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PEP五年級英語上冊期末總復習 一、同音詞:know too for write I there sun arent meat二、對應詞:teacher boy Mr my there on in front of he black man uncle 三、反義詞:tall long thin old new quiet strict sweet no big hot come四、近義詞:so much love great table pretty photo hello五、形容詞:fun help salt cloud health snow rain六、完全形式和縮寫形式:whos what is lets Im theyre I would like dont cant arent isnt Tue. there is therere Friday Thu. Wednesday Sat. 七、名詞的復數形式:cloud pear house meals boy zoo onion mountain potatotomato dishes bus dress watch peach class shelf baby lady family sheepfish deer goose八、語法:代詞 分為 人稱代詞 和 物主代詞: I you he she it we they人稱代詞(我 你 他) me you him her it us them 物主代詞(我的 你的 他的) my you his her its our theirI(賓) he(賓) us(主) she(賓) you (賓) _I(物) you(物) we(物) they(物) he (物) _九、第一人稱:我,我們 第二人稱:你,你們 第三人稱:他她它(他們)第三人稱單數的用法:he/she/it/人名/my mother, my father 后面的動詞like變likeshave(第三人稱單數形式) has do(三單形式) does go (三單形式) goes1. We have Chinese on Mondays. he music.2. They/ I like mutton, Amy tofu, my brother pork.3. They look young ,Miss Lin old. 4. I do my homework he his homework,too.5. She (go, goes) to school at 7:15.十、句型轉換(4種句型:陳述句=肯定句、 一般疑問句、特殊疑問句、否定句)<一> 肯定句改 一般疑問句 把be動詞(is am are)提到句首 找不到be,can,在句首+ do 遇到I,we you my,ouryour 互相轉換。 剩下的按順序照抄,句號改為問號?be動詞的搭配:I am我是 you are 你是 he is 他是 she is 她是 it is它是 they are 他們是 we are 我們是練習:改為一般疑問句,并作肯定和否定回答。1. He is strict. 2. She is quiet.3. This is my bedroom. 4. They are my parents. 5. Amy and John are good friends. 6. I am hungry.(I am改 Are you)7. I am helpful at home. 8. I can make the bed.9. I like apples. 10. I have new teachers.11. He has a bag. 12. There is a lake.13. There are some pandas in the mountains.<二>就劃線部分提問:方法 先看劃線部分,確定疑問詞。抄be動詞或can,剩下的改為一般疑問句。(I, we對 you , my our 對your)疑問詞總結: 1、問人的外貌,性格特征 用:Whatlike? 2、問人 用Who 3、問地點 用Where 4、問星期 用 What day 5、問數量 用 How many + 名詞復數6、問上什么課, 用句型 What do you have on + 星期s (每星期幾你們上什么課?)7、問干什么事情,用句型 What do you do on + 星期s (你星期幾干什么?)8、問三餐吃什么,用句型 What do you have for + 三餐 on + 星期s(每周幾餐你吃什么)9、問會干什么家務,用句型What can + 主語 do? (某人會干什么?)10、問最喜歡什么食物/水果,用句型 Whats your favourite food/ fruit ?練習:1. I see a picture over the bed. 2. I can see a mirror in Zooms room.3. I have a teacher. 4. He is tall and strong.5. My father is strict. 6. The woman is my grandma. 7. That man is Mr Chen. 8. My English teacher is Miss Jiang9. Its Tuesday today. 10. We have math on Fridays.11. I can cook the meals. 12. I read books on Sundays. 13. Mike can put away the clothes四會句子1.誰是你的英語老師?Carter先生。 Whos your English teacher? Mr Carter.2.他長得什么樣?他高而強壯。 