(xué)教育的人都可以稱為知識分子。 此外英語中的許多詞常常一詞多義,它們所表達(dá)的各個(gè)含義,分別與漢語中幾個(gè)不同的詞或詞組相對應(yīng),所以,在用英文寫作時(shí),一定要慎重地選詞用詞,以期貼切地表達(dá)思想。 第二節(jié) 段落的基本結(jié)構(gòu)段落是文章的基本構(gòu)成成分,其作用是圍繞文章的主題或中心思想從不同角度進(jìn)行有組織的、邏輯性強(qiáng)的說明或闡述。段落由一系列圍繞同一主題的句子組成。當(dāng)新的主題出現(xiàn)時(shí),就應(yīng)開始新的段落。段落一般由三部分構(gòu)成:主題句(topic sentence)、支撐句(supporting sentence)或擴(kuò)展句(developing sentence)和結(jié)尾句(concluding sentence)。請看下面的一篇短文:What is a topic sentence? The topic sentence introduces the paragraph. What does it do? It tells the reader what your paragraph will be about. Example: There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For all these reasons, I am very excited about learning English.ANALYSIS:What are you going to tell the reader about? Topic Sentence: There are three reasons why I want to learn English.文章中的第一句就是段落的主題句,顧名思義,段落的主題句是表達(dá)該段落主題或中心思想的句子,段落的其他句子都是對該主題句的進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)展或論證。所以,寫好主題句往往是寫好文章的關(guān)鍵。在構(gòu)思主題句時(shí),應(yīng)注意兩個(gè)常見的問題,一是主題句太空泛,沒有具體內(nèi)容;二是因一個(gè)段落中出現(xiàn)一個(gè)以上的主題句而使得段落的中心內(nèi)容不明確。段落的主題句一般位于段落的開頭,尤其是對議論文更是如此。同樣是這篇文章,我們再來看一下它的支撐句。Supporting SentencesWhat are supporting sentences? supporting sentences come after the topic sentence, to explain your topic sentence. The supporting sentences with their supporting details make up the body of a paragraph. What do supporting sentences do? They give information to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph. How do I write supporting sentences? You should give information, facts, details, and examples. supporting sentences often answer the question "Why?" Example: There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For those reasons, I want to learn English.ANALYSIS:Why do you want to learn English? Main point: because English has become an international language一篇文章的主體,除了要有支撐句外,還需一些細(xì)節(jié)(details)的支撐。What are details? Details come after the main points, to explain your point, or give extra information about the main point. The details fill out the body of a paragraph and make it more clear. What do details do? They give extra information to support your main points. How do I write details? You should give details, and examples. Details often answer the question "How?" Example: There are three reasons why I want to learn English. One reason is that English has become an international language. It is now used by most international companies, including the company where I work, for business communication. Another reason why I want to learn English is so that I can travel to English-speaking countries. The United States, England, Australia and many other countries all use English as their primary language. Finally, I want to learn English because I plan to move to the U.S. in the future. I will become a manager for my company soon. For those reasons, I want to learn English.ANALYSIS:Main point: English has become an international language Detail: It is now used by most international companies Detail: It is used by the company I work for Main point: I want to travel to English-speaking countries Detail: The United States uses E


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