Whats he like ? Hes tall and strong .3.她很安靜嗎?不是的。她很活躍的。 Is she quiet ? No, she isnt. Shes very active.4.她很嚴格么?是的,但她很和藹的。 Is she strict ? Yes, she is , but shes very kind .5 今天星期幾?星期二。 What day is it today ? Its Tuesday.6 星期二你們有什么課? What do you have on Tuesdays ?7 我們有數學和科學課。 We have math and science.8 星期六你常常干些什么? What do you do on Saturdays ?9 我看電視做作業(yè)。 I watch TV and do homework.10 你怎么樣?我也做作業(yè)。 What about you ?I do my homework, too.11.星期一你們午飯吃什么? What do you have for lunch on Mondays ?12.我們吃西紅柿,土豆和魚. We have tomatoes, potatoes and fish .13.你最喜歡的水果是什么? Whats your favourite fruit ?14.我喜歡蘋果. 它們甜甜的. I like apples . They are sweet.15.我喜歡水果. 但是我不喜歡葡萄. 它們酸酸的。 I like fruits. But I dont grapes. Theyre sour.16.星期三你午飯吃什么? What do you have for lunch on Wednesday ?17.我吃米飯,牛肉和豆腐. I have rice and tofu .18.你會干什么? 我會做飯。 What can you do ?I can cook the meals.19 你會鋪床嗎?不,我不會。 Can you make the bed ?No, I cant.20 你會掃地嗎?是的,我會。 Can you sweep the floor ?Yes, I can.21 我房間里有一面鏡子,兩把椅子和一個大衣櫥。There is a mirror, two chairs and a big closet.22 我家里有兩間臥室,一間廚房和一間客廳。There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.23 衣櫥在桌子旁邊。 The closet is near the table.24 許多衣服在衣櫥里。 Many clothes are in the closet.25 垃圾箱在門后。The trash bin is behind the door.26 公園里面有一個森林嗎?是的,有。 Is there a forest in the park?Yes, there is.27 有一條河嗎?不,沒有。 Is there a river?No, there isnt.28 山里有熊貓嗎? 不,沒有。 Are there any pandas in the mountains? No, there arent.29 河里有魚嗎? 是的,有。 Are there any fish in the river?Yes, there are.主要知識點第一單元:1、以字母y結尾的名詞變復數,如果字母y前面是輔音,則把y變?yōu)閕, 再加es. 如:lady-ladiescity-cities story-stories.2、動詞的第三人稱單數:(所謂第三人稱單數,就是指既不是你也不是我的另外一個人,可以是具體的人名,他,她,或它,也可以是稱呼類,如my mother, my friend等。當一個句子中的人物是第三人稱單數,并且這個句子又是一般現在時態(tài)時,該句子中的動詞要使用第三人稱單數形式。)have-has like-likes do-does go-goes watch-watches3、詞語變化:fun(形容詞形式)-funny funny(名詞形式-funknow(同音詞)no he(賓格形式)-him反義詞:tall-short long-short young-old new-old strong-thin fat-thinkind-strict active-quiet4、be like與do like: 在本單元中,Whats like?的句型是主句型,這里的like是“像一樣”的意思. Whats like?是問某某長得什么樣子,同學們千萬別和like的另一個意思“喜歡”相混了。它的答語一般用:He/She/ It is(后面跟描寫人的外貌特征的詞語),如:Whats your father like?你爸爸長得什么樣子?。而在do like的句子中,like的意思才是“喜歡”的意思。如:What does your father like? 你爸爸喜歡什么?第二單元:1、當詢問別人喜歡哪些課程時,classes應當用復數形式,因為別人喜歡的課程可能不止一門。What classes do you like? 你喜歡哪門課程?2、表示星期幾的七個單詞,開頭第一個字母都要大寫。其簡寫形式為前三個字母加點。week 星期,周。(一周包括七天)How many days are there in a week? There are 7.一個星期有幾天?七天。Weekend周末(包括周六和周日)How many days are there in a weekend? There are 2.一個周末有幾天? 2天。在英語國家中,一個星期的第一天是星期天Sunday. The first day of a week is Sunday.3、當介詞in, on ,at 后面跟表示時間的詞語時,表示在某年或某月(當只有年和月的時候),用in.如 in May在五月。In 1988,在1988年。表示在某段時間,如在上午,下午,晚上也用in.如in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. 表示在某日,在星期幾時,用on。如on Monday, on Sunday . 表示在幾點幾分,在具體時間時,用at. 如at 6:30, at 9 oclock.4、近義詞:often(經常)-usually(常常,通常)5、play with和在一起,with后面常用人稱代詞的賓格形式。如:I can play ping-pong with you.我可以和你一起打乒乓球。6. I like Mondays. John likes Sundays. 這里的likes是like的三單形式,在一般現在時的句子中,如果主語是第三人稱單數,注意動詞要變成三單形式。7、Today is Sunday. I like Sundays. 在這個句子中,前一個星期日Sunday是特指“今天是星期一”,所以用單數形式,而后一個星期日Sundays是泛指所有的星期日,所以用復數形式。第三單元:1、What would you like for lunch? 你午飯想吃什么?“for”:為了。后面要接名詞或人稱代詞的賓格形式。 如:Id like some tomatoes and mutton。我想吃一些西紅柿和羊肉。2、some與any的區(qū)別:(1)巧記:肯定句中用 some,否定疑問用 any。(2)它倆都是“一些”的意思,后面既可接可數名詞復數,又可接不可數名詞。(3)如果名詞前有冠詞、指示代詞、物主代詞等限定詞修飾時,則只能用 some of,表示“中的一些。Some of the apples are hard to reach.Some of your teachers are not young.3、I have eggplant and tomatoes for lunch. 我午飯吃茄子和西紅柿。這里的eggplant是指一道菜,是被切碎了的,熟的,所以這里的eggplant是不可數名詞,不能用復數形式。一日三餐的英語說法: breakfast 早飯lunch午飯dinner 晚飯西紅柿 tomato 和土豆 potato 復數形式在后面加es tomatoes, potatoes4、下列單詞的形容詞形式:salty-salty (咸的) health-healthy(健康的) taste-tasty(好吃的)5、同義詞: have to (不得不) -must (必須)6. What s your favorite food? 后面一般都跟集合的名詞:food 食物 fruit水果 drink飲料 colour顏色 class 課程 book 書 sport 運動 vegetable 蔬菜 number數字 day天第五六單元1.There be句型包括 There is a 后面跟名詞單數,表示一個。例如:There is a mirror on the wall. There are some/many后面跟名詞復數,表示多個。例如: There are two end tables near the bed.2. on與over的區(qū)別on: 在上面,表示與下面的物體相互接觸,緊挨著。over: 在上面,表示與下面的物體沒接觸,懸空著。3. 一些特殊疑問詞的意義與用法:1)what 什么,叫什么,干什么等。例如: Whats this? 這是什么? Whats your name? 你的名字是什么? Whats your father like? 你爸爸長得什么樣子? Whats your mother? 你媽媽是干什么的?2)where 哪里,用來問在什么地方,如Where are you? 你來自哪里? Where is your ruler? 尺子在哪里呢?3)who 誰。 用來問人物是誰? 如Whos that man? 那個男人是誰?4)whose 誰的,用來問東西是誰的。如: Whose book is this ? 這是誰的書?5)what time 什么時間,用來問具體的時間是幾點?6)what coulor 什么顏色,用來問物體是什么顏色的。7)when 什么時候, 用來問時間,后面常跟動詞。 如: When do you get up?8) how 怎么樣?用來問人的身體狀況。 如:How are you? 你好嗎?9)how many 多少。用來問物體的數量。 如: How many books do you have? 你有多少本書?10)how much 多少錢。用來問商品或者物體的價格。如:How much is your schoolbag?11) which 哪一個,用來問具體的哪一個。如: Which class do you like best?你最喜歡哪一門課程?7. 以系動詞(am, is, are)和助動詞(can, do)等開頭的句子叫做一般疑問句。如: Is your sister a teacher? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.Are you a student? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.Do you have new teachers? Yes, we do. / No, we dont.Does Amy have new teachers? Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt.Can you wash the clothes? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.


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